What would you like to be added?
See previous discussion about the possible problem in kubernetes/kubernetes#127966
We may want to consider at least reserving an alternate domain.
I've filed CNCFSD-2503 to ask the CNCF about reserving another TLD (just to reserve, with my SIG K8s Infra hat on, the project is free to use it however if we acquire one, but I'd recommend setting it up as a 1:1 backup, SIG K8s Infra can help with that). seems to be taken already, but maybe we can acquire something else.
Why is this needed?
Because IO will likely stop being a country code soon, and without an exception would start a process to wind down the ccTLD. Even if that doesn't happen, some concerns have been expressed about .io (see linked threads).
IMHO: Do not panic, nothing is happening yet and even if something does happen there will be time to respond. However, it is pretty easy for SIG K8s Infra to manage domains, and it seems wise to go ahead and park an alternate.