🐛 Bug Report
On our site we have a couple of duplicate doc pages. To avoid repeating content we have one doc as the source of truth then import the content like so:
import Content from './';
<Content />
The issue is, the table of contents is not picked up on the pages that import the content. Please let me know if there is a better way to handle duplicate pages and if this usage is just conceptually wrong
Have you read the Contributing Guidelines on issues?
To Reproduce
npx @docusaurus/init@latest init my-website classic
in doc2:
import Content from './';
<Content />
It's worth noting that this also happens on my 6 month old version, so I don't think that it's due to anything recent
An error in the Docusaurus core causing instability or issues with its executionIssues that are complex, e.g. large scoping for long-term maintainability.Related to Markdown parsing or syntaxAsking for outside help and/or contributions to this particular issue or PR.This issue has been accepted, and we are looking for community contributors to implement this