A convenience API for reducing code repetition in a React application using the FormValidityObserver
Creates an enhanced version of the FormValidityObserver
, known as the ReactFormValidityObserver
. It accepts the exact same arguments as the FormValidityObserver
's constructor.
An enhanced version of the FormValidityObserver
, designed specifically for React applications. It has the same Type Parameters as the FormValidityObserver
. As with the FormValidityObserver
, the type of M
is derived from the renderer
option, and the type of R
is derived from the renderByDefault
The following methods on the ReactFormValidityObserver
are the exact same as the methods on the FormValidityObserver
. These methods are bound to the observer instance to allow for safe object destructuring:
validateField(name, options)
setFieldError(name, message, render)
A "React Action" used to simplify the process of setting up and cleaning up a form's FormValidityObserver
. It does this by calling observe
and unobserve
automatically with the form on which it is used.
The novalidate
parameter indicates that the novalidate attribute should be applied to the form
element when JavaScript is available to the client. By default, its value is true
. (For details on why this attribute is significant, see Enabling Accessible Error Messages during Form Submissions.)
Note: If you use this
, you should not need to callobserve
, ordisconnect
import { Component } from "react";
import { createFormValidityObserver } from "@form-observer/react";
// Function Components
function MyFormFunction() {
const { autoObserve } = createFormValidityObserver("focusout");
return <form ref={autoObserve()}>{/* Other Elements */}</form>;
// Class Components
class MyFormClass extends Component {
#observer = createFormValidityObserver("focusout");
render() {
const { autoObserve } = this.#observer;
return <form ref={autoObserve()}>{/* Other Elements */}</form>;
Due to React's unique re-rendering model, if you're using the autoObserve
utility in a component that is expected to re-render, then you might need to memoize its returned ref
callback to have consistent results. In functional components, you can memoize the callback with useMemo
(or useCallback
). In class components, you can effectively "memoize" the callback by assigning it to the class instance during its instantiation.
import { useMemo, Component } from "react";
import { createFormValidityObserver } from "@form-observer/react";
function MyFormFunction() {
const { autoObserve } = useMemo(() => createFormValidityObserver("focusout"), []);
const formRef = useMemo(autoObserve, [autoObserve]);
// or formRef = useCallback(() => autoObserve(), [autoObserve]);
return <form ref={formRef}>{/* Other Elements */}</form>;
class MyFormClass extends Component {
#observer = createFormValidityObserver("focusout");
#formRef = this.#observer.autoObserve();
render() {
return <form ref={this.#formRef}>{/* Other Elements */}</form>;
Remember that autoObserve
is simply a convenience utility for calling observe
and unobserve
automatically. You're free to setup and teardown the FormValidityObserver
manually if you prefer.
Function: configure<E>(name: string, errorMessages: ReactValidationErrors<M, E, R>): ReactFieldProps
An enhanced version of FormValidityObserver.configure
for React
. In addition to configuring a field's error messages, it generates the props that should be applied to the field based on the provided arguments.
Note: If the field is only using the configured
and/or the browser's default error messages, it does not need to beconfigure
The ReactValidationErrors<M, E, R>
type is an enhanced version of the core ValidationErrors<M, E, R>
type. Here is how ReactValidationErrors
compares to ValidationErrors
The following properties on the ReactValidationErrors
type accept the exact same values as the corresponding properties on ValidationErrors
import { createFormValidityObserver } from "@form-observer/react";
function MyForm() {
const { autoObserve, configure } = createFormValidityObserver("focusout");
function validateConfirmPassword(field: HTMLInputElement): string | void {
const password = field.form?.elements.namedItem("password") as HTMLInputElement;
return field.value === password.value ? undefined : "Passwords do not match.";
async function validateNewUsername(field: HTMLInputElement): Promise<string | void> {
const response = await fetch("/api/username-exists", { body: field.value });
const usernameTaken = await response.text();
return usernameTaken === String(true) ? "Username is already taken" : undefined;
return (
<form ref={autoObserve()}>
{/* Note: Accessible <label>s and error containers were omitted from this example. */}
<input {...configure("username", { validate: validateNewUsername })} />
<input name="password" type="password" />
<input {...configure("confirm-password", { validate: validateConfirmPassword })} />
<input type="date" {...configure("date", { badinput: "Please provide a valid date." })} />
All the other properties on the ReactValidationErrors
type are enhancements of the corresponding properties on the ValidationErrors
type, so they follow slightly different rules. For clarity, these "other properties" are:
The rules are as follows:
1) When a constraint is configured with an ErrorDetails
object, the object must include a value
property specifying the value of the constraint. In this scenario, both the field's constraint value and its error message are configured.
import { createFormValidityObserver } from "@form-observer/react";
import type { ValidatableField } from "@form-observer/react";
function MyForm() {
const { autoObserve, configure } = createFormValidityObserver("focusout");
const requiredField = (field: ValidatableField) => `<p>${field.labels[0]?.textContent ?? "Field"} is required.</p>`;
return (
<form ref={autoObserve()}>
{/* Note: Accessible <label>s and error containers were omitted from this example. */}
<input {...configure("name", { required: { value: true, message: requiredField, render: true } })} />
<input {...configure("email", { type: { value: "email", message: "Email is invalid", render: false } })} />
{...configure("comment", { maxlength: { value: 80, message: "Comment must be 80 characters or less" } })}
Note: A constraint can only be configured with an error message when you use the object syntax. The exception to this rule is the required
constraint, which allows you to imply a value of true
when you supply an error message value directly to the constraint.
import { createFormValidityObserver } from "@form-observer/react";
import type { ValidatableField } from "@form-observer/react";
function MyForm() {
const { autoObserve, configure } = createFormValidityObserver("focusout");
const requiredField = (field: ValidatableField) => `${field.labels[0]?.textContent ?? "Field"} is required.`;
return (
<form ref={autoObserve()}>
{/* Note: Accessible <label>s and error containers were omitted from this example. */}
<input {...configure("first-name", { required: requiredField })} />
<input {...configure("last-name", { required: "Don't ignore me..." })} />
<input {...configure("email", { required: { value: true, message: requiredField } })} />
2) When a constraint is configured with a primitive value, then only the field's constraint value is configured. When the constraint is broken, the browser's default error message for that constraint will be displayed.
This syntax only exists for convenience. You are free to use the regular HTML attributes instead if you like.
import { createFormValidityObserver } from "@form-observer/react";
import type { ValidatableField } from "@form-observer/react";
function MyForm() {
const { autoObserve, configure } = createFormValidityObserver("focusout");
const requiredField = (field: ValidatableField) => `${field.labels[0]?.textContent ?? "Field"} is required.`;
return (
<form ref={autoObserve()}>
{/* Note: Accessible <label>s and error containers were omitted from this example. */}
<input {...configure("email-1", { required: requiredField, type: "email" })} />
<input {...configure("email-2", { required: requiredField })} type="email" />
<input name="email-3" type="email" required />
The return type of configure
is simply an object containing the props that should be applied to the configured field. In addition to the field's name
, this object will include any validation props that were configured by the function (e.g., required
, minLength
, maxLength
, pattern
, etc.).
As we mentioned previously, React has a unique re-rendering model. Whenever a state change happens in a React functional component, the entire component function is re-run. If you're instantiating classes (such as the FormValidityObserver
) in the body of your component's function, then React may re-instantiate the class during a re-render -- even if you don't want that to happen. Sometimes this can lead to inconsistent/unexpected outcomes.
To circumvent this problem, React provides the useMemo
hook. This hook guarantees that a given value will not change or be recalculated between re-renders. (If you ever want the value to be recalculated, you can provide an array of dependencies that indicate when the value should be recalculated. In the case of the FormValidityObserver
, we only want to instantiate it once, so no dependencies are necessary.) Below is an example of how to use useMemo
with the createFormValidityObserver
import { useMemo } from "react";
import { createFormValidityObserver } from "@form-observer/react";
function MyForm() {
const { autoObserve, configure } = useMemo(() => createFormValidityObserver("focusout"), []);
return <form ref={useMemo(autoObserve, [])}>{/* Form Fields */}</form>;
Note: If you are using React's ESLint Rules for hooks, the linter will sometimes tell you to list invalid/unnecessary dependencies for useMemo
. For example, in the code above, ESLint may tell you to list autoObserve
as a dependency for the 2nd call to useMemo
. But because the call to createFormValidityObserver
is memoized, the autoObserve
value will never change. Consequently, the 2nd call to useMemo
should have no dependencies at all.
You can choose to disable the ESLint rule in cases like this one where the rule is incorrect, or you can explicitly list the dependency like so:
<form ref={useMemo(autoObserve, [autoObserve])}>{/* Form Fields */}</form>
Since autoObserve
will never change, the useMemo
hook will never run any recalculations when autoObserve
is passed as a dependency. So in the end, you're free to decide how to handle your lint warnings in these situations -- whether by appeasing the linter or by disabling it locally.
If you know that a functional component using createFormValidityObserver
will never re-render, then you can ditch the useMemo
hook entirely. For more details on memoization, see React's documentation on useMemo
and memo
. You can also read When to useMemo and useCallback by Kent C. Dodds.
Note: For those using class components, "memoization" happens automatically as long as the observer is created only once (i.e., during the class's construction).
We understand that not everyone has bought into the hype surrounding React Hooks + Functional Components. There also may be some of you who would like to use hooks but are required to use class components due to practical business constraints. So we intentionally designed createFormValidityObserver
to work with both class components and functional components. The process that you'll use to get things running is similar to the process that you would use with any other kind of observer:
- Create the observer (using
) and give your class a reference to it. (We recommend making this reference private.) - Observe the form during the mounting phase of your component. (Optionally, you may also apply the
attribute to the form element during this phase.) - Unobserve the form during the unmounting phase of your component.
There are two ways to go about this. The first is to do all 3 steps manually. This approach is a bit more verbose:
import { Component, createRef } from "react";
import { createFormValidityObserver } from "@form-observer/react";
class MyForm extends Component {
readonly #form = createRef<HTMLFormElement>();
readonly #observer = createFormValidityObserver("focusout");
componentDidMount() {
this.#observer.observe(this.#form.current as HTMLFormElement);
this.#form.current?.setAttribute("novalidate", ""); // Optional
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
const { configure } = this.#observer;
return (
<form ref={this.#form}>
<input {...configure("first-name", { required: "We need to know who you are!" })} />
The second approach is to automate the observer's setup and cleanup with autoObserve
import { Component } from "react";
import { createFormValidityObserver } from "@form-observer/react";
class MyForm extends Component {
readonly #observer = createFormValidityObserver("focusout");
readonly #formRef = this.#observer.autoObserve();
render() {
const { configure } = this.#observer;
return (
// If your component does not re-render:
// You can destructure `autoObserve` and do `<form ref={autoObserve()}>` directly
<form ref={this.#formRef}>
<input {...configure("first-name", { required: "We need to know who you are!" })} />
This simplified approach enables you to avoid using (or cluttering) the componentDidMount
and componentWillUnmount
methods of your class components, resulting in fewer lines of code.
For those concerned about memoization, note that as long as the observer is created only once (i.e., during the class's construction only), memoization is not a concern for class components.