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File metadata and controls

61 lines (43 loc) · 3.56 KB



  • Sets are mutable, unordered collections with no duplicate elements.
  • Sets can contain any data type.
  • Sets are iterable.
  • Sets are most often used to quickly dedupe other collections or for membership testing.
  • Sets also support mathematical operations like union, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference

1. Clean up Dish Ingredients

  • The set() constructor can take any iterable as an argument. Vectors are iterable.
  • Remember: Tuples can be formed using (<element_1>, <element_2>).

2. Cocktails and Mocktails

  • A Set is disjoint from another set if the two sets share no elements.
  • The Set() constructor can take any iterable as an argument. Vectors are iterable.
  • Strings can be concatenated with the * sign and interpolation can be done via $().

3. Categorize Dishes

  • Using loops to iterate through the available meal categories might be useful here.
  • If all the elements of <set_1> are contained within <set_2>, then <set_1> ⊆ <set_2>.
  • The method equivalent of is issubset(<set>, <iterable>)
  • Tuples can contain any data type, including other tuples. Tuples can be formed using (<element_1>, <element_2>).
  • Elements within Tuples can be accessed from the left using a 1-based index number, or from the right using an end-based index number (e.g. <tuple>[end]).
  • The Set() constructor can take any iterable as an argument. Vectors are iterable.
  • Strings can be concatenated with the * sign and interpolation can be done via $().

4. Label Allergens and Restricted Foods

  • A set intersection are the elements shared between <set_1> and <set_2>.
  • The set method equivalent of is intersect(<set>, <iterable>) or ∩(<set>, <iterable>).
  • Elements within Tuples can be accessed from the left using a 1-based index number, or from the right using an end-based index number (e.g. <tuple>[end]).
  • The Set() constructor can take any iterable as an argument. Vectors are iterable.
  • Tuples can be formed using (<element_1>, <element_2>).

5. Compile a "Master List" of Ingredients

  • A set union is where elements of <set_1> and <set_2> are combined into a single set
  • The set method equivalent of is union(<set>, <iterable>) or ∪(<set>, <iterable>)
  • Using loops to iterate through the various dishes might be useful here.

6. Pull out Appetizers for Passing on Trays

  • A set difference is where the elements of <set_2> are removed from <set_1>, e.g. setdiff(<set_1>, <set_2>).
  • The Set() constructor can take any iterable as an argument. Vectors are iterable.
  • The Vector constructor can take any iterable as an argument. Sets are iterable.

7. Find Ingredients Used in Only One Recipe

  • A set symmetric difference is where elements appear in <set_1> or <set_2>, but not both sets.
  • A set symmetric difference is the same as subtracting the set intersection from the set union, e.g. setdiff(<set_1> ∪ <set_2>, <set_1> ∩ <set_2>)
  • A symmetric difference of more than two Sets will include elements that are repeated more than two times across the input Sets. To remove these cross-set repeated elements, the intersections between set pairs needs to be subtracted from the symmetric difference.
  • Using looops to iterate through the various dishes might be useful here.