Pulling this out incase it requires further discussion. Didn't want it to get lost.
The first example (just new) only works [well] in this case because ALL tests start with a call to the new
method... if there were other static methods and those did not exist... then they would need to exist or you get a hard error.
The second example - the hard error (Wren Console can't compile the script or test suite)... I don't think is super welcoming for students. Would/should it be reasonable for harder exercises? I dunno... I was trying VERY hard not to have any "boiler plate comments" which students never remove and drive me nuts.
Or maybe my first assertion above is wrong - if we went with something like this:
class HighScores {
You get a soft runtime error of:
HighScores metaclass does not implement 'new(_)'.
at test(_,_) block argument (./high-scores.spec.wren line 7)
I think static methods may be resolved at compile-time though?
Originally posted by @joshgoebel in #111 (comment)