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Exo Object Code Syntax

In Exo, object code can be defined using Python-like syntax with specific annotations and constructs to model low-level programming concepts.

This documentation explains Exo's object code syntax using the following example of a 1D convolution operation:

def generic_conv1d(
    data: i32[IC, N] @ DRAM,
    kernels: i32[OC, IC, W] @ DRAM,
    out: i32[OC, N] @ DRAM,
    # Perform the convolution
    for i in seq(0, OC):
        for j in seq(0, N):
            # Zero out the output memory
            out[i, j] = 0.0
            for c in seq(0, IC):
                for r in seq(0, W):
                    y: i32
                    if j + r < N:
                        y = data[c, j + r]
                        y = 0
                    out[i, j] += kernels[i, c, r] * y

Table of Contents

Annotations and Decorators

@proc Decorator

The @proc decorator is used to define an Exo procedure (analogous to a function in other programming languages). It indicates that the following function definition should be treated as Exo object code (not Python), which can be further optimized and transformed.

def function_name(arguments):
    # Function body

Type and Memory Annotations

In Exo, types and memory spaces are explicitly annotated. The syntax is:

name: type[size] @ memory
  • name: The variable name.
  • type: The data type. Supported precision types are: f16, f32, f64, i8, i32, ui8, and ui16.
  • [size]: The dimensions of the array (optional for scalars).
  • @ memory: The memory space where the variable resides.

Procedure Arguments

Procedure arguments are declared with their types, sizes, and memory spaces. They can have sizes that depend on other arguments.

Example from the code:

data: i32[IC, N] @ DRAM
  • data: The name of the argument.
  • i32: The data type (32-bit integer).
  • [IC, N]: A 2D array with dimensions IC and N.
  • @ DRAM: Specifies that data resides in DRAM memory.

The data buffer above represents tensor types, which means the stride of the innermost dimension is 1, and the strides of other dimensions are simple multiples of the shapes of the inner dimensions.

Exo allows window expressions as well, which are similar to array slicing in Python. Instead of accessing the buffer point-wise (e.g., x[i]), users can window the array as x[i:i+2]. This will create a windowed array of size 2. Exo procedures take tensor expressions when annotated with x:f32[3] syntax and take window expressions when annotated with x:[f32][3], with square brackets around the types.

def foo(x: [f32][3]):
    for i in seq(0, 3):
        x[i] = 0.0

def bar(y: f32[10], z: f32[20, 20]):
    foo(z[1, 10:13])

In this example, foo takes a window array of size 3, and bar calls foo by slicing y and z, respectively. Running exocc on this will generate the following C code:

#include "tmp.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// bar(
//     y : f32[10] @DRAM,
//     z : f32[20, 20] @DRAM
// )
void bar(void *ctxt, float* y, float* z) {
    foo(ctxt, (struct exo_win_1f32){ &y[2], { 1 } });
    foo(ctxt, (struct exo_win_1f32){ &z[20 + 10], { 1 } });

// foo(
//     x : [f32][3] @DRAM
// )
void foo(void *ctxt, struct exo_win_1f32 x) {
    for (int_fast32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {[i * x.strides[0]] = 0.0f;

Moreover, Exo checks the consistency of tensor and window bounds in the frontend. If you modify foo(y[2:5]) to foo(y[2:6]) in the code above, the bounds check will fail and emit the following error:

TypeError: Errors occurred during effect checking:
/private/tmp/ type-shape of calling argument may not equal the required type-shape: [Effects.BinOp(op='-', lhs=Effects.Const(val=6, type=LoopIR.Int(), srcinfo=<exo.core.prelude.SrcInfo object at 0x106318920>), rhs=Effects.Const(val=2, type=LoopIR.Int(), srcinfo=<exo.core.prelude.SrcInfo object at 0x1063188c0>), type=LoopIR.Index(), srcinfo=<exo.core.prelude.SrcInfo object at 0x106318920>)] vs. [Effects.Const(val=3, type=LoopIR.Int(), srcinfo=<exo.core.prelude.SrcInfo object at 0x105111610>)]. It could be non equal when:
   y_stride_0 = 1, z_stride_0 = 20, z_stride_1 = 1

Aliasing Limitations

When passing buffers to procedure arguments, aliasing is not allowed. Concretely, you cannot write something like:

foo(y, y)
foo(y[0:5], y[2:7])

This limitation exists because the analysis would be imprecise if we allowed such aliasing. This is similar to how C++ compilers can perform more optimization when you use the __restrict__ keyword to explicitly indicate that you're not aliasing your buffers.

Passing Tensor Window Slices to Functions Expecting Non-Window Tensors

It is not allowed to pass a window to a function that expects a non-window tensor as an argument. Consider the following example:

def callee(x: f32[10]):

def caller(x: f32[2, 10]):
    callee(x[0])     # Error: Passing a window slice to a function expecting a non-window tensor
    callee(x[1, :])  # Error: Passing a window slice to a function expecting a non-window tensor

In this code snippet, the callee function expects a non-window tensor x of shape f32[10]. However, in the caller function, we attempt to pass slices of the x tensor (x[0] and x[1]) to the callee function. These slices are windows of the original tensor, and passing them to a function expecting a non-window tensor is not allowed.

To resolve this issue, you can either:

  1. Modify the callee function to accept a window tensor as an argument, or
  2. Create a new non-window tensor from the slice before passing it to the callee function.


Variables within the procedure are declared similarly to arguments.


y: i32
  • y: The variable name.
  • i32: The data type (32-bit integer).
  • No memory annotation: Defaults to DRAM if memory is unspecified.


Memory annotations in Exo are used to model different hardware memory regions, such as DRAM, caches, or specialized memories. The @ symbol is used to specify the memory space, for example: @DRAM, @AVX2, or @Neon. Memory annotations for your custom hardware accelerators can be defined externally to Exo and can be used as annotations in the same way. While Exo provides default memory (DRAM) and some library memory definitions for convenience (AVX2, AVX512, Neon, GEMM_SCRATCH, etc.), it is recommended and encouraged that users define their own memory annotations for their specific hardware. For more information on defining custom memory annotations, refer to


for Loop Syntax

Exo uses explicit loop constructs to model iteration. The for loop syntax is:

for loop_variable in seq(start, end):
    # Loop body
  • loop_variable: The loop counter variable.
  • seq(start, end): Iterates from start to end - 1.

Example from the code:

for i in seq(0, OC):
    # Iterates i from 0 to OC - 1

Conditional Statements

Conditional logic is expressed using if and else statements.


if condition:
    # True branch
    # False branch


if j + r < N:
    y = data[c, j + r]
    y = 0
  • Checks if j + r is less than N.
  • Assigns y accordingly.


  • Assignment (=): Assigns a value to a variable.

    y = data[c, j + r]
  • Reduction (+=): Adds a value to a variable and stores the result back.

    out[i, j] += kernels[i, c, r] * y
  • Array Access: Uses square brackets to access array elements.

    data[c, j + r]
  • Window Statements: Creates a slice (in other words, window) of the buffer and assign a new name.

    y = x[0:3]


Exo has a few limitations that users should be aware of:

  1. Non-affine indexing: Exo does not support non-affine indexing. This means that any indexing operation must be a linear combination of loop variables and constants. For example, the following expressions are not allowed:

    data[i * j + r] = 0.0  # i * j is non-affine
    if n * m < 30:         # n * m is non-affine

    Exo allows quasi-affine indexing by division (e.g., i/3) and modulo (e.g., i%3) by constants.

    To work around this limitation, you may need to restructure your code or use additional variables to represent the non-affine expressions.

  2. Value-dependent control flow: Exo separates control values from buffer values, which means that it is not possible to write value-dependent control flow. For instance, the following code is not allowed:

    if data[i] < 3.0:

    If you need to express such operations, consider using externs (see externs documentation).

Understanding the Example

Let's break down the example code step by step.

Procedure Definition

def generic_conv1d(
    data: i32[IC, N] @ DRAM,
    kernels: i32[OC, IC, W] @ DRAM,
    out: i32[OC, N] @ DRAM,
  • generic_conv1d: The procedure name.
  • Arguments:
    • data: Input data array of shape [IC, N] in DRAM.
    • kernels: Kernel weights array of shape [OC, IC, W] in DRAM.
    • out: Output data array of shape [OC, N] in DRAM.
  • Variables:
    • IC, OC, N, W: Dimensions, assumed to be defined elsewhere or passed as parameters.

Loop Nest

for i in seq(0, OC):
    for j in seq(0, N):
        # Zero out the output memory
        out[i, j] = 0.0
        for c in seq(0, IC):
            for r in seq(0, W):
                y: i32
                if j + r < N:
                    y = data[c, j + r]
                    y = 0
                out[i, j] += kernels[i, c, r] * y

Outer Loops

  • for i in seq(0, OC):: Iterates over the output channels.
  • for j in seq(0, N):: Iterates over the spatial dimension of the output.


  • out[i, j] = 0.0: Initializes the output element at (i, j) to zero.

Inner Loops

  • for c in seq(0, IC):: Iterates over the input channels.
  • for r in seq(0, W):: Iterates over the kernel width.

Conditional Data Access

y: i32
if j + r < N:
    y = data[c, j + r]
    y = 0
  • Purpose: Handles boundary conditions where the kernel extends beyond the input data.
  • y: Temporary variable to hold the input data or zero.
  • Condition:
    • If j + r < N: Valid index; assign data[c, j + r] to y.
    • Else: Out-of-bounds; assign 0 to y.


out[i, j] += kernels[i, c, r] * y
  • Operation: Accumulates the product of the kernel weight and the input data into the output.
  • kernels[i, c, r]: Kernel weight for output channel i, input channel c, at position r.
  • y: The input data value or zero.