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590 lines (373 loc) · 26 KB

File metadata and controls

590 lines (373 loc) · 26 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning with respect to the public API, which currently includes the installation steps, dependencies, configuration, keymappings, commands, and other plugin functionality. At the moment this does not include the Lua Client API, although in the future it will once that API stabilizes.



  • Added configuration option image_name_func: (fun(): string)|? for customizing the default image name/prefix when pasting images via :ObsidianPasteImg.
  • Added client method Client:current_note() to get the note corresponding to the current buffer.
  • Added note method Note.add_field(key: string, value: any) to add/update an additional field in the frontmatter.
  • Added note method Note.get_field(key: string).
  • Added note method Note.save_to_buffer(bufnr: integer|?, frontmatter: table|?) for saving the frontmatter to a buffer.

v2.8.0 - 2024-01-26


  • Added :ObsidianTags command.


  • Changed API of client methods Client:find_tags() and Client:find_tags_async(). The return value (or value passed to the callback) is now a list of objects representing the location of tags found. These objects have the following fields: tag: string, path: string|Path, line: integer.


  • Fixed a YAML parsing issue with unquoted URLs in an array item.
  • Fixed an issue on Windows when cloning a template into a new note. The root cause was this bug in plenary: nvim-lua/plenary.nvim#489. We've added a work-around.

v2.7.1 - 2024-01-23


  • Fixed powershell command for :ObsidianPasteImg in wsl
  • Fixed bug with YAML parser that led to incorrectly parsing double-quoted strings with escaped quotes inside.

v2.7.0 - 2024-01-19


  • Fixed fzf-lua implementation of insert template and linking.
  • Fixed minor bug with cmp_obsidian_new.


  • Added support for parsing single aliases specified as a string, not a list, in frontmatter. E.g. aliases: foo as opposed to aliases: [foo]. Though when the frontmatter is saved it will always be saved as a YAML list, so aliases: foo gets saved as aliases: [foo] (or equivalent).
  • Added Client methods Client:apply_async() and Client:apply_async_raw().

v2.6.1 - 2024-01-16


  • Added extmarks that conceal "-", "*", or "+" with "•" by default. This can turned off by setting .ui.bullets to nil in your config.


  • Fixed bug with resolving the vault-relative path when the vault is behind a symlink.
  • Fixed bug with completion after changing workspaces.

v2.6.0 - 2024-01-09


  • Creating new notes via :ObsidianFollowLink now matches the behavior of :ObsidianLinkNew, where the new note will be placed in the same directory as the current buffer note. This doesn't affect you if you use a flat directory structure for all of your notes.
  • :ObsidianRename will prompt for the new title/ID/path if not given as an argument.


  • :ObsidianFollowLink now takes an optional "open strategy" argument. For example :ObsidianFollowLink vsplit or :ObsidianFollowLink vsp opens the note in a vertical split.
  • Added client method Client:command(...) for running commands directly. For example: :lua require("obsidian").get_client():command("ObsidianNew", { args = "Foo" }).
  • Added vim docs for the Lua API. See :help obsidian-api or :help obsidian.Client.
  • Added the option to create notes with a mapping from the telescope finder with :ObsidianQuickSwitch and :ObsidianSearch.
  • Added client methods Client:find_files() and Client:find_files_async() for finding non-markdown files in the vault.


  • Fixed bug with YAML encoder where strings with a colon followed by whitespace were not quoted.
  • Parent directories are created when using a template (for example, for daily notes).
  • Fixed bug with finder/picker in :ObsidianLink when current working directory is not vault root.
  • :ObsidianFollowLink will now work when the link contains spaces encoded with "%20" (as they are in URLs) to match the behavior of the Obsidian app.

v2.5.3 - 2024-01-02


  • Removed some errant print statements.

v2.5.2 - 2024-01-02


  • Fixed bug with Client:resolve_note() that missed checking the parent directory of the current buffer.
  • Made gathering backlinks work with links of different forms, like Markdown or Wiki with just an alias.

v2.5.1 - 2024-01-01


  • Fixed a bug on Linux where we call a restricted function in an async context.
  • Fixed bug with resolving relative path in vault when path is already relative.

v2.5.0 - 2023-12-30


  • Added Lua API methods Client:set_workspace(workspace: obsidian.Workspace) and Client:switch_workspace(workspace: string|obsidian.Workspace).

  • Added the ability to override settings per workspace by providing the overrides field in a workspace definition. For example:

      workspaces = {
          name = "personal",
          path = "~/vaults/personal",
          name = "work",
          path = "~/vaults/work",
          -- Optional, override certain settings.
          overrides = {
            notes_subdir = "notes",
      -- ... other options ...


  • Made workspace API more robust.
  • Template substitutions are done lazily and only generated once per line.
  • Fixed search functionality with fzf.vim as a finder when the vault name contains characters that need to be escaped, such as spaces.
  • Fixed a bug with ext marks for references inside of frontmatter.

v2.4.0 - 2023-12-19


  • Added support for Mini.Pick as another alternative to telescope.nvim.


  • Templates directory location follows the workspace now.
  • Fixed bug with completion when min_chars = 1 and you start typing an empty check box.


  • Replaced Client.templates_dir field with Client:templates_dir() function.
  • :ObsidianLink will now open your finder when the initial search comes up empty or ambiguous.
  • Improve logging when client:vault_relative_path() fails in cmp_obsidian_new.

v2.3.1 - 2023-12-03


  • Added Client:update_ui() method.
  • Assigned enum type obsidian.config.OpenStrategy to config.open_notes_in.
  • disable_frontmatter now can be a function taking the filename of a note (relative to the vault root) to determine whether the note's frontmatter can be managed by obsidian.nvim or not.


  • Client:daily_note_path() now takes a datetime integer instead of an ID string.
  • Template substitutions can now handle multiple lines, i.e. you can define custom substitutions that return a string with new line characters.
  • The "vsplit" and "hsplit" open strategies for config.open_notes_in will now only open a vertical/horizontal split if the window is not already split.


  • Fixed URL incorrect in
  • Fixed autocmd registration for workspaces.

v2.3.0 - 2023-11-28


  • The command :ObsidianFollowLink and the default gf pass-through mapping will now follow links to local files that are not notes.
  • Added documentation to completion items.


  • Changed API of Client search methods to take a class of options.
  • Loading notes when gathering backlinks is now done concurrently.


  • Made tags autocompletion more robust by ignoring anchor links (which look like tags) and searching case-insensitive.

v2.2.0 - 2023-11-23


  • Added completion for tags.
  • Added extmarks for tags.
  • Added method get_client() to get the current obsidian client instance. For example: :lua print(require("obsidian").get_client():new_note_id("Foo"))
  • Added client methods find_tags() and find_tags_async().
  • Added extmarks for inline highlighting, e.g. ==highlight this text!==.


  • In the backlinks view you can now hit <ENTER> within a group to toggle the folding.
  • :ObsidianBacklinks will now maintain focus to the current window.
  • :ObsidianBacklinks will now respect the sort_by and sort_reversed configuration options.


  • Removed UI update delay on BufEnter.
  • Fixed completion bug (#243)

v2.1.1 - 2023-11-20


  • Fixed some edge cases with finding references via patterns.

v2.1.0 - 2023-11-18


Completion for markdown-style links in addition to Wiki links + more ways to customize how Wiki links are completed! 🔥 We also added support for pasting images into notes with the new command :ObsidianPasteImg 📷


  • Added :ObsidianPasteImg for pasting images from the clipboard into notes. See the attachments configuration option for customizing the behavior of this command. Inspired by md-img-paste.vim and clipboard-image.nvim.
  • Added completion.prepend_note_path and completion.use_path_only options (mutually exclusive with each other and completion.prepend_note_id).
  • Added support for completing traditional markdown links instead of just wiki links.


  • Renamed opts.ui.tick to opts.ui.update_debounce, but the tick field will still be read for backwards compatibility.
  • :ObsidianOpen will now open wiki links under the cursor instead of always opening the note of the current buffer.
  • :ObsidianBacklinks will now show backlinks for the note of a wiki link under the cursor instead of always showing backlinks for the note of the current buffer.


  • Ensure commands available across all buffers, not just note buffers in the vault.

v2.0.0 - 2023-11-16


The long awaited :ObsidianRename command is here along with big improvements to our syntax add-ons! Wiki links, external links, and checklists look much better now out-of-the-box and can be easily customized! 🥳

I recommend you use treesitter as a base markdown syntax highlighter, but obsidian.nvim is also compatible with traditional regex syntax highlighting.


  • Added :ObsidianRename command.
  • Added :ObsidianTomorrow command.
  • Added optional offset to :ObsidianToday command. For example: :ObsidianToday -1 to go to yesterday's daily note.
  • Added configuration option ui for customizing obsidian.nvim's additional syntax highlighting and extmarks.
  • Improved default additional syntax highlighting / concealing.
  • Added default mapping <leader>ch for toggling check-boxes.


  • Ensure additional syntax highlighting works with latest treesitter.

v1.16.1 - 2023-11-11


  • Refactored commands module, improved :ObsidianCheck.


  • Fixed compatibility issue with older versions of Telescope.

v1.16.0 - 2023-11-10

Major internal refactoring to bring performance improvements through async execution of search/find functionality, and general robustness improvements. 🏎️🤠


  • Added obsidian.async module for internal use.


  • Re-implemented the native Lua YAML parser (obsidian.yaml.native). This should be faster and more robust now.
  • Re-implemented search/find functionality to utilize concurrency via obsidian.async and plenary.async for big performance gains.
  • Made how run shell commands more robust, and we also log stderr lines now.
  • Submodules imported lazily.
  • Changes to internal module organization.


  • Fixed a completion bug (#212).
  • Fixed a bug where the frontmatter of daily note template would be overwritten upon inserting the template.
  • Skip templates directory when searching for notes.
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with the latest fzf.vim and made running finders more robust in general.


  • Removed the overwrite_mappings option.

v1.15.0 - 2023-10-20


  • The overwrite_mappings option, which sets the mappings in the config even if they already exist
  • Added support for multiple vaults (#128)
  • Added command to switch between vaults (#60)
  • Added configuration option yaml_parser (a string value of either "native" or "yq") to change the YAML parser.


  • Eliminated silent runtime errors on validation errors in note.from_lines.
  • Fixed parsing YAML boolean values in frontmatter.
  • Fixed parsing implicit null values in YAML frontmatter.

v1.14.2 - 2023-09-25


  • Updated recommendation for how to configure mappings.

v1.14.1 - 2023-09-22


  • Added back missing util.find() function.

v1.14.0 - 2023-09-22


  • Added config option sort_by to allow setting search result order by "path", "modified", "accessed", or "created".
  • Added config option sort_reversed to allow setting search result sort reversed order. The default is true.
  • Added an extra option for daily notes to allow changing the default title from "%B %-d, %Y" to other strings.
  • Added a configuration option daily_notes.template for automatically using a specific template when creating a new daily note.
  • Adding a configuration option templates.substitutions for defining custom template substitutions.


  • Minor change to the behavior of :ObsidianNew. The argument to this command can be in one of 3 different forms which determine the behavior of the command:
    1. A raw title without any path components, e.g. :ObsidianNew Foo. In this case the command will pass the title to the note_id_func and put the note in the default location.
    2. A title prefixed by a path component, e.g. :ObsidianNew notes/Foo. In this case the command will pass the title "Foo" to the note_id_func and put the note in the directory of the path prefix "notes/".
    3. An exact path, e.g. :ObsidianNew notes/ In this case the command will put the new note at the path given and the title will be inferred from the filename ("foo").


  • A bug when following links when headers have a space.
  • Fixed ObsidianFollowLink when the note path contains a block link (e.g. [[foo#^Bar]]).
  • Fixed :ObsidianOpen doesn't work in WSL2
  • Improved completion start pattern to trigger anytime [[ is typed.
  • Fixed issue with parsing inline lists in YAML frontmatter when the items aren't wrapped in quotes.

v1.13.0 - 2023-08-24


  • Added option prepend_note_id to allow disabling id generation for new notes.
  • Added mappings configuration field.
  • Added open_notes_in configuration field
  • Added backlinks options to the config. The default is
    backlinks = {
      -- The default height of the backlinks pane.
      height = 10,
      -- Whether or not to wrap lines.
      wrap = true,


  • (internal) Refactored daily note creation.
  • obsidian.nvim will now automatically enable the 'gf' passthrough keybinding within your vault unless the 'gf' keybinding has already been overridden by you or another plugin or you override the 'mappings' configuration field.


  • Fixed template_pattern not escaping special characters.
  • Fixed new notes not getting passed args correctly
  • Fixed :ObsidianOpen when note is in a subdirectory with the same name as the root vault directory.
  • Fixed issue where note_frontmatter_func option was not used when creating new notes.

v1.12.0 - 2023-07-15


  • Allow user to supply an argument to ObsidianTemplate to select a template.


  • Renamed Lua function command.insert_template() to command.template() and split the template insert script into a separate function util.insert_template().
  • Added log_level configuration option to suspend notifications.
  • Added completion.new_notes_location configuration option to specify where newly created notes are placed in completion.


  • Fixed creating new notes when the title of the note contains a path. Now that path will always be treated as relative to the vault, not the notes_subdir.
  • Fixed ObsidianFollowLink when the note path contains a header link (e.g. [[foo#Bar]]).

v1.11.0 - 2023-06-09


  • Added configuration option daily_notes.date_format (a string) to customize the date format of daily notes.


  • Disabled managed frontmatter for files in the templates subdirectory.
  • A bug when disable_frontmatter is ignored for ObsidianToday and ObsidianYesterday.
  • A bug with ObsidianTemplate when using Telescope

v1.10.0 - 2023-05-11


  • Report errors finding vault from :ObsidianCheckHealth.
  • Added finder option for choosing a preferred finder backend.


  • Removed annoying "skipped updating frontmatter" message on file write.

v1.9.0 - 2023-04-22


  • Added open_app_foreground option to open in foreground on macOS.
  • Added :ObsidianTemplate to insert a template, configurable using a templates table passed to setup().
  • Added support for following links in markdown format
  • Added follow_url_func option to customize behaviour of following URLs


  • Use vim.notify to echo log messages now.


  • Gracefully handle invalid aliases / tags in frontmatter (i.e. values that aren't strings). We'll warn about them and ignore the invalid values.
  • Fixed nvim-cmp completion for notes that have no aliases specified.
  • nvim-cmp completion will search based on file names now too, not just contents.
  • Fixed bug when nvim-cmp is not installed.
  • Workaround error which prevented users from using ObsidianOpen when vault path was configured behind a link
  • Detect URLs when following links and ignore them by default.

v1.8.0 - 2023-02-16


  • lua-yaml no-longer bundled as a git submodule. Code from that project has been copied and modified into it's own Lua submodule of obsidian.
  • (BREAKING) 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' is no-longer bundled, so must be explicitly installed (e.g. Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' in your init.nvim).


  • Fixed a bug where creating a new note with nvim-cmp completion would cause nvim-cmp to stop working.
  • Fixed bug where disable_frontmatter setting would be ignored for :ObsidianNew command.

v1.7.0 - 2023-02-02


  • Added support for fzf-lua as one of the possible fallbacks for the :ObsidianQuickSwitch command.
  • Added :ObsidianQuickSwitch to fuzzy-find a note by name in telescope/fzf a la in Obsidian.
  • Added support for fzf-lua as one of the possible fallbacks for the :ObsidianSearch command.
  • Added :ObsidianFollowLink and companion function util.cursor_on_markdown_link
  • Added :ObsidianLink and :ObsidianLinkNew commands.
  • Added configuration option disable_frontmatter for frontmatter disabling
  • Added line-navigation to :ObsidianOpen via the Obsidian Advanced URI plugin
  • Added :ObsidianYesterday command to open/create the previous working day daily note


  • Fixed bug with Note.from_lines where the given path would be modified in place to be relative to the root, which caused a bug in :ObsidianFollowLink.
  • Completion for creating new notes via nvim-cmp is now aware of daily notes, so when you start typing todays date in the form of YYYY-MM-DD, you get a "Create new" completion option for today's daily note if it doesn't exist yet.
  • Fixed bug where :ObsidianOpen blocked the NeoVim UI on Linux.
  • :ObsidianOpen should now work on Windows.
  • Fixed URL encoding of space characters for better compatibility with external applications.
  • Made more robust to unexpected types in frontmatter.
  • Fixed edge case where frontmatter consisting of exactly one empty field would raise an exception.
  • Fixed :ObsidianFollowLink not creating a new note when following a dangling link; matches behavior in the official Obsidian app.
  • Fixed handling spaces in configured vault directory.
  • Fixed :ObsidianFollowLink not considering the vault's root directory.
  • Fixed bug where the note ID in the YAML frontmatter wasn't updated after the file is renamed.
  • Fixed require module name syntax; see #93 for explanation.


  • The new note completion source will now create the new note in the same directory as the current note, regardless of the notes_subdir setting.

v1.6.1 - 2022-10-17


  • Ensured vault directory along with optional notes and daily notes subdirectories are added to vim's path so you can gf to files in those directories.

v1.6.0 - 2022-10-14


  • Added support for arbitrary fields in YAML frontmatter.
  • Added configuration option note_frontmatter_func for customizing the YAML frontmatter of your notes. This can be set to a function that takes a single argument - an obsidian.Note object - and returns a YAML-serializable table.


  • Added folding and custom highlighting to backlinks window, and fixed window height.
  • When the title of a note is changed, the title will automatically be added to note's aliases in the frontmatter on save.


  • Fixed autocomplete functionality to be less sensitive to case.
  • Made YAML frontmatter dumping functionality more robust.

v1.5.0 - 2022-10-12


  • Improved :ObsidianBacklinks command to use its own buffer type instead of the location list. It's now more readable.
  • Removed save on write for :ObsidianNew and :ObsidianToday (#32).


  • :ObsidianOpen now works on Linux.

v1.4.0 - 2022-10-11


  • Added daily_notes configuration options.
  • Added :ObsidianSearch command (requires fzf.vim or telescope.nvim).


  • Fixed a bug with :ObsidianOpen (#19).
  • Fixed bug with creating a new note with nvim-cmp completion where full settings weren't taken into account.
  • Fixed a bug with :ObsidianBacklinks where the paths were incorrect.

v1.3.0 - 2022-09-23


  • plenary.nvim is no longer required to be installed seperately. It's now bundled as a submodule.

v1.2.1 - 2022-09-23


  • Added setup configuration option notes_subdir. Use this if you want new notes to be put in a specific subdirectory of your vault.


  • Commands are no-longer setup lazily on BufEnter to a markdown file in your vault. Now they'll always be available.

v1.2.0 - 2022-09-22


  • Added :ObsidianNew command for creating a new note with a given title.
  • Added setup configuration option note_id_func, which can be set to a custom function for generating new note IDs. The function should take a single optional string argument, a title of the note, and return a string. The default method for generating new note IDs is to generate a Zettelkasten-like ID using a timestamp and some random letters.

v1.1.1 - 2022-08-22


  • Fixed bug when creating new notes. Sometimes this would fail if ~/ wasn't expanded.
  • Use HTTPS instead of SSH for lua_yaml git submodule.
  • Fixed bug with :ObsidianToday command, which would fail if you weren't in a named buffer.

v1.1.0 - 2022-08-07


  • Added :ObsidianBacklinks command for getting a location list of references to the current note.


  • Fixed issue where completion wouldn't be triggered for "hashtag" form of a reference: #[[...
  • Generalized syntax file so as to not override colorscheme.

v1.0.0 - 2022-08-05


  • Added :ObsidianOpen command for opening a note in Obsidian (only works on MacOS for now).

v0.1.0 - 2022-08-05


  • Initial plugin release