AT+CIPSTART bug when using UDP and DNS lookup #7
Hi Espressif team, well done for a great product
I hope this is the correct place to post but I have found a debug in the AT command implementation.
I am using at_v0.20_14_11_28 to contact a NTP server via UDP. If I use the IP address it works ok as below
NTP Recieved OK
However if I use a domain name, the DNS lookup works correctly but the following AT+CIPSEND hangs with no > data prompt
AT+CIPSTATUS returns +CIPSTATUS:0,"UDP","",123,25349,0
AT+CIPSEND=48 - hangs with no > data prompt
I have looked at the source code for AT+CIPSTART in 'at_ipCmd.c' and i see that for a UDP start with IP address
espconn_create is called at line 818 (TCP calls espconn_connect). However if a DNS lookup is required, the callback function
at_dns_found calls espconn_connect for both TCP and UDP !
I think at_dns_found should call espconn_create for UDP ?
Also at line 731 "ALREAY CONNECT\r\n" should be "ALREADY CONNECT\r\n" or even better english is "ALREADY CONNECTED\r\n"
I hope you can correct this problem. If you like to post new user.bin file I can test it out
Dennis Tricker