diff --git a/.azure-pipelines/azure-pipelines-linux.yml b/.azure-pipelines/azure-pipelines-linux.yml
index 64e25047efd..3a89736179e 100644
--- a/.azure-pipelines/azure-pipelines-linux.yml
+++ b/.azure-pipelines/azure-pipelines-linux.yml
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ jobs:
vmImage: $(vmImage)
- bash: |
[[ "${APT_REPOSITORY}" ]] && echo "Add Repo ${APT_REPOSITORY}" && sudo add-apt-repository "${APT_REPOSITORY}"
@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ jobs:
echo " - psi4::gcp" >> env_p4env.yaml
echo " - psi4::dftd3" >> env_p4env.yaml
- sed -i "s;- libxc-c;- psi4::libxc=5;g" env_p4env.yaml
sed -i "s;- conda-forge/label/libint_dev;#- conda-forge/label/libint_dev;g" env_p4env.yaml
sed -i "s;#- psi4/label/testing::libint2;- psi4/label/testing::libint=2.8.0dev2;g" env_p4env.yaml
echo "\n<<< env_p4env.yaml >>>\n"
@@ -158,3 +157,5 @@ jobs:
source activate p4env
PYTHONPATH=stage/lib/ pytest -v -rws --durations=15 --durations-min=40 --strict-markers --color yes -n 2 -m "$PYTEST_MARKER_EXPR" stage/lib/psi4/tests/
displayName: 'PyTest Tests'
+# setuptools v66 (vendors packaging v23) incompatible with arb. tarballs. thinks the branch names are versions
diff --git a/.azure-pipelines/azure-pipelines-windows.yml b/.azure-pipelines/azure-pipelines-windows.yml
index c079b4eba8f..66582f4b23f 100644
--- a/.azure-pipelines/azure-pipelines-windows.yml
+++ b/.azure-pipelines/azure-pipelines-windows.yml
@@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ jobs:
# Build package
- script: |
set INSTALL_DIR=$(Build.BinariesDirectory)\install
+ conda config --set channel_priority flexible
conda build --python %PYTHON_VERSION% ^
copy /y C:\tools\miniforge3\conda-bld\win-64\psi4-*.bz2 $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
diff --git a/codedeps.yaml b/codedeps.yaml
index 5a0098ee62f..75e0920bba3 100644
--- a/codedeps.yaml
+++ b/codedeps.yaml
@@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ data:
commit: 6.2.2
# name: Libxc
- # constraint: 5.1.2 # two calls: catch v5, v6
+ # constraint: 6.0.0
# target: Libxc::xc
- C
diff --git a/doc/sphinxman/source/basissets_tables.rst b/doc/sphinxman/source/basissets_tables.rst
index 9c0d6acc72f..5494efc53be 100644
--- a/doc/sphinxman/source/basissets_tables.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinxman/source/basissets_tables.rst
@@ -292,6 +292,12 @@ Appendix :ref:`apdx:basisElement`.
| def2-QZVPP | def2-QZVPPD |
+ | def2-mSVP | |
+ +--------------+-------------+
+ | def2-mTZVP | |
+ +--------------+-------------+
+ | def2-mTZVPP | |
+ +--------------+-------------+
diff --git a/doc/sphinxman/source/bibliography.rst b/doc/sphinxman/source/bibliography.rst
index ad9bf246ca4..c144ec204b0 100644
--- a/doc/sphinxman/source/bibliography.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinxman/source/bibliography.rst
@@ -725,3 +725,19 @@ Bibliography
F. Weigend,
*Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.* **4**, 4285-4291 (2002).
+.. [Brandenburg:2018:b973c]
+ J. G. Brandenburg, C.Bannwarth, A. Hansen, S. Grimme,
+ *J. Chem. Phys.* **148**, 064104, (2018).
+ https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5012601
+.. [Muller:2023:014103]
+ M. M\ |u_dots|\ ller and A. Hansen and S. Grimme
+ *J. Chem. Phys.* **158**, 014103 (2023).
+ https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0133026
+.. [Grimme:2021:064103]
+ S. Grimme and A. Hansen and S. Ehlert and J.-M. Mewes
+ *J. Chem. Phys.* **154**, 064103 (2021).
+ https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0040021
diff --git a/doc/sphinxman/source/build_planning.rst b/doc/sphinxman/source/build_planning.rst
index 1d49d87644b..40b19def030 100644
--- a/doc/sphinxman/source/build_planning.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinxman/source/build_planning.rst
@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ Compiling and Installing from Source
.. warning:: As of v1.8, primary binary distribution has moved from
the psi4 channel to the conda-forge channel. Neither install docs
for users nor compile docs for developers have been updated yet to
- reflect new patterns. Please consult :psicode:`psicode downloads
+ reflect new patterns. Please consult :source:`conda/psi4-path-advisor.py`
+ (extensive help menu at ``conda/psi4-path-advisor.py -h``)
+ or :psicode:`psicode downloads
page ` for the latest guides.
This section fulfills the duty of every Linux project to have an INSTALL
diff --git a/doc/sphinxman/source/dftd3.rst b/doc/sphinxman/source/dftd3.rst
index 14c4328b781..420f0423306 100644
--- a/doc/sphinxman/source/dftd3.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinxman/source/dftd3.rst
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ Installation
* There are two implementations of DFTD3; see :ref:`table:empdispimpl` . The newer
"s-dftd3" one is preferred, while the older "classic" one will work for the immediate future.
|PSIfour| will automatically select whichever is available.
+ Starting with v1.9, only "s-dftd3" is supported, though the "classic" continues to work for many applications.
* DFTD3 is available as a conda package for Linux and macOS and Windows.
@@ -222,6 +223,7 @@ available only through the ``DFTD3`` or ``DFTD4`` programs. Once installed, the
``dftd3``/|PSIfour| and ``dftd4``/|PSIfour| interfaces are transparent, and all corrections are
interfaced exactly alike.
The -D3 interface can use classic or simple-dftd3 programs interchangeably and will prefer the latter.
+Starting in v1.9, the classic program is no longer supported or tested, though it isn't deliberately disabled.
Despite different defaults in these programs when run independently,
when run through |PSIfour| as EmpiricalDispersion engine, each should
@@ -308,7 +310,7 @@ the ``dftd3``/|PSIfour| interface enables computations of three-body dispersion
corrections. In ``DFT-D3``, three-body dispersion is approximated with the
Axilrod-Teller-Muto model:
-.. math:: E_{disp}^{(3)}=-\frac{1}{6}\sum_{A\neqB\neqC}\frac{C_{9}^{ABC}(3\cos{\theta_a}\cos{\theta_b}\cos{\theta_c}+1)}{(r_{AB}r_{BC}r_{AC})^{3}}f_{damp}(\bar{r}_{ABC})
+.. math:: E_{disp}^{(3)}=-\frac{1}{6}\sum_{A\neq B\neq C}\frac{C_{9}^{ABC}(3\cos{\theta_a}\cos{\theta_b}\cos{\theta_c}+1)}{(r_{AB}r_{BC}r_{AC})^{3}}f_{damp}(\bar{r}_{ABC})
where :math:`\theta_a` is the angle at atom A corresponding to the triangle formed by atoms A, B, and C,
and :math:`\bar{r}_{ABC}` is the geometric mean of the corresponding atomic-pair distances.
diff --git a/doc/sphinxman/source/gcp.rst b/doc/sphinxman/source/gcp.rst
index de5610c81c5..5f98e04531c 100644
--- a/doc/sphinxman/source/gcp.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinxman/source/gcp.rst
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ Installation
* There are two implementations of gCP; see :ref:`table:empdispimpl` . The newer
"mctc" one is preferred, while the older "classic" one will work for the immediate future.
|PSIfour| will automatically select whichever is available.
+ Starting with v1.9, only "mctc-gcp" is supported, though the now untested
+ "classic" continues to work for many applications.
* gCP is available as a conda package for Linux and macOS and Windows.
@@ -98,15 +100,19 @@ Running gCP
At present there is a limited interface to gCP that is used
-only to implement the "HF-3c" [Sure:2013:1672]_ and "PBEh-3c"
-[Grimme:2015:054107]_ methods (both energy and gradient). The interface
-can use classic or mctc-gcp executables interchangeably and will prefer the latter.
-A :ref:`DFTD3 ` executable, classic or simple-dftd3,
-must also be available for these methods to
-run. Unlike every other method in |PSIfour|, if a basis set has not been
-set, these will default to their intended basis sets: MINIX for HF-3c
-and def2-mSVP for PBEh-3c. If a basis has previously been set, but you
-want to use the default basis, use the slash syntax to "empty" the basis
+only to implement the "HF-3c" [Sure:2013:1672]_, "PBEh-3c"
+[Grimme:2015:054107]_, "B97-3c" [Brandenburg:2018:b973c]_, "r2SCAN-3c" [Grimme:2021:064103]_,
+and "wB97X-3c" [Muller:2023:014103]_ methods (both energy and gradient).
+The interface can use classic or mctc-gcp executables but only the latter implements "B97-3c" and "r2SCAN-3c".
+The newest wB97X-3c method doesn't use a gcp correction (it does use ECPs down to first row elements)
+but is listed here for completeness of the "3c" family.
+A :ref:`DFTD3 ` executable, classic or simple-dftd3, must also be available for
+the HF-3c, PBEh-3c, or B97-3c methods to run.
+A :ref:`DFTD4 ` python module must also be available for
+the r2SCAN-3c or wB97X-3c methods to run.
+These method are defined with their own basis set and thus no basis set should be set by the user.
+|PSIfour| will select the intended basis sets: HF-3c/MINIX, PBEh-3c/def2-mSVP, B97-3c/def2-mTZVP, r2SCAN-3c/def2-mTZVPP, wB97X-3c/vDZP.
+If a basis has previously been set for another calculation, use the slash syntax to "empty" the basis
option for the scope of the current calculation, ``energy("hf3c/")``.
A few practical examples:
@@ -119,15 +125,10 @@ A few practical examples:
-* HF-3c with non-standard basis ::
+* r2SCAN-3c with default basis after basis set ::
set basis cc-pvdz
- energy('hf3c')
-* PBEh-3c with default basis after basis set ::
- set basis cc-pvdz
- energy('pbeh3c/')
+ energy('r2scan3c/')
If only BSSE/basis set corrections (rather than total energies) are of
interest, the ``gcp`` program can be run independently of the scf
diff --git a/doc/sphinxman/source/introduction.rst b/doc/sphinxman/source/introduction.rst
index 1eca804e061..25dfb350042 100644
--- a/doc/sphinxman/source/introduction.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinxman/source/introduction.rst
@@ -596,12 +596,11 @@ Architectures
principle, it should work on any Unix system. The latest version of the
|PSIfour| program package may be obtained at `psicode.org `_.
The package is available as a binary (:ref:`Installing from Binary
- `) for Linux, macOS (not arm64), or Windows (both native and via Windows Subsystem for
+ `) for Linux, macOS (both Intel and Apple Silicon), or Windows (both native and via Windows Subsystem for
Linux aka `Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
or as source code (git repository or zipped archive from
- At least initially, |PSIfour| 1.7 will not have binary packages for Mac.
|PSIfour| has been successfully compiled using Intel, GCC, and Clang
compilers. :ref:`Compiler requirements ` are primarily
@@ -620,9 +619,10 @@ Python
|PSIfour| 1.6 supports Python 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10.
|PSIfour| 1.7 supports Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11 (no binary packages for 3.11).
|PSIfour| 1.8 supports Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11.
+ |PSIfour| 1.9 supports Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12.
The future plan is to (1) be compatible with 3.8 and above until there is a good reason to drop
older versions but (2) only build and test for versions conda-forge supports.
- The current master supports 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11.
+ The current master supports 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12.
.. index:: license
@@ -761,7 +761,8 @@ For more tables with capabilities details:
| ❖ with :ref:`DFTD3, DFTD4`, and :ref:`gCP` |
- | HF-3c, PBEh-3c | R/U/ROHF, R/UKS | | E/G | | | |
+ | HF-3c, PBEh-3c, B97-3C, | R/U/ROHF, R/UKS | | E/G | | | |
+ | r2SCAN-3c, wB97X-3c | | | | | | |
| DFT-D3, DFT-D4 | RKS/UKS | | E/G | | | |
diff --git a/external/upstream/libxc/CMakeLists.txt b/external/upstream/libxc/CMakeLists.txt
index de68735444d..fda2ce1f1f4 100644
--- a/external/upstream/libxc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/external/upstream/libxc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
find_package(Libxc 6.0.0 CONFIG QUIET COMPONENTS C)
-if(NOT ${Libxc_FOUND})
- # LibxcConfig.cmake encodes searching only within major version, so need two calls to allow v5 or v6
- find_package(Libxc 5.1.2 CONFIG QUIET COMPONENTS C)
get_property(_loc TARGET Libxc::xc PROPERTY LOCATION)
diff --git a/external/upstream/qcengine/CMakeLists.txt b/external/upstream/qcengine/CMakeLists.txt
index 49cea5f820c..9129880a08e 100644
--- a/external/upstream/qcengine/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/external/upstream/qcengine/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ else()
# Note: Without downgrading setuptools or `sed`ing "git_refnames" (_version.py for versioneer-generated),
# pip will strenuously resist ("Invalid version: ") arbitrary branch or commit refs from GH.
# Make a proper PEP440 tag (e.g., `git tag -a v0.26.0.dev1 -m "v0.26.0.dev1"`), push it, and use in URL below.
+ #
+ # With downgrading to (setuptools"<66.0.0" packaging"<23.0" ; former vendors latter), one can use arbitrary
+ # branch or commit tarballs without the tagging procedure described above.
DEPENDS qcelemental_external
diff --git a/psi4/CMakeLists.txt b/psi4/CMakeLists.txt
index 13d0023f6d4..3106379d048 100644
--- a/psi4/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/psi4/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -223,10 +223,7 @@ else()
message(STATUS "Disabled BrianQC ${BrianQC_DIR}")
-find_package(Libxc 6.0.0 CONFIG QUIET COMPONENTS C)
-if(NOT ${Libxc_FOUND})
- find_package(Libxc 5.1.2 CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS C)
+find_package(Libxc 6.0.0 CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS C)
get_property(_loc TARGET Libxc::xc PROPERTY LOCATION)
list(APPEND _addons ${_loc})
message(STATUS "${Cyan}Using Libxc${ColourReset}: ${_loc} (version ${Libxc_VERSION})")
diff --git a/psi4/driver/driver.py b/psi4/driver/driver.py
index d9289bdf655..afe42a50dbf 100644
--- a/psi4/driver/driver.py
+++ b/psi4/driver/driver.py
@@ -140,10 +140,16 @@ def energy(name, **kwargs):
| qchf | quadratically-convergent HF |
- | hf3c | HF with dispersion, BSSE, and basis set corrections :ref:`[manual] ` |
+ | hf3c | HF with dispersion, BSSE, SRB, and basis set corrections :ref:`[manual] ` |
| pbeh3c | PBEh with dispersion, BSSE, and basis set corrections :ref:`[manual] ` |
+ | b973c | B97(GGA) with dispersion, SRB, and basis set corrections :ref:`[manual] ` |
+ +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | r2scan3c | r2SCAN with dispersion, BSSE, and basis set corrections :ref:`[manual] ` |
+ +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | wb97x3c | wB97X with dispersion and basis set corrections :ref:`[manual] ` |
+ +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| dct | density cumulant (functional) theory :ref:`[manual] ` |
| mp2 | 2nd-order |MollerPlesset| perturbation theory (MP2) :ref:`[manual] ` :ref:`[details] ` |
diff --git a/psi4/driver/driver_util.py b/psi4/driver/driver_util.py
index 237eba87a5a..1ed7d2ea429 100644
--- a/psi4/driver/driver_util.py
+++ b/psi4/driver/driver_util.py
@@ -261,6 +261,8 @@ def _alternative_methods_message(method_name: str, dertype: str, *, messages: Di
stats = messages[0]
conditions2 = [stats[k][1] for k in ["method_type", "reference", "fcae", "qc_module"]]
return f"Method={stats['method']} is not available for {dertype} derivative level under conditions {', '.join(conditions2)}. See {stats['link']}.{alternatives}"
+ elif "-d" in method_name or "3c" in method_name:
+ return f"""Method={method_name} is not available for {dertype} derivative level. Some methods need dftd4-python>=3.5.0 and gcp-correction installed. Please `conda install "dftd4-python>=3.5" gcp-correction -c conda-forge` .{alternatives}"""
return f"Method={method_name} is not available for {dertype} derivative level.{alternatives}"
diff --git a/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/dft_builder.py b/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/dft_builder.py
index 756b51f96b9..8bc68e32624 100644
--- a/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/dft_builder.py
+++ b/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/dft_builder.py
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
import collections
import copy
-from qcengine.programs.empirical_dispersion_resources import dashcoeff, get_dispersion_aliases
+from qcengine.programs.empirical_dispersion_resources import dashcoeff, get_dispersion_aliases, new_d4_api
from psi4 import core
@@ -97,6 +97,9 @@
+# remove r2scan-3c from dictionary if dftd4 <= v3.5.0
+if new_d4_api is False:
+ dict_functionals.pop("r2scan3c")
def get_functional_aliases(functional_dict):
if "alias" in functional_dict:
@@ -125,6 +128,10 @@ def get_functional_aliases(functional_dict):
for formal in functional_aliases:
# "bless" the original functional dft/*_functionals dispersion definition including aliases
dashcoeff_supplement[disp['type']]['definitions'][formal] = disp
+ # add omitted default parameters of the dispersion correction
+ for p,val in dashcoeff[disp['type']]['default'].items():
+ if p not in dashcoeff_supplement[disp['type']]['definitions'][formal]['params'].keys():
+ dashcoeff_supplement[disp['type']]['definitions'][formal]['params'][p]=val
# generate dispersion aliases for every functional alias
for nominal_dispersion_level, resolved_dispersion_level in _dispersion_aliases.items():
if resolved_dispersion_level == disp["type"]:
@@ -235,7 +242,7 @@ def check_consistency(func_dictionary):
allowed_params = sorted(dashcoeff[_dispersion_aliases[disp["type"]]]["default"].keys())
if "params" not in disp or sorted(disp["params"].keys()) != allowed_params:
raise ValidationError(
- f"SCF: Dispersion params ({list(disp['params'].keys())}) must include all ({allowed_params})")
+ f"SCF: Dispersion params for {name} ({list(disp['params'].keys())}) must include all ({allowed_params})")
# 3d) check formatting for dispersion citation
if "citation" in disp:
cit = disp["citation"]
@@ -258,7 +265,11 @@ def build_superfunctional_from_dictionary(func_dictionary, npoints, deriv, restr
if "xc_functionals" in func_dictionary:
for xc_key in func_dictionary["xc_functionals"]:
xc_name = ("XC_" + xc_key).upper()
- sup = core.SuperFunctional.XC_build(xc_name, restricted)
+ xc_params = func_dictionary["xc_functionals"][xc_key]
+ if "tweak" in xc_params:
+ sup = core.SuperFunctional.XC_build(xc_name, restricted, xc_params["tweak"])
+ else:
+ sup = core.SuperFunctional.XC_build(xc_name, restricted)
descr = " " + func_dictionary["name"] + " "
if sup.is_gga():
if sup.x_alpha() > 0:
@@ -382,7 +393,7 @@ def build_superfunctional_from_dictionary(func_dictionary, npoints, deriv, restr
if "description" in func_dictionary:
if "doi" in func_dictionary:
- sup.set_description(func_dictionary["description"] + "(" + func_dictionary["doi"] + ")")
+ sup.set_description(func_dictionary["description"].replace("\n", "") + " (" + func_dictionary["doi"].lstrip() + ")")
diff --git a/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/gga_functionals.py b/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/gga_functionals.py
index 5b53ec9b369..4dca319b458 100644
--- a/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/gga_functionals.py
+++ b/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/gga_functionals.py
@@ -351,6 +351,28 @@
' BP86 GGA XC Functional based on VWN5 corr. & more accurate ftilde value\n',
+# B97-3c = modified B97(GGA) + D3BJ + SRB(through mctc-gcp)
+ "name": "B973c",
+ "alias": ["B97-3c"],
+ "xc_functionals": {
+ "GGA_XC_B97_3C": {}
+ },
+ "description": ' B97-3c GGA-based 3C composite method with a TZ basis set, D3 and short-range basis set correction.\n',
+ "citation": ' J. G. Brandenburg, C.Bannwarth, A. Hansen, S. Grimme J. Chem. Phys. 148, 064104, 2018\n',
+ "doi": "10.1063/1.5012601",
+ "dispersion": {
+ "type": "d3bjatm",
+ "params": {
+ 's6': 1.000,
+ 's8': 1.500,
+ 'a1': 0.370,
+ 'a2': 4.100,
+ },
+ },
functional_list = {}
for functional in funcs:
functional_list[functional["name"].lower()] = functional
diff --git a/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/hyb_functionals.py b/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/hyb_functionals.py
index 5aa3dc96cd8..69e59823438 100644
--- a/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/hyb_functionals.py
+++ b/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/hyb_functionals.py
@@ -161,6 +161,30 @@
"citation": ' Grimme et. al., J. Chem. Phys., 143, 054107, 2015\n',
+ "name": "wB97X3c",
+ "alias": ["wB97X-3C"],
+ "xc_functionals": {
+ "HYB_GGA_XC_WB97X_V": {}
+ },
+ "dispersion": {
+ "type": "d4bjeeqatm",
+ "nlc": False,
+ "params": {
+ 'a1': 0.2464,
+ 'a2': 4.737,
+ 's6': 1.000,
+ 's8': 0.000,
+ 's9': 1.000,
+ },
+ },
+ "description":
+ ' wB97X basied 3C composite method with a small basis set, gCP and D4\n',
+ "citation":
+ ' M. Muller, A. Hansen, S. Grimme, J. Chem. Phys. 158, 014103 (2023)\n',
+ "doi": "10.1063/5.0133026",
"name": "SOGGA11-X",
"alias": ["SOGGA11X"],
diff --git a/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/libxc_functionals.py b/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/libxc_functionals.py
index 62abc93fe2b..4af2cd5570c 100644
--- a/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/libxc_functionals.py
+++ b/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/libxc_functionals.py
@@ -142,6 +142,9 @@
funcs.append({"name": "B5050LYP" , "xc_functionals": {"HYB_GGA_XC_B5050LYP" : {}}})
funcs.append({"name": "LC-BOP" , "xc_functionals": {"HYB_GGA_XC_LC_BOP" : {}}, "alias": ["LRC-BOP"]})
funcs.append({"name": "KMLYP" , "xc_functionals": {"HYB_GGA_XC_KMLYP" : {}}})
+funcs.append({"name": "R2SCAN0" , "xc_functionals": {"HYB_MGGA_XC_R2SCAN0" : {}}})
+funcs.append({"name": "R2SCANh" , "xc_functionals": {"HYB_MGGA_XC_R2SCANH" : {}}})
+funcs.append({"name": "R2SCAN50" , "xc_functionals": {"HYB_MGGA_XC_R2SCAN50" : {}}})
# yapf: enable
functional_list = {}
diff --git a/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/mgga_functionals.py b/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/mgga_functionals.py
index c5d8bc2b8ab..1daf1046bb0 100644
--- a/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/mgga_functionals.py
+++ b/psi4/driver/procrouting/dft/mgga_functionals.py
@@ -246,6 +246,45 @@
"doi": "10.1021/acs.jctc.8b00072",
+ "name": "R2SCAN3C",
+ "alias": ["R2SCAN-3C"],
+ "x_functionals": {
+ "MGGA_X_R2SCAN": {}
+ },
+ "c_functionals": {
+ "MGGA_C_R2SCAN": {}
+ },
+ "description": ' r2SCAN Meta-GGA based 3C composite method with a TZ basis set, gCP and D4\n',
+ "citation": ' S. Grimme, A. Hansen, S. Ehlert, J.-M. Mewes J. Chem. Phys. 154, 064103, 2021\n',
+ "doi": "10.1063/5.0040021",
+ "dispersion": {
+ "type": "d4bjeeqatm",
+ "params": {
+ 'a1': 0.420,
+ 'a2': 5.650,
+ 's6': 1.000,
+ 's8': 0.000,
+ 's9': 2.000,
+ 'ga': 2.000,
+ 'gc': 1.000,
+ },
+ },
+ "name": "R2SCAN",
+ "x_functionals": {
+ "MGGA_X_R2SCAN": {}
+ },
+ "c_functionals": {
+ "MGGA_C_R2SCAN": {}
+ },
+ "description": ' r2SCAN Meta-GGA XC Functional\n',
+ "citation": ' J. W. Furness, A. D. Kaplan, J. Ning, J. P. Perdew, J. Sun J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 8208–8215, 2020\n',
+ "doi": "0.1021/acs.jpclett.0c02405",
"name": "t-HCTH",
"alias": ["tHCTH", "tau-HCTH"],
diff --git a/psi4/driver/procrouting/empirical_dispersion.py b/psi4/driver/procrouting/empirical_dispersion.py
index a9e4d529bc5..ce3f8cae92e 100644
--- a/psi4/driver/procrouting/empirical_dispersion.py
+++ b/psi4/driver/procrouting/empirical_dispersion.py
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def _capable_engines_for_disp()-> Dict[str, List[str]]:
for disp in disps:
for disp, engines in capable.items():
- capable_sorted_by_available[disp] = sorted(engines, key=lambda x: (not programs_disp[x], x))
+ capable_sorted_by_available[disp] = sorted(engines, key=lambda x: programs_disp[x], reverse=True)
return capable_sorted_by_available
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ def compute_energy(self, molecule: core.Molecule, wfn: core.Wavefunction = None)
- if self.fctldash in ['hf3c', 'pbeh3c']:
+ if self.fctldash in ['hf3c', 'pbeh3c', 'r2scan3c', 'b973c']:
jobrec = qcng.compute(
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ def compute_gradient(self,
if "CURRENT" not in k:
wfn.set_variable(k, float(qca) if isinstance(qca, str) else qca)
- if self.fctldash in ['hf3c', 'pbeh3c']:
+ if self.fctldash in ['hf3c', 'pbeh3c', 'r2scan3c', 'b973c']:
jobrec = qcng.compute(
diff --git a/psi4/driver/procrouting/proc.py b/psi4/driver/procrouting/proc.py
index 89783aeb603..8da5ade22c5 100644
--- a/psi4/driver/procrouting/proc.py
+++ b/psi4/driver/procrouting/proc.py
@@ -1736,6 +1736,12 @@ def scf_helper(name, post_scf=True, **kwargs):
core.set_global_option('BASIS', 'minix')
elif name in ['pbeh3c', 'pbeh-3c']:
core.set_global_option('BASIS', 'def2-msvp')
+ elif name in ['r2scan3c', 'r2scan-3c']:
+ core.set_global_option('BASIS', 'def2-mTZVPP')
+ elif name in ['b973c', 'b97-3c']:
+ core.set_global_option('BASIS', 'def2-mTZVP')
+ elif name in ['wb97x3c', 'wb97x-3c']:
+ core.set_global_option('BASIS', 'vdzp')
# the FIRST scf call
if cast:
diff --git a/psi4/driver/procrouting/proc_table.py b/psi4/driver/procrouting/proc_table.py
index 6fe84437d47..4b23314b722 100644
--- a/psi4/driver/procrouting/proc_table.py
+++ b/psi4/driver/procrouting/proc_table.py
@@ -247,7 +247,15 @@
procedures['energy']['fisapt0-' + disp] = proc.run_fisapt
# Will complete modelchem spec with basis='(auto)' for following methods
-integrated_basis_methods = ['g2', 'gaussian-2', 'hf3c', 'hf-3c', 'pbeh3c', 'pbeh-3c', 'sns-mp2']
+integrated_basis_methods = [
+ 'g2', 'gaussian-2',
+ 'hf3c', 'hf-3c',
+ 'pbeh3c', 'pbeh-3c',
+ 'b973c', 'b97-3c',
+ 'r2scan3c', 'r2scan-3c',
+ 'wb97x3c', 'wb97x-3c',
+ 'sns-mp2',
# Integrate arbitrary order with driver routines
for lvl in range(2, 99):
diff --git a/psi4/driver/qcdb/basislistother.py b/psi4/driver/qcdb/basislistother.py
index addd171e12f..075568e19d9 100644
--- a/psi4/driver/qcdb/basislistother.py
+++ b/psi4/driver/qcdb/basislistother.py
@@ -192,6 +192,8 @@ def load_basfam_other():
basis_def2svp = BasisFamily('def2-SVP', zeta=2)
basis_def2svpd = BasisFamily('def2-SVPD', zeta=2)
basis_def2tzvp = BasisFamily('def2-TZVP', zeta=3)
+ basis_def2mtzvp = BasisFamily('def2-mTZVP', zeta=3)
+ basis_def2mtzvpp = BasisFamily('def2-mTZVPP', zeta=3)
basis_def2tzvpd = BasisFamily('def2-TZVPD', zeta=3)
basis_def2tzvpp = BasisFamily('def2-TZVPP', zeta=3)
basis_def2tzvppd = BasisFamily('def2-TZVPPD', zeta=3)
@@ -205,6 +207,8 @@ def load_basfam_other():
+ basis_def2mtzvp.add_jfit('def2-universal-JFIT')
+ basis_def2mtzvpp.add_jfit('def2-universal-JFIT')
@@ -218,6 +222,8 @@ def load_basfam_other():
+ basis_def2mtzvp.add_jkfit('def2-universal-JKFIT')
+ basis_def2mtzvpp.add_jkfit('def2-universal-JKFIT')
@@ -231,6 +237,8 @@ def load_basfam_other():
+ basis_def2mtzvp.add_rifit('def2-TZVP-RI')
+ basis_def2mtzvpp.add_rifit('def2-TZVPP-RI')
@@ -243,6 +251,8 @@ def load_basfam_other():
+ basis_def2mtzvp.add_guess('def2-SV(P)')
+ basis_def2mtzvpp.add_guess('def2-SV(P)')
@@ -256,6 +266,8 @@ def load_basfam_other():
+ basisfamily_list.append(basis_def2mtzvp)
+ basisfamily_list.append(basis_def2mtzvpp)
@@ -390,16 +402,22 @@ def load_basfam_other():
- # Minix
+ # Minix, vDZP
basis_minix = BasisFamily('minix', zeta=2)
+ basis_vdzp = BasisFamily('vDZP', zeta=2)
+ basis_vdzp.add_jfit('def2-universal-JFIT')
+ basis_vdzp.add_jkfit('def2-universal-JKFIT')
- # mixix too small for add_guess
+ basis_vdzp.add_rifit('def2-SVP-RI')
+ # minix too small for add_guess
+ # vDZP too small for add_guess
+ basisfamily_list.append(basis_vdzp)
# Others
basis_dz = BasisFamily('DZ')
basis_dzp = BasisFamily('DZP')
diff --git a/psi4/share/psi4/basis/def2-mtzvp.gbs b/psi4/share/psi4/basis/def2-mtzvp.gbs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..374a59b2741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/psi4/share/psi4/basis/def2-mtzvp.gbs
@@ -0,0 +1,4789 @@
+! def2-mTZVP basis sets for elements H-Rn
+! B97-3c: A revised low-cost variant of the B97-D density functional method editors-pick
+! J. Chem. Phys. 148, 064104 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5012601
+! exported from ORCA; converted to Gaussian fmt by MolSSI BSE tool. ECPs copied over from def2-TZVP.gbs
+H 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 34.06134100000 0.00602519780
+ 5.12357460000 0.04502109400
+ 1.16466260000 0.20189726000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.32723041000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10307241000 1.00000000000
+He 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 98.07832161600 0.00758030650
+ 14.76440424700 0.05484862090
+ 3.31858314730 0.22074382190
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.87413869550 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.24459897210 1.00000000000
+Li 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 6269.26280100000 0.00020540970
+ 940.31612431000 0.00159165540
+ 214.22107528000 0.00828698300
+ 60.75984018400 0.03385637420
+ 19.91515203200 0.11103225880
+ 7.31715097970 0.27449383330
+S 2 1.00
+ 2.97246742160 0.23792456410
+ 1.26398523140 0.30765411920
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.51427489950 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07703088590 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02893889640 1.00000000000
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.45000000000 0.37100000000
+ 0.10000000000 1.00000000000
+Be 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 4700.23656260000 0.00023584390
+ 704.82845622000 0.00182437910
+ 160.43110478000 0.00939661480
+ 45.42534733600 0.03690892420
+ 14.79833412500 0.10897561280
+ 5.35124525370 0.21694284550
+S 2 1.00
+ 2.15420448190 0.44695408860
+ 0.93363744400 0.20866985770
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.18791432990 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07464826790 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03265048460 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 3.63169171450 -0.02903399830
+ 0.71695694370 -0.16877854030
+ 0.19541932860 -0.51403419630
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06051546590 1.00000000000
+B 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 8564.86606870000 0.00022837200
+ 1284.15162630000 0.00176825760
+ 292.27871604000 0.00914070810
+ 82.77546917600 0.03634263900
+ 27.01793926900 0.11063458440
+ 9.81496196600 0.23367344320
+S 2 1.00
+ 3.93185590590 0.41818777980
+ 1.65955997120 0.22325473800
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.35762965240 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.14246277500 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06056059480 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 22.45387580300 0.00502655750
+ 5.10450583300 0.03280173900
+ 1.49860813440 0.13151230770
+ 0.50927831320 0.33197167770
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.18147077800 0.47314319570
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06462189390 0.25802783940
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.70000000000 1.00000000000
+C 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 13575.34968200000 0.00022245810
+ 2035.23336800000 0.00172327380
+ 463.22562359000 0.00892557150
+ 131.20019598000 0.03572798450
+ 42.85301589100 0.11076259930
+ 15.58418576600 0.24295627630
+S 2 1.00
+ 6.20671385080 0.41440263450
+ 2.57648965270 0.23744968660
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.57696339420 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.22972831360 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09516444000 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 34.69723224400 0.00533336580
+ 7.95826228260 0.03586410910
+ 2.37808268830 0.14215873330
+ 0.81433208180 0.34270471850
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.28887547250 0.46445822430
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10056823670 0.24955789870
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.80000000000 1.00000000000
+N 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 19730.80064700000 0.00021887980
+ 2957.89587450000 0.00169607090
+ 673.22133595000 0.00879546040
+ 190.68249494000 0.03535938260
+ 62.29544189800 0.11095789220
+ 22.65416118200 0.24982972550
+S 2 1.00
+ 8.97914774280 0.40623896150
+ 3.68630023700 0.24338217180
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.84660076800 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.33647133770 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13647653670 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 49.20038051000 0.00555524170
+ 11.34679053700 0.03805237970
+ 3.42739724110 0.14953671030
+ 1.17855251340 0.34949305230
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.41642204970 0.45843153700
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.14260826010 0.24428771670
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.80000000000 1.00000000000
+O 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 27032.38263100000 0.00021726300
+ 4052.38713920000 0.00168386620
+ 922.32722710000 0.00873956160
+ 261.24070989000 0.03523996880
+ 85.35464135100 0.11153519120
+ 31.03503524500 0.25588953960
+S 2 1.00
+ 12.26086072800 0.39768730900
+ 4.99870760050 0.24627849430
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.17031081580 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.46474740990 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.18504536360 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 63.27495480100 0.00606851030
+ 14.62704937900 0.04191257580
+ 4.45012234560 0.16153841090
+ 1.52757996470 0.35706951310
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.52935117940 0.44794207500
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.17478421270 0.24446069660
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.90000000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.15000000000 1.00000000000
+F 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 35479.10044100000 0.00021545010
+ 5318.47289830000 0.00167006870
+ 1210.48109750000 0.00867332110
+ 342.85518140000 0.03504993320
+ 112.01943181000 0.11165320130
+ 40.71474024800 0.25988506650
+S 2 1.00
+ 16.03967811100 0.39422966880
+ 6.50381867400 0.24998238550
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.54404775090 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.61223452860 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.24027979700 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 80.23390048300 0.00636859990
+ 18.59401074300 0.04430314350
+ 5.68679026530 0.16867248710
+ 1.95110062940 0.36166346250
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.66970211300 0.44202901490
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.21651300410 0.24319875730
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.90000000000 1.00000000000
+Ne 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 45069.46402200000 0.00021687160
+ 6755.97686560000 0.00168127370
+ 1537.65028640000 0.00873560630
+ 435.51697667000 0.03536126690
+ 142.28655638000 0.11321521450
+ 51.69215380400 0.26654653100
+S 2 1.00
+ 20.31587049000 0.39631959950
+ 8.20219426460 0.25582811250
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.96812762780 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.77904756000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.30229502040 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 99.78299603200 0.00655692340
+ 23.17612410100 0.04588800910
+ 7.11639458720 0.17331287810
+ 2.44187114350 0.36475267510
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.83389605770 0.43831075170
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.26607311300 0.24160029830
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.00000000000 1.00000000000
+Na 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 26041.10992700000 0.00061806340
+ 3906.12685480000 0.00477486040
+ 888.97454993000 0.02447168480
+ 251.45497961000 0.09475539500
+ 81.65014351200 0.26867496920
+ 28.90415840100 0.47925475440
+ 10.62578293200 0.33248591470
+S 3 1.00
+ 53.76941017900 0.01952773190
+ 16.30824302500 0.09264801080
+ 2.37303841250 -0.39938670170
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.95730772600 1.64285953910
+ 0.40806460960 0.55692596970
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04996758230 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.01926861620 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 138.07979989000 0.00579518920
+ 32.23270039300 0.04162084630
+ 9.98160753600 0.16281916890
+ 3.48220339280 0.36011784650
+ 1.22991346200 0.44858979890
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.41743959420 0.23040759560
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05200000000 1.00000000000
+Mg 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 31438.34955500000 0.00060912310
+ 4715.51533540000 0.00470661960
+ 1073.16292470000 0.02413582070
+ 303.57238768000 0.09362895980
+ 98.62625104200 0.26646742090
+ 34.94380841700 0.47890929920
+ 12.85978519900 0.33698490290
+S 3 1.00
+ 64.87691300400 0.01918088930
+ 19.72552077700 0.09091370440
+ 2.89518043390 -0.39563756120
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.19604547100 1.68276033730
+ 0.54329451160 0.52141091950
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10099104090 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03686572810 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 179.87189612000 0.00537995490
+ 42.12006937600 0.03931801410
+ 13.12050303200 0.15740129480
+ 4.62575036090 0.35919094130
+ 1.66952110160 0.45533379310
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.58551012100 0.21986432910
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.18914796190 1.00000000000
+Al 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 37792.55077200000 0.00057047890
+ 5668.06821650000 0.00440930170
+ 1289.85828410000 0.02263096740
+ 364.86596028000 0.08802564430
+ 118.57631515000 0.25223701610
+ 42.02486760500 0.45960547170
+ 15.49950162900 0.33277886010
+S 3 1.00
+ 75.20802659800 0.01925056020
+ 23.03140897200 0.08790674400
+ 3.63487976490 -0.34246704530
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.60650499570 1.51062660580
+ 0.76103394580 0.58071016470
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.16556708850 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06004157710 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 452.52303192000 0.00231108120
+ 107.08195049000 0.01856864180
+ 34.13102125500 0.08721623700
+ 12.58703742800 0.26902101520
+ 4.98119197040 0.52128324270
+ 2.00703509000 0.60271687490
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.80083714370 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.20178927470 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05789555040 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.45000000000 1.00000000000
+Si 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 44773.35807800000 0.00055914770
+ 6717.19921040000 0.00432060400
+ 1528.89603250000 0.02218709650
+ 432.54746585000 0.08648924910
+ 140.61505226000 0.24939889720
+ 49.85763672400 0.46017197370
+ 18.43497488500 0.34250236570
+S 3 1.00
+ 86.53388611100 0.02130006300
+ 26.62460684600 0.09467613930
+ 4.49530571590 -0.32616264860
+S 2 1.00
+ 2.10350457100 1.39808038500
+ 1.01060949220 0.63865786700
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.23701751490 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.08570340540 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 394.47503628000 0.00262856940
+ 93.13768310400 0.02055625770
+ 29.51960874200 0.09207026280
+ 10.78166379100 0.25565889740
+ 4.16265747780 0.42111707190
+ 1.62479729890 0.34401746320
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.54306660490 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.20582073960 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07005348730 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.50000000000 1.00000000000
+P 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 52426.99923300000 0.00055207160
+ 7863.26605520000 0.00426785950
+ 1789.52273330000 0.02193152920
+ 506.27300165000 0.08566716840
+ 164.60698546000 0.24840686610
+ 58.39191872200 0.46336753970
+ 21.64366320100 0.35350558160
+S 3 1.00
+ 99.01383762000 0.02189568000
+ 30.55043981700 0.09565047030
+ 5.45370876610 -0.29454270190
+S 2 1.00
+ 2.65033625630 1.32943812000
+ 1.27266888670 0.66109396470
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.31645005200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.11417466940 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 472.27219248000 0.00257106230
+ 111.58882756000 0.02025029800
+ 35.44593641800 0.09158071680
+ 12.99077687500 0.25749454010
+ 5.04862216580 0.42862899760
+ 1.99340495660 0.34359817850
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.66527284430 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.25516832130 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.09035776230 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.55000000000 1.00000000000
+S 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 60700.92810400000 0.00054695940
+ 9102.61068540000 0.00422972250
+ 2071.41660090000 0.02174782420
+ 586.02476821000 0.08510005360
+ 190.55395021000 0.24799128460
+ 67.63038426000 0.46703640410
+ 25.12730690500 0.36434587550
+S 3 1.00
+ 112.57463010000 0.02167004020
+ 34.79555421700 0.09360230180
+ 6.51155562150 -0.26068001420
+S 2 1.00
+ 3.23990322610 1.28420894350
+ 1.54771608810 0.66036416580
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.40541030110 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.14550651060 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 564.36716027000 0.00247967960
+ 133.42624379000 0.01967793020
+ 42.46827118900 0.08998000830
+ 15.61652758000 0.25705880580
+ 6.10939884690 0.43515167290
+ 2.44041601980 0.34883240590
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.83882201300 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.31288746900 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10770109000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.55000000000 1.00000000000
+Cl 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 69507.99094500000 0.00054314900
+ 10426.15688000000 0.00419904640
+ 2373.23340610000 0.02159214170
+ 671.56420071000 0.08459885010
+ 218.41999790000 0.24757249720
+ 77.57224971400 0.47016930230
+ 28.88881527700 0.37436370720
+S 3 1.00
+ 127.10527185000 0.02518216660
+ 39.33958296100 0.10786112460
+ 7.67406799890 -0.27408821570
+S 2 1.00
+ 3.87456276300 1.32138750140
+ 1.83858325730 0.68636955370
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.50229057540 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.17962723420 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 666.50423284000 0.00236326640
+ 157.64241690000 0.01887930040
+ 50.26252097800 0.08720634130
+ 18.53607810500 0.25285612970
+ 7.29405327770 0.43507154820
+ 2.94332489950 0.35026513170
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.04049708180 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.38456415080 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.13069642730 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.55000000000 1.00000000000
+Ar 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 79111.42299799999 0.00051029330
+ 11864.74600900000 0.00394630370
+ 2700.16429730000 0.02030707390
+ 763.95943485000 0.07969182520
+ 248.45150561000 0.23420623840
+ 88.28358100000 0.44833849480
+ 32.94860706900 0.36408167400
+S 3 1.00
+ 142.55358000000 0.02638740700
+ 44.16368800900 0.11226434000
+ 8.95249950000 -0.26178922000
+S 2 1.00
+ 4.55469209410 1.30024849980
+ 2.14440790010 0.67197237010
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.60708777000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.21651432000 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 776.77541998000 0.00220280050
+ 183.80107018000 0.01769418000
+ 58.69400317500 0.08243129370
+ 21.70159169500 0.24207278860
+ 8.58214896350 0.42263558250
+ 3.49226791610 0.34151806090
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.26374269980 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.46607870010 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.15766003000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.55000000000 1.00000000000
+K 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 153976.18325000000 0.00023662640
+ 23082.49767200000 0.00183429290
+ 5253.23447450000 0.00953105280
+ 1486.95501330000 0.03863840700
+ 484.06333726000 0.12480768500
+ 173.56653980000 0.29278861010
+ 67.11638146400 0.40633425860
+ 26.33950205400 0.20077215860
+S 4 1.00
+ 172.87693567000 -0.02420096090
+ 53.05864906300 -0.11553095040
+ 7.92127539640 0.57455545180
+ 3.21088804720 0.57023185110
+S 2 1.00
+ 4.56620708950 -0.22615763470
+ 0.70209907280 0.75528392050
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.28258942640 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03580582460 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.01581921320 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 728.18449873000 0.00261506900
+ 172.13265061000 0.02067363080
+ 54.82984707500 0.09320560390
+ 20.16626649400 0.25436518210
+ 7.86107288060 0.39131132810
+ 3.11052131320 0.22481345940
+P 3 1.00
+ 11.75733749200 -0.02577728920
+ 1.51396174110 0.57359428600
+ 0.58328591790 1.07983200020
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.21570478080 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.04173700000 1.00000000000
+Ca 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 172517.32685000001 0.00023317500
+ 25861.51927500000 0.00180765220
+ 5885.66186680000 0.00939438440
+ 1665.97300310000 0.03810840900
+ 542.36718148000 0.12331203850
+ 194.57803492000 0.29004470950
+ 75.30359763600 0.40587151160
+ 29.57406258900 0.20398410740
+S 4 1.00
+ 191.20074660000 -0.02441975980
+ 58.84029988300 -0.11547027450
+ 8.96425408450 0.56356636720
+ 3.68569605410 0.56709682700
+S 2 1.00
+ 5.24642897260 -0.22825334320
+ 0.84862621530 0.72625219170
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.36743300540 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06682158260 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02675973040 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 836.97262058000 0.00252583460
+ 197.93040142000 0.02007650670
+ 63.13555805400 0.09130298740
+ 23.28268717000 0.25247029920
+ 9.11764449320 0.39426326340
+ 3.63361201390 0.23011559490
+P 3 1.00
+ 13.49416312000 -0.02649502200
+ 1.81392597900 0.55088108210
+ 0.71981826010 1.02806166200
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.27629576990 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07497900000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 5.49790938790 0.07377001140
+ 1.31771280320 0.26052853170
+ 0.32188682650 0.45233836380
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.07052861490 1.00000000000
+Sc 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 191612.91873999999 0.00023076480
+ 28723.85036300000 0.00178903300
+ 6537.01164900000 0.00929904010
+ 1850.30971710000 0.03773943800
+ 602.38855156000 0.12227148360
+ 216.17324766000 0.28814821470
+ 83.71251788000 0.40517543100
+ 32.90870718900 0.20566019620
+S 4 1.00
+ 211.34393234000 -0.02452799150
+ 65.12892013900 -0.11570158140
+ 10.03431153500 0.55995283320
+ 4.15968845970 0.56087765070
+S 2 1.00
+ 6.00090416130 -0.22840494320
+ 0.98255784150 0.71948970380
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.42483192770 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07718546210 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03014721970 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 947.34122823000 0.00247372090
+ 224.09699732000 0.01974296710
+ 71.56033488200 0.09035714750
+ 26.44482449000 0.25201602500
+ 10.39379828500 0.39675535930
+ 4.16063045590 0.23208624520
+P 3 1.00
+ 15.56573713500 -0.02712942400
+ 2.11215448650 0.55109256630
+ 0.84184709020 1.00906358060
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.32297542650 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08974800000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 30.98939099300 0.01190283740
+ 8.69054650690 0.06765585690
+ 2.95202563370 0.21332539720
+ 1.07619107450 0.38391075580
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.38338915090 0.43354716260
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.12534686110 0.24509263820
+Ti 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 211575.69025000001 0.00023318150
+ 31714.94505800000 0.00180796910
+ 7217.54765430000 0.00939843110
+ 2042.93942470000 0.03815685360
+ 665.12896208000 0.12374757200
+ 238.74942264000 0.29208551140
+ 92.50869100100 0.41226800860
+ 36.40391920900 0.21090534060
+S 4 1.00
+ 232.72624607000 -0.02492014070
+ 71.79120971100 -0.11746490090
+ 11.15853461500 0.56503342320
+ 4.65481354160 0.56211101810
+S 2 1.00
+ 6.80346291740 -0.23011425500
+ 1.12010764030 0.72103186740
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.48080118840 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.08515727500 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03265747700 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1063.14747320000 0.00246908390
+ 251.56507061000 0.01977334550
+ 80.40855485400 0.09098797670
+ 29.76819326900 0.25559900410
+ 11.73683055600 0.40489386760
+ 4.71423752300 0.23693402560
+P 3 1.00
+ 17.79680370400 -0.02787863960
+ 2.42726986800 0.55672914670
+ 0.96823445540 1.00554473500
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.37056694160 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10156100000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 37.71338472300 0.01151383510
+ 10.69293118400 0.06724634400
+ 3.67284469900 0.21484207770
+ 1.35885903030 0.38890892780
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.49213295250 0.43040835240
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.16330520650 0.23253305460
+V 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 232340.65057999999 0.00023072410
+ 34828.84117000000 0.00178881790
+ 7926.54486910000 0.00929924900
+ 2243.77330460000 0.03776146330
+ 730.59322944000 0.12255909660
+ 262.32219631000 0.28963508810
+ 101.70403805000 0.41004702950
+ 40.06478461700 0.21113610860
+S 4 1.00
+ 255.24014968000 -0.02445811630
+ 78.80464696100 -0.11527205370
+ 12.34059894600 0.55174749450
+ 5.17420192190 0.54504528490
+S 2 1.00
+ 7.65138944690 -0.22967638290
+ 1.26397598980 0.71683769080
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.53861761720 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09271929610 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03499805520 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1184.23691510000 0.00244498270
+ 280.23075192000 0.01964345450
+ 89.64362713700 0.09079694920
+ 33.24241125300 0.25650768220
+ 13.14451445200 0.40815393750
+ 5.29485341400 0.23860378270
+P 3 1.00
+ 20.17558685100 -0.02824148900
+ 2.76058651970 0.55574635620
+ 1.10089009020 0.99319919270
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.42013310740 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11124800000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 43.86113486400 0.01148717420
+ 12.51602189100 0.06824715400
+ 4.33138549570 0.21837784200
+ 1.61388557730 0.39245212300
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.58749573960 0.42634466790
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.19515723010 0.22646562600
+Cr 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 254477.80704000001 0.00023386950
+ 38131.79705400000 0.00181426020
+ 8675.29306070000 0.00943639260
+ 2455.00998480000 0.03834363940
+ 799.16217787000 0.12459194840
+ 286.90021489000 0.29489696030
+ 111.25413232000 0.41846149610
+ 43.86415263600 0.21633763420
+S 4 1.00
+ 279.32669173000 -0.02345090810
+ 86.27473237600 -0.11080370030
+ 13.55575611300 0.53028965840
+ 5.69781127510 0.51603516950
+S 2 1.00
+ 8.56365826150 -0.38109545680
+ 1.39882967680 1.19915914360
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.57288171120 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09009617130 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03412588510 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1306.43988640000 0.00242773260
+ 309.25311441000 0.01954404100
+ 98.99627396300 0.09065179460
+ 36.75691645100 0.25699279150
+ 14.56665707700 0.40935504890
+ 5.87399374320 0.23729388850
+P 3 1.00
+ 22.89099969500 -0.02816602660
+ 3.08550018220 0.56034120150
+ 1.21323291180 0.98119019650
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.44931680700 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.12067500000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 43.72007447600 0.01362296400
+ 12.39124265200 0.07893518010
+ 4.26394420060 0.23833840000
+ 1.55252217900 0.39526851120
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.53761929490 0.41061717060
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.16493173070 0.24440410800
+Mn 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 277185.00153000001 0.00022838390
+ 41550.76989000000 0.00177076500
+ 9455.97001520000 0.00920772100
+ 2676.52064820000 0.03741597180
+ 871.46687530000 0.12164861430
+ 312.98306420000 0.28824392500
+ 121.44454051000 0.41041600850
+ 47.92259882900 0.21372375140
+S 4 1.00
+ 303.66723163000 -0.02458992610
+ 93.88140318700 -0.11602608040
+ 14.87942121400 0.55112059680
+ 6.28652007450 0.53707560760
+S 2 1.00
+ 9.48585913370 -0.22889262700
+ 1.56987061580 0.71196169590
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.65903213610 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10686292370 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03926743540 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1444.79781820000 0.00239941360
+ 342.06551197000 0.01936928690
+ 109.58400891000 0.09023610900
+ 40.74798817300 0.25745467850
+ 16.18862656600 0.41272351960
+ 6.54845059640 0.24087700010
+P 3 1.00
+ 25.35708643700 -0.02870717410
+ 3.48301687820 0.55208100710
+ 1.38588009060 0.97226901380
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.52555094890 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.12765000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 56.56318911900 0.01154324530
+ 16.27873471100 0.07029984600
+ 5.69642739140 0.22450770820
+ 2.14111479420 0.39703065430
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.78291801940 0.41941039160
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.25952311210 0.21887261670
+Fe 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 300784.84636999998 0.00022806270
+ 45088.97055700000 0.00176817890
+ 10262.51631700000 0.00919270830
+ 2905.28972930000 0.03735549580
+ 946.11487137000 0.12151108430
+ 339.87832894000 0.28818881470
+ 131.94425588000 0.41126612680
+ 52.11149407700 0.21518583570
+S 4 1.00
+ 329.48839267000 -0.02474521650
+ 101.92332739000 -0.11683089050
+ 16.24046274500 0.55293621140
+ 6.88406758010 0.53601640180
+S 2 1.00
+ 10.47069378200 -0.22912708580
+ 1.73600396480 0.71159319980
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.72577288980 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.11595528200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04196822770 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1585.39599700000 0.00237939600
+ 375.38006499000 0.01925315480
+ 120.31816501000 0.09002183650
+ 44.78874903100 0.25798172360
+ 17.82927858400 0.41492649740
+ 7.22471537860 0.24207474780
+P 3 1.00
+ 28.14321975600 -0.02904175520
+ 3.87432414120 0.55312260340
+ 1.54107522810 0.96771136840
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.58285615250 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.13491500000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 61.99667503400 0.01197197230
+ 17.87373255200 0.07321013540
+ 6.27447829340 0.23103094310
+ 2.35523371750 0.39910706490
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.85432239900 0.41391589760
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.27869254410 0.21909269780
+Co 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 325817.01552999998 0.00022568460
+ 48839.63645300000 0.00174993980
+ 11114.93730700000 0.00910031340
+ 3146.16036420000 0.03699625680
+ 1024.43784650000 0.12044269620
+ 368.02508816000 0.28598731650
+ 142.91229205000 0.40908312000
+ 56.48264920900 0.21500145740
+S 4 1.00
+ 356.40298318000 -0.02476705970
+ 110.31165215000 -0.11702139130
+ 17.65963483400 0.55215522200
+ 7.50590304790 0.53246877060
+S 2 1.00
+ 11.50180717600 -0.22942470080
+ 1.90819946060 0.71180933510
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.79396696890 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.12444448830 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04444464540 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1731.13691440000 0.00239057680
+ 409.91750438000 0.01938300000
+ 131.45648578000 0.09090544850
+ 48.98743971400 0.26146681580
+ 19.53707899200 0.42157264570
+ 7.92872816340 0.24571813560
+P 3 1.00
+ 31.07601758400 -0.02943807000
+ 4.28351806970 0.55615568170
+ 1.70229215630 0.96772195060
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.64202908600 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.14130800000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 68.14074523900 0.01198384540
+ 19.68524101900 0.07368854050
+ 6.93221288250 0.23085496780
+ 2.60251256940 0.39281059220
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.94016837300 0.40203412230
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.30381457790 0.21415606740
+Ni 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 351535.72934999998 0.00022529390
+ 52695.80928300000 0.00174686160
+ 11992.46829300000 0.00908499920
+ 3394.57766890000 0.03694074840
+ 1105.35945850000 0.12032819950
+ 397.14677769000 0.28596715060
+ 154.27542974000 0.40983020200
+ 61.01872378000 0.21620642850
+S 4 1.00
+ 384.45559739000 -0.02465127930
+ 119.04879199000 -0.11658505280
+ 19.13701222300 0.54864126680
+ 8.15267185620 0.52640051120
+S 2 1.00
+ 12.57940864200 -0.22797884290
+ 2.08708660810 0.70703738220
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.86432568560 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13283169220 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04684532770 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1883.09074860000 0.00237482580
+ 445.95155320000 0.01928945720
+ 143.08430815000 0.09071821150
+ 53.37292072200 0.26181414120
+ 21.32191935700 0.42309149830
+ 8.66435619940 0.24641686010
+P 3 1.00
+ 34.14425521100 -0.02967712920
+ 4.71224559210 0.55616824100
+ 1.87092318450 0.96357766460
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.70370016270 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.14658800000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 74.59160346500 0.01207745470
+ 21.59063275200 0.07463726220
+ 7.62461425800 0.23236775500
+ 2.86322067620 0.39042651680
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.03110633880 0.39509498920
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.33060760690 0.21138769170
+Cu 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 377518.79923000000 0.00022811770
+ 56589.98431100000 0.00176880360
+ 12878.71170600000 0.00919934600
+ 3645.37521430000 0.03741101640
+ 1187.00729450000 0.12189873740
+ 426.46421902000 0.28983900710
+ 165.70660164000 0.41531872170
+ 65.59894270700 0.21905799290
+S 4 1.00
+ 414.41265811000 -0.02468252510
+ 128.32056039000 -0.11716827410
+ 20.62208975000 0.55301315940
+ 8.78212260450 0.52242718610
+S 2 1.00
+ 13.74137200600 -0.22736061820
+ 2.24312468330 0.71761210870
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.89370549080 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10836699530 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03880617810 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 2034.75966920000 0.00235248220
+ 481.90468106000 0.01913407080
+ 154.67482963000 0.09017110530
+ 57.74057696900 0.26063284730
+ 23.09905281100 0.42093485770
+ 9.38824785910 0.24344615120
+P 3 1.00
+ 37.59617121000 -0.02899109450
+ 5.12406908100 0.54919083830
+ 2.01199960850 0.93793330490
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.73860686000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.15506500000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 74.12946063700 0.01436321670
+ 21.35984258700 0.08662817710
+ 7.49952405370 0.25631430540
+ 2.76013941690 0.40374062370
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.95362061240 0.39427042450
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.28420862520 0.23091146820
+Zn 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 405924.31027999998 0.00022442020
+ 60846.95573500000 0.00174020870
+ 13847.34309200000 0.00905133400
+ 3919.61585510000 0.03681734140
+ 1276.35941670000 0.12004850260
+ 458.67254435000 0.28576057620
+ 178.28725246000 0.41087462060
+ 70.61219283700 0.21816962460
+S 4 1.00
+ 443.88077950000 -0.02493427500
+ 137.55875267000 -0.11817955770
+ 22.26808347900 0.55367318470
+ 9.52173106060 0.52628934940
+S 2 1.00
+ 14.87411406500 -0.22929955250
+ 2.46475176120 0.71135484740
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.01132722380 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.14919852090 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05144187300 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 2205.35085340000 0.00233562400
+ 522.35300699000 0.01903102260
+ 167.73055542000 0.08995575870
+ 62.67004537300 0.26113248630
+ 25.10974945600 0.42348448170
+ 10.22514268100 0.24618926890
+P 3 1.00
+ 40.71344252100 -0.03002966760
+ 5.62470906960 0.55575254860
+ 2.22799491160 0.95581013440
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.83354741690 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.16245500000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 88.55431531100 0.01272817000
+ 25.72152555700 0.07939449980
+ 9.12783676240 0.24491506800
+ 3.43123640640 0.40390526480
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.23089206450 0.40158491150
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.39031845110 0.21579805030
+Ga 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 435548.66253999999 0.00023646330
+ 65289.58903100000 0.00183352720
+ 14858.78425600000 0.00953718630
+ 4205.97347290000 0.03880341250
+ 1369.64164310000 0.12661604850
+ 492.30348905000 0.30175310290
+ 191.41923233000 0.43543934220
+ 75.84055866500 0.23282363780
+S 4 1.00
+ 474.30810613000 -0.02674370800
+ 147.10297560000 -0.12654657540
+ 23.98259943500 0.58840346840
+ 10.29823009400 0.56324271590
+S 2 1.00
+ 16.05038143000 -0.24516439510
+ 2.69884687840 0.74578049590
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.14285887360 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.20217652250 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07198015200 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 2432.01710700000 0.00224340660
+ 576.12049582000 0.01834226530
+ 185.11584354000 0.08727969720
+ 69.24657255600 0.25684868350
+ 27.81810777700 0.42398378110
+ 11.42022993800 0.25701340040
+P 3 1.00
+ 42.81966153000 -0.01932651910
+ 6.38859010000 0.31571386920
+ 2.66989933260 0.57617792820
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.07817838340 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.22796559370 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06283623480 1.00000000000
+D 5 1.00
+ 103.92331829000 0.01146461370
+ 30.37109438900 0.07362574740
+ 10.87207809700 0.23505107380
+ 4.15491379540 0.40318563510
+ 1.53456591450 0.40824748150
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.51114263830 0.20502439260
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.20000000000 1.00000000000
+Ge 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 466115.00592000003 0.00022487260
+ 69875.42076199999 0.00174354270
+ 15903.27671600000 0.00906914820
+ 4501.82334530000 0.03690617470
+ 1466.05709240000 0.12050167910
+ 527.07841728000 0.28748641700
+ 205.00395074000 0.41622321890
+ 81.25159606500 0.22397845690
+S 4 1.00
+ 505.74661282000 -0.02518460930
+ 156.96593744000 -0.11898929720
+ 25.76144817600 0.54930135870
+ 11.10665468700 0.52939309130
+S 2 1.00
+ 17.27205910400 -0.22854595730
+ 2.94382890480 0.68377930320
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.28391649160 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.25873337440 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09352491320 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 2633.93462410000 0.00221439250
+ 624.00161628000 0.01814089910
+ 200.58528404000 0.08663218490
+ 75.09708152500 0.25649020590
+ 30.21438847400 0.42658611260
+ 12.44008756700 0.26200527310
+P 3 1.00
+ 45.98131600200 -0.02032176770
+ 6.99456544160 0.32013744530
+ 2.96860013270 0.59051014560
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.23209884950 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.28981614970 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08556460640 1.00000000000
+D 5 1.00
+ 119.44887581000 0.01058654450
+ 35.06291529300 0.06960128090
+ 12.63692452900 0.22807035290
+ 4.88886729220 0.40301067220
+ 1.84531953920 0.41304847020
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.63571158890 0.19639209740
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.30000000000 1.00000000000
+As 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 498032.42158000002 0.00022740200
+ 74656.86874300000 0.00176328160
+ 16990.96000400000 0.00917280400
+ 4809.62003210000 0.03733782930
+ 1566.28870550000 0.12199536120
+ 563.21360499000 0.29137475320
+ 219.11179978000 0.42326351480
+ 86.86606103000 0.22921464280
+S 4 1.00
+ 538.19512479000 -0.02525419730
+ 167.14850224000 -0.11915461120
+ 27.60551715900 0.54628495980
+ 11.94785852100 0.53001520980
+S 2 1.00
+ 18.53802313300 -0.23479188140
+ 3.20189857390 0.69167053430
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.43565220770 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.31837805200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.11622632190 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 2678.94215460000 0.00233189550
+ 634.61765840000 0.01904215000
+ 203.93967606000 0.09022974490
+ 76.32389036900 0.26169037690
+ 30.66412494300 0.41857168160
+ 12.50505673200 0.23447830190
+P 4 1.00
+ 49.25622954900 -0.02123553990
+ 7.72748914660 0.30470206670
+ 3.54104934760 0.52888373110
+ 1.69855855010 0.37272250960
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.76848071040 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.30050823260 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.09819063940 1.00000000000
+D 5 1.00
+ 135.33289305000 0.00992911440
+ 39.86021274400 0.06656884350
+ 14.44642835900 0.22275768310
+ 5.64329003560 0.40309224380
+ 2.16681886230 0.41671667950
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.76514970570 0.18935502290
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.35000000000 1.00000000000
+Se 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 531071.66695999994 0.00024108970
+ 79603.04411700000 0.00186964310
+ 18115.84424000000 0.00972716170
+ 5127.89231940000 0.03960479300
+ 1669.91308390000 0.12948855140
+ 600.57534527000 0.30959437290
+ 233.70021247000 0.45115769220
+ 92.67244393200 0.24579189030
+S 4 1.00
+ 571.57513675000 -0.02689570790
+ 177.63686375000 -0.12670989350
+ 29.51776705200 0.57699001720
+ 12.82439979500 0.56369075410
+S 2 1.00
+ 19.84823584100 -0.25132415530
+ 3.47440184860 0.72905416980
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.59889108490 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.38333469390 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.14049742460 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 2815.35005660000 0.00255690270
+ 666.92558298000 0.02087402690
+ 214.34213188000 0.09877209620
+ 80.24668794200 0.28471821220
+ 32.25108128800 0.45003584930
+ 13.10643256200 0.24416091050
+P 4 1.00
+ 53.36610851600 -0.02155845630
+ 8.18277771950 0.32662310640
+ 3.62399456720 0.57740499320
+ 1.63415914010 0.34301320830
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.58418320230 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.23966269280 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08878513480 1.00000000000
+D 5 1.00
+ 151.82910279000 0.00939702770
+ 44.83999252300 0.06408650400
+ 16.32899951000 0.21834238000
+ 6.43050576120 0.40314789650
+ 2.50480251690 0.41966491490
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.90271148430 0.18366663430
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.35000000000 1.00000000000
+Br 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 565073.25256000005 0.00023660310
+ 84701.72317899999 0.00183483330
+ 19276.27190000000 0.00954658500
+ 5456.42845760000 0.03887714220
+ 1776.95035000000 0.12718314230
+ 639.19398276000 0.30437662190
+ 248.78823961000 0.44490940500
+ 98.67830549400 0.24381643060
+S 4 1.00
+ 606.07824568000 -0.02652715870
+ 188.45598484000 -0.12484584810
+ 31.49714450600 0.56468683560
+ 13.73600832000 0.55555268560
+S 2 1.00
+ 21.20321276600 -0.24940920490
+ 3.76164201780 0.71213119740
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.77359339620 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.45197413660 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.16613377100 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 3019.69557230000 0.00249710500
+ 715.35481126000 0.02041926760
+ 229.98328751000 0.09689714830
+ 86.16784461500 0.28053901250
+ 34.66787080200 0.44606390470
+ 14.11387030700 0.24410073920
+P 4 1.00
+ 57.08565308200 -0.02185595070
+ 8.81938458400 0.32707075320
+ 3.93403028720 0.57855229520
+ 1.79988303840 0.33570987700
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.66899410510 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.27136238230 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10083790240 1.00000000000
+D 5 1.00
+ 168.85370257000 0.00896639820
+ 49.97794991900 0.06206205930
+ 18.27491333800 0.21474732380
+ 7.24556946310 0.40335336750
+ 2.85623150250 0.42208813080
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.04596211440 0.17874813270
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.35000000000 1.00000000000
+Kr 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 600250.97574999998 0.00023740610
+ 89976.65078100000 0.00184102410
+ 20476.81422500000 0.00957955810
+ 5796.15540780000 0.03902065050
+ 1887.59131960000 0.12772645630
+ 679.11458519000 0.30596521300
+ 264.38244511000 0.44857474440
+ 104.88368574000 0.24722957330
+S 4 1.00
+ 641.47370764000 -0.02674527980
+ 199.57524820000 -0.12571122570
+ 33.54546295400 0.56483736390
+ 14.68395514400 0.55972765540
+S 2 1.00
+ 22.60310186000 -0.25298771800
+ 4.06506829910 0.70992159970
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.96110270600 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.52465147980 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.19332399510 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 3232.95896140000 0.00248856080
+ 765.96442694000 0.02037900740
+ 246.33940810000 0.09697718860
+ 92.36528304100 0.28199960950
+ 37.19950955100 0.45116254360
+ 15.17216653400 0.24917131500
+P 4 1.00
+ 60.93132169800 -0.02217360350
+ 9.47926006460 0.32838462780
+ 4.25646863260 0.58124997120
+ 1.97293137620 0.32863541780
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.76337108720 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.30943625530 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11569704460 1.00000000000
+D 5 1.00
+ 186.41760904000 0.00861202850
+ 55.27412434500 0.06039440630
+ 20.28321912000 0.21181331870
+ 8.08845369760 0.40366293410
+ 3.22140338530 0.42402860690
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.19521701020 0.17441742270
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.40000000000 1.00000000000
+Rb 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 7.47446180400 0.26997866360
+ 6.72961805940 -0.42629251810
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.78166400040 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.53452175150 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.22368793030 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03241040710 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.01417104740 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 5.67206431940 0.04811422410
+ 3.33201839560 -0.18485131430
+ 0.80150054910 0.42811864950
+ 0.36302220230 0.58673165410
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.15733924390 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.04000000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.01600000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.25907866960 0.07680674630
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.04250743800 0.37846160490
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.01190927680 1.00000000000
+Sr 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 10.00000000000 -0.18530550260
+ 8.50000000000 0.33970355380
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.00570488560 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.61161287650 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.27393841220 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05743556460 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02333819870 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 7.58830778690 0.03373169030
+ 3.67313073920 -0.20523185000
+ 0.90496618450 0.49209972670
+ 0.43310256410 0.62105296510
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.20222168960 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07200000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02500000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 3.61808100000 -0.00750100000
+ 0.99665600000 0.10809800000
+ 0.39073500000 0.27854000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.12277000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.03665500000 1.00000000000
+Y 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 10.00000000000 -0.17487686800
+ 8.50000000000 0.34152345080
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.36539054540 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.68860679390 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.31191502940 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07032604260 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02773385930 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.05540936160 0.03641097890
+ 4.01634587510 -0.20872572550
+ 1.02329154040 0.48956929330
+ 0.49843561640 0.60611943830
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.23307661840 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08000000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02700000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 3.90308330600 -0.00982097930
+ 1.13632343020 0.19183629660
+ 0.45617043880 0.40597788540
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.17470950750 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.06197879660 1.00000000000
+Zr 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 11.00000000000 -0.19075595260
+ 9.50000000000 0.33895588750
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.63836677590 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.76822026700 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.34036824040 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07526129810 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03013140470 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.60663055430 0.04040426020
+ 4.44009799580 -0.21187745200
+ 1.12810269460 0.49164266890
+ 0.54346076310 0.57303370660
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.25022406050 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08500000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02900000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 4.55679577950 -0.00961905690
+ 1.29049397970 0.20569990160
+ 0.51646987220 0.41831381850
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.19349797790 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.06730981000 1.00000000000
+Nb 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 12.00000000000 -0.20219507530
+ 10.50000000000 0.33640105940
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.92760628540 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.85976543260 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.39074087500 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.08638725990 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03290620030 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 9.20562856460 0.04334768990
+ 4.86796321250 -0.21302479230
+ 1.24421557920 0.48102127140
+ 0.60390590310 0.53917858960
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.27967675550 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.09000000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03000000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 4.61709758670 -0.01357447700
+ 1.56634384800 0.20374310500
+ 0.66952425830 0.42997453100
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.27140946870 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10054426590 1.00000000000
+Mo 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 14.00000000000 -0.22490043410
+ 12.50000000000 0.33151248560
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.09215018030 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.97053602590 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.44217620170 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09291502430 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03501631440 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.89311179150 0.06999444950
+ 5.46891122700 -0.23547141880
+ 1.35484730070 0.46315460010
+ 0.65494867460 0.48820184710
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.30428197470 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10000000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03300000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 5.00444454970 -0.02158736490
+ 1.77368233240 0.20958680090
+ 0.76950591700 0.43730880600
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.31530878940 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.11754374390 1.00000000000
+Tc 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 15.00000000000 -0.19945408940
+ 12.91058169400 0.33689922240
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.44933211580 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.05484094510 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.47909677250 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09912416300 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03688279980 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 10.02713801100 0.06148160270
+ 5.84634197410 -0.23600729380
+ 1.49683454910 0.47746483990
+ 0.72934632070 0.50731543500
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.33913558880 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11000000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03500000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 5.09062686990 -0.03217640540
+ 2.01561785100 0.21280802540
+ 0.88113887240 0.44403309170
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.36427094830 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.13678402300 1.00000000000
+Ru 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 16.00000000000 -0.20634002920
+ 13.91058169400 0.33550437720
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.79679714070 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.15554255940 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.52455741180 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10734572650 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03943276020 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 11.18720867100 0.05322507330
+ 6.24776887340 -0.22731662050
+ 1.62794728590 0.47869486060
+ 0.79326493540 0.50213311570
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.36707276860 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11500000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03700000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 5.73418466190 -0.03526611160
+ 2.24836862940 0.21802502220
+ 0.98376978360 0.44709565010
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.40379445580 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.14978618170 1.00000000000
+Rh 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 17.00000000000 -0.16690803140
+ 13.91058169400 0.34235001650
+S 1 1.00
+ 5.24812652880 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.22625759280 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.53930216350 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10130730380 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03712413900 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 11.76710363100 0.05949485940
+ 6.74851330830 -0.23735853480
+ 1.75026798340 0.49019334300
+ 0.84321166130 0.50623933750
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.38295544760 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11500000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03700000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 19.85783013600 0.00669607780
+ 10.06137813900 -0.02198173820
+ 2.26195464770 0.37918706240
+ 0.97098845040 0.67289976590
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.38391195300 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.13537026900 1.00000000000
+Pd 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 18.00000000000 -0.16605388600
+ 14.66213430800 0.34899955050
+S 1 1.00
+ 5.63887092650 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.31989532520 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.57817908510 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10352166240 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03754844270 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 12.55289930000 0.06172899820
+ 7.24444963800 -0.24178626750
+ 1.89059410780 0.49453200920
+ 0.90737168760 0.50454362630
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.40877210810 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11500000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03700000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 22.35745757500 0.00395594800
+ 10.68252638200 -0.01403901160
+ 2.48582325500 0.24219476780
+ 1.07353339030 0.42580283280
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.42613842850 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.15046355380 1.00000000000
+Ag 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 19.00000000000 -0.16600104140
+ 15.42819993300 0.35665095920
+S 1 1.00
+ 6.05535072680 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.41623689350 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.61758635860 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10474197430 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03768510630 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 13.18818018000 0.06692873710
+ 7.79527891380 -0.24735235410
+ 2.03515719120 0.49154280220
+ 0.98093914840 0.49741609010
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.44451179960 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.13000000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.04120000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 25.78439735100 0.00356450630
+ 11.39663675500 -0.01298426280
+ 2.73455813610 0.24108826550
+ 1.18735836050 0.42412330740
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.47316910570 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.16746017990 1.00000000000
+Cd 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 20.00000000000 -0.17401196930
+ 16.30905166100 0.37137277190
+S 1 1.00
+ 6.45127099010 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.53500473900 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.68983631520 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13475720980 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04741687450 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 14.00068140400 0.06933306280
+ 8.30940198720 -0.25420103680
+ 2.20200581220 0.49200980370
+ 1.07792461370 0.49702118130
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.50111879850 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.16000000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05160000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 30.38078979300 0.00325451240
+ 11.47455157800 -0.01421207480
+ 3.05073949030 0.24961756440
+ 1.36220285240 0.44905635180
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.56399409890 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.20916686540 1.00000000000
+In 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 847.79276774000 0.00012432050
+ 72.04105482400 0.00236003680
+ 41.06131652200 -0.00855882990
+ 12.40760971300 0.62952032490
+S 2 1.00
+ 11.64031694100 1.55434292000
+ 6.36956427270 0.67492488360
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.70632363530 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.78666967940 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.16965196870 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06207485870 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 268.28136685000 0.00011542190
+ 14.78155378200 0.07777983030
+ 8.80414761940 -0.28332389470
+P 3 1.00
+ 2.37172772270 0.47896111740
+ 1.19270654220 0.48293819960
+ 0.58352812040 0.16843883730
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.23280968310 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08867406520 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03359882830 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 94.28257506300 0.00043652730
+ 19.71643110200 0.63918753090
+ 19.60010682400 -0.64663115580
+ 3.56431867370 0.21187579610
+ 1.70178014000 0.42129321740
+ 0.76456615530 0.38418127710
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.31826765580 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10000000000 1.00000000000
+Sn 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 1577.07159310000 0.00017042770
+ 235.26601078000 0.00081467060
+ 38.20633064500 -0.00390579040
+ 13.09703176500 0.53245922340
+S 2 1.00
+ 11.68149275900 1.54352872750
+ 5.96476043610 0.76421510040
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.88910707400 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.88514080630 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.20500105150 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07674855100 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 221.55767496000 0.00031125180
+ 21.08402143300 0.03110809700
+ 8.76001385210 -0.27571560920
+P 3 1.00
+ 2.59129097220 0.45912328670
+ 1.34268011570 0.49682867220
+ 0.67732735830 0.18962377820
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.29418756750 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11863762050 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.04621575060 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 108.33210154000 0.00046561850
+ 23.70393663000 0.05406316310
+ 22.33984390600 -0.05892876890
+ 4.08748340280 0.19588500900
+ 1.97373541460 0.42301799180
+ 0.90158257690 0.39252716180
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.38237153650 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.12000000000 1.00000000000
+Sb 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 1612.41999330000 0.00028540380
+ 238.84452097000 0.00133937790
+ 23.99811880900 -0.04938815460
+ 15.19312421300 0.43392227250
+S 2 1.00
+ 11.73640973300 0.92125519970
+ 6.52597747940 0.79235280230
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.02474518720 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.97113418590 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.24254334000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09220660820 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 215.68393354000 0.00026051820
+ 16.37447908800 0.07372800020
+ 9.72162833450 -0.27230028130
+P 3 1.00
+ 2.79826431540 0.46472692370
+ 1.47110450330 0.50364242070
+ 0.75165385300 0.18706666290
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.33168699850 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.13931606370 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05639930750 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 115.90312253000 0.00053140920
+ 30.47423372000 0.00594111390
+ 18.22841823900 -0.01056370690
+ 4.32914566460 0.20348177340
+ 2.12948184960 0.42748378930
+ 0.99682636690 0.38539560810
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.43347239860 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.14000000000 1.00000000000
+Te 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 6213.20016500000 0.00017392070
+ 920.89640017000 0.00119335900
+ 199.28042708000 0.00362565570
+ 24.77423309800 -0.05979103300
+ 14.83819916900 0.95943203260
+S 2 1.00
+ 12.27876195400 0.75942429940
+ 6.38078455320 0.35331689540
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.22284052050 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.07760434420 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.28136649020 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10781573340 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 204.29400852000 0.00040605410
+ 18.20875935800 0.06025545160
+ 9.92110243020 -0.27491671280
+P 3 1.00
+ 3.14415286850 0.43154849970
+ 1.72208840310 0.55403079110
+ 0.89098945710 0.24087311230
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.39804719570 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.16538785240 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06508269560 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 121.51055249000 0.00063490630
+ 32.96879439600 0.00618119360
+ 19.24986245100 -0.00889298250
+ 4.71984072540 0.20159884760
+ 2.34280614160 0.42976049010
+ 1.11353794120 0.38247126750
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.49200061510 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.16000000000 1.00000000000
+I 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 5899.57915330000 0.00024188270
+ 898.54238765000 0.00154740420
+ 200.37237912000 0.00428366840
+ 31.41805384000 -0.03941793630
+ 15.64598783800 0.96086691990
+S 2 1.00
+ 11.81574185700 0.57815778950
+ 6.46144582870 0.37374293120
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.38380675790 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.17120896620 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.32115875760 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.12387919360 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 185.43362455000 0.00083127820
+ 20.09140814600 0.06399165300
+ 9.75770223900 -0.27791138000
+P 4 1.00
+ 13.06830791200 -0.04979379040
+ 3.58187142050 0.38212490510
+ 2.02824418520 0.70447564800
+ 1.01814921460 0.33781067800
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.46673773120 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.19242597960 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07450887850 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 124.20341062000 0.00065671750
+ 34.58731180100 0.00516481860
+ 12.76732806400 -0.01988137130
+ 4.77451001330 0.21386794110
+ 2.45822090280 0.43405444710
+ 1.19237081470 0.37850637880
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.52883971910 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.17008164310 1.00000000000
+Xe 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 6420.24816560000 0.00025092170
+ 983.54530664000 0.00162519480
+ 219.43881364000 0.00460371060
+ 23.01258780700 -0.14698707180
+ 18.04832449000 0.57524870350
+S 2 1.00
+ 11.75255016300 0.66038420160
+ 6.23909171990 0.38470524720
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.62572113200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.29050429430 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.36204185060 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.14069888090 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 193.81432545000 0.00095394800
+ 21.72522808600 0.05739335330
+ 9.88916056410 -0.27974266640
+P 4 1.00
+ 13.96068382600 -0.05095015780
+ 4.09289470970 0.36669211800
+ 2.25468154600 0.72619456860
+ 1.15465961840 0.35555871740
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.52321923130 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.21945569800 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08615899680 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 135.60300038000 0.00081873540
+ 38.72706269200 0.00608976540
+ 15.37732808900 -0.00927829860
+ 5.26025376860 0.22890785590
+ 2.65906274240 0.44434407050
+ 1.29382051240 0.36029482990
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.58050830140 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.18000000000 1.00000000000
+Cs 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 5.87781134430 0.12859994980
+ 4.36315382860 -0.34632569730
+ 1.80484751550 0.69930637050
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.37485237140 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.16384858780 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02723046200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.01199153320 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 4.27518561540 0.04572307420
+ 1.96566633600 -0.25019961980
+ 0.47689195210 0.55660850070
+ 0.21529749590 0.58218553410
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.09145085030 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.01759207850 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.27941471550 0.15040680030
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.06241980970 0.36150912940
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.01598787020 1.00000000000
+Ba 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 6.00000000000 -0.56587174840
+ 4.98220822260 0.97514768530
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.14519439140 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.41486174100 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.19214757020 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04846589030 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02013829890 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 5.50000000000 -0.44586313000
+ 4.90179383360 0.67755479810
+ 2.61426850620 -0.46010554950
+ 0.47903394980 0.68749608020
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.19415138750 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03491762200 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.01632006570 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 0.96631500000 -0.90893800000
+ 0.89382800000 0.94724000000
+ 0.27319500000 0.32205700000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10389100000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.03557800000 1.00000000000
+La 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 5.08739900000 -0.44174952530
+ 4.27097800000 0.85812466840
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.18236560450 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.48966533780 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.23301675350 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05571952310 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02285470880 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 6.00000000000 -0.01139796090
+ 3.68081916150 0.14675038550
+ 2.32654620810 -0.35581819170
+ 0.64342629630 0.45834955230
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.33584281960 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.16519051920 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03540000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 1.26752880180 -0.17569274030
+ 0.89395340280 0.25139922930
+ 0.33095767340 0.44603267050
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.13461377500 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.05144162980 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.25683000000 1.00000000000
+Ce 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 66920.68100000000 0.00000500000
+ 7142.41900000000 0.00006200000
+ 1149.22790000000 0.00040800000
+ 626.04740000000 0.00008000000
+ 137.28130000000 0.00355900000
+S 1 1.00
+ 36.64340000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 25.97420000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 11.88590000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.02840000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.56640000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.59370000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.26300000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04900000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02070000000 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 6.43694638590 -0.10809501000
+ 3.87983981820 -0.23803319000
+ 1.90482181660 -0.19736029000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1540.61420120000 -0.00002695720
+ 327.03620501000 -0.00028472250
+ 109.60350154000 -0.00032344800
+ 21.53884375600 -0.07068031300
+ 13.19387270800 0.24804039000
+ 3.02694433060 -0.25859425000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.34400272310 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.75170989080 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.33582028580 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.13679455580 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03489839290 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 367.71570000000 0.00012000000
+ 109.87980000000 0.00099100000
+ 36.02110000000 0.00777800000
+ 14.76370000000 -0.06295800000
+ 7.32810000000 0.18034200000
+ 3.94410000000 0.43252900000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.02020000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.96490000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.32730000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10320000000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 123.48210000000 0.00156600000
+ 43.98810000000 0.01810100000
+ 19.45180000000 0.07615700000
+ 8.60130000000 0.19268300000
+ 3.80490000000 0.32433200000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.61760000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.63640000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.21640000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.37110000000 1.00000000000
+Pr 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 66920.68100000000 0.00000800000
+ 10906.62500000000 0.00005000000
+ 2635.41470000000 0.00024300000
+ 713.90510000000 0.00087600000
+ 140.01390000000 0.00417600000
+S 1 1.00
+ 38.12800000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 26.98550000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 12.49590000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.18780000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.64510000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.61850000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.27310000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05060000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02120000000 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 6.60474338840 -0.10834093440
+ 3.96955497100 -0.24027465920
+ 1.88760754090 -0.19718069820
+P 6 1.00
+ 1542.42775300000 -0.00003913850
+ 334.96907623000 -0.00039055170
+ 109.62343240000 -0.00089406460
+ 22.18307886200 -0.07060472680
+ 13.65816320000 0.24747588570
+ 3.03319537050 -0.25776259940
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.15740420080 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.70703662270 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.32376482700 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.13270288480 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03568247440 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 355.96150000000 0.00019300000
+ 107.14140000000 0.00154500000
+ 37.55620000000 0.00900400000
+ 15.08590000000 -0.04729600000
+ 7.38320000000 0.20233700000
+ 3.97950000000 0.43537400000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.04690000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.97940000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.32960000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10260000000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 124.50830000000 0.00188500000
+ 44.58370000000 0.02094900000
+ 19.87310000000 0.08520800000
+ 8.91020000000 0.20531200000
+ 3.99770000000 0.33340300000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.72850000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.69360000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.24180000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.40950000000 1.00000000000
+Nd 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 67945.59000000000 0.00001500000
+ 9404.40830000000 0.00012500000
+ 2084.31770000000 0.00061000000
+ 586.98950000000 0.00177300000
+ 142.94060000000 0.00539200000
+S 1 1.00
+ 39.67220000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 28.08780000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 13.05690000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.35140000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.72470000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.64270000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.28280000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05190000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02170000000 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 6.71035963370 -0.10881331000
+ 4.15503676700 -0.24076654000
+ 1.99292225010 -0.19049609000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1541.91529780000 -0.00007199750
+ 335.40289049000 -0.00058631670
+ 106.74203322000 -0.00170099140
+ 22.89671019600 -0.07255832300
+ 14.20039931600 0.24695703000
+ 3.08673944240 -0.25921515000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.18749787210 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.65259339720 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.29362298050 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11747692380 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03221608310 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 350.96120000000 0.00028200000
+ 105.96210000000 0.00222200000
+ 38.47040000000 0.01101600000
+ 15.48260000000 -0.03180400000
+ 7.42600000000 0.22399400000
+ 3.99960000000 0.43687400000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.06420000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.98980000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.33700000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10510000000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 126.08450000000 0.00217200000
+ 45.16790000000 0.02358500000
+ 20.17000000000 0.09414200000
+ 9.09990000000 0.21745600000
+ 4.10850000000 0.33961200000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.79140000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.72580000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.25620000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.43120000000 1.00000000000
+Pm 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 69642.71500000000 0.00002900000
+ 10512.97600000000 0.00021700000
+ 2302.55780000000 0.00113600000
+ 604.17620000000 0.00368800000
+ 155.76230000000 0.00776300000
+S 1 1.00
+ 43.08520000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 27.87440000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 13.73950000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.48690000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.78600000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.66590000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.29190000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05300000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02210000000 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 6.82379051340 -0.10890262000
+ 4.23079308310 -0.23718579000
+ 1.86196299570 -0.19281728000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1541.87639650000 -0.00009781370
+ 336.04008962000 -0.00078060180
+ 106.56623043000 -0.00230693770
+ 23.81144799100 -0.07441477800
+ 14.90855103900 0.24496395000
+ 3.17491647100 -0.26347889000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.97760378200 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.48131299260 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.22682633560 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08361693850 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02934537500 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 341.80600000000 0.00043500000
+ 102.94180000000 0.00342000000
+ 38.22340000000 0.01499100000
+ 16.12460000000 -0.01141300000
+ 7.42430000000 0.24276300000
+ 4.01770000000 0.43130900000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.08840000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.00410000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.34370000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10720000000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 126.65160000000 0.00261000000
+ 45.66720000000 0.02733100000
+ 20.49490000000 0.10293400000
+ 9.31030000000 0.22727400000
+ 4.23510000000 0.34313100000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.86040000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.75850000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.26920000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.45190000000 1.00000000000
+Sm 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 70078.17100000000 0.00009700000
+ 10598.38400000000 0.00073000000
+ 2413.86600000000 0.00352300000
+ 677.40310000000 0.01087300000
+ 208.50730000000 0.01782400000
+S 1 1.00
+ 39.36630000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 27.98750000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 14.34260000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.61280000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.84520000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.68750000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.30010000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05390000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02240000000 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 7.38713450240 -0.10977915000
+ 4.38243465080 -0.24311473000
+ 1.92043525990 -0.18652745000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1545.81729510000 -0.00014093760
+ 358.33097527000 -0.00104975820
+ 105.41095006000 -0.00380470090
+ 24.32369281900 -0.07575838500
+ 15.33001678600 0.24471563000
+ 3.27770302870 -0.25977821000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.05211528340 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.50532320010 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.22745219570 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07670240870 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02728184920 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 398.01540000000 0.00043300000
+ 115.54660000000 0.00385200000
+ 41.89370000000 0.01732400000
+ 20.77430000000 0.00574300000
+ 7.53040000000 0.25998300000
+ 4.04540000000 0.43147800000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.10120000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.01050000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.34750000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10830000000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 127.18630000000 0.00305000000
+ 45.93960000000 0.03114500000
+ 20.62340000000 0.11362400000
+ 9.38550000000 0.24012800000
+ 4.27900000000 0.34765200000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.88830000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.77480000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.27760000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.46380000000 1.00000000000
+Eu 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 70059.42000000000 0.00009700000
+ 10776.23500000000 0.00070700000
+ 2482.49010000000 0.00336200000
+ 702.15260000000 0.01020600000
+ 216.79260000000 0.01659700000
+S 1 1.00
+ 41.49500000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 29.49690000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 15.03090000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.77720000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.92190000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.71310000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.30970000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05490000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02270000000 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 7.49403011110 -0.10983416000
+ 4.54380939660 -0.24311706000
+ 2.01447422220 -0.18613406000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1545.47889690000 -0.00021477690
+ 348.79762213000 -0.00168031020
+ 105.52943529000 -0.00573488480
+ 25.61799745400 -0.07589990300
+ 15.78443033000 0.24468327000
+ 3.38528712390 -0.26307923010
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.10838865240 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.51142648880 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.22561415290 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07600018150 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02711703050 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 389.08410000000 0.00053400000
+ 117.76020000000 0.00425800000
+ 44.98690000000 0.01716000000
+ 22.85990000000 0.01242700000
+ 7.83310000000 0.27041600000
+ 4.11340000000 0.44527200000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.09990000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.00430000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.34220000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10510000000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 128.23410000000 0.00342400000
+ 46.26850000000 0.03431300000
+ 20.73660000000 0.12319400000
+ 9.44790000000 0.25182400000
+ 4.31490000000 0.35129200000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.91210000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.78970000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.28590000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.47520000000 1.00000000000
+Gd 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 70672.98200000000 0.00013500000
+ 10580.42000000000 0.00100600000
+ 2467.21960000000 0.00460500000
+ 710.30550000000 0.01357700000
+ 223.69340000000 0.02091500000
+S 1 1.00
+ 42.88450000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 30.59520000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 15.79230000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.95980000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.00770000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.74940000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.32410000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05780000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02370000000 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 8.37933528960 -0.11016849000
+ 4.75674650180 -0.24310256000
+ 2.11554377010 -0.18589756000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1547.51768280000 -0.00027484380
+ 341.04355363000 -0.00220275190
+ 100.44808811000 -0.00749933300
+ 25.63872420000 -0.07563291190
+ 15.89763031600 0.24448929000
+ 3.56433086470 -0.26400163000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.23782424680 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.57874986420 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.25295715240 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07834576210 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02832575540 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 406.09940000000 0.00065500000
+ 122.42050000000 0.00534100000
+ 46.36790000000 0.02218000000
+ 20.72890000000 0.02963000000
+ 7.97730000000 0.28827000000
+ 4.11750000000 0.44967800000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.07830000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.98880000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.33890000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10370000000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 128.70520000000 0.00397000000
+ 46.56470000000 0.03873500000
+ 20.88820000000 0.13395800000
+ 9.52330000000 0.26283500000
+ 4.34760000000 0.35391100000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.92410000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.79260000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.28550000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.47570000000 1.00000000000
+Tb 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 72672.98200000000 0.00014500000
+ 10989.46700000000 0.00108100000
+ 2527.11750000000 0.00506100000
+ 721.01020000000 0.01472700000
+ 226.91820000000 0.02202900000
+S 1 1.00
+ 46.08460000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 30.51570000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 15.76320000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.03940000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.06600000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.74960000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.32390000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05610000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02310000000 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 8.98605674930 -0.11195705980
+ 4.95874851570 -0.24219364970
+ 2.08501688540 -0.18569740970
+P 6 1.00
+ 1496.74063750000 -0.00035252190
+ 336.67224858000 -0.00278029370
+ 95.10779743600 -0.00972719980
+ 26.17398335100 -0.07597521370
+ 16.57419879400 0.24438375030
+ 3.75897764320 -0.26379918980
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.31187965390 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.60093829090 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.26272369940 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07999839520 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02911632390 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 410.83070000000 0.00084900000
+ 123.83550000000 0.00693700000
+ 47.01310000000 0.02853300000
+ 20.29890000000 0.05034200000
+ 8.01380000000 0.30163300000
+ 4.08550000000 0.44817800000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.05160000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.98380000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.34200000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10580000000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 128.96660000000 0.00458800000
+ 46.78610000000 0.04356300000
+ 21.00210000000 0.14488000000
+ 9.57730000000 0.27243000000
+ 4.37160000000 0.35365200000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.93430000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.79600000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.28660000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.47760000000 1.00000000000
+Dy 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 78529.74300000000 0.00013800000
+ 11854.69900000000 0.00103300000
+ 2719.98070000000 0.00486100000
+ 772.40360000000 0.01434000000
+ 242.03200000000 0.02162000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 48.35620000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 31.88060000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 16.86090000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.21550000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.12870000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.78890000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.33830000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05810000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02380000000 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 11.02427412100 -0.11776304010
+ 5.41639259540 -0.24421950000
+ 2.06773114420 -0.17947891000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1358.79557120000 -0.00054124270
+ 314.30076974000 -0.00381996000
+ 96.83360023600 -0.01165952040
+ 26.79492134300 -0.07136216700
+ 16.40275683200 0.24160994000
+ 3.78145969490 -0.26927863010
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.55088760900 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.70008700700 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.30001063840 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.09351052940 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03238749500 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 409.80320000000 0.00104600000
+ 123.71040000000 0.00844800000
+ 47.09760000000 0.03394500000
+ 20.12020000000 0.06331300000
+ 8.15710000000 0.31054200000
+ 4.14740000000 0.44327600000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.08250000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.99980000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.32020000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.09130000000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 129.62740000000 0.00525200000
+ 47.17270000000 0.04849000000
+ 21.15860000000 0.15475200000
+ 9.63810000000 0.28117000000
+ 4.39530000000 0.35382800000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.94260000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.79800000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.28660000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.47820000000 1.00000000000
+Ho 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 86373.95500000000 0.00007800000
+ 13014.20000000000 0.00058800000
+ 2974.24170000000 0.00280100000
+ 840.77100000000 0.00836400000
+ 258.12230000000 0.01341900000
+S 1 1.00
+ 49.76480000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 35.54630000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 18.12900000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.44560000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.21700000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.83290000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.35440000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05970000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02440000000 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 11.73411267900 -0.12903589460
+ 5.72595867360 -0.22875008480
+ 2.14742515280 -0.17724151730
+P 6 1.00
+ 1332.98630820000 -0.00069886750
+ 314.40687931000 -0.00474434150
+ 97.91171943500 -0.01416471110
+ 27.90996160300 -0.06765892740
+ 16.54509731100 0.23908917080
+ 3.93315681070 -0.28419452940
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.98361346340 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.84599263880 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.35904662820 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.12780582050 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03862397850 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 454.44040000000 0.00106500000
+ 137.41230000000 0.00875400000
+ 52.69360000000 0.03589600000
+ 22.60370000000 0.07684800000
+ 8.78080000000 0.29227300000
+ 4.37520000000 0.45709200000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.10220000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.90730000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.31720000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.09750000000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 136.46780000000 0.00523000000
+ 49.56920000000 0.04844900000
+ 22.24710000000 0.15620800000
+ 10.13590000000 0.28238400000
+ 4.61860000000 0.35388100000
+F 1 1.00
+ 2.03750000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.83430000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.29790000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.49850000000 1.00000000000
+Er 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 89904.83500000001 0.00006300000
+ 13532.87400000000 0.00047300000
+ 3087.30420000000 0.00225400000
+ 870.18760000000 0.00670600000
+ 263.42620000000 0.01088200000
+S 1 1.00
+ 52.41410000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 37.43870000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 18.93000000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.62930000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.30280000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.86460000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.36610000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06050000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02470000000 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 11.95719700000 -0.14606300000
+ 6.11286780000 -0.21361997000
+ 2.37090390000 -0.17725088000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1313.71920000000 -0.00085085700
+ 317.62634000000 -0.00563321210
+ 100.72062000000 -0.01592806000
+ 31.08541200000 -0.05626793600
+ 16.70124200000 0.23405579000
+ 4.45446110000 -0.30821909000
+P 1 1.00
+ 2.64075360000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.03703640000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.44469224000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.17406437000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06858362690 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02611840520 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 456.00080000000 0.00141800000
+ 138.15230000000 0.01158600000
+ 53.20440000000 0.04684900000
+ 22.68150000000 0.10408300000
+ 8.99710000000 0.28843400000
+ 4.42980000000 0.44983300000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.11540000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.90920000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.31100000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.09330000000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 137.95750000000 0.00521800000
+ 49.67320000000 0.04804700000
+ 22.27540000000 0.16363400000
+ 10.21230000000 0.28948300000
+ 4.65890000000 0.35374200000
+F 1 1.00
+ 2.05510000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.84060000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.29960000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.50180000000 1.00000000000
+Tm 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 91965.74099999999 0.00005600000
+ 13821.71800000000 0.00042000000
+ 3143.93930000000 0.00201000000
+ 882.03480000000 0.00593100000
+ 261.83820000000 0.00967100000
+S 1 1.00
+ 55.31080000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 39.50770000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 19.62510000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.81950000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.39540000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.89260000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.37650000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06150000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02500000000 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 11.99177200000 -0.15251673000
+ 9.86982360000 -0.20311556000
+ 2.00539290000 -0.19621836000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1416.21160000000 -0.00095591410
+ 364.66774000000 -0.00558525730
+ 124.32162000000 -0.01618171800
+ 42.45219500000 -0.03655986800
+ 14.73054500000 0.23712942000
+ 5.44812450000 -0.30572341000
+P 1 1.00
+ 3.56944940000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.33796690000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.57929408000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.23696110000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07651259710 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02834669970 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 462.75630000000 0.00159000000
+ 140.26880000000 0.01289200000
+ 54.03890000000 0.05141600000
+ 22.99370000000 0.11270300000
+ 9.17440000000 0.29479100000
+ 4.49850000000 0.44636800000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.14340000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.91950000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.31310000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.09340000000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 139.45920000000 0.00598000000
+ 50.46880000000 0.05373600000
+ 22.64690000000 0.17238700000
+ 10.34670000000 0.29555200000
+ 4.71360000000 0.35243800000
+F 1 1.00
+ 2.07730000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.84900000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.30230000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.50660000000 1.00000000000
+Yb 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 91972.90300000001 0.00005100000
+ 13787.37100000000 0.00038600000
+ 3123.61350000000 0.00184400000
+ 871.47540000000 0.00535600000
+ 250.46300000000 0.00885900000
+S 1 1.00
+ 58.28270000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 41.63050000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 20.21640000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.99720000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.48220000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.91790000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.38530000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06140000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02500000000 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 12.27410800000 -0.15252141000
+ 10.69563100000 -0.20243492000
+ 2.03597820000 -0.19621046000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1497.55670000000 -0.00101829340
+ 375.04101000000 -0.00609194010
+ 128.69727000000 -0.01707769300
+ 45.27075900000 -0.03565550800
+ 14.90697100000 0.23732226000
+ 5.64508580000 -0.30559689000
+P 1 1.00
+ 3.67521060000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.32969610000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.55338966000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.22382350000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06835046760 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02535567080 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 469.76060000000 0.00198400000
+ 142.61280000000 0.01601300000
+ 55.12670000000 0.06315300000
+ 23.44150000000 0.13780000000
+ 9.49510000000 0.28549800000
+ 4.57920000000 0.43830900000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.16460000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.92380000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.31070000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.09140000000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 142.02930000000 0.00595700000
+ 51.08620000000 0.05318000000
+ 22.87410000000 0.17807600000
+ 10.50250000000 0.30060000000
+ 4.78720000000 0.35034200000
+F 1 1.00
+ 2.10880000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.86090000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.30600000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.51330000000 1.00000000000
+Lu 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 95169.76700000001 0.00002200000
+ 15488.40300000000 0.00014500000
+ 3776.23350000000 0.00065100000
+ 1079.05010000000 0.00203800000
+ 268.95380000000 0.00512700000
+S 1 1.00
+ 63.46790000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 45.13320000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 21.45680000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 5.34830000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.67780000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.02870000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.44080000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07910000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03130000000 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 12.33373392000 -0.15313031070
+ 11.08033141500 -0.20300664850
+ 2.03417472280 -0.19458361260
+P 6 1.00
+ 1500.53173130000 -0.00101925700
+ 382.39748937000 -0.00594762120
+ 132.99969628000 -0.01626516090
+ 46.11003241900 -0.03562384580
+ 15.58352901100 0.23709171070
+ 5.78566770220 -0.30670977840
+P 1 1.00
+ 3.78233610080 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.36825922480 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.57288205600 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.22793165130 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08140391800 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02909107180 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 484.52750000000 0.00228600000
+ 146.66550000000 0.01862900000
+ 56.37790000000 0.07408800000
+ 23.67110000000 0.16155400000
+ 9.44010000000 0.30809100000
+ 4.37120000000 0.44833400000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.95800000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.72720000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.24600000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.07440000000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 175.15590000000 0.00410200000
+ 62.89090000000 0.03908600000
+ 28.36240000000 0.14704400000
+ 13.24780000000 0.27109200000
+ 6.14400000000 0.34566500000
+F 1 1.00
+ 2.76230000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.15740000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.42440000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.70090000000 1.00000000000
+Hf 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 24.00000000000 0.22105582070
+ 16.00000000000 -3.58125394340
+ 14.40000000000 4.25382492560
+ 10.30450466700 -0.69586365080
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.79301739750 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.01898771430 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.45985511460 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09275237670 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03571874740 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 22.35362920300 -0.00745296210
+ 8.74035080950 0.15635970400
+ 4.85015671610 -0.44869151460
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.25739442580 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.61115481500 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.26740341020 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06500000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 8.05596445620 0.00967347160
+ 4.34205115040 -0.05456707950
+ 1.18369092110 0.19687724950
+ 0.51336795680 0.40004510630
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.20546727720 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.07366989390 1.00000000000
+Ta 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 24.47365094400 0.25035108820
+ 18.72137254900 -0.85456668090
+ 11.50000000000 3.53331061920
+ 10.35000000000 -2.79195771770
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.77936582310 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.11845704880 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.50385424440 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10340974710 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03915475460 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 18.27071454100 -0.06871055220
+ 10.05522036400 0.51362842330
+ 5.02787605830 -1.48906979650
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.24889049340 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.59456513940 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.26177351800 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06500000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 15.34696566700 0.00337542400
+ 3.97387962780 -0.06612548010
+ 1.45288848130 0.17923632280
+ 0.61042908540 0.44087337990
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.23897314770 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08677969490 1.00000000000
+W 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 30.00000000000 0.33646094900
+ 27.00000000000 -0.47323259360
+ 13.07804568400 0.39654129080
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.48668219980 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.06767334970 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.49550863080 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.11256119070 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04149793220 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 18.60437771400 -0.01998089720
+ 11.53411756800 0.09483035600
+ 5.15862176580 -0.28992519850
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.34952693290 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.65032454900 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.28505684040 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06500000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 7.95669359380 0.01993295430
+ 4.97537740270 -0.08001075360
+ 1.31714459380 0.26394386420
+ 0.57153508540 0.44246824710
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.23942399160 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.09174616700 1.00000000000
+Re 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 30.00000000000 0.32736959900
+ 27.00000000000 -0.46770504460
+ 13.07804568400 0.44300386650
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.73818664840 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.09796523930 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.50783195070 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.12110370400 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04398273960 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 18.00000000000 -0.02612548740
+ 12.31860625000 0.09801476870
+ 5.37192345050 -0.30094548400
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.35838841990 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.64649515860 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.28522146100 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07000000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 8.23826908890 0.02387078920
+ 5.56631436100 -0.07586409580
+ 1.38711054970 0.27418289340
+ 0.62324027850 0.44465089920
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.26584392580 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10334100900 1.00000000000
+Os 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 30.00000000000 0.33141866300
+ 27.00000000000 -0.48200100740
+ 13.52473000500 0.46488084490
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.94995648650 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.15137002730 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.53139802370 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13011178040 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04681747060 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 18.50516600000 0.02609887120
+ 12.78450696400 -0.10138659500
+ 5.54582904200 0.33424024150
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.42909558360 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.67620099290 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.29078367900 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05200000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 8.29450594870 0.07675375050
+ 6.30603974300 -0.17425532030
+ 1.48901091100 0.55170115610
+ 0.67315390610 0.88656469020
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.28539893890 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.11021318860 1.00000000000
+Ir 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 30.00000000000 0.31200447360
+ 27.00000000000 -0.46456771410
+ 13.96197391100 0.46858576260
+S 1 1.00
+ 5.15405513570 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.21591001170 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.56020154360 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13865602590 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04948617810 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 30.89515200000 -0.00614445250
+ 11.39768800000 0.16084036060
+ 5.86576387610 -0.61059993340
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.50223959850 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.71375872880 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.30778942270 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05600000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 10.09147403600 0.01515788290
+ 6.22577716100 -0.06456014220
+ 1.58083796630 0.29126033930
+ 0.71827834900 0.44274933860
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.30863178250 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.11970185850 1.00000000000
+Pt 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 30.00000000000 0.27425994300
+ 27.00000000000 -0.42037214900
+ 14.40831856400 0.44313561550
+S 1 1.00
+ 5.36301165990 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.29053230950 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.58662989950 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13790102060 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04932191140 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 24.97341700000 -0.00343411980
+ 12.16226568500 0.04948246400
+ 6.11612123390 -0.18543134640
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.57374357080 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.74365838380 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.31942317850 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05700000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 10.17829570200 0.01733572850
+ 6.62864365200 -0.06395001500
+ 1.65704106390 0.30095098210
+ 0.73943569960 0.44582511230
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.30537179840 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.11345495010 1.00000000000
+Au 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 30.00000000000 0.20199617250
+ 27.00000000000 -0.32928957370
+ 14.74682433100 0.40585528600
+S 1 1.00
+ 5.60915879120 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.36436341320 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.61656895890 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13995954310 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04933458030 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 24.70823334600 -0.00618708770
+ 12.35176572200 0.08682898020
+ 6.42273682050 -0.30464846390
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.65821651110 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.78113181540 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.33105069880 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.04500000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 10.62060403200 0.02056185020
+ 7.09859871560 -0.06987606580
+ 1.77464967890 0.30533062220
+ 0.79960541060 0.44810704960
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.33293576600 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.12447224160 1.00000000000
+Hg 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 48.01378699000 0.00580081650
+ 21.23987509500 -0.17328165240
+ 15.87610087900 0.36416685030
+S 1 1.00
+ 5.51805318200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.50991454790 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.70683482160 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.16266265580 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05696058910 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 17.50000000000 -0.08645718730
+ 15.25259485500 0.15327318230
+ 6.44047151690 -0.30274955250
+ 1.81801599200 0.54361285030
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.90067981800 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.41304540120 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11845702650 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03608761930 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 10.02819770100 0.03992235320
+ 7.59206614930 -0.09477423050
+ 1.91442561180 0.31164157460
+ 0.88641552100 0.45567078410
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.38154235320 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.14880740090 1.00000000000
+Tl 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 729.65038145000 0.00013672830
+ 46.66554870700 0.00604434400
+ 20.97044872600 -0.20022066700
+ 14.14958867700 0.40801678490
+S 2 1.00
+ 20.73013428500 -0.07186113590
+ 6.15276313090 0.98057508440
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.57573244800 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.74980169460 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.19536816190 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07087876730 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 15.38385261600 0.61717949180
+ 14.81492954400 -0.72859235150
+ 6.72612536580 0.40438195360
+P 3 1.00
+ 1.96261821490 0.43157661160
+ 1.03318578510 0.39230403850
+ 0.53837446000 0.14007406820
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.24446611680 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.09078537730 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03340132150 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 57.60681992800 0.00016054810
+ 9.73688666670 0.02445656250
+ 6.92562016790 -0.06991477500
+ 2.13962307310 0.19496269490
+ 1.08361871100 0.29731629710
+ 0.52356298210 0.23728708100
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.23842309380 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.09500000000 1.00000000000
+Pb 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 591.61124370000 0.00022126520
+ 46.75723255900 0.00569619590
+ 20.74646269600 -0.21374063830
+ 14.61079641900 0.40502620620
+S 2 1.00
+ 20.22263761200 -0.08354188330
+ 6.47673248650 0.97910892390
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.66006009270 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.80431655000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.22627039020 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.08401453070 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 15.18910211800 0.61952303580
+ 14.69314441500 -0.72498497090
+ 6.87058900480 0.37680007980
+P 3 1.00
+ 2.20214261230 0.40196284810
+ 1.22091251190 0.46058131860
+ 0.63367559810 0.19367655400
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.28202837060 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11333375670 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.04394870740 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 61.31536962800 0.00033870800
+ 12.37219584000 0.01378868390
+ 6.92549449830 -0.07597960810
+ 2.33195399390 0.28113784300
+ 1.21087300030 0.44474512270
+ 0.60090478510 0.35326874350
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.28135869810 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.11500000000 1.00000000000
+Bi 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 716.41435310000 0.00031254310
+ 83.80605904700 0.00176247690
+ 21.11696285300 -0.21910983440
+ 15.49144818700 0.40411224930
+S 2 1.00
+ 23.23985502900 -0.06825575870
+ 6.64742550000 0.97888046470
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.76177440050 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.87252866000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.25618896000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09707391300 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 15.24964466900 0.74560356000
+ 14.84617605300 -0.85578637340
+ 7.06368267840 0.40149159590
+P 3 1.00
+ 2.58812556160 0.35542729630
+ 1.50202084990 0.63976991890
+ 0.76732724390 0.32332773840
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.32797648980 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.13820335990 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05513733100 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 66.40448194800 0.00038102880
+ 13.85842696100 0.01074615240
+ 7.06545190000 -0.07194764680
+ 2.52521440350 0.26195974990
+ 1.34195850000 0.42594750000
+ 0.68340941000 0.33680325630
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.32934755420 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.14000000000 1.00000000000
+Po 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 6744.82117650000 0.00007689160
+ 744.41892532000 0.00071284830
+ 131.04029309000 0.00220575840
+ 19.66202103000 -0.64364713740
+ 16.62302560900 0.91997150550
+S 2 1.00
+ 23.09400296500 -0.07040441020
+ 6.97073983810 0.97886540090
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.84973775930 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.93082999260 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.28673026460 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10979212170 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 253.99024497000 0.00008387640
+ 9.87127187480 0.24572710460
+ 7.44898934960 -0.44297763660
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.90273954070 -0.13798250440
+ 5.74146674650 0.26304005330
+ 1.98963298230 0.66225846160
+ 0.94703210820 0.39547051890
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.37071136280 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.15554706090 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06117372080 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 67.94307704600 0.00048919130
+ 14.91421989400 0.01015712080
+ 7.29739483050 -0.06994326310
+ 2.68267844000 0.26244730680
+ 1.43741430090 0.42702361490
+ 0.73903797420 0.32502435480
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.35838153280 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.15000000000 1.00000000000
+At 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 3635.98093560000 0.00012571460
+ 537.64129823000 0.00075950880
+ 91.60003075600 0.00257909820
+ 20.20000580400 -0.54772187700
+ 16.89387382400 0.78417507790
+S 2 1.00
+ 18.17721693800 -0.13023627000
+ 7.23178520820 0.96473566750
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.94961997390 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.99226695240 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.31957178880 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.12342539810 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 216.81518928000 0.00016975300
+ 10.59229811500 0.22683755790
+ 7.45965854300 -0.47336848380
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.94841564710 -0.15012953470
+ 5.96945924640 0.27048141790
+ 2.10990882090 0.63671217720
+ 1.02363703730 0.38057472610
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.42186356560 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.17757132270 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06967088690 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 70.61963339300 0.00059974020
+ 16.21209647800 0.00934459530
+ 7.36074014790 -0.07074841390
+ 2.93090525920 0.24037366080
+ 1.60854148230 0.41841372620
+ 0.84194162710 0.32832651040
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.41335677960 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.17400000000 1.00000000000
+Rn 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 5187.74424680000 0.00016097030
+ 768.14491207000 0.00105082150
+ 159.35182065000 0.00273754380
+ 21.86343272400 -0.55045904900
+ 18.38868997800 0.78321373920
+S 2 1.00
+ 24.81622644800 -0.08263679720
+ 7.29233016770 1.09262560000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.08504371660 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.09152459450 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.34915708430 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13648422950 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 194.68918723000 0.00026265810
+ 11.21001352500 0.19952302620
+ 7.52983164890 -0.45994479560
+P 4 1.00
+ 9.08450003040 -0.23093917430
+ 6.26314897170 0.39747614190
+ 2.25451937340 0.83026693840
+ 1.11806669180 0.51467013110
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.47444492590 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.20172354620 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07950314440 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 75.30272366500 0.00073590240
+ 17.96591383000 0.00894908270
+ 7.37412980330 -0.07664166370
+ 3.22962585780 0.22975404600
+ 1.79378405080 0.43991495310
+ 0.94633319730 0.35259395200
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.46860482220 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.20000000000 1.00000000000
+! Def2-ECP EMSL Basis Set Exchange Library 4/24/17 11:32 AM
+! Elements References
+! -------- ----------
+! Y-Cd(ecp-28), Hf-Hg(ecp-46): D. Andrae,U. Haeussermann, M.Dolg, H.Stoll, H.Preuss, Theor.Chim.Acta, 1990, 77, 123?141.
+! In-Sb(ecp-28), Tl-Bi(ecp-46): B. Metz, H. Stoll, M. Dolg, J. Chem. Phys., 2000, 113, 2563?2569.
+! Te-Xe(ecp-28), Po-Rn(ecp-46): K. A. Peterson, D. Figgen, E. Goll, H. Stoll, M. Dolg, J. Chem. Phys., 2003, 119, 11113?11123.
+! Rb(ecp-28), Cs(ecp-46): T.Leininger, A.Nicklass, W.Kuechle, H.Stoll, M.Dolg, A.Bergner, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1996, 255, 274?280.
+! Sr(ecp-28), Ba(ecp-46): M. Kaupp, P. V. Schleyer, H. Stoll and H. Preuss, J. Chem. Phys., 1991, 94, 1360?1366.
+RB 0
+RB-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 3.8431140 -12.3169000
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 5.0365510 89.5001980
+2 1.9708490 0.4937610
+2 3.8431140 12.3169000
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 4.2583410 58.5689740
+2 1.4707090 0.4317910
+2 3.8431140 12.3169000
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 3.0231270 26.2248980
+2 0.6503830 0.9628390
+2 3.8431140 12.3169000
+SR 0
+SR-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 4.6339750 -15.8059920
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 7.4000740 135.4794300
+2 3.6063790 17.5344630
+2 4.6339750 15.8059920
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 6.4848680 88.3597090
+2 3.2880530 15.3943720
+2 4.6339750 15.8059920
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 4.6228410 29.8889870
+2 2.2469040 6.6594140
+2 4.6339750 15.8059920
+Y 0
+Y-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 6.5842120 -19.12219811
+2 3.2921060 -2.43637543
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 7.4880494 135.15384412
+2 3.7440247 15.55244130
+2 6.5842120 19.12219811
+2 3.2921060 2.43637543
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 6.4453772 87.78499167
+2 3.2226886 11.56406599
+2 6.5842120 19.12219811
+2 3.2921060 2.43637543
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 4.6584472 29.70100072
+2 2.3292236 5.53996847
+2 6.5842120 19.12219811
+2 3.2921060 2.43637543
+ZR 0
+ZR-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 7.5400000 -21.09377605
+2 3.7700000 -3.08069427
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 8.2000000 150.26759106
+2 4.0897278 18.97621650
+2 7.5400000 21.09377605
+2 3.7700000 3.08069427
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 7.1100000 99.62212372
+2 3.5967980 14.16873329
+2 7.5400000 21.09377605
+2 3.7700000 3.08069427
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 5.3500000 35.04512355
+2 2.4918215 6.11125948
+2 7.5400000 21.09377605
+2 3.7700000 3.08069427
+NB 0
+NB-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 8.4900000 -22.92954996
+2 4.2500000 -3.66630986
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 8.9000000 165.17914349
+2 4.4300000 21.99297437
+2 8.4900000 22.92954996
+2 4.2500000 3.66630986
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 7.7700000 111.79441445
+2 3.9600000 16.63348326
+2 8.4900000 22.92954996
+2 4.2500000 3.66630986
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 6.0500000 38.11224880
+2 2.8400000 8.03916727
+2 8.4900000 22.92954996
+2 4.2500000 3.66630986
+MO 0
+MO-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 9.4500000 -24.80517707
+2 4.7200000 -4.15378155
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 9.7145938 180.10310850
+2 4.6805004 24.99722791
+2 9.4500000 24.80517707
+2 4.7200000 4.15378155
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 8.1421366 123.77275231
+2 4.6259863 19.53022800
+2 9.4500000 24.80517707
+2 4.7200000 4.15378155
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 6.6184148 48.37502229
+2 3.2487516 8.89205274
+2 9.4500000 24.80517707
+2 4.7200000 4.15378155
+TC 0
+TC-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 10.4000000 -26.56244747
+2 5.2000000 -4.58568054
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 10.4223462 195.15916591
+2 5.0365160 28.09260333
+2 10.4000000 26.56244747
+2 5.2000000 4.58568054
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 8.9504494 135.28456622
+2 4.8544394 21.80650430
+2 10.4000000 26.56244747
+2 5.2000000 4.58568054
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 6.9456968 54.32972942
+2 3.9705849 11.15506795
+2 10.4000000 26.56244747
+2 5.2000000 4.58568054
+RU 0
+RU-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 11.3600000 -28.34061627
+2 5.6800000 -4.94462923
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 11.1052693 209.82297122
+2 5.4147454 30.65472642
+2 11.3600000 28.34061627
+2 5.6800000 4.94462923
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 9.7712707 146.33618228
+2 5.0739908 24.12787723
+2 11.3600000 28.34061627
+2 5.6800000 4.94462923
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 7.6714231 67.51589667
+2 4.1365647 9.87010415
+2 11.3600000 28.34061627
+2 5.6800000 4.94462923
+RH 0
+RH-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 12.3100000 -30.09345572
+2 6.1600000 -5.21848192
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 11.7200000 225.34775353
+2 5.8200000 32.82318898
+2 12.3100000 30.09345572
+2 6.1600000 5.21848192
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 10.4200000 158.70941159
+2 5.4500000 26.44410049
+2 12.3100000 30.09345572
+2 6.1600000 5.21848192
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 8.8200000 62.75862572
+2 3.8700000 10.97871947
+2 12.3100000 30.09345572
+2 6.1600000 5.21848192
+PD 0
+PD-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 13.2700000 -31.92955431
+2 6.6300000 -5.39821694
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 12.4300000 240.22904033
+2 6.1707594 35.17194347
+2 13.2700000 31.92955431
+2 6.6300000 5.39821694
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 11.0800000 170.41727605
+2 5.8295541 28.47213287
+2 13.2700000 31.92955431
+2 6.6300000 5.39821694
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 9.5100000 69.01384488
+2 4.1397811 11.75086158
+2 13.2700000 31.92955431
+2 6.6300000 5.39821694
+AG 0
+AG-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 14.2200000 -33.68992012
+2 7.1100000 -5.53112021
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 13.1300000 255.13936452
+2 6.5100000 36.86612154
+2 14.2200000 33.68992012
+2 7.1100000 5.53112021
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 11.7400000 182.18186871
+2 6.2000000 30.35775148
+2 14.2200000 33.68992012
+2 7.1100000 5.53112021
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 10.2100000 73.71926087
+2 4.3800000 12.50211712
+2 14.2200000 33.68992012
+2 7.1100000 5.53112021
+CD 0
+CD-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 15.1847957 -35.47662555
+2 7.5923978 -5.61767685
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 13.8358689 270.00948324
+2 6.8572704 38.76730798
+2 15.1847957 35.47662555
+2 7.5923978 5.61767685
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 12.4049710 193.82962939
+2 6.5677995 31.89652523
+2 15.1847957 35.47662555
+2 7.5923978 5.61767685
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 10.8969253 79.19364700
+2 4.6411649 13.23082674
+2 15.1847957 35.47662555
+2 7.5923978 5.61767685
+IN 0
+IN-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 12.53905600 -13.72807800
+2 12.55256100 -18.20686600
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 15.39282200 281.12235000
+2 8.05586400 61.90147000
+2 12.53905600 13.72807800
+2 12.55256100 18.20686600
+p-ul potential
+ 6
+2 13.92867200 67.46215400
+2 13.34723400 134.94925000
+2 7.61413200 14.74614000
+2 7.31836500 29.63926200
+2 12.53905600 13.72807800
+2 12.55256100 18.20686600
+d-ul potential
+ 6
+2 14.03471500 35.49325400
+2 14.51161600 53.17877300
+2 5.55055000 9.17728100
+2 5.05941500 12.39241000
+2 12.53905600 13.72807800
+2 12.55256100 18.20686600
+SN 0
+SN-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 12.28234800 -12.57633300
+2 12.27215000 -16.59594400
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 17.42041400 279.98868200
+2 7.63115500 62.37781000
+2 12.28234800 12.57633300
+2 12.27215000 16.59594400
+p-ul potential
+ 6
+2 16.13102400 66.16252300
+2 15.62807700 132.17439600
+2 7.32560800 16.33941700
+2 6.94251900 32.48895900
+2 12.28234800 12.57633300
+2 12.27215000 16.59594400
+d-ul potential
+ 6
+2 15.51497600 36.38744100
+2 15.18816000 54.50784100
+2 5.45602400 8.69682300
+2 5.36310500 12.84020800
+2 12.28234800 12.57633300
+2 12.27215000 16.59594400
+SB 0
+SB-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 14.44497800 -15.36680100
+2 14.44929500 -20.29613800
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 16.33086500 281.07158100
+2 8.55654200 61.71660400
+2 14.44497800 15.36680100
+2 14.44929500 20.29613800
+p-ul potential
+ 6
+2 14.47033700 67.45738000
+2 13.81619400 134.93350300
+2 8.42492400 14.71634400
+2 8.09272800 29.51851200
+2 14.44497800 15.36680100
+2 14.44929500 20.29613800
+d-ul potential
+ 6
+2 14.88633100 35.44781500
+2 15.14631900 53.14346600
+2 5.90826700 9.17922300
+2 5.59432200 13.24025300
+2 14.44497800 15.36680100
+2 14.44929500 20.29613800
+TE 0
+TE-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 15.20616800 -15.74545000
+2 15.20170200 -20.74244800
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 16.81447300 281.04584300
+2 8.79352600 61.62065600
+2 15.20616800 15.74545000
+2 15.20170200 20.74244800
+p-ul potential
+ 6
+2 14.87780100 67.44946400
+2 14.26973100 134.90430400
+2 8.72443500 14.68954700
+2 8.29151500 29.41506300
+2 15.20616800 15.74545000
+2 15.20170200 20.74244800
+d-ul potential
+ 6
+2 15.20500800 35.43205700
+2 15.22584800 53.13568700
+2 6.07176900 9.06980200
+2 5.80476000 13.12230400
+2 15.20616800 15.74545000
+2 15.20170200 20.74244800
+I 0
+I-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 4
+2 19.45860900 -21.84204000
+2 19.34926000 -28.46819100
+2 4.82376700 -0.24371300
+2 4.88431500 -0.32080400
+s-ul potential
+ 7
+2 40.01583500 49.99429300
+2 17.42974700 281.02531700
+2 9.00548400 61.57332600
+2 19.45860900 21.84204000
+2 19.34926000 28.46819100
+2 4.82376700 0.24371300
+2 4.88431500 0.32080400
+p-ul potential
+ 8
+2 15.35546600 67.44284100
+2 14.97183300 134.88113700
+2 8.96016400 14.67505100
+2 8.25909600 29.37566600
+2 19.45860900 21.84204000
+2 19.34926000 28.46819100
+2 4.82376700 0.24371300
+2 4.88431500 0.32080400
+d-ul potential
+ 10
+2 15.06890800 35.43952900
+2 14.55532200 53.17605700
+2 6.71864700 9.06719500
+2 6.45639300 13.20693700
+2 1.19177900 0.08933500
+2 1.29115700 0.05238000
+2 19.45860900 21.84204000
+2 19.34926000 28.46819100
+2 4.82376700 0.24371300
+2 4.88431500 0.32080400
+XE 0
+XE-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 4
+2 20.88155700 -23.08929500
+2 20.78344300 -30.07447500
+2 5.25338900 -0.28822700
+2 5.36118800 -0.38692400
+s-ul potential
+ 7
+2 40.00518400 49.99796200
+2 17.81221400 281.01330300
+2 9.30415000 61.53825500
+2 20.88155700 23.08929500
+2 20.78344300 30.07447500
+2 5.25338900 0.28822700
+2 5.36118800 0.38692400
+p-ul potential
+ 8
+2 15.70177200 67.43914200
+2 15.25860800 134.87471100
+2 9.29218400 14.66330000
+2 8.55900300 29.35473000
+2 20.88155700 23.08929500
+2 20.78344300 30.07447500
+2 5.25338900 0.28822700
+2 5.36118800 0.38692400
+d-ul potential
+ 10
+2 15.18560000 35.43690800
+2 14.28450000 53.19577200
+2 7.12188900 9.04623200
+2 6.99196300 13.22368100
+2 0.62394600 0.08485300
+2 0.64728400 0.04415500
+2 20.88155700 23.08929500
+2 20.78344300 30.07447500
+2 5.25338900 0.28822700
+2 5.36118800 0.38692400
+CS 0
+CS-ECP 3 46
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 3.1232690 -28.8843090
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 4.0797500 84.5477300
+2 2.4174060 16.6541730
+2 3.1232690 28.8843090
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 5.5140800 157.0490590
+2 2.1603160 26.4233070
+2 3.1232690 28.8843090
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 1.8074100 13.1727530
+2 0.8581820 3.3428330
+2 3.1232690 28.8843090
+BA 0
+BA-ECP 3 46
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 3.5894650 -33.4731740
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 9.5269860 427.8458160
+2 4.4875100 204.4175300
+2 3.5894650 33.4731740
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 8.3159300 293.6058640
+2 4.2922170 294.1933160
+2 3.5894650 33.4731740
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 5.9161080 112.5504020
+2 2.8748420 181.7826210
+2 3.5894650 33.4731740
+LA 0
+LA-ECP 3 46
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 4.0286000 -36.0100160
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 3.3099000 91.9321770
+2 1.6550000 -3.7887640
+2 4.0286000 36.0100160
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 2.8368000 63.7594860
+2 1.4184000 -0.6479580
+2 4.0286000 36.0100160
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 2.0213000 36.1161730
+2 1.0107000 0.2191140
+2 4.0286000 36.0100160
+HF 0
+HF-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 1.78576984 10.04672251
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 14.76995900 1499.28471073
+2 7.38497940 40.28210136
+2 1.78576984 -10.04672251
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 9.84948950 397.73300533
+2 4.92474450 19.31640586
+2 1.78576984 -10.04672251
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 6.09675640 101.32980526
+2 3.04837820 5.87343821
+2 1.78576984 -10.04672251
+TA 0
+TA-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 2.01788111 12.01796094
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 14.54640770 1345.88064703
+2 7.27320380 36.76680620
+2 2.01788111 -12.01796094
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 9.93556529 378.42530145
+2 4.96778243 22.29309086
+2 2.01788111 -12.01796094
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 6.34737691 104.88395571
+2 3.17368846 8.75584805
+2 2.01788111 -12.01796094
+W 0
+W-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 2.25888846 14.15257947
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 14.32285640 1192.39588226
+2 7.16142810 32.52293315
+2 2.25888846 -14.15257947
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 10.02164110 359.03196711
+2 5.01082040 24.03038019
+2 2.25888846 -14.15257947
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 6.59799743 108.30134897
+2 3.29899871 10.98252827
+2 2.25888846 -14.15257947
+RE 0
+RE-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 2.50865059 16.44985227
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 14.09930510 1038.95157226
+2 7.04965250 29.56173830
+2 2.50865059 -16.44985227
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 10.10771690 339.54350965
+2 5.05385830 24.91369646
+2 2.50865059 -16.44985227
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 6.84861794 111.69965275
+2 3.42430897 12.62432927
+2 2.50865059 -16.44985227
+OS 0
+OS-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 2.76707510 18.90945701
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 13.87575390 885.40571914
+2 6.93787690 25.96704014
+2 2.76707510 -18.90945701
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 10.19379260 320.08390185
+2 5.09689620 26.14876493
+2 2.76707510 -18.90945701
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 7.09923846 115.04484313
+2 3.54961923 13.62257457
+2 2.76707510 -18.90945701
+IR 0
+IR-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 3.03407192 21.53103107
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 13.65220260 732.26919978
+2 6.82610130 26.48472087
+2 3.03407192 -21.53103107
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 10.27986840 299.48947357
+2 5.13993410 26.46623354
+2 3.03407192 -21.53103107
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 7.34985897 124.45759451
+2 3.67492949 14.03599518
+2 3.03407192 -21.53103107
+PT 0
+PT-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 3.30956857 24.31437573
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 13.42865130 579.22386092
+2 6.71432560 29.66949062
+2 3.30956857 -24.31437573
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 10.36594420 280.86077422
+2 5.18297210 26.74538204
+2 3.30956857 -24.31437573
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 7.60047949 120.39644429
+2 3.80023974 15.81092058
+2 3.30956857 -24.31437573
+AU 0
+AU-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 4.78982000 30.49008890
+2 2.39491000 5.17107381
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 13.20510000 426.84667920
+2 6.60255000 37.00708285
+2 4.78982000 -30.49008890
+2 2.39491000 -5.17107381
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 10.45202000 261.19958038
+2 5.22601000 26.96249604
+2 4.78982000 -30.49008890
+2 2.39491000 -5.17107381
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 7.85110000 124.79066561
+2 3.92555000 16.30072573
+2 4.78982000 -30.49008890
+2 2.39491000 -5.17107381
+HG 0
+HG-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 3.88579112 30.36499643
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 12.98154870 275.73721174
+2 6.49077440 49.08921249
+2 3.88579112 -30.36499643
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 10.53809580 241.54007398
+2 5.26904790 27.39659081
+2 3.88579112 -30.36499643
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 8.10172051 127.86700761
+2 4.05086026 16.60831151
+2 3.88579112 -30.36499643
+TL 0
+TL-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 4
+2 5.62639900 15.82548800
+2 5.54895200 21.10402100
+2 2.87494600 2.91512700
+2 2.82145100 3.89690300
+s-ul potential
+ 6
+2 12.16780500 281.28466300
+2 8.29490900 62.43425100
+2 5.62639900 -15.82548800
+2 5.54895200 -21.10402100
+2 2.87494600 -2.91512700
+2 2.82145100 -3.89690300
+p-ul potential
+ 8
+2 7.15149200 4.63340800
+2 5.17286500 9.34175600
+2 9.89107200 72.29925300
+2 9.00339100 144.55803700
+2 5.62639900 -15.82548800
+2 5.54895200 -21.10402100
+2 2.87494600 -2.91512700
+2 2.82145100 -3.89690300
+d-ul potential
+ 8
+2 7.13021800 35.94303900
+2 6.92690600 53.90959300
+2 5.41757000 10.38193900
+2 5.13868100 15.58382200
+2 5.62639900 -15.82548800
+2 5.54895200 -21.10402100
+2 2.87494600 -2.91512700
+2 2.82145100 -3.89690300
+PB 0
+PB-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 3.88751200 12.20989200
+2 3.81196300 16.19029100
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 12.29630300 281.28549900
+2 8.63263400 62.52021700
+2 3.88751200 -12.20989200
+2 3.81196300 -16.19029100
+p-ul potential
+ 6
+2 10.24179000 72.27689700
+2 8.92417600 144.59108300
+2 6.58134200 4.75869300
+2 6.25540300 9.94062100
+2 3.88751200 -12.20989200
+2 3.81196300 -16.19029100
+d-ul potential
+ 6
+2 7.75433600 35.84850700
+2 7.72028100 53.72434200
+2 4.97026400 10.11525600
+2 4.56378900 14.83373100
+2 3.88751200 -12.20989200
+2 3.81196300 -16.19029100
+BI 0
+BI-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 4.21454600 13.71338300
+2 4.13340000 18.19430800
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 13.04309000 283.26422700
+2 8.22168200 62.47195900
+2 4.21454600 -13.71338300
+2 4.13340000 -18.19430800
+p-ul potential
+ 6
+2 10.46777700 72.00149900
+2 9.11890100 144.00227700
+2 6.75479100 5.00794500
+2 6.25259200 9.99155000
+2 4.21454600 -13.71338300
+2 4.13340000 -18.19430800
+d-ul potential
+ 6
+2 8.08147400 36.39625900
+2 7.89059500 54.59766400
+2 4.95555600 9.98429400
+2 4.70455900 14.98148500
+2 4.21454600 -13.71338300
+2 4.13340000 -18.19430800
+PO 0
+PO-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 4
+2 5.01327000 17.42829500
+2 4.98464000 23.38035300
+2 1.32676000 0.16339200
+2 1.52875800 0.32456600
+s-ul potential
+ 6
+2 13.27722700 283.24470600
+2 8.39951800 62.39646100
+2 5.01327000 -17.42829500
+2 4.98464000 -23.38035300
+2 1.32676000 -0.16339200
+2 1.52875800 -0.32456600
+p-ul potential
+ 8
+2 10.66568200 71.99171600
+2 9.28375300 143.97187100
+2 6.87274900 4.94961500
+2 6.32615000 9.74049900
+2 5.01327000 -17.42829500
+2 4.98464000 -23.38035300
+2 1.32676000 -0.16339200
+2 1.52875800 -0.32456600
+d-ul potential
+ 8
+2 8.21486600 36.37838300
+2 8.00869600 54.56271500
+2 5.05522700 9.88949900
+2 4.78255300 14.69387700
+2 5.01327000 -17.42829500
+2 4.98464000 -23.38035300
+2 1.32676000 -0.16339200
+2 1.52875800 -0.32456600
+AT 0
+AT-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 4
+2 5.81216300 19.87019800
+2 5.75371500 26.41645200
+2 2.51347200 0.99497000
+2 2.53626100 1.49070100
+s-ul potential
+ 7
+2 30.20083200 49.95715800
+2 13.61230600 283.21037100
+2 8.52934000 62.28105200
+2 5.81216300 -19.87019800
+2 5.75371500 -26.41645200
+2 2.51347200 -0.99497000
+2 2.53626100 -1.49070100
+p-ul potential
+ 8
+2 10.85406500 71.98237100
+2 9.46822900 143.90353200
+2 7.03111400 4.87175900
+2 6.14385800 8.98305900
+2 5.81216300 -19.87019800
+2 5.75371500 -26.41645200
+2 2.51347200 -0.99497000
+2 2.53626100 -1.49070100
+d-ul potential
+ 8
+2 8.31351500 36.36323700
+2 7.99896500 54.54897000
+2 5.17996600 9.77628500
+2 4.94222600 14.26475500
+2 5.81216300 -19.87019800
+2 5.75371500 -26.41645200
+2 2.51347200 -0.99497000
+2 2.53626100 -1.49070100
+RN 0
+RN-ECP 3 60
+f potential
+ 4
+2 6.34857100 21.79729000
+2 6.29594900 28.94680500
+2 2.88211800 1.44736500
+2 2.90804800 2.17796400
+s-f potential
+ 7
+2 30.15124200 49.96555100
+2 14.52124100 283.07000000
+2 8.05203800 62.00287000
+2 6.34857100 -21.79729000
+2 6.29594900 -28.94680500
+2 2.88211800 -1.44736500
+2 2.90804800 -2.17796400
+p-f potential
+ 8
+2 11.00994200 71.96911900
+2 9.61762500 143.86055900
+2 7.33600800 4.71476100
+2 6.40625300 9.01306500
+2 6.34857100 -21.79729000
+2 6.29594900 -28.94680500
+2 2.88211800 -1.44736500
+2 2.90804800 -2.17796400
+d-f potential
+ 8
+2 8.36922000 36.36836500
+2 8.11697500 54.55176100
+2 5.35365600 9.63448700
+2 5.09721200 14.38790200
+2 6.34857100 -21.79729000
+2 6.29594900 -28.94680500
+2 2.88211800 -1.44736500
+2 2.90804800 -2.17796400
diff --git a/psi4/share/psi4/basis/def2-mtzvpp.gbs b/psi4/share/psi4/basis/def2-mtzvpp.gbs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f6cb95e6e9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/psi4/share/psi4/basis/def2-mtzvpp.gbs
@@ -0,0 +1,5762 @@
+! def2-mTZVPP basis set made for r2scan-3c; elements H-Rn
+! exported from ORCA; converted to Gaussian fmt by MolSSI BSE tool. ECPs copied over from def2-TZVP.gbs
+! r2SCAN-3c: A "Swiss army knife" composite electronic-structure method featured
+! J. Chem. Phys. 154, 064103 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0040021
+H 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 18.73541044000 0.01968215800
+ 2.82565040000 0.13796524000
+ 0.64013470000 0.47831935000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.17560746000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.00000000000 1.00000000000
+He 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 38.35493673700 0.02381428890
+ 5.76890814790 0.15490906780
+ 1.23994070350 0.46998096630
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.29757815950 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.00000000000 1.00000000000
+Li 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 6269.26280100000 0.00020540970
+ 940.31612431000 0.00159165540
+ 214.22107528000 0.00828698300
+ 60.75984018400 0.03385637420
+ 19.91515203200 0.11103225880
+ 7.31715097970 0.27449383330
+S 2 1.00
+ 2.97246742160 0.23792456410
+ 1.26398523140 0.30765411920
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.51427489950 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07703088590 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02893889640 1.00000000000
+P 2 1.00
+ 1.45000000000 0.25860000000
+ 0.30000000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08200000000 1.00000000000
+Be 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 4700.23656260000 0.00023584390
+ 704.82845622000 0.00182437910
+ 160.43110478000 0.00939661480
+ 45.42534733600 0.03690892420
+ 14.79833412500 0.10897561280
+ 5.35124525370 0.21694284550
+S 2 1.00
+ 2.15420448190 0.44695408860
+ 0.93363744400 0.20866985770
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.18791432990 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07464826790 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03265048460 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 3.63169171450 -0.02903399830
+ 0.71695694370 -0.16877854030
+ 0.19541932860 -0.51403419630
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06051546590 1.00000000000
+B 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 8564.86606870000 0.00022837200
+ 1284.15162630000 0.00176825760
+ 292.27871604000 0.00914070810
+ 82.77546917600 0.03634263900
+ 27.01793926900 0.11063458440
+ 9.81496196600 0.23367344320
+S 2 1.00
+ 3.93185590590 0.41818777980
+ 1.65955997120 0.22325473800
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.35762965240 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.14246277500 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06056059480 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 22.45387580300 0.00502655750
+ 5.10450583300 0.03280173900
+ 1.49860813440 0.13151230770
+ 0.50927831320 0.33197167770
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.18147077800 0.47314319570
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06462189390 0.25802783940
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.70000000000 1.00000000000
+C 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 13575.34968200000 0.00022245810
+ 2035.23336800000 0.00172327380
+ 463.22562359000 0.00892557150
+ 131.20019598000 0.03572798450
+ 42.85301589100 0.11076259930
+ 15.58418576600 0.24295627630
+S 2 1.00
+ 6.20671385080 0.41440263450
+ 2.57648965270 0.23744968660
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.57696339420 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.22972831360 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09516444000 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 34.69723224400 0.00533336580
+ 7.95826228260 0.03586410910
+ 2.37808268830 0.14215873330
+ 0.81433208180 0.34270471840
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.28887547250 0.46445822430
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10056823670 0.24955789870
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.80000000000 1.00000000000
+N 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 19730.80064700000 0.00021887980
+ 2957.89587450000 0.00169607090
+ 673.22133595000 0.00879546040
+ 190.68249494000 0.03535938260
+ 62.29544189800 0.11095789220
+ 22.65416118200 0.24982972550
+S 2 1.00
+ 8.97914774280 0.40623896150
+ 3.68630023700 0.24338217180
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.84660076800 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.33647133770 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13647653680 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 49.20038051000 0.00555524170
+ 11.34679053700 0.03805237970
+ 3.42739724110 0.14953671030
+ 1.17855251340 0.34949305230
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.41642204970 0.45843153700
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.14260826010 0.24428771670
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.10000000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.20000000000 1.00000000000
+O 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 27032.38263100000 0.00021726300
+ 4052.38713920000 0.00168386620
+ 922.32722710000 0.00873956160
+ 261.24070989000 0.03523996880
+ 85.35464135100 0.11153519120
+ 31.03503524500 0.25588953960
+S 2 1.00
+ 12.26086072800 0.39768730900
+ 4.99870760050 0.24627849430
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.17031081580 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.46474740990 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.18504536360 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 63.27495480100 0.00606851030
+ 14.62704937900 0.04191257580
+ 4.45012234560 0.16153841090
+ 1.52757996470 0.35706951310
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.52935117940 0.44794207500
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.17478421270 0.24446069660
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.20000000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.20000000000 1.00000000000
+F 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 35479.10044100000 0.00021545010
+ 5318.47289830000 0.00167006870
+ 1210.48109750000 0.00867332110
+ 342.85518140000 0.03504993320
+ 112.01943181000 0.11165320130
+ 40.71474024800 0.25988506650
+S 2 1.00
+ 16.03967811100 0.39422966880
+ 6.50381867400 0.24998238550
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.54404775090 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.61223452860 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.24027979700 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 80.23390048300 0.00636859990
+ 18.59401074300 0.04430314350
+ 5.68679026530 0.16867248710
+ 1.95110062940 0.36166346260
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.66970211300 0.44202901490
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.21651300410 0.24319875730
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.30000000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.30000000000 1.00000000000
+Ne 0
+S 6 1.00
+ 45069.46402200000 0.00021687160
+ 6755.97686560000 0.00168127370
+ 1537.65028640000 0.00873560630
+ 435.51697667000 0.03536126690
+ 142.28655638000 0.11321521450
+ 51.69215380400 0.26654653100
+S 2 1.00
+ 20.31587049000 0.39631959950
+ 8.20219426460 0.25582811250
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.96812762780 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.77904756000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.30229502040 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 99.78299603200 0.00655692340
+ 23.17612410100 0.04588800910
+ 7.11639458720 0.17331287810
+ 2.44187114350 0.36475267510
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.83389605770 0.43831075170
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.26607311300 0.24160029840
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.40000000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.40000000000 1.00000000000
+Na 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 26041.10992700000 0.00061806340
+ 3906.12685480000 0.00477486040
+ 888.97454993000 0.02447168480
+ 251.45497961000 0.09475539500
+ 81.65014351200 0.26867496920
+ 28.90415840100 0.47925475440
+ 10.62578293200 0.33248591470
+S 3 1.00
+ 53.76941017900 0.01952773190
+ 16.30824302500 0.09264801080
+ 2.37303841250 -0.39938670170
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.95730772600 1.64285953910
+ 0.40806460960 0.55692596970
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04996758230 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.01926861620 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 138.07979989000 0.00579518920
+ 32.23270039300 0.04162084630
+ 9.98160753600 0.16281916880
+ 3.48220339280 0.36011784650
+ 1.22991346200 0.44858979890
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.41743959420 0.23040759560
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05200000000 1.00000000000
+Mg 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 31438.34955500000 0.00060912310
+ 4715.51533540000 0.00470661960
+ 1073.16292470000 0.02413582070
+ 303.57238768000 0.09362895980
+ 98.62625104200 0.26646742090
+ 34.94380841700 0.47890929920
+ 12.85978519900 0.33698490290
+S 3 1.00
+ 64.87691300400 0.01918088930
+ 19.72552077700 0.09091370440
+ 2.89518043390 -0.39563756120
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.19604547100 1.68276033730
+ 0.54329451160 0.52141091950
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10099104090 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03686572810 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 179.87189612000 0.00537995490
+ 42.12006937600 0.03931801410
+ 13.12050303200 0.15740129480
+ 4.62575036090 0.35919094130
+ 1.66952110160 0.45533379310
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.58551012100 0.21986432910
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.18914796200 1.00000000000
+Al 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 37792.55077200000 0.00057047890
+ 5668.06821650000 0.00440930170
+ 1289.85828410000 0.02263096740
+ 364.86596028000 0.08802564430
+ 118.57631515000 0.25223701610
+ 42.02486760500 0.45960547170
+ 15.49950162900 0.33277886010
+S 3 1.00
+ 75.20802659800 0.01925056020
+ 23.03140897200 0.08790674400
+ 3.63487976490 -0.34246704540
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.60650499570 1.51062660580
+ 0.76103394580 0.58071016470
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.16556708850 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06004157710 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 452.52303192000 0.00231108120
+ 107.08195049000 0.01856864180
+ 34.13102125500 0.08721623700
+ 12.58703742800 0.26902101520
+ 4.98119197040 0.52128324270
+ 2.00703509000 0.60271687490
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.80083714370 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.20178927470 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05789555040 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.45000000000 1.00000000000
+Si 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 44773.35807800000 0.00055914770
+ 6717.19921040000 0.00432060400
+ 1528.89603250000 0.02218709650
+ 432.54746585000 0.08648924910
+ 140.61505226000 0.24939889720
+ 49.85763672400 0.46017197370
+ 18.43497488500 0.34250236580
+S 3 1.00
+ 86.53388611100 0.02130006300
+ 26.62460684600 0.09467613930
+ 4.49530571590 -0.32616264860
+S 2 1.00
+ 2.10350457100 1.39808038500
+ 1.01060949220 0.63865786700
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.23701751490 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.08570340540 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 394.47503628000 0.00262856940
+ 93.13768310400 0.02055625770
+ 29.51960874200 0.09207026280
+ 10.78166379100 0.25565889740
+ 4.16265747780 0.42111707180
+ 1.62479729890 0.34401746320
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.54306660490 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.20582073960 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07005348730 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.60000000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.20000000000 1.00000000000
+P 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 52426.99923300000 0.00055207160
+ 7863.26605520000 0.00426785950
+ 1789.52273330000 0.02193152920
+ 506.27300165000 0.08566716840
+ 164.60698546000 0.24840686600
+ 58.39191872200 0.46336753970
+ 21.64366320100 0.35350558160
+S 3 1.00
+ 99.01383762000 0.02189568000
+ 30.55043981700 0.09565047030
+ 5.45370876610 -0.29454270190
+S 2 1.00
+ 2.65033625630 1.32943812000
+ 1.27266888670 0.66109396470
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.31645005200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.11417466940 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 472.27219248000 0.00257106230
+ 111.58882756000 0.02025029800
+ 35.44593641800 0.09158071680
+ 12.99077687500 0.25749454010
+ 5.04862216580 0.42862899760
+ 1.99340495660 0.34359817850
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.66527284430 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.25516832130 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.09035776230 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.60000000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.20000000000 1.00000000000
+S 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 60700.92810400000 0.00054695940
+ 9102.61068540000 0.00422972250
+ 2071.41660090000 0.02174782420
+ 586.02476821000 0.08510005360
+ 190.55395021000 0.24799128460
+ 67.63038426000 0.46703640410
+ 25.12730690500 0.36434587550
+S 3 1.00
+ 112.57463010000 0.02167004020
+ 34.79555421700 0.09360230180
+ 6.51155562150 -0.26068001420
+S 2 1.00
+ 3.23990322610 1.28420894350
+ 1.54771608810 0.66036416580
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.40541030110 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.14550651060 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 564.36716027000 0.00247967960
+ 133.42624379000 0.01967793020
+ 42.46827118900 0.08998000830
+ 15.61652758000 0.25705880580
+ 6.10939884690 0.43515167290
+ 2.44041601980 0.34883240600
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.83882201300 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.31288746900 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10770109000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.60000000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.20000000000 1.00000000000
+Cl 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 69507.99094500000 0.00054314900
+ 10426.15688000000 0.00419904640
+ 2373.23340610000 0.02159214170
+ 671.56420071000 0.08459885010
+ 218.41999790000 0.24757249720
+ 77.57224971400 0.47016930230
+ 28.88881527700 0.37436370720
+S 3 1.00
+ 127.10527185000 0.02518216660
+ 39.33958296100 0.10786112460
+ 7.67406799890 -0.27408821570
+S 2 1.00
+ 3.87456276300 1.32138750140
+ 1.83858325730 0.68636955370
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.50229057540 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.17962723420 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 666.50423284000 0.00236326640
+ 157.64241690000 0.01887930040
+ 50.26252097800 0.08720634130
+ 18.53607810500 0.25285612970
+ 7.29405327770 0.43507154820
+ 2.94332489950 0.35026513160
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.04049708180 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.38456415080 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.13069642730 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.80000000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.30000000000 1.00000000000
+Ar 0
+S 7 1.00
+ 79111.42299799999 0.00051029330
+ 11864.74600900000 0.00394630370
+ 2700.16429730000 0.02030707390
+ 763.95943485000 0.07969182520
+ 248.45150561000 0.23420623840
+ 88.28358100000 0.44833849480
+ 32.94860706900 0.36408167400
+S 3 1.00
+ 142.55358000000 0.02638740700
+ 44.16368800900 0.11226434000
+ 8.95249950000 -0.26178922000
+S 2 1.00
+ 4.55469209410 1.30024849980
+ 2.14440790010 0.67197237010
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.60708777000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.21651432000 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 776.77541998000 0.00220280050
+ 183.80107018000 0.01769418000
+ 58.69400317500 0.08243129370
+ 21.70159169500 0.24207278860
+ 8.58214896350 0.42263558250
+ 3.49226791610 0.34151806090
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.26374269980 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.46607870000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.15766003000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.90000000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.35000000000 1.00000000000
+K 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 153976.18325000000 0.00023662640
+ 23082.49767200000 0.00183429290
+ 5253.23447450000 0.00953105280
+ 1486.95501330000 0.03863840700
+ 484.06333726000 0.12480768500
+ 173.56653980000 0.29278861010
+ 67.11638146400 0.40633425860
+ 26.33950205400 0.20077215860
+S 4 1.00
+ 172.87693567000 -0.02420096090
+ 53.05864906300 -0.11553095040
+ 7.92127539640 0.57455545180
+ 3.21088804720 0.57023185110
+S 2 1.00
+ 4.56620708950 -0.22615763470
+ 0.70209907280 0.75528392040
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.28258942640 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03580582460 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.01581921320 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 728.18449873000 0.00261506900
+ 172.13265061000 0.02067363080
+ 54.82984707500 0.09320560390
+ 20.16626649400 0.25436518210
+ 7.86107288060 0.39131132810
+ 3.11052131320 0.22481345940
+P 3 1.00
+ 11.75733749200 -0.02577728920
+ 1.51396174110 0.57359428600
+ 0.58328591800 1.07983200020
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.21570478080 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.04173700000 1.00000000000
+Ca 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 172517.32685000001 0.00023317500
+ 25861.51927500000 0.00180765220
+ 5885.66186680000 0.00939438440
+ 1665.97300310000 0.03810840900
+ 542.36718148000 0.12331203850
+ 194.57803492000 0.29004470950
+ 75.30359763600 0.40587151160
+ 29.57406258900 0.20398410740
+S 4 1.00
+ 191.20074660000 -0.02441975980
+ 58.84029988300 -0.11547027450
+ 8.96425408450 0.56356636720
+ 3.68569605410 0.56709682700
+S 2 1.00
+ 5.24642897260 -0.22825334320
+ 0.84862621530 0.72625219170
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.36743300540 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06682158260 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02675973040 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 836.97262058000 0.00252583460
+ 197.93040142000 0.02007650670
+ 63.13555805400 0.09130298740
+ 23.28268717000 0.25247029920
+ 9.11764449320 0.39426326340
+ 3.63361201390 0.23011559490
+P 3 1.00
+ 13.49416312000 -0.02649502200
+ 1.81392597900 0.55088108210
+ 0.71981826010 1.02806166200
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.27629576990 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07497900000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 5.49790938790 0.07377001140
+ 1.31771280320 0.26052853170
+ 0.32188682650 0.45233836380
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.07052861490 1.00000000000
+Sc 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 191612.91873999999 0.00023076480
+ 28723.85036300000 0.00178903300
+ 6537.01164900000 0.00929904010
+ 1850.30971710000 0.03773943800
+ 602.38855156000 0.12227148360
+ 216.17324766000 0.28814821470
+ 83.71251788000 0.40517543100
+ 32.90870718900 0.20566019620
+S 4 1.00
+ 211.34393234000 -0.02452799150
+ 65.12892013900 -0.11570158140
+ 10.03431153500 0.55995283320
+ 4.15968845970 0.56087765070
+S 2 1.00
+ 6.00090416130 -0.22840494320
+ 0.98255784150 0.71948970380
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.42483192770 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07718546210 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03014721970 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 947.34122823000 0.00247372090
+ 224.09699732000 0.01974296710
+ 71.56033488200 0.09035714750
+ 26.44482449000 0.25201602500
+ 10.39379828500 0.39675535930
+ 4.16063045590 0.23208624520
+P 3 1.00
+ 15.56573713500 -0.02712942400
+ 2.11215448650 0.55109256630
+ 0.84184709020 1.00906358060
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.32297542650 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08974800000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 30.98939099300 0.01190283740
+ 8.69054650690 0.06765585680
+ 2.95202563370 0.21332539720
+ 1.07619107450 0.38391075580
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.38338915100 0.43354716260
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.12534686110 0.24509263820
+Ti 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 211575.69025000001 0.00023318150
+ 31714.94505800000 0.00180796910
+ 7217.54765430000 0.00939843110
+ 2042.93942470000 0.03815685360
+ 665.12896208000 0.12374757200
+ 238.74942264000 0.29208551140
+ 92.50869100100 0.41226800860
+ 36.40391920900 0.21090534060
+S 4 1.00
+ 232.72624607000 -0.02492014070
+ 71.79120971100 -0.11746490090
+ 11.15853461500 0.56503342320
+ 4.65481354160 0.56211101810
+S 2 1.00
+ 6.80346291740 -0.23011425500
+ 1.12010764030 0.72103186740
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.48080118840 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.08515727500 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03265747700 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1063.14747320000 0.00246908390
+ 251.56507061000 0.01977334550
+ 80.40855485400 0.09098797670
+ 29.76819326900 0.25559900410
+ 11.73683055600 0.40489386760
+ 4.71423752300 0.23693402560
+P 3 1.00
+ 17.79680370400 -0.02787863960
+ 2.42726986800 0.55672914670
+ 0.96823445540 1.00554473500
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.37056694160 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10156100000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 37.71338472300 0.01151383510
+ 10.69293118400 0.06724634400
+ 3.67284469900 0.21484207780
+ 1.35885903030 0.38890892780
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.49213295250 0.43040835240
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.16330520650 0.23253305460
+V 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 232340.65057999999 0.00023072410
+ 34828.84117000000 0.00178881790
+ 7926.54486910000 0.00929924900
+ 2243.77330460000 0.03776146330
+ 730.59322944000 0.12255909660
+ 262.32219631000 0.28963508810
+ 101.70403805000 0.41004702960
+ 40.06478461700 0.21113610860
+S 4 1.00
+ 255.24014968000 -0.02445811630
+ 78.80464696100 -0.11527205370
+ 12.34059894600 0.55174749450
+ 5.17420192190 0.54504528490
+S 2 1.00
+ 7.65138944690 -0.22967638290
+ 1.26397598980 0.71683769080
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.53861761720 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09271929610 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03499805520 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1184.23691510000 0.00244498270
+ 280.23075192000 0.01964345450
+ 89.64362713700 0.09079694920
+ 33.24241125300 0.25650768220
+ 13.14451445200 0.40815393750
+ 5.29485341400 0.23860378270
+P 3 1.00
+ 20.17558685100 -0.02824148900
+ 2.76058651970 0.55574635620
+ 1.10089009020 0.99319919270
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.42013310740 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11124800000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 43.86113486400 0.01148717420
+ 12.51602189100 0.06824715400
+ 4.33138549570 0.21837784200
+ 1.61388557730 0.39245212300
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.58749573960 0.42634466790
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.19515723010 0.22646562600
+Cr 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 254477.80704000001 0.00023386950
+ 38131.79705400000 0.00181426020
+ 8675.29306070000 0.00943639260
+ 2455.00998480000 0.03834363940
+ 799.16217787000 0.12459194840
+ 286.90021489000 0.29489696030
+ 111.25413232000 0.41846149610
+ 43.86415263600 0.21633763420
+S 4 1.00
+ 279.32669173000 -0.02345090810
+ 86.27473237600 -0.11080370030
+ 13.55575611300 0.53028965840
+ 5.69781127510 0.51603516950
+S 2 1.00
+ 8.56365826150 -0.38109545680
+ 1.39882967680 1.19915914360
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.57288171120 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09009617130 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03412588510 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1306.43988640000 0.00242773260
+ 309.25311441000 0.01954404100
+ 98.99627396300 0.09065179460
+ 36.75691645100 0.25699279150
+ 14.56665707700 0.40935504890
+ 5.87399374320 0.23729388850
+P 3 1.00
+ 22.89099969500 -0.02816602660
+ 3.08550018220 0.56034120150
+ 1.21323291180 0.98119019650
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.44931680700 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.12067500000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 43.72007447600 0.01362296400
+ 12.39124265200 0.07893518010
+ 4.26394420060 0.23833840000
+ 1.55252217900 0.39526851120
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.53761929480 0.41061717060
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.16493173070 0.24440410800
+Mn 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 277185.00153000001 0.00022838390
+ 41550.76989000000 0.00177076500
+ 9455.97001520000 0.00920772100
+ 2676.52064820000 0.03741597180
+ 871.46687530000 0.12164861430
+ 312.98306420000 0.28824392500
+ 121.44454051000 0.41041600850
+ 47.92259882900 0.21372375140
+S 4 1.00
+ 303.66723163000 -0.02458992610
+ 93.88140318700 -0.11602608040
+ 14.87942121400 0.55112059680
+ 6.28652007450 0.53707560760
+S 2 1.00
+ 9.48585913370 -0.22889262700
+ 1.56987061580 0.71196169590
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.65903213610 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10686292370 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03926743540 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1444.79781820000 0.00239941360
+ 342.06551197000 0.01936928690
+ 109.58400891000 0.09023610900
+ 40.74798817300 0.25745467850
+ 16.18862656600 0.41272351960
+ 6.54845059640 0.24087700010
+P 3 1.00
+ 25.35708643700 -0.02870717410
+ 3.48301687820 0.55208100710
+ 1.38588009060 0.97226901380
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.52555094890 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.12765000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 56.56318911900 0.01154324530
+ 16.27873471100 0.07029984600
+ 5.69642739140 0.22450770820
+ 2.14111479420 0.39703065430
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.78291801940 0.41941039170
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.25952311210 0.21887261670
+Fe 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 300784.84636999998 0.00022806270
+ 45088.97055700000 0.00176817890
+ 10262.51631700000 0.00919270830
+ 2905.28972930000 0.03735549580
+ 946.11487137000 0.12151108430
+ 339.87832894000 0.28818881470
+ 131.94425588000 0.41126612680
+ 52.11149407700 0.21518583570
+S 4 1.00
+ 329.48839267000 -0.02474521650
+ 101.92332739000 -0.11683089050
+ 16.24046274500 0.55293621140
+ 6.88406758010 0.53601640180
+S 2 1.00
+ 10.47069378200 -0.22912708580
+ 1.73600396480 0.71159319980
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.72577288980 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.11595528200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04196822770 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1585.39599700000 0.00237939600
+ 375.38006499000 0.01925315480
+ 120.31816501000 0.09002183650
+ 44.78874903100 0.25798172360
+ 17.82927858400 0.41492649740
+ 7.22471537860 0.24207474780
+P 3 1.00
+ 28.14321975600 -0.02904175520
+ 3.87432414120 0.55312260340
+ 1.54107522810 0.96771136840
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.58285615250 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.13491500000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 61.99667503400 0.01197197230
+ 17.87373255200 0.07321013540
+ 6.27447829340 0.23103094310
+ 2.35523371750 0.39910706490
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.85432239900 0.41391589760
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.27869254410 0.21909269780
+Co 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 325817.01552999998 0.00022568460
+ 48839.63645300000 0.00174993980
+ 11114.93730700000 0.00910031340
+ 3146.16036420000 0.03699625680
+ 1024.43784650000 0.12044269620
+ 368.02508816000 0.28598731650
+ 142.91229205000 0.40908312000
+ 56.48264920900 0.21500145740
+S 4 1.00
+ 356.40298318000 -0.02476705970
+ 110.31165215000 -0.11702139130
+ 17.65963483400 0.55215522200
+ 7.50590304790 0.53246877060
+S 2 1.00
+ 11.50180717600 -0.22942470080
+ 1.90819946060 0.71180933510
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.79396696890 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.12444448830 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04444464540 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1731.13691440000 0.00239057680
+ 409.91750438000 0.01938300000
+ 131.45648578000 0.09090544850
+ 48.98743971400 0.26146681580
+ 19.53707899200 0.42157264570
+ 7.92872816340 0.24571813560
+P 3 1.00
+ 31.07601758400 -0.02943807000
+ 4.28351806970 0.55615568170
+ 1.70229215630 0.96772195060
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.64202908600 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.14130800000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 68.14074523900 0.01198384540
+ 19.68524101900 0.07368854050
+ 6.93221288250 0.23085496780
+ 2.60251256940 0.39281059220
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.94016837300 0.40203412230
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.30381457790 0.21415606740
+Ni 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 351535.72934999998 0.00022529390
+ 52695.80928300000 0.00174686160
+ 11992.46829300000 0.00908499920
+ 3394.57766890000 0.03694074840
+ 1105.35945850000 0.12032819950
+ 397.14677769000 0.28596715060
+ 154.27542974000 0.40983020200
+ 61.01872378000 0.21620642850
+S 4 1.00
+ 384.45559739000 -0.02465127930
+ 119.04879199000 -0.11658505280
+ 19.13701222300 0.54864126680
+ 8.15267185620 0.52640051120
+S 2 1.00
+ 12.57940864200 -0.22797884290
+ 2.08708660810 0.70703738220
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.86432568560 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13283169220 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04684532770 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 1883.09074860000 0.00237482580
+ 445.95155320000 0.01928945720
+ 143.08430815000 0.09071821150
+ 53.37292072200 0.26181414120
+ 21.32191935700 0.42309149830
+ 8.66435619940 0.24641686020
+P 3 1.00
+ 34.14425521100 -0.02967712920
+ 4.71224559210 0.55616824100
+ 1.87092318450 0.96357766460
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.70370016270 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.14658800000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 74.59160346500 0.01207745470
+ 21.59063275200 0.07463726220
+ 7.62461425800 0.23236775500
+ 2.86322067620 0.39042651680
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.03110633880 0.39509498920
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.33060760690 0.21138769170
+Cu 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 377518.79923000000 0.00022811770
+ 56589.98431100000 0.00176880360
+ 12878.71170600000 0.00919934600
+ 3645.37521430000 0.03741101640
+ 1187.00729450000 0.12189873740
+ 426.46421902000 0.28983900710
+ 165.70660164000 0.41531872170
+ 65.59894270700 0.21905799290
+S 4 1.00
+ 414.41265811000 -0.02468252510
+ 128.32056039000 -0.11716827410
+ 20.62208975000 0.55301315940
+ 8.78212260450 0.52242718610
+S 2 1.00
+ 13.74137200600 -0.22736061820
+ 2.24312468330 0.71761210870
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.89370549080 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10836699530 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03880617810 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 2034.75966920000 0.00235248220
+ 481.90468106000 0.01913407080
+ 154.67482963000 0.09017110530
+ 57.74057696900 0.26063284740
+ 23.09905281100 0.42093485770
+ 9.38824785910 0.24344615120
+P 3 1.00
+ 37.59617121000 -0.02899109450
+ 5.12406908100 0.54919083830
+ 2.01199960850 0.93793330490
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.73860686000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.15506500000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 74.12946063700 0.01436321670
+ 21.35984258700 0.08662817710
+ 7.49952405370 0.25631430540
+ 2.76013941690 0.40374062370
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.95362061240 0.39427042450
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.28420862520 0.23091146820
+Zn 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 405924.31027999998 0.00022442020
+ 60846.95573500000 0.00174020870
+ 13847.34309200000 0.00905133400
+ 3919.61585510000 0.03681734140
+ 1276.35941670000 0.12004850260
+ 458.67254435000 0.28576057620
+ 178.28725246000 0.41087462060
+ 70.61219283700 0.21816962460
+S 4 1.00
+ 443.88077950000 -0.02493427500
+ 137.55875267000 -0.11817955770
+ 22.26808347900 0.55367318470
+ 9.52173106060 0.52628934940
+S 2 1.00
+ 14.87411406500 -0.22929955250
+ 2.46475176120 0.71135484740
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.01132722380 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.14919852090 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05144187300 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 2205.35085340000 0.00233562400
+ 522.35300699000 0.01903102260
+ 167.73055542000 0.08995575870
+ 62.67004537300 0.26113248630
+ 25.10974945600 0.42348448170
+ 10.22514268100 0.24618926880
+P 3 1.00
+ 40.71344252100 -0.03002966760
+ 5.62470906960 0.55575254860
+ 2.22799491160 0.95581013440
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.83354741690 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.16245500000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 88.55431531100 0.01272817000
+ 25.72152555700 0.07939449980
+ 9.12783676240 0.24491506800
+ 3.43123640640 0.40390526480
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.23089206450 0.40158491140
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.39031845110 0.21579805030
+Ga 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 435548.66253999999 0.00023646330
+ 65289.58903100000 0.00183352720
+ 14858.78425600000 0.00953718630
+ 4205.97347290000 0.03880341250
+ 1369.64164310000 0.12661604850
+ 492.30348905000 0.30175310290
+ 191.41923233000 0.43543934220
+ 75.84055866500 0.23282363780
+S 4 1.00
+ 474.30810613000 -0.02674370800
+ 147.10297560000 -0.12654657540
+ 23.98259943500 0.58840346840
+ 10.29823009400 0.56324271590
+S 2 1.00
+ 16.05038143000 -0.24516439510
+ 2.69884687840 0.74578049590
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.14285887360 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.20217652250 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07198015200 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 2432.01710700000 0.00224340660
+ 576.12049582000 0.01834226530
+ 185.11584354000 0.08727969720
+ 69.24657255600 0.25684868350
+ 27.81810777700 0.42398378110
+ 11.42022993800 0.25701340040
+P 3 1.00
+ 42.81966153000 -0.01932651910
+ 6.38859010000 0.31571386920
+ 2.66989933260 0.57617792820
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.07817838340 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.22796559370 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06283623480 1.00000000000
+D 5 1.00
+ 103.92331829000 0.01146461370
+ 30.37109438900 0.07362574740
+ 10.87207809700 0.23505107380
+ 4.15491379540 0.40318563510
+ 1.53456591450 0.40824748150
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.51114263830 0.20502439260
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.20000000000 1.00000000000
+Ge 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 466115.00592000003 0.00022487260
+ 69875.42076199999 0.00174354270
+ 15903.27671600000 0.00906914820
+ 4501.82334530000 0.03690617470
+ 1466.05709240000 0.12050167910
+ 527.07841728000 0.28748641700
+ 205.00395074000 0.41622321880
+ 81.25159606500 0.22397845700
+S 4 1.00
+ 505.74661282000 -0.02518460930
+ 156.96593744000 -0.11898929720
+ 25.76144817600 0.54930135870
+ 11.10665468700 0.52939309130
+S 2 1.00
+ 17.27205910400 -0.22854595730
+ 2.94382890480 0.68377930320
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.28391649160 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.25873337440 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09352491320 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 2633.93462410000 0.00221439250
+ 624.00161628000 0.01814089910
+ 200.58528404000 0.08663218490
+ 75.09708152500 0.25649020590
+ 30.21438847400 0.42658611260
+ 12.44008756700 0.26200527310
+P 3 1.00
+ 45.98131600200 -0.02032176770
+ 6.99456544160 0.32013744530
+ 2.96860013270 0.59051014560
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.23209884950 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.28981614970 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08556460640 1.00000000000
+D 5 1.00
+ 119.44887581000 0.01058654450
+ 35.06291529300 0.06960128090
+ 12.63692452900 0.22807035290
+ 4.88886729220 0.40301067220
+ 1.84531953920 0.41304847020
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.63571158890 0.19639209740
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.30000000000 1.00000000000
+As 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 498032.42158000002 0.00022740200
+ 74656.86874300000 0.00176328160
+ 16990.96000400000 0.00917280400
+ 4809.62003210000 0.03733782930
+ 1566.28870550000 0.12199536120
+ 563.21360499000 0.29137475320
+ 219.11179978000 0.42326351480
+ 86.86606103000 0.22921464280
+S 4 1.00
+ 538.19512479000 -0.02525419730
+ 167.14850224000 -0.11915461120
+ 27.60551715900 0.54628495980
+ 11.94785852100 0.53001520980
+S 2 1.00
+ 18.53802313300 -0.23479188140
+ 3.20189857390 0.69167053430
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.43565220770 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.31837805200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.11622632190 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 2678.94215460000 0.00233189550
+ 634.61765840000 0.01904215000
+ 203.93967606000 0.09022974490
+ 76.32389036900 0.26169037690
+ 30.66412494300 0.41857168160
+ 12.50505673200 0.23447830190
+P 4 1.00
+ 49.25622954900 -0.02123553990
+ 7.72748914660 0.30470206670
+ 3.54104934760 0.52888373110
+ 1.69855855010 0.37272250960
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.76848071040 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.30050823260 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.09819063940 1.00000000000
+D 5 1.00
+ 135.33289305000 0.00992911440
+ 39.86021274400 0.06656884350
+ 14.44642835900 0.22275768310
+ 5.64329003560 0.40309224380
+ 2.16681886230 0.41671667950
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.76514970570 0.18935502290
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.35000000000 1.00000000000
+Se 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 531071.66695999994 0.00024108970
+ 79603.04411700000 0.00186964310
+ 18115.84424000000 0.00972716170
+ 5127.89231940000 0.03960479300
+ 1669.91308390000 0.12948855140
+ 600.57534527000 0.30959437290
+ 233.70021247000 0.45115769220
+ 92.67244393200 0.24579189030
+S 4 1.00
+ 571.57513675000 -0.02689570790
+ 177.63686375000 -0.12670989350
+ 29.51776705200 0.57699001720
+ 12.82439979500 0.56369075410
+S 2 1.00
+ 19.84823584100 -0.25132415530
+ 3.47440184860 0.72905416980
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.59889108490 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.38333469390 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.14049742460 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 2815.35005660000 0.00255690270
+ 666.92558298000 0.02087402690
+ 214.34213188000 0.09877209620
+ 80.24668794200 0.28471821220
+ 32.25108128800 0.45003584930
+ 13.10643256200 0.24416091060
+P 4 1.00
+ 53.36610851600 -0.02155845630
+ 8.18277771950 0.32662310640
+ 3.62399456720 0.57740499320
+ 1.63415914010 0.34301320830
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.58418320230 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.23966269280 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08878513480 1.00000000000
+D 5 1.00
+ 151.82910279000 0.00939702770
+ 44.83999252300 0.06408650400
+ 16.32899951000 0.21834238000
+ 6.43050576120 0.40314789650
+ 2.50480251690 0.41966491490
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.90271148430 0.18366663430
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.35000000000 1.00000000000
+Br 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 565073.25256000005 0.00023660310
+ 84701.72317899999 0.00183483330
+ 19276.27190000000 0.00954658500
+ 5456.42845760000 0.03887714220
+ 1776.95035000000 0.12718314230
+ 639.19398276000 0.30437662190
+ 248.78823961000 0.44490940500
+ 98.67830549400 0.24381643060
+S 4 1.00
+ 606.07824568000 -0.02652715870
+ 188.45598484000 -0.12484584810
+ 31.49714450600 0.56468683560
+ 13.73600832000 0.55555268560
+S 2 1.00
+ 21.20321276600 -0.24940920490
+ 3.76164201780 0.71213119740
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.77359339620 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.45197413660 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.16613377100 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 3019.69557230000 0.00249710500
+ 715.35481126000 0.02041926760
+ 229.98328751000 0.09689714830
+ 86.16784461500 0.28053901250
+ 34.66787080200 0.44606390470
+ 14.11387030700 0.24410073920
+P 4 1.00
+ 57.08565308200 -0.02185595070
+ 8.81938458400 0.32707075320
+ 3.93403028720 0.57855229520
+ 1.79988303840 0.33570987700
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.66899410510 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.27136238230 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10083790240 1.00000000000
+D 5 1.00
+ 168.85370257000 0.00896639820
+ 49.97794991900 0.06206205930
+ 18.27491333800 0.21474732380
+ 7.24556946310 0.40335336750
+ 2.85623150250 0.42208813080
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.04596211440 0.17874813270
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.35000000000 1.00000000000
+Kr 0
+S 8 1.00
+ 600250.97574999998 0.00023740610
+ 89976.65078100000 0.00184102410
+ 20476.81422500000 0.00957955810
+ 5796.15540780000 0.03902065050
+ 1887.59131960000 0.12772645630
+ 679.11458519000 0.30596521300
+ 264.38244511000 0.44857474440
+ 104.88368574000 0.24722957330
+S 4 1.00
+ 641.47370764000 -0.02674527980
+ 199.57524820000 -0.12571122570
+ 33.54546295400 0.56483736390
+ 14.68395514400 0.55972765540
+S 2 1.00
+ 22.60310186000 -0.25298771800
+ 4.06506829910 0.70992159960
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.96110270600 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.52465147980 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.19332399510 1.00000000000
+P 6 1.00
+ 3232.95896140000 0.00248856080
+ 765.96442694000 0.02037900740
+ 246.33940810000 0.09697718860
+ 92.36528304100 0.28199960950
+ 37.19950955100 0.45116254360
+ 15.17216653400 0.24917131500
+P 4 1.00
+ 60.93132169800 -0.02217360350
+ 9.47926006460 0.32838462780
+ 4.25646863260 0.58124997120
+ 1.97293137620 0.32863541780
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.76337108720 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.30943625530 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11569704460 1.00000000000
+D 5 1.00
+ 186.41760904000 0.00861202850
+ 55.27412434500 0.06039440630
+ 20.28321912000 0.21181331870
+ 8.08845369760 0.40366293410
+ 3.22140338530 0.42402860690
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.19521701020 0.17441742270
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.50000000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.15000000000 1.00000000000
+Rb 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 7.47446180400 0.26997866360
+ 6.72961805940 -0.42629251810
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.78166400040 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.53452175150 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.22368793030 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03241040710 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.01417104740 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 5.67206431940 0.04811422410
+ 3.33201839560 -0.18485131430
+ 0.80150054910 0.42811864950
+ 0.36302220230 0.58673165410
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.15733924390 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.04000000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.01600000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.25907866960 0.07680674630
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.04250743800 0.37846160490
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.01190927680 1.00000000000
+Sr 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 10.00000000000 -0.18530550260
+ 8.50000000000 0.33970355380
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.00570488560 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.61161287650 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.27393841220 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05743556460 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02333819870 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 7.58830778690 0.03373169030
+ 3.67313073920 -0.20523185000
+ 0.90496618460 0.49209972660
+ 0.43310256410 0.62105296510
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.20222168960 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07200000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02500000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 3.61808100000 -0.00750100000
+ 0.99665600000 0.10809800000
+ 0.39073500000 0.27854000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.12277000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.03665500000 1.00000000000
+Y 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 10.00000000000 -0.17487686800
+ 8.50000000000 0.34152345080
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.36539054540 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.68860679380 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.31191502940 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07032604260 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02773385930 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.05540936160 0.03641097890
+ 4.01634587510 -0.20872572550
+ 1.02329154040 0.48956929340
+ 0.49843561640 0.60611943830
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.23307661840 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08000000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02700000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 3.90308330600 -0.00982097930
+ 1.13632343020 0.19183629660
+ 0.45617043880 0.40597788540
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.17470950750 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.06197879660 1.00000000000
+Zr 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 11.00000000000 -0.19075595260
+ 9.50000000000 0.33895588750
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.63836677590 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.76822026700 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.34036824040 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07526129810 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03013140470 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.60663055430 0.04040426020
+ 4.44009799580 -0.21187745200
+ 1.12810269460 0.49164266890
+ 0.54346076310 0.57303370660
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.25022406050 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08500000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02900000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 4.55679577950 -0.00961905690
+ 1.29049397970 0.20569990160
+ 0.51646987220 0.41831381850
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.19349797790 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.06730981000 1.00000000000
+Nb 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 12.00000000000 -0.20219507530
+ 10.50000000000 0.33640105940
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.92760628540 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.85976543260 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.39074087500 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.08638725990 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03290620030 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 9.20562856460 0.04334768990
+ 4.86796321250 -0.21302479230
+ 1.24421557920 0.48102127140
+ 0.60390590310 0.53917858960
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.27967675550 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.09000000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03000000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 4.61709758670 -0.01357447700
+ 1.56634384800 0.20374310500
+ 0.66952425830 0.42997453100
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.27140946870 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10054426590 1.00000000000
+Mo 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 14.00000000000 -0.22490043410
+ 12.50000000000 0.33151248560
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.09215018030 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.97053602590 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.44217620170 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09291502430 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03501631440 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.89311179150 0.06999444950
+ 5.46891122700 -0.23547141880
+ 1.35484730070 0.46315460010
+ 0.65494867460 0.48820184710
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.30428197470 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10000000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03300000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 5.00444454970 -0.02158736490
+ 1.77368233240 0.20958680090
+ 0.76950591700 0.43730880600
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.31530878940 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.11754374390 1.00000000000
+Tc 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 15.00000000000 -0.19945408940
+ 12.91058169400 0.33689922240
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.44933211580 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.05484094510 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.47909677250 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09912416300 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03688279980 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 10.02713801100 0.06148160270
+ 5.84634197410 -0.23600729380
+ 1.49683454910 0.47746484000
+ 0.72934632070 0.50731543500
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.33913558880 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11000000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03500000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 5.09062686990 -0.03217640540
+ 2.01561785100 0.21280802540
+ 0.88113887240 0.44403309180
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.36427094830 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.13678402300 1.00000000000
+Ru 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 16.00000000000 -0.20634002920
+ 13.91058169400 0.33550437720
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.79679714070 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.15554255940 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.52455741180 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10734572650 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03943276020 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 11.18720867100 0.05322507330
+ 6.24776887340 -0.22731662050
+ 1.62794728590 0.47869486060
+ 0.79326493540 0.50213311570
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.36707276860 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11500000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03700000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 5.73418466190 -0.03526611160
+ 2.24836862940 0.21802502220
+ 0.98376978360 0.44709565010
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.40379445580 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.14978618170 1.00000000000
+Rh 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 17.00000000000 -0.16690803140
+ 13.91058169400 0.34235001650
+S 1 1.00
+ 5.24812652880 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.22625759280 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.53930216350 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10130730380 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03712413900 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 11.76710363100 0.05949485940
+ 6.74851330830 -0.23735853480
+ 1.75026798340 0.49019334300
+ 0.84321166130 0.50623933750
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.38295544760 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11500000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03700000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 19.85783013600 0.00669607780
+ 10.06137813900 -0.02198173820
+ 2.26195464770 0.37918706240
+ 0.97098845040 0.67289976590
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.38391195300 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.13537026900 1.00000000000
+Pd 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 18.00000000000 -0.16605388600
+ 14.66213430800 0.34899955060
+S 1 1.00
+ 5.63887092650 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.31989532520 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.57817908510 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10352166240 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03754844270 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 12.55289930000 0.06172899820
+ 7.24444963800 -0.24178626750
+ 1.89059410780 0.49453200920
+ 0.90737168760 0.50454362630
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.40877210810 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11500000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03700000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 22.35745757500 0.00395594800
+ 10.68252638200 -0.01403901160
+ 2.48582325500 0.24219476780
+ 1.07353339030 0.42580283280
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.42613842850 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.15046355380 1.00000000000
+Ag 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 19.00000000000 -0.16600104140
+ 15.42819993300 0.35665095920
+S 1 1.00
+ 6.05535072680 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.41623689350 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.61758635860 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10474197430 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03768510630 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 13.18818018000 0.06692873710
+ 7.79527891380 -0.24735235410
+ 2.03515719120 0.49154280220
+ 0.98093914840 0.49741609010
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.44451179960 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.13000000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.04120000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 25.78439735100 0.00356450630
+ 11.39663675500 -0.01298426280
+ 2.73455813610 0.24108826550
+ 1.18735836050 0.42412330740
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.47316910570 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.16746017990 1.00000000000
+Cd 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 20.00000000000 -0.17401196930
+ 16.30905166100 0.37137277190
+S 1 1.00
+ 6.45127099010 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.53500473900 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.68983631520 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13475720980 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04741687450 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 14.00068140400 0.06933306280
+ 8.30940198720 -0.25420103680
+ 2.20200581220 0.49200980370
+ 1.07792461370 0.49702118130
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.50111879850 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.16000000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05160000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 30.38078979300 0.00325451240
+ 11.47455157800 -0.01421207480
+ 3.05073949030 0.24961756440
+ 1.36220285240 0.44905635180
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.56399409890 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.20916686540 1.00000000000
+In 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 847.79276774000 0.00012432050
+ 72.04105482400 0.00236003680
+ 41.06131652200 -0.00855882990
+ 12.40760971300 0.62952032490
+S 2 1.00
+ 11.64031694100 1.55434292000
+ 6.36956427270 0.67492488360
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.70632363530 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.78666967940 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.16965196870 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06207485870 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 268.28136685000 0.00011542190
+ 14.78155378200 0.07777983030
+ 8.80414761940 -0.28332389470
+P 3 1.00
+ 2.37172772270 0.47896111740
+ 1.19270654220 0.48293819960
+ 0.58352812040 0.16843883730
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.23280968310 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08867406520 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03359882830 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 94.28257506300 0.00043652730
+ 19.71643110200 0.63918753090
+ 19.60010682400 -0.64663115580
+ 3.56431867370 0.21187579610
+ 1.70178014000 0.42129321740
+ 0.76456615530 0.38418127710
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.31826765580 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10000000000 1.00000000000
+Sn 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 1577.07159310000 0.00017042770
+ 235.26601078000 0.00081467060
+ 38.20633064500 -0.00390579040
+ 13.09703176500 0.53245922340
+S 2 1.00
+ 11.68149275900 1.54352872750
+ 5.96476043610 0.76421510040
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.88910707400 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.88514080630 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.20500105150 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07674855100 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 221.55767496000 0.00031125180
+ 21.08402143300 0.03110809700
+ 8.76001385210 -0.27571560920
+P 3 1.00
+ 2.59129097220 0.45912328670
+ 1.34268011570 0.49682867220
+ 0.67732735830 0.18962377820
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.29418756750 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11863762050 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.04621575060 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 108.33210154000 0.00046561850
+ 23.70393663000 0.05406316310
+ 22.33984390600 -0.05892876890
+ 4.08748340280 0.19588500900
+ 1.97373541460 0.42301799180
+ 0.90158257690 0.39252716180
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.38237153650 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.12000000000 1.00000000000
+Sb 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 1612.41999330000 0.00028540380
+ 238.84452097000 0.00133937790
+ 23.99811880900 -0.04938815460
+ 15.19312421300 0.43392227250
+S 2 1.00
+ 11.73640973300 0.92125519960
+ 6.52597747940 0.79235280230
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.02474518720 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.97113418590 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.24254334000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09220660820 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 215.68393354000 0.00026051820
+ 16.37447908800 0.07372800020
+ 9.72162833450 -0.27230028130
+P 3 1.00
+ 2.79826431540 0.46472692370
+ 1.47110450330 0.50364242080
+ 0.75165385300 0.18706666290
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.33168699850 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.13931606370 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05639930750 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 115.90312253000 0.00053140920
+ 30.47423372000 0.00594111390
+ 18.22841823900 -0.01056370690
+ 4.32914566460 0.20348177340
+ 2.12948184960 0.42748378930
+ 0.99682636690 0.38539560810
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.43347239860 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.14000000000 1.00000000000
+Te 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 6213.20016500000 0.00017392070
+ 920.89640017000 0.00119335900
+ 199.28042708000 0.00362565570
+ 24.77423309800 -0.05979103300
+ 14.83819916900 0.95943203260
+S 2 1.00
+ 12.27876195400 0.75942429940
+ 6.38078455320 0.35331689540
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.22284052050 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.07760434420 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.28136649020 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10781573340 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 204.29400852000 0.00040605410
+ 18.20875935800 0.06025545160
+ 9.92110243020 -0.27491671280
+P 3 1.00
+ 3.14415286850 0.43154849970
+ 1.72208840310 0.55403079110
+ 0.89098945710 0.24087311230
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.39804719570 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.16538785240 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06508269560 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 121.51055249000 0.00063490630
+ 32.96879439600 0.00618119360
+ 19.24986245100 -0.00889298250
+ 4.71984072540 0.20159884760
+ 2.34280614160 0.42976049010
+ 1.11353794120 0.38247126750
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.49200061510 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.16000000000 1.00000000000
+I 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 5899.57915330000 0.00024188270
+ 898.54238765000 0.00154740420
+ 200.37237912000 0.00428366840
+ 31.41805384000 -0.03941793630
+ 15.64598783800 0.96086691990
+S 2 1.00
+ 11.81574185700 0.57815778950
+ 6.46144582870 0.37374293120
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.38380675790 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.17120896620 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.32115875760 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.12387919360 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 185.43362455000 0.00083127820
+ 20.09140814600 0.06399165300
+ 9.75770223900 -0.27791138000
+P 4 1.00
+ 13.06830791200 -0.04979379040
+ 3.58187142050 0.38212490510
+ 2.02824418520 0.70447564800
+ 1.01814921460 0.33781067800
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.46673773120 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.19242597960 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07450887850 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 124.20341062000 0.00065671750
+ 34.58731180100 0.00516481860
+ 12.76732806400 -0.01988137130
+ 4.77451001330 0.21386794110
+ 2.45822090280 0.43405444710
+ 1.19237081470 0.37850637880
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.52883971910 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.17008164310 1.00000000000
+Xe 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 6420.24816560000 0.00025092170
+ 983.54530664000 0.00162519480
+ 219.43881364000 0.00460371060
+ 23.01258780700 -0.14698707180
+ 18.04832449000 0.57524870350
+S 2 1.00
+ 11.75255016300 0.66038420160
+ 6.23909171990 0.38470524720
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.62572113200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.29050429430 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.36204185060 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.14069888090 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 193.81432545000 0.00095394800
+ 21.72522808600 0.05739335330
+ 9.88916056410 -0.27974266640
+P 4 1.00
+ 13.96068382600 -0.05095015780
+ 4.09289470970 0.36669211800
+ 2.25468154600 0.72619456860
+ 1.15465961840 0.35555871740
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.52321923130 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.21945569800 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08615899680 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 135.60300038000 0.00081873540
+ 38.72706269200 0.00608976540
+ 15.37732808900 -0.00927829860
+ 5.26025376860 0.22890785590
+ 2.65906274240 0.44434407050
+ 1.29382051240 0.36029482990
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.58050830140 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.18000000000 1.00000000000
+Cs 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 5.87781134430 0.12859994980
+ 4.36315382860 -0.34632569720
+ 1.80484751550 0.69930637050
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.37485237140 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.16384858780 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02723046200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.01199153320 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 4.27518561540 0.04572307420
+ 1.96566633600 -0.25019961980
+ 0.47689195210 0.55660850070
+ 0.21529749590 0.58218553410
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.09145085030 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.01759207850 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.27941471550 0.15040680030
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.06241980970 0.36150912940
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.01598787020 1.00000000000
+Ba 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 6.00000000000 -0.56587174840
+ 4.98220822260 0.97514768540
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.14519439140 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.41486174100 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.19214757020 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04846589030 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02013829890 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 5.50000000000 -0.44586313000
+ 4.90179383360 0.67755479810
+ 2.61426850620 -0.46010554950
+ 0.47903394980 0.68749608020
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.19415138750 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03491762200 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.01632006570 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 0.96631500000 -0.90893800000
+ 0.89382800000 0.94724000000
+ 0.27319500000 0.32205700000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10389100000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.03557800000 1.00000000000
+La 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 5.08739900000 -0.44174952530
+ 4.27097800000 0.85812466840
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.18236560450 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.48966533780 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.23301675350 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05571952310 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02285470880 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 6.00000000000 -0.01139796090
+ 3.68081916150 0.14675038550
+ 2.32654620810 -0.35581819170
+ 0.64342629630 0.45834955230
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.33584281960 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.16519051920 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03540000000 1.00000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 1.26752880180 -0.17569274040
+ 0.89395340280 0.25139922930
+ 0.33095767340 0.44603267050
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.13461377500 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.05144162980 1.00000000000
+Ce 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 66920.68101299999 0.00000533550
+ 7142.41899950000 0.00006290680
+ 1149.22790010000 0.00040871340
+ 626.04740004000 0.00008049060
+ 137.28129971000 0.00355889540
+S 1 1.00
+ 36.63553303800 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 25.97559215900 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 11.88999957400 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.02521416130 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.56687723690 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.59326815390 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.26343106490 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04913374810 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02068554650 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 6.44265973170 -0.10809252000
+ 3.78745691080 -0.23799975000
+ 1.83282148090 -0.19753993010
+P 5 1.00
+ 327.07561956000 -0.00033489740
+ 109.94564007000 -0.00026261020
+ 21.57591578300 -0.07067094590
+ 13.20488000100 0.24802797000
+ 2.90045399740 -0.25830993990
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.05377712880 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.52732910420 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.21315321770 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03489839290 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 351.43296951000 0.00015414560
+ 111.98285958000 0.00072060750
+ 35.87159537500 0.00601557630
+ 13.72713227800 -0.06266028170
+ 7.43001899000 0.18024001050
+ 3.36221086380 0.43307484000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.43123658770 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.43709174270 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.12735487200 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 79.37899173800 0.00457667740
+ 28.91139699500 0.03344125700
+ 13.74024810600 0.08431825020
+ 6.22662956330 0.21059890000
+ 2.52076442340 0.32118187000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.94811920470 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.31387499840 1.00000000000
+Pr 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 66920.68101499999 0.00000763690
+ 10906.62500000000 0.00005156920
+ 2635.41469960000 0.00024501880
+ 713.90510061000 0.00087722410
+ 140.01389967000 0.00417561720
+S 1 1.00
+ 38.10015409300 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 27.01655120600 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 12.53287159100 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.16679495430 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.64775460140 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.61574974080 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.27750298060 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05219141640 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02103969960 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 6.42598341730 -0.10833966990
+ 4.07164462670 -0.24027340000
+ 1.87661692920 -0.19717944010
+P 5 1.00
+ 335.08596105000 -0.00039683100
+ 109.62390003000 -0.00088479720
+ 22.09716734800 -0.07060338510
+ 13.61774996900 0.24747715000
+ 2.83379339940 -0.25776134000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.87659348540 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.43730332090 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.18792836190 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03568247440 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 354.29145885000 0.00019295290
+ 107.35616142000 0.00098261800
+ 36.66897742000 0.00783540860
+ 14.28904504300 -0.04678147380
+ 7.31066697470 0.20224393000
+ 3.38248416210 0.43552238000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.45478302360 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.44101265470 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.12674153310 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 80.30893126300 0.00510848840
+ 29.46639381700 0.04058897360
+ 14.27341582200 0.08718234130
+ 6.93861638690 0.20857918010
+ 2.91171573130 0.33235294990
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.12278364290 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.38494384330 1.00000000000
+Nd 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 67945.58999800000 0.00001529970
+ 9404.40829990000 0.00012674410
+ 2084.31769930000 0.00061221710
+ 586.98950146000 0.00177394740
+ 142.94059959000 0.00539148130
+S 1 1.00
+ 39.69362413300 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 28.13355500300 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 13.07386985600 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.34627332230 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.72404904070 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.64202940980 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.28282444880 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05191235430 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02170000000 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 6.69918047930 -0.10880818000
+ 4.13138981950 -0.24075763990
+ 1.92965219500 -0.19053217010
+P 5 1.00
+ 337.91791098000 -0.00068684740
+ 106.72630985000 -0.00157870110
+ 22.90202193900 -0.07254147380
+ 14.18262699300 0.24738324000
+ 2.98338200080 -0.25916928000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.98289917090 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.46725112090 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.19101301250 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03221608320 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 349.97103999000 0.00025325850
+ 106.30916032000 0.00199541040
+ 38.08479045600 0.01026402690
+ 15.19026667500 -0.03147936360
+ 7.34684249020 0.22394642000
+ 3.74571862470 0.43695051000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.82068643750 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.80467431360 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.15580459750 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 77.66540919300 0.00633076750
+ 29.58487108500 0.04316286760
+ 14.30670086900 0.09841383740
+ 6.79611319070 0.22166241020
+ 2.83126230680 0.33558116990
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.07161502650 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.35287431860 1.00000000000
+Pm 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 69643.01617600000 0.00002852450
+ 10512.97599900000 0.00021910590
+ 2302.55779690000 0.00113891510
+ 604.32326068000 0.00368928150
+ 155.76229941000 0.00776256270
+S 1 1.00
+ 43.17380497200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 27.98187536200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 13.75916842500 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.47262116130 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.78768097160 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.66385932620 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.29432286560 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05377737720 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02201845670 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 6.81769258280 -0.10890189000
+ 4.23608906560 -0.23718506000
+ 1.80707007900 -0.19282192000
+P 5 1.00
+ 339.76458492000 -0.00085533780
+ 106.61582962000 -0.00220847810
+ 23.79494508200 -0.07438334420
+ 14.89009795800 0.24496901990
+ 3.14149300610 -0.26350303010
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.83763790200 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.33437243500 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.09666595390 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02934537500 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 340.78166324000 0.00040090730
+ 103.67954340000 0.00261078650
+ 37.21274709900 0.01416806460
+ 16.60282193900 -0.01102449670
+ 7.17400130830 0.24287043000
+ 3.54818126800 0.43182902000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.60312271520 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.52788598860 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.15181013130 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 72.47087423900 0.00932950050
+ 29.75467313500 0.04804808830
+ 15.15945996600 0.10434721030
+ 7.30591585630 0.23374544010
+ 3.12358360740 0.34134276990
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.22965703260 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.42651965760 1.00000000000
+Sm 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 70078.18399900000 0.00009723020
+ 10598.38400100000 0.00073039920
+ 2413.86598130000 0.00352419690
+ 677.74958354000 0.01087368540
+ 208.50729961000 0.01782337350
+S 1 1.00
+ 39.36183455600 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 28.00011758100 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 14.35990123000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.61150814370 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.84524366560 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.68755398750 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.30004687880 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05389852270 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02240000040 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 7.19699272880 -0.10977635010
+ 4.39446090730 -0.24311410010
+ 1.82611311600 -0.18652601990
+P 5 1.00
+ 365.65286301000 -0.00121968990
+ 105.29773949000 -0.00359090030
+ 24.33955116100 -0.07573114370
+ 15.29351369900 0.24472637000
+ 3.21019593460 -0.25984893010
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.84185848860 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.32255448000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08796064210 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02728184920 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 388.42259953000 0.00043263030
+ 117.35866087000 0.00346578440
+ 41.34565094700 0.01663285780
+ 20.62452872000 0.00590041980
+ 7.35112835700 0.26020419030
+ 3.81704091680 0.43198573000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.84162274370 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.78138452240 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.15236207050 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 74.43531028600 0.01026539670
+ 29.27058619400 0.05826671100
+ 14.54185232700 0.11504953050
+ 7.12631348320 0.24161326020
+ 3.02790467430 0.34535019980
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.16411166090 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.38851335320 1.00000000000
+Eu 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 70059.41994900000 0.00009919790
+ 10776.23496600000 0.00070975940
+ 2482.49006990000 0.00336911580
+ 704.07506082000 0.01020990300
+ 216.79260142000 0.01659306050
+S 1 1.00
+ 41.47176683700 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 29.49897271000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 15.05731079000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.77275539100 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.92210511720 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.71313201840 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.30957297080 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05489013720 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02270621030 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 7.38906938780 -0.10983328000
+ 4.56960859190 -0.24311507010
+ 1.94050109190 -0.18613840990
+P 5 1.00
+ 363.81825643000 -0.00184572410
+ 105.32639881000 -0.00551546840
+ 25.60568530600 -0.07587476000
+ 15.74633005800 0.24469517990
+ 3.31554651320 -0.26310272010
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.90025203110 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.34467925480 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.09902656200 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02711703050 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 388.95843069000 0.00048491160
+ 118.25438952000 0.00405949730
+ 44.98082993000 0.01601429850
+ 22.79411185000 0.01239336450
+ 7.71173399450 0.27043836000
+ 3.92809996680 0.44542158000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.90187198260 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.83079077310 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.15011757360 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 77.58375767700 0.01055301250
+ 30.86659697000 0.05887571600
+ 15.18066410500 0.12662002050
+ 7.29160256840 0.25335075020
+ 3.11273945490 0.34800837980
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.20595996670 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.40570730230 1.00000000000
+Gd 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 70672.98884200001 0.00013491220
+ 10580.42012300000 0.00100503730
+ 2466.31225780000 0.00460448570
+ 713.68236714000 0.01357815430
+ 223.69591430000 0.02091448170
+S 1 1.00
+ 42.88244085500 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 30.59496064900 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 15.79629258800 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.95301228750 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.00834768830 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.74791439760 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.32543426240 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05817188010 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02366246940 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 8.22581675600 -0.11016579000
+ 4.78469271510 -0.24309982010
+ 2.01687658350 -0.18593105990
+P 5 1.00
+ 366.75975373000 -0.00235578700
+ 99.80707781300 -0.00741729700
+ 25.49886241800 -0.07560416000
+ 15.82482718600 0.24452015990
+ 3.46937453690 -0.26401503010
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.97079278530 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.37486899890 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10441243840 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02832575540 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 405.72356198000 0.00058721240
+ 123.05344944000 0.00514121890
+ 46.08511812700 0.02144897330
+ 20.10438323100 0.02956678850
+ 7.82589976820 0.28823956980
+ 3.94007143220 0.44970385020
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.82158642370 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.59087478850 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.16712976330 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 83.08138931000 0.01073894530
+ 32.74738757400 0.06266842490
+ 16.03030656500 0.13767548060
+ 7.57997878840 0.27070610990
+ 3.27775931250 0.34421738000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.32425805690 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.46934193280 1.00000000000
+Tb 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 72673.31148800001 0.00014568220
+ 10989.65047700000 0.00110008210
+ 2521.09838660000 0.00503181250
+ 728.09478097000 0.01480476960
+ 226.99792207000 0.02200676520
+S 1 1.00
+ 45.98967178700 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 30.47331220300 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 15.77966109100 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.02793160310 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.06727987430 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.74668603710 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.32664475910 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05690950400 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02302780090 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 8.97836678400 -0.11200751000
+ 5.00583878830 -0.24216564000
+ 2.07675568640 -0.18561540980
+P 5 1.00
+ 357.14642927000 -0.00306819120
+ 94.39979669800 -0.00930263410
+ 26.37081593300 -0.07587727450
+ 16.57845227000 0.24450743000
+ 3.72995806370 -0.26425700010
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.02209614200 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.38451203840 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.09340362610 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02911632390 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 410.38724477000 0.00076762890
+ 124.50624931000 0.00666191090
+ 46.06072379500 0.02796796090
+ 19.25488738500 0.05034823410
+ 7.76116769000 0.30159477010
+ 3.83199677270 0.44821338010
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.73338395940 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.55146364930 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.15354959260 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 89.37238364600 0.01054799700
+ 34.75722320700 0.06592061410
+ 16.68073012000 0.14943112300
+ 7.80858115960 0.28130485000
+ 3.36369647600 0.35013101000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.34831612150 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.47311576500 1.00000000000
+Dy 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 78529.94807200000 0.00013813870
+ 11854.69911400000 0.00103613960
+ 2717.99502560000 0.00484547780
+ 778.14268262000 0.01438372630
+ 242.08688500000 0.02160518730
+S 1 1.00
+ 48.35067399800 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 31.84393083100 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 16.87374224200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.20461400950 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.12911563070 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.78388753840 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.34245228530 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05919058320 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02370081540 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 11.01020243300 -0.11784210990
+ 5.44230457800 -0.24425210000
+ 2.06607699900 -0.17827309970
+P 5 1.00
+ 376.96796859000 -0.00378707550
+ 98.85865581700 -0.01187710760
+ 26.88422946100 -0.07136270000
+ 16.40408867800 0.24138094020
+ 3.80087548780 -0.26876671000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.11290945430 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.42234512660 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.12007617080 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03238749500 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 408.90774405000 0.00097993650
+ 125.19030341000 0.00733475030
+ 46.68802809200 0.03287897460
+ 18.75976915900 0.06340035210
+ 7.78218273680 0.31045745030
+ 3.74249938150 0.44334918010
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.63440444710 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.48583613490 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.13345802110 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 86.14963262200 0.01327837720
+ 34.71704814700 0.07138505390
+ 16.89912247800 0.15811715080
+ 7.90364660660 0.28912595000
+ 3.41364650410 0.34964378000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.36940688920 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.47978951260 1.00000000000
+Ho 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 86373.97197000000 0.00007901580
+ 13014.19999100000 0.00059044150
+ 2974.24168160000 0.00280441660
+ 841.50102397000 0.00836541100
+ 258.12229953000 0.01341745480
+S 1 1.00
+ 49.79743624100 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 35.61912943200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 18.13283160300 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.43884653210 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.21789970150 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.82910712500 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.35754269510 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06044830440 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02432581350 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 11.88802976900 -0.12903641990
+ 5.81621131920 -0.22873476010
+ 2.13803119890 -0.17723865990
+P 5 1.00
+ 375.06118609000 -0.00467960720
+ 99.91316501600 -0.01419574790
+ 27.86491224300 -0.06765644470
+ 16.54934488800 0.23909121020
+ 3.93703819180 -0.28419176020
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.52186726550 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.62990396450 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.24707353260 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03862397850 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 454.17722117000 0.00101108250
+ 138.09620072000 0.00833383140
+ 52.23000780700 0.03561817320
+ 21.83783791700 0.07682012620
+ 8.53712382210 0.29226370020
+ 4.17634916340 0.45716800010
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.85390283820 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.55365841850 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.15020740950 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 108.24992900000 0.00857648440
+ 40.68543292700 0.06298798740
+ 18.66228066400 0.16365688120
+ 8.34863010920 0.29582468950
+ 3.56653639210 0.34369415010
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.44138810050 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.50707136520 1.00000000000
+Er 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 89905.08796700000 0.00006278170
+ 13532.87400900000 0.00047657100
+ 3087.30418510000 0.00226054140
+ 870.91988365000 0.00670863200
+ 263.42619956000 0.01087933090
+S 1 1.00
+ 52.50071389500 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 37.58138208900 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 18.91297167900 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.62392144980 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.30419309730 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.85863413000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.37110262830 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06166249150 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02458444530 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 12.01623035300 -0.14605900030
+ 6.00541764750 -0.21361596970
+ 2.45562834060 -0.17724687980
+P 5 1.00
+ 414.60237000000 -0.00486217130
+ 108.84329626000 -0.01595463080
+ 31.61702957500 -0.05626259270
+ 16.75635408800 0.23405978990
+ 4.32468119200 -0.30821373960
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.65863514000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.68003410280 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.27167236100 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06857027290 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02611840520 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 442.45728590000 0.00144786720
+ 134.20246886000 0.01154771110
+ 51.74082034200 0.04684728730
+ 21.67472791000 0.10408299930
+ 8.65659480520 0.28843400030
+ 4.20196529250 0.44983300010
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.84256055470 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.53932759070 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.14463366680 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 97.46042125400 0.01145764760
+ 37.49755467200 0.07215609840
+ 18.14221445100 0.16596525080
+ 8.61388516250 0.29062700000
+ 3.74528224050 0.35241091000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.49540253050 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.52001167740 1.00000000000
+Tm 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 91965.75922800000 0.00005538440
+ 13821.59435300000 0.00042774410
+ 3143.75217290000 0.00202043500
+ 882.60127815000 0.00593949120
+ 261.84789278000 0.00967672270
+S 1 1.00
+ 55.44625082000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 39.70130653000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 19.61450041100 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.80552662890 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.39586219200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.88600032870 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.38296645750 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06332439430 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02483945320 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 11.99738008000 -0.15260477350
+ 9.69394886110 -0.20494535360
+ 2.05115631090 -0.19277187880
+P 5 1.00
+ 447.74034769000 -0.00560827590
+ 126.61598061000 -0.01574070750
+ 42.84603021200 -0.03569323960
+ 14.62014365400 0.23707232640
+ 5.38269253290 -0.30606571370
+P 1 1.00
+ 3.52460202730 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.07482127480 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.39017415760 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08676580790 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02834669970 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 463.65232204000 0.00153819610
+ 140.85622654000 0.01243126680
+ 53.71735973100 0.05109832950
+ 22.46868372400 0.11279245570
+ 8.93809833950 0.29452098130
+ 4.34377731680 0.44667107090
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.91837202110 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.54418575030 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.14117024770 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 96.82779932400 0.01275781440
+ 40.94965318700 0.06300289510
+ 19.69539730900 0.17586841620
+ 8.73155569430 0.30967510650
+ 3.66894684710 0.35085352630
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.44594295500 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.50245034800 1.00000000000
+Yb 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 91989.72602700000 0.00005218700
+ 13799.29658500000 0.00036758170
+ 3096.00500390000 0.00183684050
+ 869.11012492000 0.00508402900
+ 250.89341319000 0.00886060650
+S 1 1.00
+ 58.41376958600 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 41.78284655700 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 20.25977160500 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.99376854930 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.48257298000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.91759459850 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.38551515020 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06137008330 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02499709970 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 8.35615243070 -0.17001415510
+ 7.22554422170 -0.20297754820
+ 1.92080845250 -0.19289041130
+P 5 1.00
+ 416.86700956000 -0.01626848130
+ 96.48141768300 -0.05816221800
+ 40.01395967700 -0.04250161070
+ 15.61036073500 0.23912170550
+ 6.08876523590 -0.30582286700
+P 1 1.00
+ 3.77707645170 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.05459316240 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.37562761990 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07914927080 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02535567080 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 388.96482736000 0.00255150720
+ 137.49130274000 0.01452860990
+ 55.79234589100 0.06099155730
+ 22.57182704400 0.14412482460
+ 9.00356434740 0.28721178660
+ 4.29768903550 0.44545416260
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.83555805460 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.51822929530 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.15172122660 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 106.01035185000 0.00996594270
+ 39.24751524500 0.07302289960
+ 17.20438437500 0.19721745080
+ 7.31393677420 0.30638718730
+ 2.98965083290 0.30385067100
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.14711161310 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.38042267770 1.00000000000
+Lu 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 95170.17099300001 0.00002204810
+ 15488.45999800000 0.00014580380
+ 3776.24659860000 0.00065203150
+ 1079.05220420000 0.00203867350
+ 268.95400890000 0.00512714780
+S 1 1.00
+ 63.48015065400 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 45.17823673300 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 21.46310106200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 5.35012847380 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.67843242090 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.02869963740 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.44065582250 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07910247830 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03129576010 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 12.30449054400 -0.15335298010
+ 11.05119727800 -0.20411242010
+ 2.00695492410 -0.19274218980
+P 5 1.00
+ 489.41244804000 -0.00591727560
+ 133.95373952000 -0.01737447520
+ 45.49923132200 -0.03543627260
+ 15.56127189400 0.23702673980
+ 5.84878247890 -0.30715978020
+P 1 1.00
+ 3.77505999650 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.13512512450 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.40414348920 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.08187643830 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02909107180 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 487.98257108000 0.00220037690
+ 146.93406718000 0.01796150210
+ 55.76157991600 0.07413358910
+ 22.89874175900 0.16158924960
+ 9.10457878320 0.30816877030
+ 4.14578463240 0.44860151990
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.73833637950 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.47338644310 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.12126581100 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 110.27466442000 0.01047314270
+ 41.22324949700 0.07500549750
+ 17.72896718200 0.20262004980
+ 7.42623926410 0.30601327950
+ 3.04345945200 0.29349093030
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.17524626230 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.38920482900 1.00000000000
+Hf 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 24.00000000000 0.22105582070
+ 16.00000000000 -3.58125394340
+ 14.40000000000 4.25382492560
+ 10.30450466700 -0.69586365080
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.79301739750 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.01898771430 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.45985511460 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09275237670 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03571874740 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 22.35362920300 -0.00745296210
+ 8.74035080950 0.15635970400
+ 4.85015671610 -0.44869151460
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.25739442580 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.61115481500 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.26740341020 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06500000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 8.05596445620 0.00967347160
+ 4.34205115040 -0.05456707950
+ 1.18369092110 0.19687724950
+ 0.51336795680 0.40004510630
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.20546727720 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.07366989390 1.00000000000
+Ta 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 24.47365094400 0.25035108820
+ 18.72137254900 -0.85456668090
+ 11.50000000000 3.53331061920
+ 10.35000000000 -2.79195771770
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.77936582310 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.11845704880 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.50385424440 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10340974710 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03915475460 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 18.27071454100 -0.06871055220
+ 10.05522036400 0.51362842330
+ 5.02787605830 -1.48906979650
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.24889049340 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.59456513940 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.26177351800 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06500000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 15.34696566700 0.00337542400
+ 3.97387962780 -0.06612548010
+ 1.45288848130 0.17923632280
+ 0.61042908540 0.44087337990
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.23897314770 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08677969490 1.00000000000
+W 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 30.00000000000 0.33646094900
+ 27.00000000000 -0.47323259360
+ 13.07804568400 0.39654129080
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.48668219980 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.06767334970 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.49550863080 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.11256119070 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04149793220 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 18.60437771400 -0.01998089720
+ 11.53411756800 0.09483035600
+ 5.15862176580 -0.28992519850
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.34952693290 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.65032454900 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.28505684040 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06500000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 7.95669359380 0.01993295430
+ 4.97537740270 -0.08001075360
+ 1.31714459380 0.26394386420
+ 0.57153508540 0.44246824710
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.23942399160 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.09174616700 1.00000000000
+Re 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 30.00000000000 0.32736959900
+ 27.00000000000 -0.46770504460
+ 13.07804568400 0.44300386650
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.73818664840 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.09796523930 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.50783195070 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.12110370400 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04398273960 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 18.00000000000 -0.02612548740
+ 12.31860625000 0.09801476870
+ 5.37192345050 -0.30094548400
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.35838841990 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.64649515860 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.28522146100 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07000000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 8.23826908890 0.02387078920
+ 5.56631436100 -0.07586409580
+ 1.38711054970 0.27418289340
+ 0.62324027850 0.44465089920
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.26584392580 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.10334100900 1.00000000000
+Os 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 30.00000000000 0.33141866300
+ 27.00000000000 -0.48200100740
+ 13.52473000500 0.46488084500
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.94995648650 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.15137002730 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.53139802370 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13011178040 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04681747060 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 18.50516600000 0.02609887120
+ 12.78450696400 -0.10138659500
+ 5.54582904200 0.33424024150
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.42909558360 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.67620099290 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.29078367900 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05200000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 8.29450594870 0.07675375050
+ 6.30603974300 -0.17425532030
+ 1.48901091100 0.55170115610
+ 0.67315390610 0.88656469020
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.28539893890 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.11021318860 1.00000000000
+Ir 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 30.00000000000 0.31200447360
+ 27.00000000000 -0.46456771410
+ 13.96197391100 0.46858576260
+S 1 1.00
+ 5.15405513570 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.21591001170 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.56020154360 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13865602590 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04948617810 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 30.89515200000 -0.00614445250
+ 11.39768800000 0.16084036060
+ 5.86576387610 -0.61059993340
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.50223959850 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.71375872880 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.30778942280 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05600000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 10.09147403600 0.01515788290
+ 6.22577716100 -0.06456014220
+ 1.58083796630 0.29126033930
+ 0.71827834900 0.44274933860
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.30863178250 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.11970185850 1.00000000000
+Pt 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 30.00000000000 0.27425994300
+ 27.00000000000 -0.42037214900
+ 14.40831856400 0.44313561550
+S 1 1.00
+ 5.36301165990 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.29053230950 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.58662989950 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13790102060 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04932191140 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 24.97341700000 -0.00343411980
+ 12.16226568500 0.04948246400
+ 6.11612123390 -0.18543134640
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.57374357080 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.74365838380 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.31942317850 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05700000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 10.17829570200 0.01733572850
+ 6.62864365200 -0.06395001500
+ 1.65704106390 0.30095098210
+ 0.73943569960 0.44582511230
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.30537179840 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.11345495010 1.00000000000
+Au 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 30.00000000000 0.20199617250
+ 27.00000000000 -0.32928957370
+ 14.74682433100 0.40585528600
+S 1 1.00
+ 5.60915879120 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.36436341320 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.61656895890 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13995954310 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.04933458030 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 24.70823334600 -0.00618708770
+ 12.35176572200 0.08682898020
+ 6.42273682050 -0.30464846390
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.65821651110 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.78113181540 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.33105069880 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.04500000000 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 10.62060403200 0.02056185020
+ 7.09859871560 -0.06987606580
+ 1.77464967890 0.30533062220
+ 0.79960541060 0.44810704960
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.33293576600 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.12447224160 1.00000000000
+Hg 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 48.01378699000 0.00580081650
+ 21.23987509500 -0.17328165240
+ 15.87610087900 0.36416685030
+S 1 1.00
+ 5.51805318200 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.50991454790 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.70683482160 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.16266265580 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05696058910 1.00000000000
+P 4 1.00
+ 17.50000000000 -0.08645718730
+ 15.25259485500 0.15327318230
+ 6.44047151690 -0.30274955250
+ 1.81801599200 0.54361285030
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.90067981800 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.41304540120 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11845702660 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03608761930 1.00000000000
+D 4 1.00
+ 10.02819770100 0.03992235320
+ 7.59206614930 -0.09477423050
+ 1.91442561180 0.31164157460
+ 0.88641552100 0.45567078410
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.38154235320 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.14880740090 1.00000000000
+Tl 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 729.65038145000 0.00013672830
+ 46.66554870700 0.00604434400
+ 20.97044872600 -0.20022066700
+ 14.14958867700 0.40801678490
+S 2 1.00
+ 20.73013428500 -0.07186113590
+ 6.15276313090 0.98057508440
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.57573244800 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.74980169460 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.19536816190 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07087876730 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 15.38385261600 0.61717949180
+ 14.81492954400 -0.72859235150
+ 6.72612536580 0.40438195360
+P 3 1.00
+ 1.96261821490 0.43157661160
+ 1.03318578510 0.39230403850
+ 0.53837446000 0.14007406820
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.24446611680 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.09078537730 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03340132150 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 57.60681992800 0.00016054810
+ 9.73688666670 0.02445656250
+ 6.92562016790 -0.06991477500
+ 2.13962307310 0.19496269490
+ 1.08361871100 0.29731629700
+ 0.52356298210 0.23728708100
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.23842309380 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.09500000000 1.00000000000
+Pb 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 591.61124370000 0.00022126520
+ 46.75723255900 0.00569619590
+ 20.74646269600 -0.21374063830
+ 14.61079641900 0.40502620620
+S 2 1.00
+ 20.22263761200 -0.08354188330
+ 6.47673248650 0.97910892390
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.66006009270 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.80431655000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.22627039020 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.08401453070 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 15.18910211800 0.61952303580
+ 14.69314441500 -0.72498497090
+ 6.87058900480 0.37680007980
+P 3 1.00
+ 2.20214261230 0.40196284810
+ 1.22091251190 0.46058131860
+ 0.63367559820 0.19367655400
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.28202837060 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11333375670 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.04394870740 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 61.31536962800 0.00033870800
+ 12.37219584000 0.01378868390
+ 6.92549449830 -0.07597960810
+ 2.33195399390 0.28113784300
+ 1.21087300030 0.44474512270
+ 0.60090478510 0.35326874350
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.28135869810 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.11500000000 1.00000000000
+Bi 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 716.41435310000 0.00031254310
+ 83.80605904700 0.00176247690
+ 21.11696285300 -0.21910983440
+ 15.49144818700 0.40411224930
+S 2 1.00
+ 23.23985502900 -0.06825575870
+ 6.64742550000 0.97888046470
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.76177440050 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.87252866000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.25618896000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09707391300 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 15.24964466900 0.74560356000
+ 14.84617605300 -0.85578637340
+ 7.06368267840 0.40149159590
+P 3 1.00
+ 2.58812556160 0.35542729630
+ 1.50202084990 0.63976991890
+ 0.76732724390 0.32332773840
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.32797648980 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.13820335990 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.05513733100 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 66.40448194800 0.00038102880
+ 13.85842696100 0.01074615240
+ 7.06545190000 -0.07194764680
+ 2.52521440350 0.26195974990
+ 1.34195850000 0.42594750000
+ 0.68340941000 0.33680325630
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.32934755420 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.14000000000 1.00000000000
+Po 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 6744.82117650000 0.00007689160
+ 744.41892532000 0.00071284830
+ 131.04029309000 0.00220575840
+ 19.66202103000 -0.64364713740
+ 16.62302560900 0.91997150550
+S 2 1.00
+ 23.09400296500 -0.07040441020
+ 6.97073983810 0.97886540090
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.84973775930 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.93082999260 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.28673026460 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.10979212170 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 253.99024497000 0.00008387640
+ 9.87127187480 0.24572710460
+ 7.44898934960 -0.44297763660
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.90273954070 -0.13798250440
+ 5.74146674650 0.26304005330
+ 1.98963298230 0.66225846160
+ 0.94703210820 0.39547051890
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.37071136280 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.15554706090 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06117372080 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 67.94307704600 0.00048919130
+ 14.91421989400 0.01015712080
+ 7.29739483050 -0.06994326310
+ 2.68267844000 0.26244730680
+ 1.43741430090 0.42702361490
+ 0.73903797420 0.32502435480
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.35838153280 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.15000000000 1.00000000000
+At 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 3635.98093560000 0.00012571460
+ 537.64129823000 0.00075950880
+ 91.60003075600 0.00257909820
+ 20.20000580400 -0.54772187700
+ 16.89387382400 0.78417507790
+S 2 1.00
+ 18.17721693800 -0.13023627000
+ 7.23178520820 0.96473566750
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.94961997390 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.99226695240 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.31957178880 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.12342539810 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 216.81518928000 0.00016975300
+ 10.59229811500 0.22683755790
+ 7.45965854300 -0.47336848380
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.94841564710 -0.15012953480
+ 5.96945924640 0.27048141790
+ 2.10990882090 0.63671217720
+ 1.02363703730 0.38057472620
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.42186356560 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.17757132270 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.06967088690 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 70.61963339300 0.00059974020
+ 16.21209647800 0.00934459530
+ 7.36074014790 -0.07074841390
+ 2.93090525920 0.24037366080
+ 1.60854148230 0.41841372620
+ 0.84194162720 0.32832651040
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.41335677960 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.17400000000 1.00000000000
+Rn 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 5187.74424680000 0.00016097030
+ 768.14491207000 0.00105082150
+ 159.35182065000 0.00273754380
+ 21.86343272400 -0.55045904900
+ 18.38868997800 0.78321373920
+S 2 1.00
+ 24.81622644800 -0.08263679720
+ 7.29233016770 1.09262560000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.08504371660 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.09152459450 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.34915708430 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.13648422950 1.00000000000
+P 3 1.00
+ 194.68918723000 0.00026265810
+ 11.21001352500 0.19952302620
+ 7.52983164890 -0.45994479560
+P 4 1.00
+ 9.08450003040 -0.23093917430
+ 6.26314897170 0.39747614190
+ 2.25451937340 0.83026693840
+ 1.11806669180 0.51467013110
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.47444492590 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.20172354620 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.07950314440 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 75.30272366500 0.00073590240
+ 17.96591383000 0.00894908270
+ 7.37412980330 -0.07664166370
+ 3.22962585780 0.22975404600
+ 1.79378405080 0.43991495310
+ 0.94633319730 0.35259395200
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.46860482220 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.20000000000 1.00000000000
+Th 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 12059.38500000000 0.00019500000
+ 1804.86830000000 0.00157700000
+ 343.63866000000 0.00595600000
+S 1 1.00
+ 93.69705800000 1.00000000000
+S 3 1.00
+ 54.64494600000 0.04030500000
+ 31.90814800000 -0.21503300000
+ 18.61419300000 0.70648400000
+S 1 1.00
+ 9.39609400000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.57450500000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.38501000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.55162600000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.25388900000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05569700000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02289600000 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 2892.29610000000 0.00003900000
+ 641.42990000000 0.00036200000
+ 220.26686000000 0.00133800000
+ 80.40929600000 0.00525700000
+ 23.95981000000 0.00305800000
+P 1 1.00
+ 13.99628000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 8.16759900000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 3.54943100000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.75869700000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.64802600000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.28350800000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.09927100000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.02984500000 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 448.43467000000 -0.00000700000
+ 150.89626000000 0.00021900000
+ 59.70916100000 -0.00011300000
+ 17.02865600000 0.02837400000
+ 9.91982800000 -0.12962600000
+ 3.28126500000 0.45342000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.59274600000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.70419200000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.25479700000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08277600000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 84.57093100000 0.00015700000
+ 24.47237600000 0.00171000000
+ 11.26177100000 -0.00102900000
+ 3.44749400000 0.16889100000
+ 1.53915300000 0.34243900000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.64686800000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.24847500000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.08124700000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.32000000000 1.00000000000
+Pa 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 12047.37600000000 0.00034500000
+ 1811.68410000000 0.00274200000
+ 347.70104000000 0.01005300000
+S 1 1.00
+ 98.67801000000 1.00000000000
+S 3 1.00
+ 57.50737600000 0.05152800000
+ 33.50260100000 -0.23692400000
+ 19.55445100000 0.71904800000
+S 1 1.00
+ 9.71642100000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.69209600000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.45384700000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.57435200000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.26346800000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05655700000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02316900000 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 2903.36760000000 0.00003500000
+ 644.86356000000 0.00020500000
+ 220.25896000000 0.00125100000
+ 80.27640100000 0.00245700000
+ 24.08021100000 0.01119000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 14.07758000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 8.26584600000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 3.59480000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.75311100000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.65776700000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.28463900000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10054300000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03019000000 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 448.14991000000 0.00002600000
+ 154.46145000000 0.00022800000
+ 60.92537700000 0.00090400000
+ 17.03209100000 0.02564700000
+ 10.01887700000 -0.10575100000
+ 3.40919300000 0.44743200000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.67021300000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.74109500000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.26139300000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08281100000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 87.99132700000 0.00022600000
+ 28.34019500000 0.00232300000
+ 12.44099400000 0.00458500000
+ 3.95729600000 0.15696100000
+ 1.87594400000 0.34497700000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.82758900000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.33274800000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.11468500000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.35000000000 1.00000000000
+U 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 12098.08200000000 0.00010200000
+ 1833.75730000000 0.00077100000
+ 351.68632000000 0.00296900000
+S 1 1.00
+ 104.31426000000 1.00000000000
+S 3 1.00
+ 60.90582200000 0.04986800000
+ 35.51508600000 -0.24531300000
+ 20.89122700000 0.72384700000
+S 1 1.00
+ 10.18464700000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.85185100000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.53161600000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.61620300000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.27949400000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05725300000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02344300000 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 2906.84510000000 0.00008800000
+ 694.40053000000 0.00073200000
+ 224.63479000000 0.00341400000
+ 80.52052600000 0.01109900000
+ 24.08021100000 0.02521600000
+P 1 1.00
+ 14.07758000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 8.26584600000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 3.42360700000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.70841700000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.65504600000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.28375500000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10181400000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03053500000 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 449.01953000000 0.00005000000
+ 156.35695000000 0.00032200000
+ 60.24243900000 0.00177700000
+ 17.77231700000 0.02538500000
+ 10.45430400000 -0.08937800000
+ 3.58343300000 0.44479900000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.76372400000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.78403000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.27612700000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08698000000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 105.28793000000 0.00022800000
+ 35.10118100000 0.00230800000
+ 14.56413800000 0.00925300000
+ 4.65188500000 0.13694900000
+ 2.25597300000 0.33980100000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.01027400000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.41168000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.14412000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.37000000000 1.00000000000
+Np 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 12608.71200000000 0.00028300000
+ 1860.73570000000 0.00219700000
+ 362.90147000000 0.00779200000
+S 1 1.00
+ 109.20672000000 1.00000000000
+S 3 1.00
+ 63.74342600000 0.06065700000
+ 37.24886400000 -0.25633800000
+ 21.69175300000 0.72825900000
+S 1 1.00
+ 10.53549300000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.97431900000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.59759700000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.63585200000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.28812200000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.05909800000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02404100000 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 2910.40570000000 0.00007400000
+ 702.69761000000 0.00057100000
+ 225.07861000000 0.00283300000
+ 81.07638200000 0.00788900000
+ 25.48170500000 0.01692400000
+P 1 1.00
+ 14.98923800000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 8.76345600000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 3.62753400000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.80627500000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.68532700000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.29394200000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10308600000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03088000000 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 466.32820000000 0.00005300000
+ 160.02318000000 0.00037800000
+ 60.91500000000 0.00196700000
+ 18.40030700000 0.02610100000
+ 10.82371000000 -0.08888300000
+ 3.71490000000 0.45051000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.83438100000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.81788300000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.27161300000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08359500000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 110.53296000000 0.00025900000
+ 36.92813900000 0.00261600000
+ 15.15580700000 0.01122600000
+ 4.98774900000 0.13556300000
+ 2.44147100000 0.34322300000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.10485800000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.45547000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.16171900000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.39000000000 1.00000000000
+Pu 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 13367.52300000000 0.00003400000
+ 1955.32220000000 0.00022600000
+ 387.23878000000 0.00109100000
+S 1 1.00
+ 115.76112000000 1.00000000000
+S 3 1.00
+ 67.58630800000 0.05509900000
+ 39.48819400000 -0.26881800000
+ 23.02788900000 0.78246000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 11.27655400000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.10576200000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.63164600000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.68190600000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.30526200000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06090500000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02468000000 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 2964.62810000000 0.00012900000
+ 704.39093000000 0.00107300000
+ 226.84243000000 0.00493400000
+ 81.96347000000 0.01487500000
+ 25.48170500000 0.02963900000
+P 1 1.00
+ 14.98923800000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 8.76345600000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 3.64517100000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.82040900000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.69544600000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.29728100000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10435700000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03122500000 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 475.62238000000 0.00009700000
+ 160.52010000000 0.00040300000
+ 60.91451500000 0.00334000000
+ 19.43726800000 0.01926500000
+ 10.01859700000 -0.08257600000
+ 4.03497000000 0.43531700000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.96484300000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.86470100000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.27555300000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08336300000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 108.32208000000 0.00038400000
+ 36.60067700000 0.00372300000
+ 14.93862500000 0.01644200000
+ 5.36826400000 0.14011400000
+ 2.62575200000 0.34926300000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.19746000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.49900100000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.17971900000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.41000000000 1.00000000000
+Am 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 14084.98800000000 0.00005100000
+ 2046.05990000000 0.00035200000
+ 429.70829000000 0.00132900000
+S 1 1.00
+ 118.28524000000 1.00000000000
+S 3 1.00
+ 68.96034300000 0.04888800000
+ 40.38686600000 -0.25837900000
+ 23.53546400000 0.79915900000
+S 1 1.00
+ 11.80548900000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.27507000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.74868700000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.71331500000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.31865900000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06268000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02530000000 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 3013.98670000000 0.00017100000
+ 707.54946000000 0.00144200000
+ 225.13844000000 0.00670500000
+ 81.25681100000 0.01921200000
+ 25.73909500000 0.03764500000
+P 1 1.00
+ 15.04348600000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 8.78255700000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 3.81130000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.89415900000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.72499600000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.30686500000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10562900000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03157000000 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 484.33877000000 0.00010300000
+ 149.13646000000 0.00076200000
+ 62.24313200000 0.00295100000
+ 23.58865200000 0.01612000000
+ 10.05448800000 -0.07239700000
+ 4.26675400000 0.41617800000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.11438700000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.93584700000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.27949400000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08313100000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 127.68365000000 0.00035000000
+ 43.68655100000 0.00351100000
+ 17.65374900000 0.01835200000
+ 6.60092600000 0.10482400000
+ 3.19717600000 0.33014300000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.45940500000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.60765600000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.21789800000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.43000000000 1.00000000000
+Cm 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 15875.78100000000 0.00016900000
+ 2422.71080000000 0.00141100000
+ 430.47778000000 0.00539900000
+S 1 1.00
+ 121.94355000000 1.00000000000
+S 3 1.00
+ 68.96034300000 0.04596700000
+ 40.18153300000 -0.25363300000
+ 23.46289400000 0.85065000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 12.38423900000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.35353500000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.78239700000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.72226500000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.32303800000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06417900000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02575100000 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 2986.91970000000 0.00021400000
+ 707.82858000000 0.00176300000
+ 227.27953000000 0.00803900000
+ 82.45905200000 0.02242900000
+ 26.09919800000 0.04451800000
+P 1 1.00
+ 15.27257500000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 8.92089500000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 3.88953100000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.92598900000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.73736600000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.31085200000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10694300000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03191500000 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 520.68168000000 0.00012100000
+ 169.81345000000 0.00067000000
+ 64.11766900000 0.00454400000
+ 22.14697700000 0.01929800000
+ 10.34543900000 -0.06783300000
+ 4.37576900000 0.43628900000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.13461700000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.94125500000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.28343400000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08289900000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 126.69159000000 0.00049100000
+ 43.01396700000 0.00492000000
+ 17.35560500000 0.02492400000
+ 6.74398700000 0.12562500000
+ 3.24185000000 0.34819800000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.47990200000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.61796400000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.22295800000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.46000000000 1.00000000000
+Bk 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 16551.23500000000 0.00011900000
+ 2509.62070000000 0.00094700000
+ 465.94710000000 0.00357500000
+S 1 1.00
+ 125.44579000000 1.00000000000
+S 3 1.00
+ 73.07155400000 0.04842600000
+ 42.75682400000 -0.25869500000
+ 24.92170200000 0.83258300000
+S 1 1.00
+ 12.87380100000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.51343100000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.84520000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.75877900000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.33739500000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06644900000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02650500000 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 3521.87160000000 0.00021200000
+ 810.45767000000 0.00188700000
+ 248.29427000000 0.00959000000
+ 86.10761900000 0.02799000000
+ 26.90154800000 0.05224400000
+P 1 1.00
+ 15.42684300000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 9.03341800000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 4.00755500000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 1.98423800000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.76295800000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.32011000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10817100000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03226000000 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 531.13677000000 0.00016300000
+ 163.90523000000 0.00132200000
+ 63.74075900000 0.00599500000
+ 24.93100900000 0.02253000000
+ 10.46056400000 -0.03782400000
+ 4.46242900000 0.42637100000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.22228000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.99425500000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.28737500000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08266700000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 141.21837000000 0.00048700000
+ 48.16014200000 0.00497800000
+ 19.45335700000 0.02650200000
+ 7.80477900000 0.11254700000
+ 3.66372000000 0.33933400000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.66503400000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.69113000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.24683400000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.48000000000 1.00000000000
+Cf 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 16647.37200000000 0.00002900000
+ 2623.89640000000 0.00019200000
+ 496.04100000000 0.00095700000
+S 1 1.00
+ 134.88795000000 1.00000000000
+S 3 1.00
+ 78.57156300000 0.05585900000
+ 45.95777400000 -0.28983000000
+ 26.99699900000 0.86082400000
+S 1 1.00
+ 13.70398300000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.63499600000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.87148100000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.79435400000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.34936200000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.06819700000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02712000000 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 3773.81550000000 0.00042400000
+ 886.04241000000 0.00363500000
+ 282.28168000000 0.01738700000
+ 104.57599000000 0.04994000000
+ 41.70638200000 0.06460700000
+P 1 1.00
+ 18.00706600000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 7.48483400000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 4.37711200000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 2.03383600000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.78708700000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.32577200000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.10944300000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03260500000 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 565.28153000000 0.00017800000
+ 171.50363000000 0.00151500000
+ 65.76304000000 0.00694600000
+ 25.87249600000 0.02487700000
+ 11.66813700000 -0.02653300000
+ 4.67087900000 0.42980400000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.31525500000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.03287100000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.29131500000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08243500000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 134.74791000000 0.00084200000
+ 46.66218400000 0.00806000000
+ 19.30474100000 0.03976700000
+ 8.23248700000 0.13748700000
+ 3.82634700000 0.34647000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.73969600000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.72400300000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.25970900000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.50000000000 1.00000000000
+Es 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 17331.34300000000 0.00000700000
+ 2753.32310000000 0.00000600000
+ 505.85950000000 0.00046700000
+S 1 1.00
+ 149.87550000000 1.00000000000
+S 3 1.00
+ 87.30173700000 0.07065300000
+ 50.90462600000 -0.33332900000
+ 29.74997200000 0.88216100000
+S 1 1.00
+ 14.35047500000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.81005900000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.90620100000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.84877700000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.36744200000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07086000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02806200000 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 3873.61170000000 0.00052000000
+ 912.40622000000 0.00442800000
+ 291.65876000000 0.02106200000
+ 108.11733000000 0.06037500000
+ 42.56998800000 0.08064300000
+P 1 1.00
+ 16.45897900000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 7.65897100000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 4.46836800000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 2.06219600000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.80451500000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.33088400000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11071400000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03295000000 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 594.62208000000 0.00020100000
+ 179.56223000000 0.00169000000
+ 68.02993600000 0.00819400000
+ 26.58406700000 0.02749300000
+ 12.29774700000 -0.01674100000
+ 4.80557400000 0.43588800000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.36549400000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.05549500000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.29525600000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08220300000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 133.96532000000 0.00115900000
+ 46.51711100000 0.01087100000
+ 19.39758800000 0.05153900000
+ 8.47306000000 0.15827300000
+ 3.91733100000 0.35330400000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.78212000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.74447500000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.26884600000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.50000000000 1.00000000000
+Fm 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 18163.67600000000 0.00059700000
+ 2828.31050000000 -0.00002000000
+ 507.71698000000 0.04865500000
+S 1 1.00
+ 156.07154000000 1.00000000000
+S 3 1.00
+ 90.91090000000 0.07418900000
+ 53.17427100000 -0.34193700000
+ 30.99123700000 0.89339000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 14.91294600000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 3.95957100000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 1.99098900000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.88581500000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.38127200000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07363000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02902100000 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 4083.61230000000 0.00056700000
+ 965.88953000000 0.00479900000
+ 309.65214000000 0.02281000000
+ 114.78649000000 0.06636000000
+ 44.86185600000 0.09108700000
+P 1 1.00
+ 15.68180900000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 8.13987700000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 4.74229500000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 2.15582200000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.84935000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.34332900000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11192900000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03329500000 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 617.55238000000 0.00022200000
+ 186.94199000000 0.00202400000
+ 70.54964700000 0.00922300000
+ 28.26042200000 0.03040800000
+ 12.82689300000 -0.00498100000
+ 5.00094400000 0.42905100000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.46076100000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.10221800000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.29919600000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08197100000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 137.35558000000 0.00127600000
+ 47.84952100000 0.01174200000
+ 20.06537800000 0.05457600000
+ 8.84178600000 0.16385300000
+ 4.10724800000 0.35450800000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.87425200000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.78532100000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.28442500000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.50000000000 1.00000000000
+Md 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 19611.01200000000 0.00001000000
+ 2828.31050000000 0.00004000000
+ 515.08799000000 0.00057700000
+S 1 1.00
+ 157.64404000000 1.00000000000
+S 3 1.00
+ 91.82919200000 0.06820800000
+ 53.74091500000 -0.32186000000
+ 31.28460000000 0.88171100000
+S 1 1.00
+ 15.31726500000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.13638100000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.09751400000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.90357600000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.39078600000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07489000000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02936900000 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 4147.51550000000 0.00055800000
+ 979.35681000000 0.00471500000
+ 313.85640000000 0.02217700000
+ 116.64496000000 0.06270900000
+ 45.99878300000 0.08171400000
+P 1 1.00
+ 17.64718900000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 8.13987700000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 4.74319900000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 2.18364800000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.84537800000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.34514100000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11325700000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03364500000 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 606.22896000000 0.00025900000
+ 185.64865000000 0.00207100000
+ 72.54737900000 0.00927000000
+ 29.00922300000 0.03007800000
+ 12.34091300000 -0.00622100000
+ 5.06257400000 0.44310600000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.49090500000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.11470300000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.30370000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08173900000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 140.70049000000 0.00128700000
+ 48.89124100000 0.01179100000
+ 20.40744400000 0.05422300000
+ 8.89907000000 0.16665000000
+ 4.16159700000 0.36109000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.90225000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.79801700000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.28943900000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.50000000000 1.00000000000
+No 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 20317.60200000000 0.00001400000
+ 2843.57530000000 0.00005900000
+ 585.29359000000 0.00057000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 162.49869000000 1.00000000000
+S 3 1.00
+ 94.65707200000 0.06668300000
+ 55.31368700000 -0.31812900000
+ 32.28077800000 0.87110400000
+S 1 1.00
+ 15.73498700000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.32639600000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.22376100000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.93539600000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.40406100000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.07679500000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.02998700000 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 4217.40530000000 0.00056200000
+ 998.53159000000 0.00471600000
+ 320.82738000000 0.02191700000
+ 119.62549000000 0.06082500000
+ 47.33124300000 0.07699200000
+P 1 1.00
+ 18.90049900000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 8.34859200000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 4.87511600000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 2.23886000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.85949400000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.34886000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11452900000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03398500000 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 632.03102000000 0.00028700000
+ 193.18802000000 0.00240200000
+ 74.22404800000 0.01088900000
+ 29.77491200000 0.03401400000
+ 12.46712000000 0.00661400000
+ 5.06286000000 0.45280100000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.48131000000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.11236900000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.30707800000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08150700000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 143.51253000000 0.00153800000
+ 49.99737400000 0.01394200000
+ 20.98640400000 0.06242800000
+ 9.27061000000 0.17574500000
+ 4.29726700000 0.36020600000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.96397000000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.82507300000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.29993900000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.50000000000 1.00000000000
+Lr 0
+S 3 1.00
+ 21479.82900000000 0.00003600000
+ 2867.23900000000 0.00027000000
+ 589.59394000000 0.00098700000
+S 1 1.00
+ 155.19266000000 1.00000000000
+S 3 1.00
+ 90.38645500000 0.05434400000
+ 53.16850300000 -0.30871300000
+ 31.27559000000 0.96861900000
+S 1 1.00
+ 16.48686300000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 4.42436300000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 2.27749900000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.97260800000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.43672900000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.09573100000 1.00000000000
+S 1 1.00
+ 0.03684000000 1.00000000000
+P 5 1.00
+ 4238.50590000000 0.00042200000
+ 998.68705000000 0.00354000000
+ 320.93249000000 0.01610900000
+ 119.70576000000 0.04323000000
+ 47.44449300000 0.04983100000
+P 1 1.00
+ 21.44021000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 9.77825300000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 5.12721000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 2.44514000000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.91064500000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.37450100000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.11583500000 1.00000000000
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.03433100000 1.00000000000
+D 6 1.00
+ 694.22936000000 0.00010000000
+ 229.02770000000 0.00106000000
+ 85.86938500000 0.00409700000
+ 33.31487900000 0.02031200000
+ 14.59413500000 -0.04420500000
+ 5.15416500000 0.51905200000
+D 1 1.00
+ 2.43058400000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 1.03534800000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.30989800000 1.00000000000
+D 1 1.00
+ 0.08088600000 1.00000000000
+F 5 1.00
+ 133.96176000000 0.00155600000
+ 46.79431300000 0.01315500000
+ 19.64201000000 0.05459900000
+ 8.48470700000 0.17886400000
+ 4.13282500000 0.36905900000
+F 1 1.00
+ 1.94761200000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.85123900000 1.00000000000
+F 1 1.00
+ 0.32678000000 1.00000000000
+G 1 1.00
+ 0.50000000000 1.00000000000
+! Def2-ECP EMSL Basis Set Exchange Library 4/24/17 11:32 AM
+! Elements References
+! -------- ----------
+! Y-Cd(ecp-28), Hf-Hg(ecp-46): D. Andrae,U. Haeussermann, M.Dolg, H.Stoll, H.Preuss, Theor.Chim.Acta, 1990, 77, 123?141.
+! In-Sb(ecp-28), Tl-Bi(ecp-46): B. Metz, H. Stoll, M. Dolg, J. Chem. Phys., 2000, 113, 2563?2569.
+! Te-Xe(ecp-28), Po-Rn(ecp-46): K. A. Peterson, D. Figgen, E. Goll, H. Stoll, M. Dolg, J. Chem. Phys., 2003, 119, 11113?11123.
+! Rb(ecp-28), Cs(ecp-46): T.Leininger, A.Nicklass, W.Kuechle, H.Stoll, M.Dolg, A.Bergner, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1996, 255, 274?280.
+! Sr(ecp-28), Ba(ecp-46): M. Kaupp, P. V. Schleyer, H. Stoll and H. Preuss, J. Chem. Phys., 1991, 94, 1360?1366.
+RB 0
+RB-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 3.8431140 -12.3169000
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 5.0365510 89.5001980
+2 1.9708490 0.4937610
+2 3.8431140 12.3169000
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 4.2583410 58.5689740
+2 1.4707090 0.4317910
+2 3.8431140 12.3169000
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 3.0231270 26.2248980
+2 0.6503830 0.9628390
+2 3.8431140 12.3169000
+SR 0
+SR-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 4.6339750 -15.8059920
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 7.4000740 135.4794300
+2 3.6063790 17.5344630
+2 4.6339750 15.8059920
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 6.4848680 88.3597090
+2 3.2880530 15.3943720
+2 4.6339750 15.8059920
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 4.6228410 29.8889870
+2 2.2469040 6.6594140
+2 4.6339750 15.8059920
+Y 0
+Y-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 6.5842120 -19.12219811
+2 3.2921060 -2.43637543
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 7.4880494 135.15384412
+2 3.7440247 15.55244130
+2 6.5842120 19.12219811
+2 3.2921060 2.43637543
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 6.4453772 87.78499167
+2 3.2226886 11.56406599
+2 6.5842120 19.12219811
+2 3.2921060 2.43637543
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 4.6584472 29.70100072
+2 2.3292236 5.53996847
+2 6.5842120 19.12219811
+2 3.2921060 2.43637543
+ZR 0
+ZR-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 7.5400000 -21.09377605
+2 3.7700000 -3.08069427
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 8.2000000 150.26759106
+2 4.0897278 18.97621650
+2 7.5400000 21.09377605
+2 3.7700000 3.08069427
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 7.1100000 99.62212372
+2 3.5967980 14.16873329
+2 7.5400000 21.09377605
+2 3.7700000 3.08069427
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 5.3500000 35.04512355
+2 2.4918215 6.11125948
+2 7.5400000 21.09377605
+2 3.7700000 3.08069427
+NB 0
+NB-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 8.4900000 -22.92954996
+2 4.2500000 -3.66630986
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 8.9000000 165.17914349
+2 4.4300000 21.99297437
+2 8.4900000 22.92954996
+2 4.2500000 3.66630986
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 7.7700000 111.79441445
+2 3.9600000 16.63348326
+2 8.4900000 22.92954996
+2 4.2500000 3.66630986
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 6.0500000 38.11224880
+2 2.8400000 8.03916727
+2 8.4900000 22.92954996
+2 4.2500000 3.66630986
+MO 0
+MO-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 9.4500000 -24.80517707
+2 4.7200000 -4.15378155
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 9.7145938 180.10310850
+2 4.6805004 24.99722791
+2 9.4500000 24.80517707
+2 4.7200000 4.15378155
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 8.1421366 123.77275231
+2 4.6259863 19.53022800
+2 9.4500000 24.80517707
+2 4.7200000 4.15378155
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 6.6184148 48.37502229
+2 3.2487516 8.89205274
+2 9.4500000 24.80517707
+2 4.7200000 4.15378155
+TC 0
+TC-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 10.4000000 -26.56244747
+2 5.2000000 -4.58568054
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 10.4223462 195.15916591
+2 5.0365160 28.09260333
+2 10.4000000 26.56244747
+2 5.2000000 4.58568054
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 8.9504494 135.28456622
+2 4.8544394 21.80650430
+2 10.4000000 26.56244747
+2 5.2000000 4.58568054
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 6.9456968 54.32972942
+2 3.9705849 11.15506795
+2 10.4000000 26.56244747
+2 5.2000000 4.58568054
+RU 0
+RU-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 11.3600000 -28.34061627
+2 5.6800000 -4.94462923
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 11.1052693 209.82297122
+2 5.4147454 30.65472642
+2 11.3600000 28.34061627
+2 5.6800000 4.94462923
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 9.7712707 146.33618228
+2 5.0739908 24.12787723
+2 11.3600000 28.34061627
+2 5.6800000 4.94462923
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 7.6714231 67.51589667
+2 4.1365647 9.87010415
+2 11.3600000 28.34061627
+2 5.6800000 4.94462923
+RH 0
+RH-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 12.3100000 -30.09345572
+2 6.1600000 -5.21848192
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 11.7200000 225.34775353
+2 5.8200000 32.82318898
+2 12.3100000 30.09345572
+2 6.1600000 5.21848192
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 10.4200000 158.70941159
+2 5.4500000 26.44410049
+2 12.3100000 30.09345572
+2 6.1600000 5.21848192
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 8.8200000 62.75862572
+2 3.8700000 10.97871947
+2 12.3100000 30.09345572
+2 6.1600000 5.21848192
+PD 0
+PD-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 13.2700000 -31.92955431
+2 6.6300000 -5.39821694
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 12.4300000 240.22904033
+2 6.1707594 35.17194347
+2 13.2700000 31.92955431
+2 6.6300000 5.39821694
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 11.0800000 170.41727605
+2 5.8295541 28.47213287
+2 13.2700000 31.92955431
+2 6.6300000 5.39821694
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 9.5100000 69.01384488
+2 4.1397811 11.75086158
+2 13.2700000 31.92955431
+2 6.6300000 5.39821694
+AG 0
+AG-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 14.2200000 -33.68992012
+2 7.1100000 -5.53112021
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 13.1300000 255.13936452
+2 6.5100000 36.86612154
+2 14.2200000 33.68992012
+2 7.1100000 5.53112021
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 11.7400000 182.18186871
+2 6.2000000 30.35775148
+2 14.2200000 33.68992012
+2 7.1100000 5.53112021
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 10.2100000 73.71926087
+2 4.3800000 12.50211712
+2 14.2200000 33.68992012
+2 7.1100000 5.53112021
+CD 0
+CD-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 15.1847957 -35.47662555
+2 7.5923978 -5.61767685
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 13.8358689 270.00948324
+2 6.8572704 38.76730798
+2 15.1847957 35.47662555
+2 7.5923978 5.61767685
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 12.4049710 193.82962939
+2 6.5677995 31.89652523
+2 15.1847957 35.47662555
+2 7.5923978 5.61767685
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 10.8969253 79.19364700
+2 4.6411649 13.23082674
+2 15.1847957 35.47662555
+2 7.5923978 5.61767685
+IN 0
+IN-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 12.53905600 -13.72807800
+2 12.55256100 -18.20686600
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 15.39282200 281.12235000
+2 8.05586400 61.90147000
+2 12.53905600 13.72807800
+2 12.55256100 18.20686600
+p-ul potential
+ 6
+2 13.92867200 67.46215400
+2 13.34723400 134.94925000
+2 7.61413200 14.74614000
+2 7.31836500 29.63926200
+2 12.53905600 13.72807800
+2 12.55256100 18.20686600
+d-ul potential
+ 6
+2 14.03471500 35.49325400
+2 14.51161600 53.17877300
+2 5.55055000 9.17728100
+2 5.05941500 12.39241000
+2 12.53905600 13.72807800
+2 12.55256100 18.20686600
+SN 0
+SN-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 12.28234800 -12.57633300
+2 12.27215000 -16.59594400
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 17.42041400 279.98868200
+2 7.63115500 62.37781000
+2 12.28234800 12.57633300
+2 12.27215000 16.59594400
+p-ul potential
+ 6
+2 16.13102400 66.16252300
+2 15.62807700 132.17439600
+2 7.32560800 16.33941700
+2 6.94251900 32.48895900
+2 12.28234800 12.57633300
+2 12.27215000 16.59594400
+d-ul potential
+ 6
+2 15.51497600 36.38744100
+2 15.18816000 54.50784100
+2 5.45602400 8.69682300
+2 5.36310500 12.84020800
+2 12.28234800 12.57633300
+2 12.27215000 16.59594400
+SB 0
+SB-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 14.44497800 -15.36680100
+2 14.44929500 -20.29613800
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 16.33086500 281.07158100
+2 8.55654200 61.71660400
+2 14.44497800 15.36680100
+2 14.44929500 20.29613800
+p-ul potential
+ 6
+2 14.47033700 67.45738000
+2 13.81619400 134.93350300
+2 8.42492400 14.71634400
+2 8.09272800 29.51851200
+2 14.44497800 15.36680100
+2 14.44929500 20.29613800
+d-ul potential
+ 6
+2 14.88633100 35.44781500
+2 15.14631900 53.14346600
+2 5.90826700 9.17922300
+2 5.59432200 13.24025300
+2 14.44497800 15.36680100
+2 14.44929500 20.29613800
+TE 0
+TE-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 15.20616800 -15.74545000
+2 15.20170200 -20.74244800
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 16.81447300 281.04584300
+2 8.79352600 61.62065600
+2 15.20616800 15.74545000
+2 15.20170200 20.74244800
+p-ul potential
+ 6
+2 14.87780100 67.44946400
+2 14.26973100 134.90430400
+2 8.72443500 14.68954700
+2 8.29151500 29.41506300
+2 15.20616800 15.74545000
+2 15.20170200 20.74244800
+d-ul potential
+ 6
+2 15.20500800 35.43205700
+2 15.22584800 53.13568700
+2 6.07176900 9.06980200
+2 5.80476000 13.12230400
+2 15.20616800 15.74545000
+2 15.20170200 20.74244800
+I 0
+I-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 4
+2 19.45860900 -21.84204000
+2 19.34926000 -28.46819100
+2 4.82376700 -0.24371300
+2 4.88431500 -0.32080400
+s-ul potential
+ 7
+2 40.01583500 49.99429300
+2 17.42974700 281.02531700
+2 9.00548400 61.57332600
+2 19.45860900 21.84204000
+2 19.34926000 28.46819100
+2 4.82376700 0.24371300
+2 4.88431500 0.32080400
+p-ul potential
+ 8
+2 15.35546600 67.44284100
+2 14.97183300 134.88113700
+2 8.96016400 14.67505100
+2 8.25909600 29.37566600
+2 19.45860900 21.84204000
+2 19.34926000 28.46819100
+2 4.82376700 0.24371300
+2 4.88431500 0.32080400
+d-ul potential
+ 10
+2 15.06890800 35.43952900
+2 14.55532200 53.17605700
+2 6.71864700 9.06719500
+2 6.45639300 13.20693700
+2 1.19177900 0.08933500
+2 1.29115700 0.05238000
+2 19.45860900 21.84204000
+2 19.34926000 28.46819100
+2 4.82376700 0.24371300
+2 4.88431500 0.32080400
+XE 0
+XE-ECP 3 28
+f-ul potential
+ 4
+2 20.88155700 -23.08929500
+2 20.78344300 -30.07447500
+2 5.25338900 -0.28822700
+2 5.36118800 -0.38692400
+s-ul potential
+ 7
+2 40.00518400 49.99796200
+2 17.81221400 281.01330300
+2 9.30415000 61.53825500
+2 20.88155700 23.08929500
+2 20.78344300 30.07447500
+2 5.25338900 0.28822700
+2 5.36118800 0.38692400
+p-ul potential
+ 8
+2 15.70177200 67.43914200
+2 15.25860800 134.87471100
+2 9.29218400 14.66330000
+2 8.55900300 29.35473000
+2 20.88155700 23.08929500
+2 20.78344300 30.07447500
+2 5.25338900 0.28822700
+2 5.36118800 0.38692400
+d-ul potential
+ 10
+2 15.18560000 35.43690800
+2 14.28450000 53.19577200
+2 7.12188900 9.04623200
+2 6.99196300 13.22368100
+2 0.62394600 0.08485300
+2 0.64728400 0.04415500
+2 20.88155700 23.08929500
+2 20.78344300 30.07447500
+2 5.25338900 0.28822700
+2 5.36118800 0.38692400
+CS 0
+CS-ECP 3 46
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 3.1232690 -28.8843090
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 4.0797500 84.5477300
+2 2.4174060 16.6541730
+2 3.1232690 28.8843090
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 5.5140800 157.0490590
+2 2.1603160 26.4233070
+2 3.1232690 28.8843090
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 1.8074100 13.1727530
+2 0.8581820 3.3428330
+2 3.1232690 28.8843090
+BA 0
+BA-ECP 3 46
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 3.5894650 -33.4731740
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 9.5269860 427.8458160
+2 4.4875100 204.4175300
+2 3.5894650 33.4731740
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 8.3159300 293.6058640
+2 4.2922170 294.1933160
+2 3.5894650 33.4731740
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 5.9161080 112.5504020
+2 2.8748420 181.7826210
+2 3.5894650 33.4731740
+LA 0
+LA-ECP 3 46
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 4.0286000 -36.0100160
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 3.3099000 91.9321770
+2 1.6550000 -3.7887640
+2 4.0286000 36.0100160
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 2.8368000 63.7594860
+2 1.4184000 -0.6479580
+2 4.0286000 36.0100160
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 2.0213000 36.1161730
+2 1.0107000 0.2191140
+2 4.0286000 36.0100160
+HF 0
+HF-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 1.78576984 10.04672251
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 14.76995900 1499.28471073
+2 7.38497940 40.28210136
+2 1.78576984 -10.04672251
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 9.84948950 397.73300533
+2 4.92474450 19.31640586
+2 1.78576984 -10.04672251
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 6.09675640 101.32980526
+2 3.04837820 5.87343821
+2 1.78576984 -10.04672251
+TA 0
+TA-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 2.01788111 12.01796094
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 14.54640770 1345.88064703
+2 7.27320380 36.76680620
+2 2.01788111 -12.01796094
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 9.93556529 378.42530145
+2 4.96778243 22.29309086
+2 2.01788111 -12.01796094
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 6.34737691 104.88395571
+2 3.17368846 8.75584805
+2 2.01788111 -12.01796094
+W 0
+W-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 2.25888846 14.15257947
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 14.32285640 1192.39588226
+2 7.16142810 32.52293315
+2 2.25888846 -14.15257947
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 10.02164110 359.03196711
+2 5.01082040 24.03038019
+2 2.25888846 -14.15257947
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 6.59799743 108.30134897
+2 3.29899871 10.98252827
+2 2.25888846 -14.15257947
+RE 0
+RE-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 2.50865059 16.44985227
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 14.09930510 1038.95157226
+2 7.04965250 29.56173830
+2 2.50865059 -16.44985227
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 10.10771690 339.54350965
+2 5.05385830 24.91369646
+2 2.50865059 -16.44985227
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 6.84861794 111.69965275
+2 3.42430897 12.62432927
+2 2.50865059 -16.44985227
+OS 0
+OS-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 2.76707510 18.90945701
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 13.87575390 885.40571914
+2 6.93787690 25.96704014
+2 2.76707510 -18.90945701
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 10.19379260 320.08390185
+2 5.09689620 26.14876493
+2 2.76707510 -18.90945701
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 7.09923846 115.04484313
+2 3.54961923 13.62257457
+2 2.76707510 -18.90945701
+IR 0
+IR-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 3.03407192 21.53103107
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 13.65220260 732.26919978
+2 6.82610130 26.48472087
+2 3.03407192 -21.53103107
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 10.27986840 299.48947357
+2 5.13993410 26.46623354
+2 3.03407192 -21.53103107
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 7.34985897 124.45759451
+2 3.67492949 14.03599518
+2 3.03407192 -21.53103107
+PT 0
+PT-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 3.30956857 24.31437573
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 13.42865130 579.22386092
+2 6.71432560 29.66949062
+2 3.30956857 -24.31437573
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 10.36594420 280.86077422
+2 5.18297210 26.74538204
+2 3.30956857 -24.31437573
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 7.60047949 120.39644429
+2 3.80023974 15.81092058
+2 3.30956857 -24.31437573
+AU 0
+AU-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 4.78982000 30.49008890
+2 2.39491000 5.17107381
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 13.20510000 426.84667920
+2 6.60255000 37.00708285
+2 4.78982000 -30.49008890
+2 2.39491000 -5.17107381
+p-ul potential
+ 4
+2 10.45202000 261.19958038
+2 5.22601000 26.96249604
+2 4.78982000 -30.49008890
+2 2.39491000 -5.17107381
+d-ul potential
+ 4
+2 7.85110000 124.79066561
+2 3.92555000 16.30072573
+2 4.78982000 -30.49008890
+2 2.39491000 -5.17107381
+HG 0
+HG-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 1
+2 3.88579112 30.36499643
+s-ul potential
+ 3
+2 12.98154870 275.73721174
+2 6.49077440 49.08921249
+2 3.88579112 -30.36499643
+p-ul potential
+ 3
+2 10.53809580 241.54007398
+2 5.26904790 27.39659081
+2 3.88579112 -30.36499643
+d-ul potential
+ 3
+2 8.10172051 127.86700761
+2 4.05086026 16.60831151
+2 3.88579112 -30.36499643
+TL 0
+TL-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 4
+2 5.62639900 15.82548800
+2 5.54895200 21.10402100
+2 2.87494600 2.91512700
+2 2.82145100 3.89690300
+s-ul potential
+ 6
+2 12.16780500 281.28466300
+2 8.29490900 62.43425100
+2 5.62639900 -15.82548800
+2 5.54895200 -21.10402100
+2 2.87494600 -2.91512700
+2 2.82145100 -3.89690300
+p-ul potential
+ 8
+2 7.15149200 4.63340800
+2 5.17286500 9.34175600
+2 9.89107200 72.29925300
+2 9.00339100 144.55803700
+2 5.62639900 -15.82548800
+2 5.54895200 -21.10402100
+2 2.87494600 -2.91512700
+2 2.82145100 -3.89690300
+d-ul potential
+ 8
+2 7.13021800 35.94303900
+2 6.92690600 53.90959300
+2 5.41757000 10.38193900
+2 5.13868100 15.58382200
+2 5.62639900 -15.82548800
+2 5.54895200 -21.10402100
+2 2.87494600 -2.91512700
+2 2.82145100 -3.89690300
+PB 0
+PB-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 3.88751200 12.20989200
+2 3.81196300 16.19029100
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 12.29630300 281.28549900
+2 8.63263400 62.52021700
+2 3.88751200 -12.20989200
+2 3.81196300 -16.19029100
+p-ul potential
+ 6
+2 10.24179000 72.27689700
+2 8.92417600 144.59108300
+2 6.58134200 4.75869300
+2 6.25540300 9.94062100
+2 3.88751200 -12.20989200
+2 3.81196300 -16.19029100
+d-ul potential
+ 6
+2 7.75433600 35.84850700
+2 7.72028100 53.72434200
+2 4.97026400 10.11525600
+2 4.56378900 14.83373100
+2 3.88751200 -12.20989200
+2 3.81196300 -16.19029100
+BI 0
+BI-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 2
+2 4.21454600 13.71338300
+2 4.13340000 18.19430800
+s-ul potential
+ 4
+2 13.04309000 283.26422700
+2 8.22168200 62.47195900
+2 4.21454600 -13.71338300
+2 4.13340000 -18.19430800
+p-ul potential
+ 6
+2 10.46777700 72.00149900
+2 9.11890100 144.00227700
+2 6.75479100 5.00794500
+2 6.25259200 9.99155000
+2 4.21454600 -13.71338300
+2 4.13340000 -18.19430800
+d-ul potential
+ 6
+2 8.08147400 36.39625900
+2 7.89059500 54.59766400
+2 4.95555600 9.98429400
+2 4.70455900 14.98148500
+2 4.21454600 -13.71338300
+2 4.13340000 -18.19430800
+PO 0
+PO-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 4
+2 5.01327000 17.42829500
+2 4.98464000 23.38035300
+2 1.32676000 0.16339200
+2 1.52875800 0.32456600
+s-ul potential
+ 6
+2 13.27722700 283.24470600
+2 8.39951800 62.39646100
+2 5.01327000 -17.42829500
+2 4.98464000 -23.38035300
+2 1.32676000 -0.16339200
+2 1.52875800 -0.32456600
+p-ul potential
+ 8
+2 10.66568200 71.99171600
+2 9.28375300 143.97187100
+2 6.87274900 4.94961500
+2 6.32615000 9.74049900
+2 5.01327000 -17.42829500
+2 4.98464000 -23.38035300
+2 1.32676000 -0.16339200
+2 1.52875800 -0.32456600
+d-ul potential
+ 8
+2 8.21486600 36.37838300
+2 8.00869600 54.56271500
+2 5.05522700 9.88949900
+2 4.78255300 14.69387700
+2 5.01327000 -17.42829500
+2 4.98464000 -23.38035300
+2 1.32676000 -0.16339200
+2 1.52875800 -0.32456600
+AT 0
+AT-ECP 3 60
+f-ul potential
+ 4
+2 5.81216300 19.87019800
+2 5.75371500 26.41645200
+2 2.51347200 0.99497000
+2 2.53626100 1.49070100
+s-ul potential
+ 7
+2 30.20083200 49.95715800
+2 13.61230600 283.21037100
+2 8.52934000 62.28105200
+2 5.81216300 -19.87019800
+2 5.75371500 -26.41645200
+2 2.51347200 -0.99497000
+2 2.53626100 -1.49070100
+p-ul potential
+ 8
+2 10.85406500 71.98237100
+2 9.46822900 143.90353200
+2 7.03111400 4.87175900
+2 6.14385800 8.98305900
+2 5.81216300 -19.87019800
+2 5.75371500 -26.41645200
+2 2.51347200 -0.99497000
+2 2.53626100 -1.49070100
+d-ul potential
+ 8
+2 8.31351500 36.36323700
+2 7.99896500 54.54897000
+2 5.17996600 9.77628500
+2 4.94222600 14.26475500
+2 5.81216300 -19.87019800
+2 5.75371500 -26.41645200
+2 2.51347200 -0.99497000
+2 2.53626100 -1.49070100
+RN 0
+RN-ECP 3 60
+f potential
+ 4
+2 6.34857100 21.79729000
+2 6.29594900 28.94680500
+2 2.88211800 1.44736500
+2 2.90804800 2.17796400
+s-f potential
+ 7
+2 30.15124200 49.96555100
+2 14.52124100 283.07000000
+2 8.05203800 62.00287000
+2 6.34857100 -21.79729000
+2 6.29594900 -28.94680500
+2 2.88211800 -1.44736500
+2 2.90804800 -2.17796400
+p-f potential
+ 8
+2 11.00994200 71.96911900
+2 9.61762500 143.86055900
+2 7.33600800 4.71476100
+2 6.40625300 9.01306500
+2 6.34857100 -21.79729000
+2 6.29594900 -28.94680500
+2 2.88211800 -1.44736500
+2 2.90804800 -2.17796400
+d-f potential
+ 8
+2 8.36922000 36.36836500
+2 8.11697500 54.55176100
+2 5.35365600 9.63448700
+2 5.09721200 14.38790200
+2 6.34857100 -21.79729000
+2 6.29594900 -28.94680500
+2 2.88211800 -1.44736500
+2 2.90804800 -2.17796400
diff --git a/psi4/share/psi4/basis/vdzp.gbs b/psi4/share/psi4/basis/vdzp.gbs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b6064af8994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/psi4/share/psi4/basis/vdzp.gbs
@@ -0,0 +1,3966 @@
+! Basis Set Exchange
+! Version v0.9.1+53.gf8c059b.dirty
+! https://www.basissetexchange.org
+! Basis set: vDZP
+! Description: Small basis set used in wB97X-3c method
+! Role: orbital
+! Version: 1 ()
+! From SuppMat of https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0133026
+! then converted with https://github.com/MolSSI-BSE/basis_set_exchange-historical/commit/f84314b31bc0e30e5a29c274684d6e9ff612466a#diff-7686a8c951e2392d87a59f8d89e5c75f18d2d35c60683ed5b52910076840569c
+! then removed Fluorine b/c the ECP lacks a projector
+! then added with basis_set_exchange.curate.add_basis(name="vDZP") to a local repo
+! then converted with `bse get-basis vDZP psi4`
+H 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 81.8867808750392 8.423954178607741D-003
+ 12.2310638613882 6.486128534979155D-002
+ 2.78681514418300 0.311400883615701
+ 0.775786677407768 0.985308081720946
+ 0.223433692783382 1.25681996288288
+S 3 1.00
+ 0.331097483644172 5.229230079367555D-002
+ 0.107455350812481 0.104139302794245
+ 5.068050836473430D-002 0.245115714359886
+P 2 1.00
+ 1.41704368419299 0.759765848610671
+ 0.290781406697424 1.52284462609757
+He 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 248.304359266256 5.013791761401625D-003
+ 39.2573598599833 3.498370152482973D-002
+ 9.29024287298661 0.162973195616863
+ 2.65067894829858 0.489691016372947
+ 0.811596267578816 0.932899350712677
+S 3 1.00
+ 0.345025805947542 6.211111284175633D-002
+ 0.268607161927837 0.222877468587753
+ 0.102007122911452 9.134242922580731D-002
+P 2 1.00
+ 1.31004171260559 0.696987984441538
+ 0.265008725378888 0.178488628759894
+Li 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 261.504397395816 7.995837267553254D-003
+ 39.4350606125950 5.875334576752514D-002
+ 8.90300262890217 0.251012919032166
+ 2.31212853673840 0.601136930396338
+ 0.673560740522290 0.478266124633722
+S 3 1.00
+ 0.637937919385201 -0.146472924114813
+ 6.304721566500952D-002 0.821661055674195
+ 2.013493090791047D-002 3.477351480311819D-002
+S 2 1.00
+ 2.918768367474989D-002 1.06264588349763
+ 1.476282429905036D-002 1.09550971561002
+P 3 1.00
+ 1.60768580895060 8.880833920606998D-002
+ 0.261313614186223 0.424066699835415
+ 7.870444173143244D-002 0.737998244728031
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.248573704370931 0.694743515137142
+ 8.841584908186156D-002 0.788715353454613
+Be 0
+S 5 1.00
+ 510.032398065642 5.805184624777923D-003
+ 76.4055567974287 4.334204612532117D-002
+ 17.2552505088928 0.188908143113901
+ 4.58601001828676 0.469633572219855
+ 1.35643051200906 0.395896576116606
+S 3 1.00
+ 1.62892337145868 -0.134493067134655
+ 0.158484974791453 0.944737331855137
+ 6.390289245616732D-002 0.171032012077399
+S 2 1.00
+ 5.698489884011764D-002 0.893658825535656
+ 2.915465387546414D-002 1.46300049922308
+P 3 1.00
+ 2.65889413452842 2.530216475913874D-002
+ 0.449379800838830 0.144909124946394
+ 0.113066880133065 0.200552018717091
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.458082080026774 0.881395926544720
+ 0.118291023216858 0.993425036644207
+B 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 1.54861075096810 -0.375453530716641
+ 1.23087252721814 0.296383194735185
+ 0.288936160855145 0.400281132411446
+ 0.105945534640368 0.252339650517215
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.149430266146491 0.631907262941431
+ 4.607837864673536D-002 0.717819753504494
+P 4 1.00
+ 6.82462564214998 3.205505479755914D-002
+ 1.78684146788631 0.168629590400805
+ 0.529445685475659 0.508222453208568
+ 0.171288703177855 0.449200455123818
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.137855130394765 1.12276289196323
+ 4.563892688705397D-002 1.68808792071780
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.685952928321412 1.20231771208041
+ 0.217177410256293 1.37813682980690
+C 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 2.17498779033495 -0.276058910822694
+ 1.85222694651016 0.240154751117743
+ 0.459098487623233 0.191124862153488
+ 0.169128986464754 8.729446745144773D-002
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.227455022611167 0.987938126697960
+ 8.691859095664414D-002 1.01665078897703
+P 4 1.00
+ 12.8700853336837 2.474143817991590D-002
+ 3.29544358304637 0.152192079858408
+ 0.976645717756139 0.448674298135244
+ 0.348425197117607 0.494756938314977
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.146489481077084 1.59441581131060
+ 6.373391428869210D-002 0.807859142831441
+D 2 1.00
+ 1.02531792542753 0.833187865352539
+ 0.250249064514424 0.858263567335921
+N 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 2.73537858293064 -0.239593796561468
+ 2.21980059872896 0.224989693360644
+ 0.592708671544728 0.194517761228800
+ 0.227406999886377 9.812557569901831D-002
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.280435456825790 0.853515477479943
+ 0.105373393766936 1.13072724050669
+P 4 1.00
+ 19.1045284761555 1.179263749907880D-002
+ 4.83101384630514 7.290028722149187D-002
+ 1.45496950594046 0.205542762778293
+ 0.494779046500918 0.258358206617887
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.178530326116803 1.24214669794584
+ 6.861865221406679D-002 0.429051028293024
+D 2 1.00
+ 1.23081295476094 1.26189414996331
+ 0.370851969192961 1.18165956692599
+O 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.54364182058582 -0.263554292988168
+ 2.71271747549739 0.265678831422529
+ 0.683184525058146 0.279087292612211
+ 0.255976739185305 0.112868556239495
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.286500025366724 1.02759457732443
+ 0.123012019465329 1.15916651612494
+P 4 1.00
+ 27.0038418203772 1.247015454501545D-002
+ 6.76265496618307 7.452077623399785D-002
+ 2.01170459862768 0.210079890980782
+ 0.634428348948929 0.291319728722480
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.199067660398638 1.51241365952727
+ 6.564362203855441D-002 0.312634979069872
+D 2 1.00
+ 1.36610934036736 0.858294230858700
+ 0.461931641275143 0.846034666145681
+Ne 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 8.51102514240578 -0.346407731369834
+ 6.94470965231088 0.242428346755463
+ 1.56104165091165 0.456810607744291
+ 0.599496632788183 0.413991739818852
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.609511035170838 0.175668695012269
+ 0.245683034080905 0.854892929923919
+P 4 1.00
+ 56.1111907853735 1.861719750926477D-002
+ 14.5420587170676 0.119964511456495
+ 4.46899283737483 0.351570092625040
+ 1.50478637239468 0.552758556944737
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.498808346617784 0.959617655183382
+ 0.156283251575722 0.293739815994896
+D 2 1.00
+ 1.67887704976757 0.562501368964442
+ 0.416060290014007 1.45068674612465
+Na 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 17.8594699798143 -9.463939536492276D-002
+ 1.74158949195129 0.454368094758660
+ 0.671216662419478 0.326110219633612
+ 0.356748679883699 9.973334828796372D-002
+S 3 1.00
+ 1.04053223861911 1.12892845996114
+ 0.363586481173771 0.971270254415574
+ 3.078866998041456D-002 0.725021277865661
+S 2 1.00
+ 6.338859472303171D-002 0.461074706312469
+ 2.788658995683390D-002 0.865217967752839
+P 5 1.00
+ 94.4089009077408 2.228552040412133D-002
+ 22.8330353439111 0.141094814335815
+ 7.39230858998783 0.456452935831813
+ 2.70048152381410 0.811931701138915
+ 0.980041469729433 0.865637159209604
+P 3 1.00
+ 2.66729152820851 -5.824466878861219D-003
+ 0.336960843152132 0.524769342105160
+ 5.529798619056873D-002 1.176723474665272D-002
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.317736281461799 0.216305744637804
+ 5.039944891191075D-002 1.08452052835648
+Mg 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 21.7460780008633 -0.107712415417203
+ 2.05469396368200 0.605039945128679
+ 0.775378201880917 0.358253218691254
+ 0.646755053401659 0.124456587447732
+S 3 1.00
+ 1.51803587406501 0.953325303523385
+ 0.626648472409204 0.885052846709196
+ 6.134246905614082D-002 0.663200597405635
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.114525781742183 1.10282115370117
+ 4.914379866761057D-002 1.26282719703476
+P 5 1.00
+ 98.1499215777713 2.003053229727108D-002
+ 22.9869017746254 0.130645961601314
+ 7.07370441331353 0.416305903439096
+ 2.35746336033344 0.664621574936234
+ 0.776737081590317 0.460953274263713
+P 3 1.00
+ 3.77130181095380 -8.032934562034364D-003
+ 0.189166874641788 0.340369688597086
+ 6.841987929329398D-002 0.260127856330083
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.401806625039992 0.846622892965957
+ 0.102441134000946 1.53389345856966
+Al 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.30705795086213 3.588767938384335D-002
+ 1.06499066661075 -0.301434323135238
+ 0.217094967606705 0.408003674147194
+ 0.103399050794701 0.504944565235723
+S 2 1.00
+ 9.132654922256675D-002 0.267250123331849
+ 4.038468470950146D-002 0.424093785537626
+P 4 1.00
+ 0.966979219663468 -9.359351012930060D-002
+ 0.418602698431995 0.186041911561638
+ 0.179016462009358 0.364571859325278
+ 9.277453202579522D-002 0.270083093687055
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.101275278069250 0.562522659033787
+ 3.290369192677731D-002 0.829515939896984
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.653520505846232 0.545097705481079
+ 0.177964130832299 1.14922825011090
+Si 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 4.20606176381803 3.604610037862183D-002
+ 1.37902975367020 -0.278621659841540
+ 0.265740193554717 0.514032304553670
+ 0.112502697536701 0.365777551978630
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.133673616793710 0.251860678645893
+ 4.829785943970085D-002 1.00191221723095
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.36750545941224 -4.531179416966398D-002
+ 0.391314943211862 0.288581385276753
+ 0.158228930720942 0.372264544458070
+ 6.893766722473926D-002 0.100776575608930
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.117817448223187 0.511784304415172
+ 4.106765592453850D-002 0.790699182239615
+D 2 1.00
+ 1.22980328585714 0.317490526212384
+ 0.304062845855467 1.16080210236846
+P 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 7.49269091295999 3.621125693781447D-002
+ 1.52097969250444 -0.410346524622099
+ 0.389986469516573 0.590431160496919
+ 0.185944246895989 0.700026469132572
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.426277431341986 6.694620960371159D-002
+ 7.564115540051279D-002 0.662868977638318
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.18244980241771 -7.070833458565552D-002
+ 0.716815122233311 0.179798137437340
+ 0.284356002842234 0.347185537499190
+ 0.119844662929401 0.186156103438833
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.104174736898834 0.642173678179287
+ 4.299654065014112D-002 0.592979489331625
+D 2 1.00
+ 1.69516296042313 0.257470657436119
+ 0.351822528642058 1.08909414313551
+S 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 7.60135526947176 4.644466433541525D-002
+ 1.92712121872335 -0.464421807154846
+ 0.521456307464743 0.575890670866605
+ 0.230532240510065 0.826584502526865
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.470005347878995 0.136072106018964
+ 8.346921042208452D-002 1.01912141596202
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.71163925783715 -0.172150677616090
+ 1.15727616017168 0.256510381180842
+ 0.449727077619217 0.514122297268558
+ 0.195290728698802 0.449898131647358
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.121042410856436 0.700057493662356
+ 6.104391531998530D-002 0.824465481914678
+D 2 1.00
+ 1.77775111826807 0.301983328801375
+ 0.404467069553687 1.09879294592768
+Cl 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 14.1511314131805 1.760365583012296D-002
+ 2.05769774375499 -0.379080686342735
+ 0.825720874850371 0.374023499124676
+ 0.302442901803816 0.721003299953126
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.514888452514729 0.170089201402102
+ 9.870632299483355D-002 0.945113577067391
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.84417427125301 -0.135762495160489
+ 1.37751562857898 0.223435753709267
+ 0.619123933123525 0.728151126508458
+ 0.261922095679505 0.819017057902513
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.126421788723705 0.990717918733083
+ 7.398804600786506D-002 0.696607999630255
+D 2 1.00
+ 1.92221081473857 0.588629611664179
+ 0.428318736672268 1.93785192711723
+Ar 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 14.9401011223223 1.152186122813835D-002
+ 2.24316563628522 -0.558968080854473
+ 1.43897092657767 0.473342341499905
+ 0.406876486290457 0.631293265006776
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.440259652763497 6.924930830980688D-002
+ 0.161875873541989 1.60302354292126
+P 4 1.00
+ 3.16548451116550 -7.726166651066731D-002
+ 1.11111171980347 0.471181733030391
+ 0.414649437580653 0.751059102315429
+ 0.162616494311177 0.223201162944267
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.154347795708942 1.47256477417099
+ 7.127089150119537D-002 0.581126940968504
+D 2 1.00
+ 1.46781303780062 0.644461354175551
+ 0.399396403391191 1.40142058317382
+K 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 2.71268213186389 -0.138120511191362
+ 0.959527159237479 0.183647787139610
+ 0.415861396285565 5.450415142758573D-002
+ 0.222428317820160 7.999307219833258D-002
+S 3 1.00
+ 0.745830108699890 -1.368488452055141D-002
+ 0.447736522029391 0.507569624842002
+ 2.724296719348616D-002 0.912536205403864
+S 2 1.00
+ 3.266068070295894D-002 0.739672700474343
+ 2.435181022704593D-002 1.10428898000803
+P 4 1.00
+ 10.0654991445394 -3.849153742757116D-002
+ 0.974019481042631 0.674332393861911
+ 0.374596372255086 0.612538235870897
+ 0.156921520903009 0.172520943233146
+P 3 1.00
+ 4.04201208801782 -7.059823100444122D-003
+ 8.725909260753059D-002 7.780637442196023D-002
+ 5.471425780052774D-002 0.688537533778338
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.866638592893641 0.502040108966708
+ 0.157085997853986 1.05527187844400
+Ca 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 2.71930135153458 -7.897864482061058D-002
+ 1.88327565136819 0.187115863443352
+ 0.642163903597866 0.589578641721182
+ 0.336487867316674 0.370804234632466
+S 3 1.00
+ 3.02632432033794 -0.233621817613130
+ 1.24228322650867 0.166011018415539
+ 5.348834828340474D-002 3.585105567509320D-002
+S 2 1.00
+ 5.837336749374657D-002 1.09442698040036
+ 2.992164232577088D-002 0.431156605007223
+P 4 1.00
+ 10.4115130396034 -2.176110522196274D-002
+ 1.18120185294167 0.307819154634696
+ 0.472806545197210 0.269256985338676
+ 0.206363671313866 6.840670192198159D-002
+P 3 1.00
+ 1.10396352552999 -9.366778560473431D-003
+ 9.221062601395011D-002 0.588635174997754
+ 7.655059124948181D-003 2.865501889190215D-002
+D 2 1.00
+ 1.46657234954632 0.333010877273694
+ 0.261547289431361 0.740339846732592
+Sc 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.04088576779648 0.463978291007821
+ 0.568097001649179 0.435148577227012
+S 5 1.00
+ 12.8945211402220 7.923699646347492D-002
+ 5.07168627418082 -0.458078625674804
+ 1.16718189957694 0.336412876746142
+ 0.663942013227982 0.332736377800300
+ 0.309654579707303 0.211456915305685
+S 2 1.00
+ 7.061769277941927D-002 1.48251591467513
+ 2.724840621890113D-002 0.639348111707998
+P 4 1.00
+ 6.36857849626273 -9.354587372662379D-002
+ 1.94900409744236 0.341238050162602
+ 0.815301694561392 0.601180009389589
+ 0.313815959826682 0.269603495755562
+P 2 1.00
+ 3.771043051692407D-002 0.936037163888499
+ 2.684170477773831D-002 1.28831616027965
+D 4 1.00
+ 11.6872259112710 4.865778335299575D-002
+ 3.31475837972588 0.202225028822771
+ 1.04633673839655 0.396787231764276
+ 0.313968073144035 0.458512682003578
+D 2 1.00
+ 9.636953522381723D-002 0.705041436498121
+ 3.105405678271257D-002 0.578360893303123
+Ti 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.05173644251615 0.627756794746264
+ 0.589928288257183 0.487164574898369
+S 5 1.00
+ 16.4613478867521 8.201677493479451D-002
+ 5.37138681552348 -0.650480440851248
+ 1.44898575691435 0.538706537935203
+ 0.638919559347696 0.450440953157027
+ 0.241619151338799 0.154995866346723
+S 2 1.00
+ 7.525074581042118D-002 1.66378052718901
+ 2.660202523021279D-002 0.399689063950302
+P 4 1.00
+ 7.12242965550207 -3.787369172283657D-002
+ 2.38315383662594 0.114975280753353
+ 1.02887854776570 0.221233308088350
+ 0.416069961535883 0.117542200112215
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.179440719634012 1.26989374712469
+ 7.670428426545864D-002 0.585246578780372
+D 4 1.00
+ 16.2855230972314 5.771735967735445D-002
+ 4.90318642998702 0.253388428709009
+ 1.64428901493411 0.545862699554995
+ 0.525281547715093 0.674601799857861
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.170096639197369 1.16623284190010
+ 6.410352526668969D-002 0.622642131383160
+V 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.01260541604380 1.09855032467762
+ 0.547886952924816 0.607303361814949
+S 5 1.00
+ 16.2553192652118 9.402370898305494D-002
+ 6.40506312769583 -0.537187056948314
+ 1.45716362496246 0.520258926642883
+ 0.499926424666899 0.122520741371930
+ 0.301185417021281 7.273667420759330D-002
+S 2 1.00
+ 9.093367929906723D-002 1.59518955219796
+ 3.674429261580119D-002 0.948508696780134
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.10309857226256 -8.123431841578743D-002
+ 2.62983655913050 0.267004275830990
+ 1.11220239039225 0.485982458149550
+ 0.429812510936765 0.238017396511049
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.134170344207967 0.865319211564912
+ 4.554173170441715D-002 1.00151212422183
+D 4 1.00
+ 20.9918521475967 4.794070901416290D-002
+ 6.48297379515194 0.218068368477640
+ 2.25960797765775 0.483008624822009
+ 0.787388461330058 0.596005568613632
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.266299635376845 0.873322009295333
+ 8.584877524188286D-002 0.412455368036586
+Cr 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.22614416711021 1.43041269371650
+ 0.536784361671901 0.817200561041639
+S 5 1.00
+ 19.3268078729225 0.115928746519121
+ 6.89535208009382 -0.789981589301673
+ 1.86964026714073 0.563707338989813
+ 0.843806445545593 0.445197267975825
+ 0.311586877483159 7.064862014291046D-002
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.103687455191009 1.27836223651230
+ 4.045394357015652D-002 0.998838137195865
+P 4 1.00
+ 9.27497330456402 -6.762688213562443D-002
+ 2.83480321710681 0.248491248437908
+ 1.18867190475823 0.418309250990122
+ 0.452672452476411 0.190643237959984
+P 2 1.00
+ 9.994344191099475D-002 0.572805817455668
+ 2.069064988173990D-002 0.829846109271547
+D 4 1.00
+ 25.3435184433146 4.340925018927710D-002
+ 7.83719467408049 0.208571751451851
+ 2.70373099074046 0.481280315877813
+ 0.923329332261029 0.600167729445835
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.301729037230609 1.14871930649289
+ 9.565911822765276D-002 0.610428134381533
+Mn 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.26826842040354 1.56549703836760
+ 0.857241213876438 1.20132318880764
+S 5 1.00
+ 20.8432280799979 0.103402377154196
+ 7.76041941914538 -0.656141637759377
+ 1.90451641354455 0.665798788078132
+ 1.00132043389870 0.396522428503303
+ 0.481937472514954 0.292024154733107
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.109140028793292 1.45774187387780
+ 4.531899244630688D-002 1.35768054818473
+P 4 1.00
+ 10.5124368681435 -9.755699918070762D-002
+ 3.09907313576863 0.375169172686180
+ 1.32294883198538 0.597227851646197
+ 0.527055310066796 0.279726392464365
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.344507060256629 0.623790512344580
+ 0.118361361297674 1.25085230963117
+D 4 1.00
+ 31.8182274569966 4.704772648556790D-002
+ 10.0374216666548 0.238358793519961
+ 3.53451641789282 0.579576958050342
+ 1.24976177337415 0.755472666211071
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.419663812161951 1.10745664921737
+ 0.131489658435291 0.625907283697442
+Fe 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.41467273311613 1.04809087853283
+ 0.838969961703492 0.701944708617472
+S 5 1.00
+ 22.3586551511828 9.287154036702400D-002
+ 8.72672225604981 -0.543175687899462
+ 1.88351134604455 0.788008191372790
+ 0.898098829762883 0.506118339908664
+ 0.499141495354208 0.151467937893758
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.126967189900402 1.11058466398698
+ 4.829768698887375D-002 0.960183114424347
+P 4 1.00
+ 11.7373357965045 -8.745707152439139D-002
+ 3.49174055835389 0.321194930339258
+ 1.51967031405616 0.525914230496585
+ 0.612230245036626 0.263690954760606
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.270740512749838 0.802890646297750
+ 0.110956520504685 0.614971889313592
+D 4 1.00
+ 37.6024365135511 3.578806279287797D-002
+ 11.9804690214303 0.185256836503747
+ 4.31586284795567 0.455518034426937
+ 1.58381766186133 0.610355600220350
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.548357256279178 1.54496607678618
+ 0.171477360605133 0.810476849977955
+Co 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.72859304839944 0.743738752335898
+ 0.965135408786359 0.944149972950501
+S 5 1.00
+ 25.3353156944765 8.776685596087719D-002
+ 9.48835505477761 -0.550692716628843
+ 2.10577086610054 0.731208569240892
+ 1.15274156309727 0.435591231225103
+ 0.600134651907932 0.260972326852168
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.138217537887417 1.15225617871082
+ 4.879961952517592D-002 1.32278851401508
+P 4 1.00
+ 13.0198468255991 -0.106687768822480
+ 3.89856912823919 0.379287211198618
+ 1.69191204174019 0.646070467690588
+ 0.663194326999574 0.321080022841824
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.266233736271128 0.516713551941932
+ 8.768260228563717D-002 0.610544822757111
+D 4 1.00
+ 46.4671865020914 3.673893665689392D-002
+ 14.8447279629642 0.206400986919304
+ 5.32478191031256 0.545964703962128
+ 1.94619301996447 0.772313951631123
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.663697766555819 1.76484125813582
+ 0.197538703092464 0.981959446236869
+Ni 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.58509611644903 0.536471821182173
+ 0.927688425986735 0.466470527796547
+S 5 1.00
+ 28.1173073289442 9.505420404103852D-002
+ 10.3231141462067 -0.619352378956830
+ 2.26650133474259 0.903046067552677
+ 1.03169833800425 0.572669971933934
+ 0.429763116476914 0.107936112138215
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.142723981699830 1.05293513267987
+ 5.228856232056662D-002 0.852229071227630
+P 4 1.00
+ 14.6492634273787 -0.123572234826096
+ 4.48724855527863 0.373049398484600
+ 1.92652220191562 0.666618694496378
+ 0.755571182364345 0.334357692295321
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.320923338030001 1.10979690050587
+ 0.124597438762343 1.06398612524992
+D 4 1.00
+ 55.7955968733302 3.201625499258588D-002
+ 17.6717134428222 0.206558524335505
+ 6.45888437059916 0.576880736568405
+ 2.37544958031449 0.853632978049148
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.808597906773807 1.57700498329423
+ 0.239256209430673 0.904057266555594
+Cu 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 2.01843047851479 0.946194744343953
+ 0.849138974881909 0.961852815883153
+S 5 1.00
+ 30.0956544647743 8.811100245007197D-002
+ 11.1894654151180 -0.566864618288778
+ 2.54145211839000 0.690601613017359
+ 1.29051076402860 0.526642987015046
+ 0.608961815658016 0.132227842362115
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.155609251028267 1.20550559118007
+ 5.510026391553885D-002 1.04027558121653
+P 4 1.00
+ 16.1979168969336 -0.105945973220051
+ 4.48790831337277 0.425417913649215
+ 1.92836607764851 0.642632779569416
+ 0.763943236555012 0.292317921669283
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.299840227632032 1.29285682139400
+ 0.116773403393256 1.06120557154719
+D 4 1.00
+ 60.4872979389102 3.202632734979665D-002
+ 19.2330464056605 0.186974917417988
+ 6.96509068982110 0.519387752984845
+ 2.56890337251232 0.762425819651699
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.875809628134363 0.877877663512994
+ 0.257690509171467 0.512991728700861
+Zn 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.73920386067503 1.18912658403212
+ 0.784958106809739 0.340497149689229
+S 5 1.00
+ 33.8744737143747 7.127761693686191D-002
+ 11.9726229563666 -0.506758729753922
+ 2.96171439597715 0.493378998698996
+ 1.82998191248983 0.307312140366359
+ 0.870554735731614 0.249108397868166
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.173777482831358 1.05616686670472
+ 5.893615761192603D-002 0.875584102607925
+P 4 1.00
+ 18.4288527365357 -7.278325437047668D-002
+ 4.75782851619193 0.320487006185724
+ 2.05150491110326 0.464955123396922
+ 0.811290090160395 0.202072427694810
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.280329527429075 0.290680713435479
+ 7.496762940886628D-002 0.340832692654292
+D 4 1.00
+ 69.3457839202269 3.889447576833752D-002
+ 22.3446434630368 0.225936760008613
+ 8.23007374675793 0.625199117295201
+ 3.12960763764773 0.942430315944232
+D 2 1.00
+ 1.11544534423824 1.30003906394749
+ 0.350438433853450 0.725428578055965
+Ga 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.46185109971212 8.659663469784411D-002
+ 1.67337427182544 -0.270587362690936
+ 0.211318368014323 0.351819394013131
+ 9.782815329546372D-002 0.285416686843960
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.151627010732894 0.297902650075805
+ 5.560437627029146D-002 0.811459212326388
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.22407219691830 -0.142334247355049
+ 0.570340687021070 0.156300957279935
+ 0.176342181916619 0.414233473261419
+ 6.933812705901335D-002 0.187202564348245
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.103202148667928 0.781680200650604
+ 3.252136206803683D-002 1.13990410234366
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.434136758704948 0.630724293036664
+ 0.136436950793299 1.73537644005718
+Ge 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.21749610168837 0.220957013438106
+ 1.91816657264174 -0.511683753719521
+ 0.214903864259815 0.831622355013223
+ 6.758993032021314D-002 0.205018958674098
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.465696258760948 0.242715316186745
+ 6.017402512042508D-002 1.57035045611352
+P 4 1.00
+ 3.91417955704658 7.144887754423522D-002
+ 2.34646863055538 -0.196014253789844
+ 0.273861111944102 0.722477976627074
+ 0.105990071273121 0.319809081570581
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.202135065169043 0.219317596242695
+ 6.121468711744601D-002 1.97374282491186
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.370009633119765 1.07125850340278
+ 0.132976201397853 1.06036050672317
+As 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.50769364294998 0.158031853980441
+ 1.88838302598839 -0.490805795974328
+ 0.288111240456491 0.729540893158571
+ 0.143180088067697 0.326673579759179
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.352438514225721 0.168792374131677
+ 7.312649850487693D-002 1.05877971083647
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.35825540905118 -0.165061038563378
+ 0.934647702813999 0.154119568450174
+ 0.292654437651064 0.269752770916867
+ 0.122927318606449 0.174509228237857
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.118767537139843 0.878680997698322
+ 4.760510369710624D-002 1.16234289218782
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.314487938868675 0.831547539129427
+ 0.218493965228341 1.03342386774801
+Se 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.65086573059395 0.231457444967944
+ 2.21090360918759 -0.563533855155146
+ 0.335170928150247 0.729862073845071
+ 0.151638836734083 0.315657165244952
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.599638822173405 0.126025157341704
+ 7.558213426426363D-002 1.06925257904117
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.50714825743864 -0.162605422408320
+ 0.913367414636316 0.183499918283098
+ 0.341221978698174 0.372235321530975
+ 0.150432587270790 0.271959003605538
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.157082854490027 0.530816305711698
+ 6.127242688509617D-002 1.59839118385804
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.367597502629628 1.06090973518118
+ 0.223013187433992 0.893014584291763
+Br 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 4.21401463500795 0.165692028469946
+ 2.41218869859389 -0.476877193218112
+ 0.391067027010279 0.710299602030023
+ 0.164674252704499 0.362093036360742
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.485599664696974 0.145825877592693
+ 7.459899460522629D-002 0.768087358690102
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.78994725314441 -0.207356828200732
+ 1.29203618741253 0.186107969204333
+ 0.449383252159573 0.332524333195483
+ 0.194590167329359 0.303778721053733
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.122759759966771 0.804134734195752
+ 6.673862573067599D-002 1.31991952670031
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.442438146642733 1.15867276826642
+ 0.245849018794647 1.02136622781895
+Kr 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.98651144063636 0.290559957023974
+ 2.94390174479250 -0.516111029924280
+ 0.429901866727380 0.564971586699873
+ 0.151821838899919 0.272351694910914
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.334711812967615 0.193054210334905
+ 0.111745168910535 0.897546361771100
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.15395768619348 -0.178565423895958
+ 1.28374868554691 0.172715443611190
+ 0.501685561730586 0.400700715929332
+ 0.237520267976509 0.316528198613371
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.140113161172461 0.940357138145030
+ 8.920490864237532D-002 0.846922224775234
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.526301285309856 1.17441832861239
+ 0.203100266786502 0.975302884833463
+Rb 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.86999959984632 0.122319888581838
+ 2.13090463610438 -0.666846831080447
+ 0.738002026783274 0.418046906087183
+ 0.409528742838870 0.516121898222515
+S 3 1.00
+ 1.35058072675788 0.441228993164011
+ 0.672123461407125 -0.180183191142774
+ 0.215026040193433 0.940988897209670
+S 2 1.00
+ 4.172757369765170D-002 0.194823232373106
+ 1.817308536683299D-002 0.240784908108158
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.76741041751077 -0.100991461055838
+ 0.690279272514828 0.523102112330059
+ 0.272134686487566 0.509586156257130
+ 9.986131422309147D-002 0.105281356899398
+P 3 1.00
+ 0.483868425918078 -2.196731939275387D-002
+ 6.499033909308480D-002 0.192198563243901
+ 2.634416703648951D-002 0.254778803087361
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.482952908591843 0.814918945654395
+ 0.118599680126057 1.16027248170116
+Sr 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 1.69270663745913 -0.393341748066583
+ 1.14979578577212 0.208407810147772
+ 0.669131477931614 0.410560473765932
+ 0.248220076724811 0.223568940035511
+S 3 1.00
+ 1.88626651140734 0.403235193587766
+ 0.400164390156451 -7.724477489897782D-002
+ 8.792861720296041D-002 0.264020515846125
+S 2 1.00
+ 5.944319681038857D-002 1.17340953385752
+ 2.858468610237895D-002 1.21411471117826
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.80664769930485 -5.921092742352618D-002
+ 0.819376524702221 0.263531483008482
+ 0.348158267796692 0.253839198083236
+ 0.146003646961587 5.472601882252145D-002
+P 3 1.00
+ 0.935150498254084 -9.917943921300095D-003
+ 8.778635697440401D-002 0.731454921275292
+ 4.542099313277127D-002 0.227916283506553
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.688406352899510 0.490903537712250
+ 0.192704647015304 0.763662684451690
+Y 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.674812957467158 0.585665285487731
+ 0.290353362617691 0.292072052074427
+S 5 1.00
+ 7.29654989194619 0.195341789784106
+ 2.68842218559690 -1.83835917184801
+ 2.17764257238795 1.02395089889483
+ 0.659090683583067 0.677612516206147
+ 0.318000313097685 0.286803253760232
+S 2 1.00
+ 6.166782374829640D-002 1.47113978437390
+ 2.567351221369368D-002 0.434089285930163
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.41307390589255 -0.896109901349569
+ 1.99111833544543 0.920914883211375
+ 0.644885028991499 0.747249800994136
+ 0.262158149514954 0.358967578245142
+P 2 1.00
+ 9.025183444310612D-002 1.58769459978120
+ 3.873454087454357D-002 1.12498916980766
+D 4 1.00
+ 2.64066708228761 -5.141032946211492D-002
+ 1.37723169328023 0.259691609737616
+ 0.521170303505395 0.647670134977098
+ 0.191317945677121 0.722772032170537
+D 2 1.00
+ 6.656117195178010D-002 0.635575534061145
+ 2.105871401346866D-002 0.213198852821427
+Zr 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.666118313327910 0.610098372668467
+ 0.382004929999079 0.279366801719622
+S 5 1.00
+ 7.63675545943527 0.225594387816480
+ 3.05946060471512 -2.02177093459625
+ 2.73428946974456 1.04398776152413
+ 0.974030529830960 0.649481513646212
+ 0.321237768185394 0.271978542753988
+S 2 1.00
+ 7.863898503707371D-002 1.57300006927570
+ 3.097770783604166D-002 0.591169478729097
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.63530453671629 -0.851203628339338
+ 2.13970167296543 0.892120469002649
+ 0.701270261886735 0.710477753317231
+ 0.294117575825797 0.292528213504648
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.153963461038065 1.43856000940763
+ 8.826210119058139D-002 0.995725387494396
+D 4 1.00
+ 3.20104757766065 -3.889249843554464D-002
+ 1.48504872798750 0.275692468196481
+ 0.559574253516587 0.646436509543683
+ 0.196618868867701 0.666536113423001
+D 2 1.00
+ 6.245181540083713D-002 0.649948004350706
+ 2.032592875612796D-002 0.194809845606928
+Nb 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.780972111613767 0.609456624826969
+ 0.468149789913609 0.309910528962989
+S 5 1.00
+ 8.22690767236979 0.173869214562770
+ 5.25885393823949 0.400716421610648
+ 4.02490900299962 -1.29244288314349
+ 1.19512996322882 0.474286872382335
+ 0.359665734463720 0.272918985707428
+S 2 1.00
+ 8.433029999931860D-002 1.27084805125266
+ 3.491866662394883D-002 0.591189631131490
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.87135159000081 -0.873217473927086
+ 2.28093559668165 0.940543482260755
+ 0.743551490745683 0.760237258353761
+ 0.298069250266789 0.269556485513008
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.152595605504241 1.40168766194748
+ 6.832745466076215D-002 1.01058269664647
+D 4 1.00
+ 3.36788030634544 -5.167260587217868D-002
+ 1.75656478130190 0.284516251788740
+ 0.658735017693082 0.664232933581699
+ 0.231059396397020 0.658825321793882
+D 2 1.00
+ 7.221622637409539D-002 0.696966749733009
+ 2.480109991975696D-002 0.196624147645750
+Mo 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.778417996936197 0.603632414429149
+ 0.534172652813345 0.301871306040155
+S 5 1.00
+ 9.67375251286961 0.293639539791150
+ 3.57228214673257 -1.85761487110836
+ 1.53084975489364 1.22486412851556
+ 0.631996839838809 0.660456106152509
+ 0.288839329472585 0.296153352239030
+S 2 1.00
+ 8.762652515148199D-002 1.31708778367169
+ 3.356268185884263D-002 0.580743179362521
+P 4 1.00
+ 3.09370767336553 -0.826631577474082
+ 2.40364187335152 0.900674860790133
+ 0.818240314902878 0.711828517693904
+ 0.336205879987237 0.269489929318047
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.141936162002582 1.30312958917723
+ 5.114205787153622D-002 1.26288165576363
+D 4 1.00
+ 4.24870663770851 -5.604742198311602D-002
+ 2.04307670113320 0.260482078879168
+ 0.819219599194746 0.645891778457058
+ 0.300623287176015 0.680758170713013
+D 2 1.00
+ 9.992493985919369D-002 0.934167552488968
+ 3.383758535234022D-002 0.225962855555924
+Tc 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.00392452722883 0.601613332019914
+ 0.543013116325251 0.295145009859298
+S 5 1.00
+ 8.73448823153519 0.191829141562675
+ 3.83589909506826 -2.10577511652423
+ 3.46975174468470 1.51846664758605
+ 0.967124516164882 0.732292685599877
+ 0.424182603993053 0.274139633353530
+S 2 1.00
+ 8.809423699338009D-002 1.30125653582761
+ 3.368277486030876D-002 0.537823653933980
+P 4 1.00
+ 3.40502398494387 -0.854982996733504
+ 2.56426507400282 0.959319009574710
+ 0.863581625171564 0.828846615206194
+ 0.337411029995261 0.255144526070119
+P 2 1.00
+ 9.179551766701929D-002 1.10146698778283
+ 2.987928277401850D-002 1.93711548462029
+D 4 1.00
+ 5.09773211075838 -5.466767994064593D-002
+ 2.18713833316195 0.264182410092269
+ 0.976624475913165 0.623831001406710
+ 0.396051934958661 0.663361650807256
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.148110040541809 1.02980235572100
+ 5.968869159526391D-002 0.261393560258343
+Ru 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.06440304555683 0.566761648708502
+ 0.627779982819156 0.302811587640109
+S 5 1.00
+ 9.69650048143034 0.176368995944123
+ 3.98649020767744 -1.98131183005159
+ 3.50727055421684 1.41377078134131
+ 1.04439863803745 0.657254090852504
+ 0.448751919986929 0.252393374138148
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.101793183952790 1.33489381771574
+ 3.477641198215500D-002 0.605967167434391
+P 4 1.00
+ 3.76340429509214 -0.859444471046694
+ 2.77087245796112 0.955526231775891
+ 0.988572431005159 0.893940245276305
+ 0.408597854458266 0.334564018188763
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.187687004290371 1.56674918523529
+ 5.150473962668446D-002 0.913525241281394
+D 4 1.00
+ 5.55003209032165 -5.784676103848167D-002
+ 2.44635581938185 0.253638478652583
+ 1.07334202551574 0.583490878354445
+ 0.429389404890286 0.589592130439872
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.165052645166804 1.11629629718284
+ 6.884489728870219D-002 0.265257106223311
+Rh 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.12098788559612 0.630953703067257
+ 0.505354440196707 0.263165934157547
+S 5 1.00
+ 10.6122771599683 0.168503102459984
+ 4.17571135756162 -1.84733883660643
+ 3.54019826470641 1.31106735015494
+ 1.05471245757350 0.697993868303010
+ 0.463476941826812 0.185865531158023
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.107799055751120 0.895058309014782
+ 3.559370831609935D-002 0.457714131915114
+P 4 1.00
+ 3.91576276010694 -1.15544593145038
+ 3.21494627268575 1.20303067206900
+ 1.13839001431618 0.792074916424978
+ 0.483900206512104 0.361955969996082
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.173801790703413 1.46777654571461
+ 5.895508377934632D-002 1.88869983397481
+D 4 1.00
+ 6.39682745880457 -4.840930022490961D-002
+ 2.90832476834207 0.267035530161711
+ 1.36766612062141 0.694020583365507
+ 0.573074572997595 0.792961890373963
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.215417984871793 1.16615184937692
+ 7.469447562002646D-002 0.264937531216332
+Pd 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.15150596150734 0.944652624868353
+ 0.758022887254443 0.204351049313176
+S 5 1.00
+ 11.2600422052305 0.164097577055636
+ 4.44755440793674 -1.86672250252735
+ 3.79895042991320 1.35973686267111
+ 1.12519123980090 0.565530046177808
+ 0.452556029260001 0.188772887643213
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.114341106908416 0.954437219939759
+ 4.162207160515557D-002 0.471208585065146
+P 4 1.00
+ 4.28020233090925 -1.17737734053395
+ 3.25839393793078 1.28873573870838
+ 1.16545499028153 1.06068570291479
+ 0.488221099389854 0.409953870721302
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.201275394801289 1.77571712096043
+ 5.705358425567678D-002 1.17393556109297
+D 4 1.00
+ 6.93933503903740 -4.562614946585899D-002
+ 3.00413061016028 0.311839410976142
+ 1.36559004961465 0.718055557380262
+ 0.570518822591554 0.709739345642839
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.235211306335287 0.761544637626209
+ 9.854861474328271D-002 0.252650801916956
+Ag 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.16886529447267 0.981239664456931
+ 0.703892508517887 0.301221440276313
+S 5 1.00
+ 11.1373801857538 0.170113394089572
+ 4.98968629393956 -1.88773545956666
+ 4.47592019405193 1.43435681270576
+ 1.20148634317478 0.868528612668586
+ 0.510392667885504 0.192122601443097
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.109374172854879 1.05399397907229
+ 3.377658400263569D-002 0.411521983508193
+P 4 1.00
+ 4.55637268460979 -1.20293335593501
+ 3.51316626133765 1.31329658885021
+ 1.24479486398560 1.03631291022647
+ 0.512047738552899 0.383294270449172
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.176416800128946 0.973703560127612
+ 5.237203283624693D-002 0.912910487488859
+D 4 1.00
+ 7.44645339176443 -4.568584883563650D-002
+ 3.25592797616383 0.334321217612228
+ 1.45817738575535 0.759037145473994
+ 0.596305718478775 0.729668743368475
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.229825513509261 1.45800445330810
+ 9.015196987088132D-002 0.269101010696496
+Cd 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.05510598741113 1.27280825408294
+ 0.604148329306486 0.229142637869071
+S 5 1.00
+ 12.0172445048054 0.169339966250509
+ 5.11421782555931 -1.89854344311818
+ 4.44694011542972 1.45085379486522
+ 1.21662834922767 0.933523984483249
+ 0.532052126747150 0.193968463984448
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.146383394325795 0.696754211201052
+ 4.704647943945912D-002 0.358960905928618
+P 4 1.00
+ 4.75723324663366 -1.07691068748833
+ 3.86737240805002 1.15177972970544
+ 1.35882307713677 0.721432137820305
+ 0.577098779341464 0.278790097257146
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.182360815830220 0.804988419981623
+ 6.241927598375264D-002 0.598193345980377
+D 4 1.00
+ 8.11002005904231 -2.522241280672633D-002
+ 3.45172676856943 0.211885297279549
+ 1.58170828179463 0.447542350486816
+ 0.673407975663716 0.418668166040307
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.272634468912201 1.11644884788553
+ 0.113339867321873 0.175327136751498
+In 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 1.42475320483522 0.195216369563579
+ 0.967776518277895 -0.390335918373449
+ 0.189316580236318 0.332066512393270
+ 6.968298669269221D-002 0.481912204466939
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.262064023538922 5.192877447641053D-002
+ 6.445877098553859D-002 0.801906317169239
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.81044902714695 6.134492240343663D-002
+ 1.04664349668178 -0.193157129825426
+ 0.184987578095700 0.458390096608217
+ 7.186161982419782D-002 0.194158130930126
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.138098170855736 0.104631733864083
+ 4.124758088868014D-002 0.868493244911580
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.138242005138460 0.573395637067555
+ 7.977730044140879D-002 1.01621980615533
+Sn 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 2.40106207885046 0.149527197103277
+ 1.15331611552832 -0.502781332360285
+ 0.226914764387871 0.515242159191866
+ 0.110037948496911 0.383620829459247
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.317225487215176 0.157353145384753
+ 6.105399717805061D-002 0.982405762325168
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.56689842548758 5.505120086399930D-002
+ 1.49926043598471 -0.169738769858440
+ 0.227034747645248 0.493183210725118
+ 9.217949893447064D-002 0.327033786313255
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.173407347066237 0.225606877021200
+ 4.867454971076125D-002 2.06530046413178
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.241102386017281 1.10109030996696
+ 0.116551335998174 1.47446573540032
+Sb 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 1.90129149643421 0.372390986717445
+ 1.44947512029410 -0.589821664527829
+ 0.255179663388319 0.238020525011687
+ 0.159557301375104 0.282602074545870
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.355114126591058 0.126701793951180
+ 6.739314185934160D-002 1.04662080052824
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.37568985170905 5.112258423849757D-002
+ 1.34806277439836 -0.161075779288683
+ 0.243744636818852 0.405765152731996
+ 0.107166990008902 0.186486532977689
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.205419448721982 0.140291569704850
+ 6.291629134386928D-002 1.92693432850263
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.205284248871710 1.92344883142467
+ 0.161194685111142 1.08407527677881
+Te 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 2.08351413068471 0.802285578370506
+ 1.71450790160407 -1.14743200231690
+ 0.243721857038989 0.709372799497782
+ 0.130681370450099 0.126965084682974
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.315794405078903 0.190600374707597
+ 8.822133123985078D-002 0.836704224184746
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.48101281064376 7.390169205075584D-002
+ 1.39916920547657 -0.238783627661525
+ 0.229946308236131 0.340455500866130
+ 0.127434638297959 0.247951299804971
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.503816419435365 0.919676716095387
+ 5.680962337399868D-002 0.797571264541942
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.192018182978057 1.57139765565271
+ 6.443786485447507D-002 0.969777509196901
+I 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 2.46763775591826 0.270191039382859
+ 1.69692816235658 -0.514853581901737
+ 0.298836215328116 0.446031974526093
+ 0.139199227031199 0.193993291432488
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.241437612792954 0.214060325418440
+ 7.820990642457401D-002 0.853326113660609
+P 4 1.00
+ 0.954417866048950 -0.267890449748136
+ 0.663589859519190 0.294307194919638
+ 0.236750134212065 0.246021979652538
+ 0.130584739507374 0.138773377805745
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.229168242462655 6.310584973216034D-002
+ 6.722088462943633D-002 2.03005652065806
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.327941623565369 0.159626880427059
+ 0.228514545921793 1.06491073150809
+Xe 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 2.75509592482670 0.249896927022905
+ 1.73831236699465 -0.537631660732284
+ 0.358046650467333 0.489101738861531
+ 0.142124603625013 0.268006037727301
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.275478850220762 0.193322700350251
+ 0.100907057597611 0.887859271841516
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.11783971930001 -0.276367079429126
+ 0.691267910074016 0.323178756009640
+ 0.279267713061089 0.298358628779487
+ 0.155955498859599 0.226885229368596
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.265352026981580 6.733676589567017D-002
+ 7.589274431245777D-002 1.83024378138774
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.402780208511104 0.161378596156034
+ 0.243632826925610 1.04374483574107
+Cs 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 2.17243332334312 9.394489713644555D-002
+ 1.21355942986731 -0.574876851884396
+ 0.913074181037590 0.380293350662842
+ 0.313880498179613 0.275539125877757
+S 3 1.00
+ 1.29443439025071 -0.246882008314976
+ 1.08875626351396 0.352493537018303
+ 0.141990201906192 1.01388442039574
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.110486818629393 0.142948191574704
+ 2.103622615518597D-002 0.289955177474061
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.29661206281324 -0.158205270386835
+ 0.511587649505974 0.411480813114127
+ 0.201550092329276 0.414262558280869
+ 6.533847807521875D-002 7.230217582307434D-002
+P 3 1.00
+ 0.299675722331893 -9.735552329440023D-002
+ 6.347084330549123D-002 7.006429755796757D-002
+ 2.936375353157252D-002 0.660221576186737
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.288013152963643 1.13041770831029
+ 9.477615326285307D-002 0.956697547106978
+Ba 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 2.16522443957251 0.172126972668540
+ 1.56360666301505 -0.412498520678326
+ 0.468388660094124 0.403433792500733
+ 0.182490630329468 0.153935914976811
+S 3 1.00
+ 0.969811881199378 0.332173932717795
+ 0.438335807570558 -9.359871281009978D-002
+ 5.141392751414215D-002 0.275829475814372
+S 2 1.00
+ 3.842068546813804D-002 0.348249206633086
+ 3.482715662763886D-002 1.04922299327412
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.24686767725796 -9.071335217621569D-002
+ 0.619719104166210 0.186065346860657
+ 0.314722191970066 5.334591733781478D-002
+ 0.218214872640625 0.124038886456251
+P 3 1.00
+ 0.888823238003780 -9.266901736114858D-003
+ 0.112339424955501 0.520029153739032
+ 4.891725154183287D-002 0.294753654055695
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.376362798375153 0.740747300068066
+ 0.122678391090610 0.544085547842360
+La 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.579546119269714 0.937709515416482
+ 0.290509752937573 1.16436733135073
+S 4 1.00
+ 2.96151881528895 0.344436595848995
+ 2.11689888732538 -0.624622276099719
+ 0.521152464968100 0.515127237674834
+ 0.230069398586429 0.246218458005955
+S 2 1.00
+ 4.891676258396317D-002 1.10599577692508
+ 1.860473748128281D-002 0.464967111858143
+P 4 1.00
+ 3.24524564320583 0.176769094459680
+ 2.47089043541204 -0.332713646675597
+ 0.545303856973002 0.526757519263230
+ 0.216537966689092 0.336610767661435
+P 2 1.00
+ 3.329936909886114D-002 1.04402267284473
+ 6.745724156190845D-003 6.735390167864445D-002
+D 4 1.00
+ 1.50984881560618 -9.162246345066556D-002
+ 0.743009875436052 0.179196344422847
+ 0.339879135044010 0.485427467589934
+ 0.137512286532587 0.463167031971224
+D 2 1.00
+ 6.043225224082793D-002 0.866616108692805
+ 2.144677108782617D-002 0.436873072385616
+Ce 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 2.3387082694 0.13042319193
+ 1.3219380599 -0.94540743539
+ 0.93665343051 0.57866012997
+ 0.43317450783 0.19922843248
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.78716138519 0.61399977932
+ 0.25614102871 0.97494473290
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.42862440378D-01 1.4500446039
+ 0.19521352708D-01 0.34746965573
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.2197749338 0.19603088989
+ 2.0189125071 -0.32025752375
+ 0.59208736304 0.40620759267
+ 0.27715890834 0.24351774688
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.15606258029 1.0000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 1.0842213855 -0.14352880349D-01
+ 0.44854017505 0.58846622273
+ 0.15196094511 0.14755321786
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.13954925920 1.5393440079
+ 0.40874025783D-01 0.36900964488
+F 5 1.00
+ 34.145399262 0.32170509402D-01
+ 12.065428998 0.14007121521
+ 4.4501112056 0.28422046329
+ 1.6764032296 0.34240233416
+ 0.65208463631 0.12381738303
+F 2 1.00
+ 0.54519939730 0.89984480505
+ 0.16190740048 0.96684920740
+Pr 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.1689846518 0.17163109833
+ 1.6678907168 -0.99583823380
+ 0.81218612542 0.27245845030
+ 0.60152924495 0.15242165492
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.90387535210 0.65750424867
+ 0.30118917715 0.54246743540
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.62615656705D-01 0.95951157448
+ 0.22405546382D-01 0.28985082359
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.4821081369 0.20340061220
+ 2.2573819967 -0.34095322639
+ 0.68556585041 0.45313355506
+ 0.38714466910 0.87858983753D-01
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.22038106400 1.0000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 1.0025332158 -0.19351122016D-01
+ 0.75022354094 0.59802933685
+ 0.22932905332 0.13854490351
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.20567375317 0.68433658929
+ 0.46531823684D-01 0.19128774083
+F 5 1.00
+ 40.232881930 0.39727695667D-01
+ 14.439096901 0.18597356832
+ 5.6668242318 0.36484675429
+ 2.4378732553 0.39320298318
+ 1.0498273953 0.15185236161
+F 2 1.00
+ 1.1559046069 0.64943344381
+ 0.36718486505 0.73833521094
+Nd 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 2.3994452311 0.33005251961
+ 1.6828843243 -1.0878120063
+ 0.98814172882 0.22802643482
+ 0.20892020623 0.19056875363
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.1272987979 0.72112013410
+ 0.48928449185 0.80359330200
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.24303840698D-01 0.50486238891
+ 0.13029609227D-01 0.61269624181
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.3247353460 0.17014791696
+ 2.0562191456 -0.35517864681
+ 0.69782906294 0.57219729171
+ 0.50919467939 0.85761284929D-01
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.23546913951 1.0000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 1.0745772989 -0.17620186217D-01
+ 0.47206210362 0.70820315528
+ 0.20001586337 0.16864766654
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.14261726432 0.52089059290
+ 0.57631923663D-01 0.18061005361
+F 5 1.00
+ 46.847185945 0.30502424037D-01
+ 17.019304283 0.15310458698
+ 6.7986212540 0.31687680631
+ 2.8870915631 0.40686652959
+ 1.1089822042 0.16639626932
+F 2 1.00
+ 1.2617947307 0.58596675664
+ 0.38876400830 0.61199823094
+Pm 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 2.9304283389 0.35717715422
+ 1.9274984936 -1.1701191543
+ 0.77254891437 0.23006833621
+ 0.16984309946 0.18382815901
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.0620211133 0.22984322387
+ 0.44306165634 0.64038534886
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.47080341941D-01 0.56694520729
+ 0.20131076829D-01 0.95173018826
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.5264095581 0.18635062123
+ 2.1828823784 -0.35938323404
+ 0.67834529941 0.57393619220
+ 0.36842227341 0.20324099471
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.21745202643 1.0000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 1.1759376249 -0.19615039553D-01
+ 0.43743803798 0.68449554350
+ 0.21286751789 0.13880279941
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.11223743237 0.34613829811
+ 0.29513406922D-01 0.26373925997
+F 5 1.00
+ 49.708022670 0.30656850946D-01
+ 17.966438036 0.15467589903
+ 7.1020805851 0.33065482216
+ 2.9081425099 0.44445096865
+ 1.2156063143 0.27056890143
+F 2 1.00
+ 0.87975604481 0.56228042605
+ 0.35980559820 0.72234081803
+Sm 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.1984689860 0.38870099316
+ 2.0546383957 -1.2966724226
+ 0.82422222266 0.22776680729
+ 0.16016847729 0.17283307905
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.94660988489 0.28694846973
+ 0.42826340683 0.67162063994
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.55236922625D-01 0.59959512081
+ 0.24617411607D-01 0.91217910521
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.5131240788 0.19131016970
+ 2.2371889004 -0.36139913837
+ 0.69782770455 0.57566387177
+ 0.38056570145 0.17549893329
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.22562301428 1.0000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 0.92653512511 -0.17463655728D-01
+ 0.51936289270 0.58599759407
+ 0.22109803651 0.16764874679
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.15430482491 0.31194563860
+ 0.53900115632D-01 0.23554680276
+F 5 1.00
+ 50.128022078 0.32967782994D-01
+ 18.164742527 0.15842286061
+ 7.1835027162 0.32583914580
+ 2.9627541067 0.42163720622
+ 1.2321409767 0.25172080850
+F 2 1.00
+ 0.93057739827 0.53193975250
+ 0.37279789011 0.76357516248
+Eu 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.3450599057 0.37597016675
+ 2.0755740620 -1.4051317768
+ 0.94042698165 0.23250560461
+ 0.18167465041 0.19260813349
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.0521663341 0.32760603173
+ 0.44292626550 0.64365988055
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.61414092824D-01 0.58823078916
+ 0.31784177184D-01 0.93060951333
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.4956340085 0.19416454017
+ 2.2925067156 -0.35674794310
+ 0.72059130792 0.56742806498
+ 0.38614252682 0.17026311834
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.22937458805 1.0000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 0.96494660921 -0.16327079928D-01
+ 0.49732776274 0.71435560855
+ 0.21250337204 0.16484802692
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.15545285857 0.31774982666
+ 0.58419430722D-01 0.21065628727
+F 5 1.00
+ 51.095384126 0.35305949222D-01
+ 18.473596326 0.16233513670
+ 7.3468158980 0.32454359514
+ 3.0596537330 0.40921509681
+ 1.2736886573 0.26775595752
+F 2 1.00
+ 0.88197183184 0.50698616691
+ 0.38129255347 0.85365765095
+Gd 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 4.0000191043 0.33348723416
+ 2.1957313895 -1.4849420231
+ 0.96524115435 0.24940190681
+ 0.16224818741 0.18415002783
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.0983677094 0.33221994084
+ 0.43254827062 0.52453041521
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.64209408826D-01 0.60391215603
+ 0.33870628205D-01 0.92946853335
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.4278731108 0.19806767763
+ 2.3117798231 -0.35798393193
+ 0.73970340991 0.57800647237
+ 0.36672522184 0.18977860839
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.22782861457 1.0000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 0.91766730388 -0.16219993919D-01
+ 0.52946179464 0.68715206026
+ 0.22126640027 0.19493359072
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.15079118258 0.31710911401
+ 0.55406934975D-01 0.21924464248
+F 5 1.00
+ 52.702891850 0.37944092036D-01
+ 18.968629359 0.17295048686
+ 7.4837616368 0.33929663526
+ 3.1245511413 0.40924409208
+ 1.2979172580 0.26643251896
+F 2 1.00
+ 0.88233678739 0.51658546481
+ 0.38448457937 0.87332889639
+Tb 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.2013865052 0.41189426737
+ 2.1267844157 -1.5069359530
+ 0.99909749503 0.25453505670
+ 0.15741744950 0.11799077794
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.0236270537 0.34011076987
+ 0.43069780159 0.45488890028
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.69974898990D-01 0.69864329621
+ 0.32940990975D-01 0.74038600919
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.0739895714 -0.34359567373
+ 1.8284712686 0.21536218534
+ 0.77572676902 0.49067793548
+ 0.38409137145 0.25608742635
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.21791571092 1.0000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 0.82517175820 -0.15782273999D-01
+ 0.60015408099 0.51582418239
+ 0.23945754209 0.21993027658
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.17084029452 0.33934451181
+ 0.66393296853D-01 0.17961758229
+F 5 1.00
+ 56.589558964 0.38014387935D-01
+ 20.155230196 0.17979384807
+ 7.8203605529 0.36211159816
+ 3.1788828887 0.43190963170
+ 1.2899183111 0.25425567044
+F 2 1.00
+ 0.94281835642 0.52428332737
+ 0.37516816582 0.77464190837
+Dy 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.0776389723 0.47400905998
+ 2.1445169032 -1.5715433837
+ 1.0325248606 0.25187264116
+ 0.14988485550 0.11599759842
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.1879184925 0.37184131404
+ 0.43996446544 0.43980183214
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.49122676587D-01 0.66288936087
+ 0.20927956353D-01 0.75873320773
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.2820497635 -0.33536496558
+ 2.1499867941 0.21298737795
+ 0.77851373963 0.46980875290
+ 0.37521934267 0.25103279117
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.19993955442 1.0000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 0.83265033401 -0.16672954384D-01
+ 0.58650564812 0.57258552581
+ 0.24967987537 0.22009189433
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.18010507726 0.34458238353
+ 0.65825970099D-01 0.19150260462
+F 5 1.00
+ 57.861342453 0.38972875107D-01
+ 20.635393825 0.18104524639
+ 8.0045353656 0.35942466479
+ 3.2264495561 0.42336034677
+ 1.2941751713 0.25632664459
+F 2 1.00
+ 0.88116557002 0.49689480385
+ 0.33975442159 0.78637909844
+Ho 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.2158552876 0.43591531252
+ 2.2546332640 -1.4090579195
+ 0.92667846446 0.23681295904
+ 0.19797869591 0.11385953179
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.0745846867 0.34915970893
+ 0.43361307953 0.29579910052
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.53966343732D-01 0.57870669379
+ 0.21991634871D-01 0.80371336456
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.2767405467 -0.30991942462
+ 1.8756894341 0.22243338525
+ 0.76935184508 0.48361700903
+ 0.34246701503 0.28262061093
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.18955952108 1.0000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 0.72308636599 -0.14022935559D-01
+ 0.63626720479 0.51906061850
+ 0.23493178317 0.24475528163
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.17948595604 0.33830353714
+ 0.73557821351D-01 0.17902178771
+F 5 1.00
+ 60.830053758 0.38490576289D-01
+ 21.588065934 0.18191061031
+ 8.2504794114 0.36599238535
+ 3.2756194865 0.41519599717
+ 1.2805817632 0.22343297350
+F 2 1.00
+ 1.0618587711 0.56092980862
+ 0.37805336380 0.86663447860
+Er 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.3000081943 0.44991244311
+ 2.2614561848 -1.6169298743
+ 0.90114200876 0.24366030559
+ 0.18512901720 0.11606060753
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.2348312221 0.31075956047
+ 0.43510111410 0.23329509247
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.39648759574D-01 0.78382314559
+ 0.36670951258D-01 0.63520038350
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.3276436679 -0.30138478098
+ 1.8534928835 0.22804162477
+ 0.77433880133 0.45930788677
+ 0.36133227744 0.28550770707
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.18644851729 1.0000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 0.90025331301 -0.17255084799D-01
+ 0.64509890662 0.51958813200
+ 0.17116558621 0.25155677131
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.17720273728 0.37544355179
+ 0.63204717631D-01 0.19440429807
+F 5 1.00
+ 66.650276003 0.38515010289D-01
+ 23.862873532 0.18521559367
+ 9.4132698678 0.37123792692
+ 3.9037034559 0.44213974925
+ 1.6282188005 0.29704122502
+F 2 1.00
+ 0.96418158841 0.51526017964
+ 0.41737404054 0.67987974824
+Tm 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.5299519677 0.44003000313
+ 2.3732647525 -1.6761471506
+ 0.85973269378 0.24401560537
+ 0.18899427271 0.12618149018
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.2377147000 0.35352495220
+ 0.43788333056 0.25713837625
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.56601467736D-01 0.75159110295
+ 0.34452658435D-01 0.66543541299
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.3894150386 -0.29879897111
+ 1.8556000572 0.23183918701
+ 0.80665788883 0.46577279262
+ 0.36431735727 0.30356272475
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.18967969622 1.0000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 0.84210408156 -0.16821641435D-01
+ 0.64269388942 0.52527576112
+ 0.17420558842 0.25494058909
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.18537620534 0.38613395267
+ 0.66999787462D-01 0.18596000119
+F 5 1.00
+ 69.098639820 0.39780930603D-01
+ 24.622398191 0.18915006104
+ 9.6705849641 0.37748622137
+ 3.9676759584 0.44713272983
+ 1.6026915739 0.30538309036
+F 2 1.00
+ 0.86298295525 0.53920991053
+ 0.38713539910 0.66033025316
+Yb 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 4.1297665092 0.31414103734
+ 2.3674906697 -1.8967660670
+ 0.80665022026 0.22577143216
+ 0.20227385008 0.10988539866
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.4384281891 0.33435468094
+ 0.45855181128 0.22326091906
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.60105436712D-01 0.71957909349
+ 0.35482632702D-01 0.64341395549
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.4716593143 -0.29512519332
+ 1.8609936686 0.23739957024
+ 0.82348541164 0.45729260059
+ 0.36751090136 0.35124266533
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.17137331504 1.0000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 0.80514347151 -0.17580695087D-01
+ 0.49818496545 0.50734627089
+ 0.18318772548 0.27057439096
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.48692800777D-01 0.23063487892
+ 0.20653138704D-02 0.29786485737
+F 5 1.00
+ 69.918468598 0.41342514961D-01
+ 24.947950088 0.19255135085
+ 9.7654631620 0.37677438060
+ 4.0111516816 0.42959973401
+ 1.6359822957 0.29306679321
+F 2 1.00
+ 0.88539119885 0.54662620860
+ 0.42739330834 0.73386406646
+Lu 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 3.9977029162 0.45744168018
+ 2.7092619889 -1.5401338356
+ 0.90262598006 0.24551822923
+ 0.19709983436 0.10348695822
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.2498159760 0.31254327822
+ 0.46548004801 0.23449197377
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.80960274419D-01 0.62470713752
+ 0.47485302330D-01 0.62452618808
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.5814640098 -0.29720840337
+ 1.9763119042 0.25005587464
+ 0.83520709609 0.45065984604
+ 0.35641388942 0.30545914112
+P 1 1.00
+ 0.15642176450 1.0000000000
+D 3 1.00
+ 0.91706262949 -0.17339228386D-01
+ 0.57277520315 0.50361027373
+ 0.16819103334 0.24844309076
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.86838737228D-01 0.31149462760
+ 0.38900529418D-01 0.21744992663
+F 5 1.00
+ 73.095465952 0.42169444125D-01
+ 26.023715946 0.19591147940
+ 10.230613237 0.38032428371
+ 4.1822552002 0.43722238823
+ 1.6563744695 0.29799664853
+F 2 1.00
+ 0.82684021373 0.49303740626
+ 0.49764936538 0.84288616292
+Hf 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.764844351020278 1.70746897790986
+ 0.290339685115463 0.519137602207456
+S 4 1.00
+ 5.74526391326522 0.276398505380052
+ 3.89414255373533 -0.839898489463071
+ 3.12102733585103 0.474240430953789
+ 0.635496702085532 0.158777918809391
+S 2 1.00
+ 8.209132517740725D-002 1.95891057176464
+ 2.550548105694109D-002 0.408538141345851
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.04734975615172 0.134374727878212
+ 5.35315490533019 -0.304612877775915
+ 0.989731302776067 0.607862566691880
+ 0.373084955618898 0.433934935433193
+P 2 1.00
+ 4.293078068817798D-002 1.37130667717365
+ 1.820454481813109D-002 0.809563007667753
+D 4 1.00
+ 3.43068625591040 -6.778954964772876D-002
+ 1.28463875659619 0.283064494075386
+ 0.433718517572431 0.619508023969267
+ 0.150295851218331 0.390710591200658
+D 2 1.00
+ 7.250379749097140D-002 0.794719269255434
+ 2.706182127799658D-002 0.342285689082477
+Ta 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.805972319841882 1.68824684835804
+ 0.268930532033505 0.379133660479319
+S 4 1.00
+ 5.96380370765734 0.279364073058028
+ 3.96111667779907 -0.850260809205774
+ 3.08576663261786 0.479568840293875
+ 0.665808701395365 0.193394187367224
+S 2 1.00
+ 8.655342974312119D-002 2.59526352921979
+ 2.779115733533791D-002 0.533383099437478
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.18290420839394 0.136625206869096
+ 5.41901072772955 -0.317091050150205
+ 1.08089730536229 0.587463210567453
+ 0.427101858969178 0.435988981254703
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.123665166521987 1.34811785761304
+ 7.463139146556706D-002 0.779829286765714
+D 4 1.00
+ 3.93878085795117 -5.790076852868339D-002
+ 1.36749913821919 0.225894545812765
+ 0.629935945405439 0.379219030762406
+ 0.273092407859716 0.508381938982101
+D 2 1.00
+ 9.992568304084203D-002 0.812911312186517
+ 3.794385263461659D-002 0.332399580287690
+W 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.841444067228367 1.64490988336330
+ 0.271780212683916 0.409568828017193
+S 4 1.00
+ 6.10612594709169 0.277025340818775
+ 4.12770257021217 -0.844730321998545
+ 3.27497081732984 0.483142244882837
+ 0.733004472901064 0.158006598996975
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.100331812736472 1.86958981512116
+ 2.963273276056127D-002 0.528929932062150
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.28555352980038 0.157354211889067
+ 5.61567818757921 -0.352854952607261
+ 1.15857304681256 0.612420934889889
+ 0.467617380312374 0.446722978433168
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.137270627659928 0.964875039886913
+ 8.229367870115065D-002 0.246586455904639
+D 4 1.00
+ 4.19212684700718 -5.489921560109464D-002
+ 1.44841356241523 0.216997892231413
+ 0.626627825114408 0.432982414410833
+ 0.249124670224995 0.423123825902348
+D 2 1.00
+ 9.742139034327538D-002 1.09026629068790
+ 3.644705481377729D-002 0.478789058280809
+Re 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.941081734618512 1.88176410312861
+ 0.272712355739453 0.429341141770258
+S 4 1.00
+ 6.48878200339561 0.257736215444781
+ 4.21756845963194 -0.822875620070464
+ 3.26287942822036 0.479067032833322
+ 0.754784222831075 0.203147240893589
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.111126860140859 2.25532222640026
+ 4.000935513661682D-002 1.25953176837750
+P 4 1.00
+ 7.52049768168477 0.496927359844274
+ 6.49825850618508 -0.676809195328382
+ 1.21642739418647 0.572364689926746
+ 0.495158438288912 0.396340498871979
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.136186441469948 4.16534154565347
+ 8.244135768759453D-002 0.908639271543056
+D 4 1.00
+ 4.42427609062115 -7.541696461219291D-002
+ 1.53752864387202 0.289740692767753
+ 0.720850710432927 0.511674499485873
+ 0.312377703413101 0.543026746806568
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.122723095719168 0.419130234728791
+ 5.034464546078821D-002 0.124831357094292
+Os 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.974401985900510 1.70427640413529
+ 0.337099880207516 0.419939365807505
+S 4 1.00
+ 6.58930152103062 0.262324014894726
+ 4.48341082640627 -0.824151542758676
+ 3.59878474760008 0.488236883338400
+ 0.830482873892377 0.148959289850140
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.119371477901036 1.19041617071212
+ 4.033465277356667D-002 0.415098407890990
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.01886850809541 0.366991980683765
+ 6.51633308821277 -0.572512459985856
+ 1.29866160499165 0.634399744500451
+ 0.537047008060142 0.437296123703049
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.163425595329320 2.84686353070877
+ 4.675245701936340D-002 0.349464207022618
+D 4 1.00
+ 4.56202288689347 -7.584539909918439D-002
+ 1.70049817042018 0.262012418274374
+ 0.783963505480962 0.489253051008691
+ 0.333034419338566 0.480607051002611
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.128320311420622 1.94652775177620
+ 5.149469001026589D-002 0.291341732890032
+Ir 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.02379377016244 1.45742728612680
+ 0.309199315635280 0.281543512885532
+S 4 1.00
+ 6.99069648086938 0.238565941294479
+ 4.65762882662065 -0.824425741899550
+ 3.82213324032349 0.507613356926825
+ 0.888825622345272 0.119157387695458
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.127967479426048 1.17139136246654
+ 4.008856093303351D-002 0.521901566385557
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.68908818508205 0.243119322841410
+ 6.57736655856483 -0.444544360607223
+ 1.35641335436438 0.645655248594702
+ 0.544928093624185 0.402704630431607
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.140794381741180 0.983202269789379
+ 4.885162691586662D-002 0.535708402160309
+D 4 1.00
+ 4.66517866468553 -8.106028515922728D-002
+ 1.80605042412078 0.274531805988578
+ 0.787394625251215 0.509312962010544
+ 0.321373987554283 0.421907340162488
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.121625299200209 1.54203214594935
+ 4.910569895729302D-002 0.215355952278818
+Pt 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.02776977051872 1.54381633319250
+ 0.895827169519945 0.276175320568309
+S 4 1.00
+ 7.67941261588119 0.230877908691823
+ 4.70908775958692 -0.861654782814199
+ 3.64531351768757 0.541904557352732
+ 0.953420950840978 0.472553125276946
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.139555297409540 1.21193397106255
+ 4.934052287003501D-002 0.547971738044727
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.28914453880136 0.712848039607090
+ 7.31631114027094 -0.940414367670578
+ 1.44910998034942 0.710309776673333
+ 0.609243388052228 0.456919979942826
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.193683119741322 2.29250014433594
+ 4.416614440856812D-002 0.224210089382670
+D 4 1.00
+ 4.91033294987176 -7.962514942176736D-002
+ 1.93869142650574 0.267813136394408
+ 0.864747561557124 0.492535757006231
+ 0.357332283629543 0.415036501570154
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.137946336643544 2.00606003846707
+ 5.024282969500876D-002 0.262075608301272
+Au 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.24453231770661 1.10276928438823
+ 0.309885825329090 0.343912022063255
+S 4 1.00
+ 8.48224732975403 0.229037007165878
+ 5.00888737139091 -0.907405209081857
+ 3.95346308043245 0.532729463041363
+ 1.01667428075330 0.288719412141680
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.147596397487414 1.09936715340156
+ 4.771964678133699D-002 0.522674919171841
+P 4 1.00
+ 8.83155469051288 0.509475138021705
+ 7.56628279434469 -0.721074776360373
+ 1.50670040983191 0.698388067412415
+ 0.612822693069645 0.409074097605676
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.176221965081927 2.73027327247244
+ 6.199401216936138D-002 1.12289511856164
+D 4 1.00
+ 5.14988837397943 -7.694068436151132D-002
+ 2.03828781775849 0.266148488839565
+ 0.898017206860223 0.479912521190588
+ 0.362635858492465 0.377471368468572
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.138458740562380 2.46211118097863
+ 4.671559126566031D-002 0.250738248973577
+Hg 0
+S 2 1.00
+ 1.37780305999034 1.72210639436028
+ 0.381440671172351 0.250455726702505
+S 4 1.00
+ 9.56230022936654 0.181250771128587
+ 5.07939553202002 -0.869350443980985
+ 3.98285047147501 0.486376181266857
+ 0.961127400893257 0.258983305153314
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.172351434399374 1.10033494167289
+ 6.394384069286249D-002 0.677823980346671
+P 4 1.00
+ 9.89310193249503 0.218067320959011
+ 7.42381243966155 -0.420280763099391
+ 1.60073860598398 0.669305658396399
+ 0.652677096183419 0.386781925501815
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.183498087065940 2.46643366390129
+ 6.459285863785177D-002 1.56175963052175
+D 4 1.00
+ 5.31569244290237 -7.857415290985520D-002
+ 2.24555459847449 0.243559945187471
+ 1.00194726639410 0.451151800484664
+ 0.413902886479483 0.345923827410515
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.167213642563630 2.30077941280629
+ 6.709816168639489D-002 0.210685863765315
+Tl 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 1.50531304942800 0.313662634995220
+ 0.926406638905839 -0.722746145098679
+ 0.195472441877324 0.634249265128629
+ 7.919757153951083D-002 0.616447338531802
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.179423367041566 0.144781868221355
+ 7.206184621554730D-002 0.890059337686918
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.34044539089508 9.097839530089091D-002
+ 0.866604785092951 -0.259543806887495
+ 0.217123440966579 0.362159556276903
+ 9.140867279869570D-002 0.365315709408298
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.591817274683964 1.884804979371627D-002
+ 4.368249642536048D-002 1.41610394451844
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.117314837048211 0.604178245688722
+ 5.445903625004243D-002 0.886013825832763
+Pb 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 1.34175300424060 0.775578610897975
+ 1.10549768954605 -1.20276530893468
+ 0.211699001506785 0.723705670621652
+ 0.129547855690909 0.256761268065811
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.549706034009059 0.131886387066735
+ 6.328484951761372D-002 1.51048598761501
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.41480398918653 0.152750104080358
+ 1.02406921514473 -0.288877125439307
+ 0.186029005782228 0.437219972838763
+ 8.279630098808378D-002 0.118522273752663
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.331088269579544 0.201768239862899
+ 4.648291616913571D-002 3.75048882022991
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.200493671995906 0.835023372290757
+ 8.826212303161278D-002 1.09540560499395
+Bi 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 1.59845235496009 9.050538313499730D-002
+ 1.02403193420120 -0.505556064926992
+ 0.211694361874126 0.733716856592877
+ 0.188315325223488 0.112026081947210
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.302425752232880 0.209510573558851
+ 8.499405206958853D-002 0.597248589404896
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.49470834605789 0.395953810643171
+ 1.25436740987897 -0.565931848387305
+ 0.207175316032526 0.638559022440313
+ 7.503952998792554D-002 0.141797873603719
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.199985131181257 0.116806624587284
+ 6.237321551958971D-002 3.08600711795465
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.125642967393842 1.00943899937621
+ 9.280945334907792D-002 0.739934271100539
+Po 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 1.89931541220888 0.398802099257502
+ 1.33020568430947 -0.819810438961097
+ 0.295449029904595 0.530266670622753
+ 0.199451922421512 0.183432964269356
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.315025299522873 0.224516411803613
+ 0.104988411226149 0.818764958808880
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.61190963878185 0.155499395899138
+ 1.09986776311420 -0.399122211488994
+ 0.206617899934706 0.547783019858631
+ 0.120990132582797 0.207180326061650
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.471197704174314 0.778854060702912
+ 6.260353229709920D-002 1.06639792322562
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.165433941927539 0.960300261730572
+ 6.267404911583001D-002 0.786318229413788
+At 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 1.924148580749140 0.525856661155863
+ 1.346688705120570 -1.067720621131430
+ 0.359439113226000 0.638723774762082
+ 0.188782116680350 0.502953817840227
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.436733046143343 8.692638955382199D-002
+ 8.666020265079274D-002 0.943503262571500
+P 4 1.00
+ 2.082544353700620 6.257467662429742D-002
+ 1.160295712622600 -0.258455276223636
+ 0.350563463518294 0.458257809303014
+ 0.160220695112232 0.515683272948715
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.191314694381110 0.104704037335535
+ 6.924093485823689D-002 0.929284118241381
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.286195490906035 0.174109793763905
+ 0.168758025833136 1.048978368887670
+Rn 0
+S 4 1.00
+ 1.974019782554870 0.658758503132578
+ 1.478356500620800 -1.204012936389250
+ 0.338292719593072 0.976772343385102
+ 0.138050661998621 0.215247233371046
+S 2 1.00
+ 0.239238522408615 7.855697441265240D-002
+ 0.115156734440236 1.152238798179980
+P 4 1.00
+ 1.866046112654940 0.255378767650734
+ 1.572334840818150 -0.377681250068415
+ 0.317716247095672 0.531475806748788
+ 0.141239873985264 0.285072318557362
+P 2 1.00
+ 0.200353951276036 0.101799470335693
+ 7.719005793582222D-002 0.881907208554287
+D 2 1.00
+ 0.333065558019575 0.245718887909484
+ 0.214108626479384 1.219897201244170
+B 0
+B-ECP 3 2
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 1
+2 4.50610000 23.99296000
+p-f potential
+ 1
+2 5.60000000 -1.30000000
+d-f potential
+ 1
+2 0.08000000 -0.00300000
+C 0
+C-ECP 3 2
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 1
+2 6.40105200 33.12163800
+p-f potential
+ 1
+2 7.30774700 -1.98625700
+d-f potential
+ 1
+2 5.96179600 -9.45431800
+N 0
+N-ECP 3 2
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 1
+2 7.97723200 38.53383100
+p-f potential
+ 1
+2 10.18385400 -2.55081000
+d-f potential
+ 1
+2 11.55994700 -2.99554500
+O 0
+O-ECP 3 2
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 1
+2 10.44567000 50.77106900
+p-f potential
+ 1
+2 18.04517400 -4.90355100
+d-f potential
+ 1
+2 8.16479800 -3.31212400
+NE 0
+NE-ECP 3 2
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 2
+2 31.860162 112.52543566
+2 12.362219 28.30083454
+p-f potential
+ 2
+2 21.508034 -11.12658543
+2 12.910447 3.38754919
+d-f potential
+ 1
+2 0.850385 -0.18408921
+NA 0
+NA-ECP 1 2
+p potential
+ 3
+2 1.60680000 -0.00010200
+2 22.52309990 -1.71544300
+1 76.23649979 -1.36191100
+s-p potential
+ 5
+2 2.47830001 -14.53866100
+2 3.09900001 31.91120791
+2 3.94710001 -32.32224607
+1 8.21659994 3.14094701
+0 1.50080000 1.87765500
+MG 0
+MG-ECP 1 2
+p potential
+ 3
+2 1.13200000 -0.00005300
+2 27.30570006 -1.93249400
+1 93.30560017 -1.39384700
+s-p potential
+ 5
+2 2.95159999 -15.62671006
+2 3.73249999 33.53119421
+2 4.81180000 -36.07307196
+1 9.91949999 3.12963399
+0 1.81850000 1.93843301
+AL 0
+AL-ECP 3 10
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 1
+2 2.19822500 20.40981300
+p-f potential
+ 1
+2 1.60139500 8.98049500
+d-f potential
+ 1
+2 1.49902600 -1.97041100
+SI 0
+SI-ECP 3 10
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 1
+2 2.71362197 26.62331865
+p-f potential
+ 1
+2 1.96687987 10.92995391
+d-f potential
+ 1
+2 2.71001600 -4.66941200
+P 0
+P-ECP 3 10
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 1
+2 2.94055986 26.53226131
+p-f potential
+ 1
+2 2.22771255 11.49721021
+d-f potential
+ 1
+2 5.66170600 -16.77278000
+S 0
+S-ECP 3 10
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 1
+2 3.74389164 37.97481900
+p-f potential
+ 1
+2 3.08608744 18.79052931
+d-f potential
+ 1
+2 4.86241400 -7.83796400
+CL 0
+CL-ECP 3 10
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1. 0.
+s-f potential
+ 2
+2 6.3943 33.13663196
+2 3.1971 16.27072783
+p-f potential
+ 2
+2 5.6207 24.41699269
+2 2.8103 7.68304978
+d-f potential
+ 1
+2 5.3381 -8.58764865
+AR 0
+AR-ECP 4 10
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.00000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 10.261721 68.66778801
+2 3.952725 24.04276629
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 5.392714 27.73076331
+2 2.699967 4.04545904
+d-g potential
+ 2
+2 8.086235 -8.13747696
+2 4.016632 -1.66452808
+f-g potential
+ 1
+2 5.208459 -3.40009845
+K 0
+K-ECP 2 10
+d potential
+ 4
+2 4.99889994 -1.96356797
+2 14.58220005 -15.53031635
+2 44.89559937 -38.57669830
+1 141.48350525 -7.30101395
+s-d potential
+ 5
+2 2.41030002 33.92499542
+2 2.77449989 -117.52191162
+2 3.33690000 108.25654602
+1 2.22169995 5.80375385
+0 12.19449997 3.21023202
+p-d potential
+ 5
+2 3.15459990 -69.97570801
+2 4.03189993 178.15260315
+2 5.16720009 -136.11946106
+1 11.33360004 4.43228197
+0 1.74329996 4.74835920
+CA 0
+CA-ECP 2 10
+d potential
+ 4
+2 5.92140007 -2.26729298
+2 17.20369911 -17.17546654
+2 53.37039948 -42.60916519
+1 169.98489380 -7.46766806
+s-d potential
+ 5
+2 2.68330002 29.85718918
+2 3.08299994 -117.43736267
+2 3.70659995 102.65641785
+1 2.47650003 10.56573391
+0 13.28890038 3.14651394
+p-d potential
+ 5
+2 3.47429991 -77.17020416
+2 4.38199997 180.64172363
+2 5.66209984 -125.80883789
+1 2.20009995 5.88094378
+0 6.12169981 4.76948595
+SC 0
+SC-ECP 3 10
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 2
+2 11.50000000 138.53815200
+2 5.18400000 14.83404210
+p-f potential
+ 2
+2 10.93000000 82.45861400
+2 4.58100000 8.56520569
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 13.47000000 -16.12986210
+2 4.37500000 -0.53469012
+TI 0
+TI-ECP 3 10
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 2
+2 13.01000000 158.24159300
+2 5.86200000 17.51182390
+p-f potential
+ 2
+2 12.46000000 95.23512680
+2 5.21700000 10.04785600
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 15.35000000 -17.56886120
+2 4.98000000 -0.58725612
+V 0
+V-ECP 3 10
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 2
+2 14.49000000 178.44797100
+2 6.52400000 19.83137520
+p-f potential
+ 2
+2 14.30000000 109.52976300
+2 6.02100000 12.57030950
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 17.48000000 -19.21965700
+2 5.70900000 -0.64277474
+CR 0
+CR-ECP 3 10
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 2
+2 16.39000000 201.57888700
+2 7.40200000 24.20574090
+p-f potential
+ 2
+2 16.45000000 125.02277400
+2 6.96200000 16.47906550
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 19.93000000 -20.82742110
+2 6.59800000 -0.83436781
+MN 0
+MN-ECP 3 10
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 2
+2 18.52000000 226.43090200
+2 8.37300000 30.35907230
+p-f potential
+ 2
+2 18.92000000 142.15470500
+2 8.01700000 21.53650930
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 22.72000000 -22.56811870
+2 7.64000000 -1.20581020
+FE 0
+FE-ECP 3 10
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 2
+2 20.93000000 253.74958800
+2 9.44500000 37.92284500
+p-f potential
+ 2
+2 21.76000000 161.03681200
+2 9.17800000 27.65129800
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 25.90000000 -24.43127600
+2 8.83500000 -1.43425100
+CO 0
+CO-ECP 3 10
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 2
+2 23.66000000 283.96056600
+2 10.61000000 47.15684590
+p-f potential
+ 2
+2 25.04000000 182.21223600
+2 10.44000000 35.23335150
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 29.54000000 -26.47533270
+2 10.18000000 -1.82578723
+NI 0
+NI-ECP 3 10
+f potential
+ 1
+2 1.00000000 0.00000000
+s-f potential
+ 2
+2 26.74000000 317.68227200
+2 11.86000000 58.25539100
+p-f potential
+ 2
+2 28.80000000 252.47436600
+2 11.79000000 36.08150310
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 33.70000000 -18.52295510
+2 11.66000000 -4.55766810
+CU 0
+CU-ECP 4 10
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 30.110543 355.750512
+2 13.076310 70.930906
+p-g potential
+ 4
+2 32.692614 77.969931
+2 32.770339 155.927448
+2 13.751067 18.021132
+2 13.322166 36.094372
+d-g potential
+ 4
+2 38.996511 -12.343410
+2 39.539788 -18.273362
+2 12.287511 -0.984705
+2 11.459300 -1.318747
+f-g potential
+ 2
+2 6.190102 -0.227264
+2 8.118780 -0.468773
+ZN 0
+ZN-ECP 4 10
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 34.174001 399.986399
+2 14.456371 85.489750
+p-g potential
+ 4
+2 39.888683 92.381077
+2 39.655017 184.771176
+2 15.290546 23.002541
+2 14.903524 46.057427
+d-g potential
+ 4
+2 43.708296 -13.690734
+2 43.698536 -20.543980
+2 15.150718 -1.316154
+2 15.282441 -1.838715
+f-g potential
+ 2
+2 8.160014 -0.370360
+2 12.228422 -1.062943
+GA 0
+GA-ECP 4 28
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 1
+2 5.215960 203.853972
+p-g potential
+ 1
+2 4.308904 156.103390
+d-g potential
+ 1
+2 0.496357 1.031647
+f-g potential
+ 1
+2 1.715170 -10.673735
+GE 0
+GE-ECP 4 28
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 1
+2 4.815409 149.246579
+p-g potential
+ 1
+2 4.169515 132.844335
+d-g potential
+ 1
+2 0.591958 1.346154
+f-g potential
+ 1
+2 1.791770 -7.044223
+AS 0
+AS-ECP 4 28
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 1
+2 3.612625 53.965620
+p-g potential
+ 1
+2 3.907926 88.949088
+d-g potential
+ 1
+2 1.926467 22.420288
+f-g potential
+ 1
+2 1.773434 -4.704815
+SE 0
+SE-ECP 4 28
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 1
+2 4.237057 79.663345
+p-g potential
+ 1
+2 2.910334 31.560993
+d-g potential
+ 1
+2 2.335701 30.804610
+f-g potential
+ 1
+2 2.254639 -6.546875
+BR 0
+BR-ECP 4 28
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 5.021800 61.513721
+2 2.510900 9.021493
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 4.281400 53.875864
+2 2.140700 4.629402
+d-g potential
+ 2
+2 2.880000 20.849677
+2 1.440000 2.965444
+f-g potential
+ 1
+2 2.720700 -8.161493
+KR 0
+KR-ECP 5 28
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.00000000
+s-h potential
+ 2
+2 5.877718 73.91569390
+2 3.084622 16.16825080
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 5.164110 58.51769101
+2 2.358302 8.25910073
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 3.215362 33.45822776
+2 1.285008 0.67725331
+f-h potential
+ 2
+2 4.082869 -15.15869859
+2 1.193960 -0.17408825
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 3.180775 -6.83315877
+RB 0
+RB-ECP 3 28
+f potential
+ 5
+2 1.96459997 -1.04400003
+2 5.02349997 -12.26854706
+2 12.31190014 -40.49360657
+2 39.43920136 -92.10794830
+1 116.43070221 -20.25083160
+s-f potential
+ 7
+2 2.29809999 50.81394196
+2 2.66269994 -162.04731750
+2 3.50929999 313.81082153
+2 4.96980000 -309.75451660
+2 6.94840002 216.07606506
+1 17.70389938 20.86063194
+0 25.66029930 3.36120105
+p-f potential
+ 7
+2 2.02160001 45.41232300
+2 2.33979988 -145.47238159
+2 3.07839990 283.18420410
+2 4.37570000 -305.10214233
+2 6.15859985 207.65396118
+1 16.77890015 12.15985012
+0 16.61680031 5.39989424
+d-f potential
+ 7
+2 1.23380005 31.68275070
+2 1.41939998 -100.62529755
+2 1.83389997 186.52160645
+2 2.54550004 -239.76072693
+2 3.47009993 170.19052124
+1 10.62069988 9.91743755
+0 9.28610039 7.41062880
+SR 0
+SR-ECP 3 28
+f potential
+ 5
+2 2.23399997 -1.16187501
+2 5.67100000 -13.37399960
+2 13.88179970 -43.23659134
+2 44.81060028 -100.09903717
+1 132.90260315 -20.51813126
+s-f potential
+ 7
+2 2.44670010 53.58986664
+2 2.86780000 -172.08218384
+2 3.86610007 345.58593750
+2 5.66069984 -351.22171021
+2 8.30790043 257.34286499
+1 23.49519920 12.91709232
+0 21.03380013 6.33449411
+p-f potential
+ 7
+2 2.20950007 49.15122604
+2 2.58439994 -158.82582092
+2 3.46840000 320.08462524
+2 5.06430006 -349.10769653
+2 7.37960005 239.32991028
+1 22.22710037 11.86419868
+0 19.91810036 5.33859777
+d-f potential
+ 7
+2 1.40730000 32.67572403
+2 1.62419999 -103.22133636
+2 2.11750007 193.27650452
+2 2.97239995 -248.63302612
+2 4.11800003 183.39566040
+1 12.52390003 10.14631939
+0 10.88269997 7.38135815
+Y 0
+Y-ECP 4 28
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.0000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 7.488049 135.153844
+2 3.744025 15.552441
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 6.445377 87.784992
+2 3.222689 11.564066
+d-g potential
+ 2
+2 4.658447 29.701001
+2 2.329224 5.539968
+f-g potential
+ 2
+2 6.584212 -19.122198
+2 3.292106 -2.436375
+ZR 0
+ZR-ECP 4 28
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 8.200000 150.267591
+2 4.089728 18.976216
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 7.110000 99.622124
+2 3.596798 14.168733
+d-g potential
+ 2
+2 5.350000 35.045124
+2 2.491821 6.111259
+f-g potential
+ 2
+2 7.540000 -21.093776
+2 3.770000 -3.080694
+NB 0
+NB-ECP 4 28
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 8.900000 165.179143
+2 4.430000 21.992974
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 7.770000 111.794414
+2 3.960000 16.633483
+d-g potential
+ 2
+2 6.050000 38.112249
+2 2.840000 8.039167
+f-g potential
+ 2
+2 8.490000 -22.929550
+2 4.250000 -3.666310
+MO 0
+MO-ECP 4 28
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 9.714594 180.103108
+2 4.680500 24.997228
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 8.142137 123.772752
+2 4.625986 19.530228
+d-g potential
+ 2
+2 6.618415 48.375022
+2 3.248752 8.892053
+f-g potential
+ 2
+2 9.450000 -24.805177
+2 4.720000 -4.153782
+TC 0
+TC-ECP 4 28
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 10.422346 195.159166
+2 5.036516 28.092603
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 8.950449 135.284566
+2 4.854439 21.806504
+d-g potential
+ 2
+2 6.945697 54.329729
+2 3.970585 11.155068
+f-g potential
+ 2
+2 10.400000 -26.562447
+2 5.200000 -4.585681
+RU 0
+RU-ECP 4 28
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 11.105269 209.822971
+2 5.414745 30.654726
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 9.771271 146.336182
+2 5.073991 24.127877
+d-g potential
+ 2
+2 7.671423 67.515897
+2 4.136565 9.870104
+f-g potential
+ 2
+2 11.360000 -28.340616
+2 5.680000 -4.944629
+RH 0
+RH-ECP 4 28
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 11.720000 225.347754
+2 5.820000 32.823189
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 10.420000 158.709412
+2 5.450000 26.444100
+d-g potential
+ 2
+2 8.820000 62.758626
+2 3.870000 10.978719
+f-g potential
+ 2
+2 12.310000 -30.093456
+2 6.160000 -5.218482
+PD 0
+PD-ECP 4 28
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 12.430000 240.229040
+2 6.170759 35.171943
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 11.080000 170.417276
+2 5.829554 28.472133
+d-g potential
+ 2
+2 9.510000 69.013845
+2 4.139781 11.750862
+f-g potential
+ 2
+2 13.270000 -31.929554
+2 6.630000 -5.398217
+AG 0
+AG-ECP 4 28
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 13.130000 255.139365
+2 6.510000 36.866122
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 11.740000 182.181869
+2 6.200000 30.357751
+d-g potential
+ 2
+2 10.210000 73.719261
+2 4.380000 12.502117
+f-g potential
+ 2
+2 14.220000 -33.689920
+2 7.110000 -5.531120
+CD 0
+CD-ECP 4 28
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 13.835869 270.009483
+2 6.857270 38.767308
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 12.404971 193.829629
+2 6.567799 31.896525
+d-g potential
+ 2
+2 10.896925 79.193647
+2 4.641165 13.230827
+f-g potential
+ 2
+2 15.184796 -35.476626
+2 7.592398 -5.617677
+IN 0
+IN-ECP 4 46
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 1.435091 29.165219
+2 0.695805 -4.190806
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 1.440832 36.990542
+2 0.701392 -3.365820
+d-g potential
+ 1
+2 0.961236 20.000531
+f-g potential
+ 1
+2 0.884369 -6.019092
+SN 0
+SN-ECP 4 46
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 1.969725 67.925347
+2 0.972375 -7.478546
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 1.999210 56.602880
+2 0.999042 -2.161776
+d-g potential
+ 1
+2 0.500361 2.576336
+f-g potential
+ 1
+2 1.230880 -10.109253
+SB 0
+SB-ECP 4 46
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 2.491091 68.427938
+2 1.341575 -4.398631
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 2.143864 63.965469
+2 0.585503 -0.578726
+d-g potential
+ 1
+2 0.795401 7.803661
+f-g potential
+ 1
+2 1.609251 -14.517687
+TE 0
+TE-ECP 4 46
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 2.923794 50.083805
+2 1.152754 1.968140
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 2.603086 119.820702
+2 0.985448 -2.039048
+d-g potential
+ 1
+2 1.435019 37.757214
+f-g potential
+ 1
+2 1.939270 -17.864641
+I 0
+I-ECP 4 46
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 3.511200 83.113863
+2 1.755600 5.201876
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 2.968800 82.811109
+2 1.484400 3.379682
+d-g potential
+ 2
+2 1.906600 10.304277
+2 0.953300 7.588032
+f-g potential
+ 1
+2 2.307500 -21.477936
+XE 0
+XE-ECP 5 46
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.00000000
+s-h potential
+ 2
+2 3.940263 122.76382934
+2 2.277264 8.30885115
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 3.028373 68.82300437
+2 1.394319 3.64674223
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 2.122605 23.65207854
+2 0.798669 3.25844113
+f-h potential
+ 2
+2 6.164360 -47.70319876
+2 1.542374 -6.54113991
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 1.847892 -7.10585060
+CS 0
+CS-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 5
+2 0.93849999 -0.78916699
+2 2.31629992 -8.42115784
+2 6.00729990 -30.98544312
+2 20.37969971 -95.03477478
+1 59.32889938 -30.07960320
+s-f potential
+ 7
+2 1.38530004 42.85466766
+2 1.63240004 -138.00901794
+2 2.20580006 275.99960327
+2 3.22149992 -280.45663452
+2 4.64960003 199.82038879
+1 15.15250015 27.73096657
+0 19.00049973 3.76870608
+p-f potential
+ 7
+2 1.25950003 48.66250992
+2 1.44169998 -145.70526123
+2 1.87639999 264.46368408
+2 2.65750003 -279.85159302
+2 3.63870001 184.35585022
+1 10.65320015 23.30001831
+0 14.68060017 5.76792908
+d-f potential
+ 7
+2 0.76810002 34.86072540
+2 0.87459999 -106.79302979
+2 1.10769999 188.23532104
+2 1.48230004 -217.63992310
+2 1.92019999 137.74559021
+1 6.21829987 34.42418671
+0 17.38809967 7.19875193
+BA 0
+BA-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 5
+2 0.97610003 -0.88013703
+2 2.66910005 -10.01861763
+2 7.10550022 -35.70346451
+2 24.84989929 -114.57715607
+1 75.09850311 -30.99500656
+s-f potential
+ 7
+2 1.51549995 52.18550110
+2 1.80079997 -166.64633179
+2 2.46210003 336.98910522
+2 3.64910007 -346.60510254
+2 5.34859991 229.66429138
+1 17.15789986 20.49417496
+0 16.02389908 6.64949989
+p-f potential
+ 7
+2 1.35119998 61.51347351
+2 1.55149996 -171.17402649
+2 2.06870008 303.61636353
+2 3.00740004 -324.12673950
+2 4.23050022 210.71342468
+1 14.21850014 19.11876488
+0 13.10439968 5.84502220
+d-f potential
+ 7
+2 0.89740002 34.92659378
+2 1.02090001 -109.23178864
+2 1.28859997 196.23254395
+2 1.73850000 -224.63766479
+2 2.28509998 146.97143555
+1 7.33769989 37.01747894
+0 20.39410019 7.09744883
+LA 0
+LA-ECP 4 46
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 3.309900 91.932177
+2 1.655000 -3.788764
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 2.836800 63.759486
+2 1.418400 -0.647958
+d-g potential
+ 2
+2 2.021300 36.116173
+2 1.010700 0.219114
+f-g potential
+ 1
+2 4.028600 -36.010016
+CE 0
+CE-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 2
+1 9.2074793 -15.3487561
+1 1.8673012 -5.8432395
+s-f potential
+ 3
+2 1.8937013 -255.5623830
+2 1.9791486 307.3139280
+0 10.7429697 10.6699017
+p-f potential
+ 3
+0 7.7559298 12.2292109
+2 1.8156413 124.9424660
+2 1.6716472 -84.5999868
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 1.7064205 24.9446755
+0 6.4893374 10.2861440
+PR 0
+PR-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 2
+1 9.8297286 -15.4435219
+1 1.9807008 -5.8961128
+s-f potential
+ 3
+2 2.1295558 -223.6439820
+2 2.2274655 278.1345150
+0 7.2837196 12.6210718
+p-f potential
+ 3
+0 7.8092804 12.5256390
+2 1.9297786 121.9527820
+2 1.7647892 -79.4047512
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 1.7979743 26.1926652
+0 6.5480515 9.8739121
+ND 0
+ND-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 2
+1 10.4297884 -15.4830044
+1 2.0922913 -5.9483337
+s-f potential
+ 3
+2 2.2247856 -219.4708400
+2 2.3445959 280.5289280
+0 11.8579830 11.7623250
+p-f potential
+ 3
+0 9.4430645 11.4361217
+2 1.9894908 120.3353560
+2 1.7980545 -75.7819643
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 1.8885505 27.3830713
+0 6.6436655 9.6174105
+PM 0
+PM-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 2
+1 11.1067084 -15.5867557
+1 2.2104479 -6.0120346
+s-f potential
+ 3
+2 2.2736531 -215.5817870
+2 2.4050295 277.5340420
+0 10.7647310 11.5598012
+p-f potential
+ 3
+0 9.8539770 10.3366646
+2 2.0762689 121.4676930
+2 1.8649349 -74.8766440
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 1.9779822 28.4861104
+0 6.6732942 9.2809058
+SM 0
+SM-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 2
+1 11.7581239 -15.6586201
+1 2.3280830 -6.0537650
+s-f potential
+ 3
+2 2.3777661 -206.0672660
+2 2.5247159 270.3425980
+0 10.2643898 11.4449044
+p-f potential
+ 3
+0 10.0054236 10.6951007
+2 2.2012412 121.8772280
+2 1.9680928 -72.7883903
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 2.0672044 29.5239400
+0 6.7128890 9.0371770
+EU 0
+EU-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 2
+1 12.4183539 -15.7244799
+1 2.4475585 -6.0910737
+s-f potential
+ 3
+2 2.5038284 -196.6377380
+2 2.6692641 264.1034490
+0 10.3673824 11.8069802
+p-f potential
+ 3
+0 10.1341831 10.9380601
+2 2.3243994 128.1602690
+2 2.0833749 -76.5153276
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 2.1543894 30.4673264
+0 6.6937973 8.7412269
+GD 0
+GD-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 2
+1 13.0950908 -15.7867260
+1 2.5697386 -6.1277781
+s-f potential
+ 3
+2 2.7022652 -137.9021250
+2 2.9334774 208.9645400
+0 9.8508096 16.8586936
+p-f potential
+ 3
+0 10.2562012 11.1308343
+2 2.4527321 131.6513210
+2 2.1969343 -77.4443008
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 2.2471692 31.4664118
+0 6.4306437 8.3450729
+TB 0
+TB-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 2
+1 13.7849880 -15.8408081
+1 2.6938669 -6.1667847
+s-f potential
+ 3
+2 2.6181735 -140.1032240
+2 2.8904180 215.2899350
+0 17.0489713 11.6812337
+p-f potential
+ 3
+0 10.1253314 11.1216213
+2 2.5657038 139.6571310
+2 2.3083484 -83.3098221
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 2.3260333 32.1217679
+0 6.5931180 8.2233626
+DY 0
+DY-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 2
+1 14.4905817 -15.8972370
+1 2.8210513 -6.1993940
+s-f potential
+ 3
+2 2.7390810 -130.0043480
+2 3.0493471 208.6360240
+0 16.5747330 11.4854666
+p-f potential
+ 3
+0 10.6943601 11.6223813
+2 2.7405583 125.4157820
+2 2.4112346 -65.8203828
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 2.4096137 32.7977269
+0 6.4958825 7.9802314
+HO 0
+HO-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 2
+1 15.2141408 -15.9516588
+1 2.9512492 -6.2316257
+s-f potential
+ 3
+2 2.8474568 -110.5830110
+2 3.2242160 192.7017330
+0 16.1561881 11.3546865
+p-f potential
+ 3
+0 9.9260833 10.8427433
+2 2.8623072 116.5200600
+2 2.4724492 -55.6610980
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 2.4911551 33.3424906
+0 6.3510091 7.7300492
+ER 0
+ER-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 2
+1 15.9596531 -16.0043582
+1 3.0850582 -6.2650947
+s-f potential
+ 3
+2 3.0361853 -150.3670020
+2 3.3525348 236.1977560
+0 16.0392400 11.4164611
+p-f potential
+ 3
+0 11.0463463 11.8925358
+2 3.0179911 130.5435010
+2 2.6472718 -65.6922988
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 2.5700876 33.7318076
+0 6.1656407 7.4886891
+TM 0
+TM-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 2
+1 16.7243554 -16.0553617
+1 3.2221620 -6.2983294
+s-f potential
+ 3
+2 3.1833830 -143.2459530
+2 3.5353147 233.1955380
+0 16.1601392 11.6109444
+p-f potential
+ 3
+0 2.4637824 7.3961903
+2 2.7219436 119.5724290
+2 2.4955288 -84.0174453
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 2.6436164 33.8411670
+0 5.8942635 7.2335009
+YB 0
+YB-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 2
+1 17.5123190 -16.1049751
+1 3.3631306 -6.3327796
+s-f potential
+ 3
+2 3.2998844 -106.5063990
+2 3.7717709 201.1495520
+0 16.6344917 12.0100167
+p-f potential
+ 3
+0 2.6554420 7.5965914
+2 2.8385458 119.6493470
+2 2.5988023 -82.7046964
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 2.7102650 34.1713269
+0 6.2642419 7.2748623
+LU 0
+LU-ECP 3 46
+f potential
+ 2
+1 18.3204365 -16.1520038
+1 3.5079785 -6.3676682
+s-f potential
+ 3
+2 3.3422480 -71.3171705
+2 4.0050941 169.4013930
+0 16.1809521 11.8861154
+p-f potential
+ 3
+0 2.7211067 7.7193406
+2 2.9820045 116.1073630
+2 2.7148008 -78.1786284
+d-f potential
+ 2
+2 2.7757117 33.9119252
+0 5.8938013 7.0187101
+HF 0
+HF-ECP 5 60
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-h potential
+ 2
+2 14.769959 1499.284711
+2 7.384979 40.282101
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 9.849490 397.733005
+2 4.924745 19.316406
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 6.096756 101.329805
+2 3.048378 5.873438
+f-h potential
+ 1
+2 1.785770 10.046723
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 2.632400 -9.558244
+TA 0
+TA-ECP 5 60
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-h potential
+ 2
+2 14.546408 1345.880647
+2 7.273204 36.766806
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 9.935565 378.425301
+2 4.967782 22.293091
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 6.347377 104.883956
+2 3.173688 8.755848
+f-h potential
+ 1
+2 2.017881 12.017961
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 3.040330 -11.728933
+W 0
+W-ECP 5 60
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-h potential
+ 2
+2 14.322856 1192.395882
+2 7.161428 32.522933
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 10.021641 359.031967
+2 5.010820 24.030380
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 6.597997 108.301349
+2 3.298999 10.982528
+f-h potential
+ 1
+2 2.258888 14.152579
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 3.464110 -14.056435
+RE 0
+RE-ECP 5 60
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-h potential
+ 2
+2 14.099305 1038.951572
+2 7.049653 29.561738
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 10.107717 339.543510
+2 5.053858 24.913696
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 6.848618 111.699653
+2 3.424309 12.624329
+f-h potential
+ 1
+2 2.508651 16.449852
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 3.901245 -16.501120
+OS 0
+OS-ECP 5 60
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-h potential
+ 2
+2 13.875754 885.405719
+2 6.937877 25.967040
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 10.193793 320.083902
+2 5.096896 26.148765
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 7.099238 115.044843
+2 3.549619 13.622575
+f-h potential
+ 1
+2 2.767075 18.909457
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 4.349905 -19.027595
+IR 0
+IR-ECP 5 60
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-h potential
+ 2
+2 13.652203 732.269200
+2 6.826101 26.484721
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 10.279868 299.489474
+2 5.139934 26.466234
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 7.349859 124.457595
+2 3.674929 14.035995
+f-h potential
+ 1
+2 3.034072 21.531031
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 4.808857 -21.607597
+PT 0
+PT-ECP 5 60
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-h potential
+ 2
+2 13.428651 579.223861
+2 6.714326 29.669491
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 10.365944 280.860774
+2 5.182972 26.745382
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 7.600479 120.396444
+2 3.800240 15.810921
+f-h potential
+ 1
+2 3.309569 24.314376
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 5.277289 -24.218675
+AU 0
+AU-ECP 4 60
+g potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-g potential
+ 2
+2 13.205100 426.846679
+2 6.602550 37.007083
+p-g potential
+ 2
+2 10.452020 261.199580
+2 5.226010 26.962496
+d-g potential
+ 2
+2 7.851100 124.790666
+2 3.925550 16.300726
+f-g potential
+ 2
+2 4.789820 30.490089
+2 2.394910 5.171074
+HG 0
+HG-ECP 5 60
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-h potential
+ 2
+2 12.981549 275.737212
+2 6.490774 49.089212
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 10.538096 241.540074
+2 5.269048 27.396591
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 8.101721 127.867008
+2 4.050860 16.608312
+f-h potential
+ 1
+2 3.885791 30.364996
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 6.240955 -29.473118
+TL 0
+TL-ECP 5 78
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-h potential
+ 3
+2 0.326238 -1.016498
+2 1.977541 51.707959
+2 10.000000 73.186683
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 0.543063 -2.962673
+2 1.032140 19.730431
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 0.354817 2.772690
+2 0.709633 -3.979439
+f-h potential
+ 1
+2 0.689156 -4.426786
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 0.820617 -12.270540
+PB 0
+PB-ECP 5 78
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-h potential
+ 3
+2 0.529161 -1.873342
+2 1.456727 20.860797
+2 9.999911 97.587955
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 0.678119 -7.768209
+2 1.249013 51.719254
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 0.307446 1.300760
+2 0.744930 2.640822
+f-h potential
+ 1
+2 0.848699 -5.706056
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 0.999941 -7.484184
+BI 0
+BI-ECP 5 78
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-h potential
+ 3
+2 0.161152 -0.161988
+2 1.509835 14.031690
+2 10.000000 122.047401
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 0.760490 -6.188526
+2 1.426415 51.045868
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 0.780226 20.535804
+2 0.260075 -0.136196
+f-h potential
+ 1
+2 0.973608 -6.414226
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 1.088195 -6.656064
+PO 0
+PO-ECP 5 78
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-h potential
+ 3
+2 0.922386 -4.159304
+2 1.781915 33.830354
+2 10.000000 146.339101
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 0.724291 -4.125311
+2 1.363860 35.007078
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 0.476979 1.206518
+2 0.953957 13.356125
+f-h potential
+ 1
+2 1.075454 -6.775174
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 1.122096 -5.515441
+AT 0
+AT-ECP 5 78
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-h potential
+ 3
+2 0.922386 -5.528461
+2 1.781915 39.568869
+2 10.000000 170.711386
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 0.724291 -2.295387
+2 1.363860 25.492920
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 0.635972 4.865107
+2 1.271943 14.579413
+f-h potential
+ 1
+2 1.154108 -6.857867
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 1.345115 -7.613039
+RN 0
+RN-ECP 5 78
+h potential
+ 1
+2 1.000000 0.000000
+s-h potential
+ 3
+2 0.922386 -5.019005
+2 1.781915 37.036790
+2 10.804601 195.103308
+p-h potential
+ 2
+2 0.724291 -1.966481
+2 1.363860 23.464059
+d-h potential
+ 2
+2 0.769400 7.483457
+2 1.538800 9.361900
+f-h potential
+ 1
+2 1.213897 -6.763150
+g-h potential
+ 1
+2 1.576469 -9.915662
diff --git a/psi4/src/export_functional.cc b/psi4/src/export_functional.cc
index 82001791228..1e27698e165 100644
--- a/psi4/src/export_functional.cc
+++ b/psi4/src/export_functional.cc
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ void export_functional(py::module &m) {
.def_static("blank", &SuperFunctional::blank, "Initialize a blank SuperFunctional.")
- .def_static("XC_build", &SuperFunctional::XC_build, "Builds a SuperFunctional from a XC string.")
+ .def_static("XC_build", &SuperFunctional::XC_build, "name"_a, "unpolarized"_a, "tweak"_a = py::dict{}, "Builds a SuperFunctional from a XC string.")
.def("allocate", &SuperFunctional::allocate,
"Allocates the vectors, should be called after ansatz or npoint changes.")
.def("compute_functional", &SuperFunctional::compute_functional,
diff --git a/psi4/src/psi4/libfunctional/superfunctional.cc b/psi4/src/psi4/libfunctional/superfunctional.cc
index b745c36b561..222fa39df94 100644
--- a/psi4/src/psi4/libfunctional/superfunctional.cc
+++ b/psi4/src/psi4/libfunctional/superfunctional.cc
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ void SuperFunctional::common_init() {
density_tolerance_ = 0.0;
std::shared_ptr SuperFunctional::blank() { return std::make_shared(); }
-std::shared_ptr SuperFunctional::XC_build(std::string name, bool unpolarized) {
+std::shared_ptr SuperFunctional::XC_build(std::string name, bool unpolarized, const std::optional>& tweakers_) {
// Only allow build from full XC kernels
if (name.find("XC_") == std::string::npos) {
throw PSIEXCEPTION("XC_build requires full XC_ functional names");
@@ -99,6 +99,11 @@ std::shared_ptr SuperFunctional::XC_build(std::string name, boo
+ // User tweakers
+ if (tweakers_.value().size()) {
+ xc_func->set_tweak(tweakers_.value(), true);
+ }
if (xc_func->needs_vv10()) {
diff --git a/psi4/src/psi4/libfunctional/superfunctional.h b/psi4/src/psi4/libfunctional/superfunctional.h
index 19f7bb137a9..ab6a3beda42 100644
--- a/psi4/src/psi4/libfunctional/superfunctional.h
+++ b/psi4/src/psi4/libfunctional/superfunctional.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
namespace psi {
class Functional;
@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ class SuperFunctional {
// Build a blank superfunctional
static std::shared_ptr blank();
- static std::shared_ptr XC_build(std::string name, bool unpolarized);
+ static std::shared_ptr XC_build(std::string name, bool unpolarized, const std::optional>& );
// Clones a *polarized*, complete superfunctional. Used, e.g., in spin-symmetry-
// breaking eigenvectors of the MO hessian or linear response eigenproblem.
diff --git a/pytest.ini b/pytest.ini
index a6c09616a9b..9ece9df8c54 100644
--- a/pytest.ini
+++ b/pytest.ini
@@ -129,7 +129,9 @@ markers =
classic-dftd3: "tests using DFTD3 software; skip if unavailable"
gcp: "tests using GCP -or- mctc-gcp software; skip if neither available"
+ mctc-gcp: "tests using mctc-gcp software; skip if unavailable"
dftd4: "tests using DFTD4 software; skip if unavailable"
+ dftd4_350: "tests using at least v3.5 DFTD4 software; skip if unavailable"
diff --git a/tests/dftd4/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/dftd4/CMakeLists.txt
index 89c8433f1bd..25876b8fe3f 100644
--- a/tests/dftd4/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/dftd4/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tests/dftd4/r2scan/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/dftd4/r2scan/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2d4460e91fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dftd4/r2scan/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+add_regression_test(dftd4-r2scan "psi;quicktests;dftd4;addon")
diff --git a/tests/dftd4/r2scan/input.dat b/tests/dftd4/r2scan/input.dat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4e2064dba2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dftd4/r2scan/input.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Any line starting with the # character is a comment line
+#! Sample r2scan-d4/cc-pVDZ H2O computation
+memory 600 mb
+molecule h2o {
+ O
+ H 1 0.96
+ H 1 0.96 2 104.5
+r2scand4_biggrid_e = -76.38150398
+r2scand4_biggrid_g = [
+ [ 0., 0. , 0.01244124],
+ [ 0., 0.00294003, -0.00622062],
+ [ 0., -0.00294003, -0.00622062]]
+set e_convergence 8
+set dft_radial_points 99
+set dft_spherical_points 590
+set basis cc-pVDZ
+ene = energy('r2scan-d4')
+compare_values(r2scand4_biggrid_e, ene, 6, "r2scan-d4 ene") #TEST
+#set points 5
+#fd = gradient('r2scan-d4/cc-pvdz', dertype=0)
+#compare_values(r2scand4_biggrid_e, variable('current energy'), 6, "r2scan-d4 ene")
+#compare_values(r2scand4_biggrid_g, fd, 6, "r2scan-d4 grad findif")
+grd = gradient('r2scan-d4/cc-pvdz', dertype=1)
+compare_values(r2scand4_biggrid_e, variable('current energy'), 6, "r2scan-d4 ene") #TEST
+compare_values(r2scand4_biggrid_g, grd, 4e-5, "r2scan-d4 grad analytic") #TEST
diff --git a/tests/dftd4/r2scan/test_input.py b/tests/dftd4/r2scan/test_input.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..75c8e49b8ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dftd4/r2scan/test_input.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+from addons import *
+def test_dftd4_r2scan():
+ ctest_runner(__file__)
diff --git a/tests/docs-dft/input.dat b/tests/docs-dft/input.dat
index db9b6db62a6..f6043410204 100644
--- a/tests/docs-dft/input.dat
+++ b/tests/docs-dft/input.dat
@@ -115,14 +115,14 @@ def header(filep, label, caption):
#filep.write('\n.. _`table:dft_%s`:\n' % (label))
filep.write('\n.. table:: %s\n\n' % (caption))
- filep.write(' +-%35s-+-%80s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%20s-+-%20s-+-%75s-+\n' %
- (35 * '-', 80 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 20 * '-',
+ filep.write(' +-%35s-+-%120s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%20s-+-%20s-+-%75s-+\n' %
+ (35 * '-', 120 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 20 * '-',
20 * '-', 75 * '-'))
- filep.write(' | %35s | %80s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %20s | %20s | %75s |\n' %
+ filep.write(' | %35s | %120s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %20s | %20s | %75s |\n' %
('Name', 'Description', 'GGA?', 'Meta?', 'X_LRC?', 'X_Hybrid?', 'C_LRC?', 'C_Hybrid?', 'C_SCS? SS/OS',
'Dispersion?', 'Dispersion Description'))
- filep.write(' +=%35s=+=%80s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%20s=+=%20s=+=%75s=+\n' %
- (35 * '=', 80 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 20 * '=',
+ filep.write(' +=%35s=+=%120s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%20s=+=%20s=+=%75s=+\n' %
+ (35 * '=', 120 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 20 * '=',
20 * '=', 75 * '='))
@@ -131,21 +131,21 @@ def dispheader(filep, label, caption):
#filep.write('\n.. _`table:dft_%s`:\n' % (label))
filep.write('\n.. table:: %s\n\n' % (caption))
- filep.write(' +-%35s-+-%80s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%20s-+-%75s-+\n' %
- (35 * '-', 80 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-',
+ filep.write(' +-%35s-+-%120s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%20s-+-%75s-+\n' %
+ (35 * '-', 120 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-',
20 * '-', 75 * '-'))
- filep.write(' | %35s | %80s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %20s | %75s |\n' %
+ filep.write(' | %35s | %120s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %20s | %75s |\n' %
('Name', 'Description', 'S6', 'S8', 'SR6', 'ALPHA6', 'A1', 'A2',
'Dispersion?', 'Dispersion Description'))
- filep.write(' +=%35s=+=%80s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%20s=+=%75s=+\n' %
- (35 * '=', 80 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=',
+ filep.write(' +=%35s=+=%120s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%10s=+=%20s=+=%75s=+\n' %
+ (35 * '=', 120 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=', 10 * '=',
20 * '=', 75 * '='))
def body(filep, funcdict, fctl):
"""Function to write line of reST table."""
- filep.write(' | %35s | %80s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %20s |' %
+ filep.write(' | %35s | %120s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %20s |' %
(funcdict[fctl]['name'], funcdict[fctl]['description'],
tf(funcdict[fctl]['is_gga']), tf(funcdict[fctl]['is_meta']),
tf(funcdict[fctl]['is_x_lrc'], funcdict[fctl]['x_omega']),
@@ -161,23 +161,23 @@ def body(filep, funcdict, fctl):
filep.write(' %20s | %75s |\n' %
(' --- ', ' --- '))
- filep.write(' +-%35s-+-%80s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%20s-+-%20s-+-%75s-+\n' %
- (35 * '-', 80 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 20 * '-',
+ filep.write(' +-%35s-+-%120s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%20s-+-%20s-+-%75s-+\n' %
+ (35 * '-', 120 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 20 * '-',
20 * '-', 75 * '-'))
def dispbody(filep, funcdict, fctl):
"""Function to write line of reST table."""
- filep.write(' | %35s | %80s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %20s | %75s |\n' %
+ filep.write(' | %35s | %120s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s | %20s | %75s |\n' %
(funcdict[fctl]['name'], funcdict[fctl]['description'],
tf3(funcdict[fctl]['s6']), tf3(funcdict[fctl]['s8']),
tf3(funcdict[fctl]['sr6']), tf3(funcdict[fctl]['alpha6']),
tf3(funcdict[fctl]['a1']), tf3(funcdict[fctl]['a2']),
funcdict[fctl]['dispersion_name'], funcdict[fctl]['dispersion_description']))
- filep.write(' +-%35s-+-%80s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%20s-+-%75s-+\n' %
- (35 * '-', 80 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 20 * '-', 75 * '-'))
+ filep.write(' +-%35s-+-%120s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%10s-+-%20s-+-%75s-+\n' %
+ (35 * '-', 120 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 10 * '-', 20 * '-', 75 * '-'))
fall = open('autodoc_dft_all.rst', 'w')
diff --git a/tests/gcp/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/gcp/CMakeLists.txt
index 9fbfc6a607e..f02ae5f496f 100644
--- a/tests/gcp/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/gcp/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,3 +3,5 @@ add_subdirectory(hf3c)
diff --git a/tests/gcp/b973c/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/gcp/b973c/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5dc8a713852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gcp/b973c/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+add_regression_test(gcp-b973c "psi;quicktests;dftd3;gcp;addon")
diff --git a/tests/gcp/b973c/input.dat b/tests/gcp/b973c/input.dat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..909ef0a5d22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gcp/b973c/input.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Any line starting with the # character is a comment line
+#! Sample B97-3c H2O computation
+memory 600 mb
+molecule h2o {
+ O
+ H 1 0.96
+ H 1 0.96 2 104.5
+b973c_biggrid_e = -76.39769005
+b973c_biggrid_g = [
+ [ 0., 0. , 0.00401722],
+ [ 0., 0.0010378, -0.00200861],
+ [ 0., -0.0010378, -0.00200861]]
+set e_convergence 8
+set dft_radial_points 99
+set dft_spherical_points 590
+set basis cc-pVDZ
+ene = energy('b973c/') # slash unsets basis from above
+compare_values(b973c_biggrid_e, variable('SCF TOTAL ENERGY'), 6, 'b97-3c ene') #TEST
+compare_values(b973c_biggrid_e, ene, 6, 'b97-3c ene') #TEST
+#fd = gradient('b97-3c/', dertype=0)
+#compare_values(b973c_biggrid_e, variable('current energy'), 6, "b97-3c ene") #TEST
+#compare_values(b973c_biggrid_g, fd, 6, "b97-3c grad findif") #TEST
+grd = gradient('b97-3c/', dertype=1)
+compare_values(b973c_biggrid_e, variable('current energy'), 6, "b97-3c ene") #TEST
+compare_values(b973c_biggrid_g, grd, 5, "b97-3c grad analytic") #TEST
diff --git a/tests/gcp/b973c/test_input.py b/tests/gcp/b973c/test_input.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d4f7e680633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gcp/b973c/test_input.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+from addons import *
+def test_gcp_b973c():
+ ctest_runner(__file__)
diff --git a/tests/gcp/r2scan3c/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/gcp/r2scan3c/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d29d5a23b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gcp/r2scan3c/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+add_regression_test(gcp-r2scan3c "psi;quicktests;dftd4;gcp;addon")
diff --git a/tests/gcp/r2scan3c/input.dat b/tests/gcp/r2scan3c/input.dat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b69ea59e5d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gcp/r2scan3c/input.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Any line starting with the # character is a comment line
+#! Sample r2scan-3c H2O computation
+memory 600 mb
+molecule h2o {
+ O
+ H 1 0.96
+ H 1 0.96 2 104.5
+r2scan3c_biggrid_e = -76.41835894
+r2scan3c_biggrid_g = [
+ [ 0., 0. , 0.00270896],
+ [ 0., 0.00079913, -0.00135448],
+ [ 0., -0.00079913, -0.00135448]]
+set e_convergence 8
+set dft_radial_points 99
+set dft_spherical_points 590
+set basis cc-pVDZ
+ene = energy('r2scan3c/') # slash unsets basis from above
+compare_values(r2scan3c_biggrid_e, variable('SCF TOTAL ENERGY'), 6, 'r2scan-3c ene') #TEST
+compare_values(r2scan3c_biggrid_e, ene, 6, 'r2scan-3c ene') #TEST
+#fd = gradient('r2scan-3c/', dertype=0)
+#compare_values(r2scan3c_biggrid_e, variable('current energy'), 6, "r2scan-3c ene") #TEST
+#compare_values(r2scan3c_biggrid_g, fd, 6, "r2scan-3c grad findif") #TEST
+grd = gradient('r2scan-3c/', dertype=1)
+compare_values(r2scan3c_biggrid_e, variable('current energy'), 6, "r2scan-3c ene") #TEST
+compare_values(r2scan3c_biggrid_g, grd, 4e-5, "r2scan-3c grad analytic") #TEST
diff --git a/tests/gcp/r2scan3c/test_input.py b/tests/gcp/r2scan3c/test_input.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..01c4ea5171c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gcp/r2scan3c/test_input.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+from addons import *
+def test_gcp_r2scan3c():
+ ctest_runner(__file__)
diff --git a/tests/pytests/conftest.py b/tests/pytests/conftest.py
index 273d2dc079b..8c87af96b4f 100644
--- a/tests/pytests/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/pytests/conftest.py
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ def tear_down():
+ "pytest_output.log",
diff --git a/tests/pytests/test_dftd3.py b/tests/pytests/test_dftd3.py
index 4cc9e0dec14..2d4bda11a09 100644
--- a/tests/pytests/test_dftd3.py
+++ b/tests/pytests/test_dftd3.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import pytest
+import numpy as np
from utils import *
-from addons import uusing
+from addons import using, uusing
import psi4
@@ -40,3 +41,147 @@ def test_dftd3_dft_grad_lr3():
analytic = psi4.gradient('wB97X-D3BJ', dertype=1)
assert compare_matrices(analytic, FD_wb97x_d3, 5, "wB97X-D3BJ Analytic vs Store")
+# Orca about 400,770 ! HF-3c NoRI TightSCF angs %METHOD AngularGrid 7 IntAcc 29.0 GridPruning Unpruned end
+s16_hf3c_xc_orca = np.array([-153.79456839, -77.49902272, -76.29481930])
+s16_hf3c_disp_orca = np.array([-0.024367755, -0.014320824, -0.008066062])
+# grep 'gCP+bas correction'
+s16_hf3c_gcp_orca = np.array([-0.016246604, -0.001871046, -0.014680228])
+# grep 'Total correction to HF/MINIX'
+s16_hf3c_gcp_orca = np.array([-0.040614359, -0.016191870, -0.022746290])
+s16_hf3c_final_orca = np.array([-153.835182748371, -77.515214592777, -76.317565590919])
+# > s-dftd3 s16di.tmol --bj-param 1.0 0.8777 0.4171 2.9149
+s16_hf3c_sdftd3 = np.array([-2.4367755433608E-02, -1.4320824084920E-02, -8.0660621301533E-03])
+# Orca about 400,770 ! PBEh-3c NoRI TightSCF angs %METHOD AngularGrid 7 IntAcc 29.0 GridPruning Unpruned end
+# grep 'Total Energy'
+s16_pbeh3c_xc_orca = np.array([-155.55536461, -78.40881605, -77.14361375])
+# grep 'Dispersion correction'
+s16_pbeh3c_disp_orca = np.array([-0.002717357, -0.001301388 -0.000698117])
+# grep 'gCP correction'
+s16_pbeh3c_gcp_orca = np.array([0.007221336, 0.004956005, 0.001998163])
+s16_pbeh3c_final_orca = np.array([-155.550860629116, -78.405161432347, -77.142313701120])
+# > s-dftd3 s16di.tmol --bj-param 1.0 0.0 0.4860 4.5000
+s16_pbeh3c_sdftd3 = np.array([-2.7171815555163E-03, -1.3016040877044E-03, -6.9806156762005E-04])
+# Orca about 400,770 ! B97-3c NoRI TightSCF angs %METHOD AngularGrid 7 IntAcc 29.0 GridPruning Unpruned end
+s16_b973c_xc_orca = np.array([-155.79596752, -78.52480800, -77.26992220])
+s16_b973c_disp_orca = np.array([-0.010633212, -0.005635464, -0.003247342])
+s16_b973c_gcp_orca = np.array([-0.027189940, -0.014493561, -0.012690835])
+s16_b973c_final_orca = np.array([-155.833790674968, -78.544937023820, -77.285860375503])
+# > s-dftd3 s16di.tmol --bj-param 1.0 1.50 0.37 4.10
+s16_b973c_sdftd3 = np.array([-1.0633036221941E-02, -5.6356801553795E-03, -3.2472858339059E-03])
+# Orca about 400,770 ! R2SCAN NoRI def2-mTZVPP angs %METHOD AngularGrid 7 IntAcc 29.0 GridPruning Unpruned end (note not tight)
+s16_r2scan_final_orca = np.array([-155.86137806, -78.55690019, -77.30233380])
+# > dftd4 s16di.tmol --param 1.0 0.0 0.42 5.65 --mbdscale 2.0 --zeta 2.0 1.0
+s16_r2scan3c_dftd4 = np.array([-1.4455457680017e-03, -6.2041477166000e-04, -3.3971225644558e-04])
+# > mctc-gcp s16di.tmol -l r2scan3
+s16_r2scan3c_mctcgcp = np.array([0.0020969558, 0.0016932666, 0.0003797674])
+# Orca about 400,770 ! wB97X-D4 NoRI TightSCF angs %METHOD AngularGrid 7 IntAcc 29.0 GridPruning Unpruned
+# D4A1 0.2464 D4A2 4.737 D4S6 1.0 D4S8 0.0 D4S9 1.0 end (plus vDZP user-defined basis)
+s16_wb97x3c_xc_orca = np.array([-26.27034106, -13.76904046, -12.49962806])
+s16_wb97x3c_disp_orca = np.array([-0.004825743, -0.002498220, -0.001432302])
+s16_wb97x3c_final_orca = np.array([-26.275166807430, -13.771538675222, -12.501060363754])
+# wb97x-d3 from suppmat p35 of https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0133026
+# > dftd4 s16di.tmol --param 1.0 0.0 0.2464 4.737 --mbdscale 1.0
+s16_wb97x3c_dftd4 = np.array([-4.8257433806220e-03, -2.4982196402379e-03, -1.4323024694511e-03])
+#d4.bj-eeq-atm = { s8=0.60187490, a1=0.51559235, a2=5.77342911, doi="10.1063/5.0041008" }
+# > dftd4 s16ma.tmol --param 1.0 0.60187490 0.51559235 5.77342911 --mbdscale 1.0
+s16_r2scan_dftd4 = np.array([-1.1296999851733E-03, -4.4567923427274E-04, -2.4728471580494E-04])
+# > dftd4 s16di.tmol --param 1.0 0.8324 0.4944 5.9019 --mbdscale 1.0
+#s16_r2scanh_dftd4 = np.array([
+# > dftd4 s16di.tmol --param 1.0 0.8992 0.4778 5.8779 --mbdscale 1.0
+#s16_r2scan0_dftd4 = np.array([
+# > dftd4 s16di.tmol --param 1.0 1.0471 0.4574 5.8969 --mbdscale 1.0
+s16_r2scan50_dftd4 = np.array([-1.4008964960682E-03, -5.5551918498700E-04, -3.1465561625320E-04])
+# refs from psi4, not external
+s16_r2scan0_psi4 = np.array([-155.6718657, -78.4640942, -77.2052683])
+s16_r2scanh_psi4 = np.array([-155.6812544, -78.4677956, -77.2110203])
+s16_r2scan50_psi4 = np.array([-155.6575747, -78.4586347, -77.1962996])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", [
+ pytest.param("abs", marks=pytest.mark.long),
+ pytest.param("ie", marks=pytest.mark.quick),
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("mtdbas,ref", [
+ pytest.param("hf-3c/", s16_hf3c_final_orca, marks=[*using("dftd3"), *using("gcp")]), # MINIX
+ pytest.param("pbeh-3c/", s16_pbeh3c_final_orca, marks=[*using("dftd3"), *using("gcp")]), # def2-mSVP
+ pytest.param("b97-3c/", s16_b973c_final_orca, marks=[*using("dftd3"), *using("mctc-gcp")]), # def2-mTZVP
+ pytest.param("r2scan0/def2-svp", s16_r2scan0_psi4),
+ pytest.param("r2scanh/def2-svp", s16_r2scanh_psi4),
+ pytest.param("r2scan50-d4/def2-svp", s16_r2scan50_psi4 + s16_r2scan50_dftd4, marks=using("dftd4")),
+ pytest.param("r2scan50/def2-svp", s16_r2scan50_psi4),
+ pytest.param("r2scan-d4/def2-mTZVPP", s16_r2scan_final_orca + s16_r2scan_dftd4, marks=using("dftd4")),
+ pytest.param("r2scan/def2-mTZVPP", s16_r2scan_final_orca),
+ pytest.param("r2scan-3c/", s16_r2scan_final_orca + s16_r2scan3c_dftd4 + s16_r2scan3c_mctcgcp, marks=[*using("dftd4_350"), *using("mctc-gcp")]), # def2-mTZVPP
+ pytest.param("wb97x-3c/", s16_wb97x3c_xc_orca + s16_wb97x3c_dftd4, marks=using("dftd4")), # vDZP
+def test_grimme_3c(mtdbas, ref, mode):
+ s16di = psi4.geometry("""
+ # ang C 0.000000 -0.667578 -2.124659
+ # ang C 0.000000 0.667578 -2.124659
+ # ang H 0.923621 -1.232253 -2.126185
+ # ang H -0.923621 -1.232253 -2.126185
+ # ang H -0.923621 1.232253 -2.126185
+ # ang H 0.923621 1.232253 -2.126185
+ # ang --
+ # ang C 0.000000 0.000000 2.900503
+ # ang C 0.000000 0.000000 1.693240
+ # ang H 0.000000 0.000000 0.627352
+ # ang H 0.000000 0.000000 3.963929
+ units au
+ C 0.00000000 -1.26153959 -4.01502362
+ C 0.00000000 1.26153959 -4.01502362
+ H 1.74539073 -2.32862069 -4.01790734
+ H -1.74539073 -2.32862069 -4.01790734
+ H -1.74539073 2.32862069 -4.01790734
+ H 1.74539073 2.32862069 -4.01790734
+ --
+ C 0.00000000 0.00000000 5.48115630
+ C 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.19975986
+ H 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.18552346
+ H 0.00000000 0.00000000 7.49074019
+ symmetry c1
+ """)
+ kcal = psi4.driver.constants.hartree2kcalmol
+ if mode == "abs":
+ psi4.set_options({
+ "scf_type": "direct",
+ "dft_radial_points": 300,
+ "dft_spherical_points": 770,
+ "e_convergence": 8,
+ "d_convergence": 8,
+ })
+ ene = psi4.energy(mtdbas)
+ assert psi4.compare_values(ref[0], ene, 5, mtdbas)
+ if mode == "ie":
+ psi4.set_options({
+ "scf_type": "pk",
+ "dft_radial_points": 99,
+ "dft_spherical_points": 302,
+ "e_convergence": 8,
+ "d_convergence": 8,
+ })
+ psi4.set_options({'basis': 'cc-pvdz'}) # try to confuse method
+ ene = psi4.energy(mtdbas, bsse_type='nocp')
+ assert psi4.compare_values(kcal * (ref[0] - ref[1] - ref[2]), kcal * ene, 1.1e-3, mtdbas)