diff --git a/src/services/autocomplete/autocomplete_js.ml b/src/services/autocomplete/autocomplete_js.ml
index e2586cf79a6..41fad076263 100644
--- a/src/services/autocomplete/autocomplete_js.ml
+++ b/src/services/autocomplete/autocomplete_js.ml
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ module Inference = struct
let type_of_match_member_pattern cx loc mem =
- ~on_identifier:Statement.identifier
+ ~on_identifier:(Statement.identifier ~cond:None)
(loc, mem)
@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ class process_request_searcher cx ~from_trigger_character ~cursor =
let member_loc = Some (compute_member_loc ~expr_loc:loc ~obj_loc:base_loc) in
let obj_type () =
match base with
- | BaseIdentifier (loc, id) -> Inference.type_of_identifier cx loc id
+ | BaseIdentifier (loc, id) -> Inference.type_of_identifier ~cond:None cx loc id
| BaseMember (loc, mem) -> Inference.type_of_match_member_pattern cx loc mem
(match property with
diff --git a/src/typing/env_resolution.ml b/src/typing/env_resolution.ml
index dc1a1a25440..39767cce754 100644
--- a/src/typing/env_resolution.ml
+++ b/src/typing/env_resolution.ml
@@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ let resolve_annotation cx tparams_map ?(react_deep_read_only = None) anno =
let rec synthesizable_expression cx ?cond exp =
let open Ast.Expression in
match exp with
- | (loc, Identifier (_, name)) -> Statement.identifier cx name loc
- | (loc, StringLiteral lit) -> Statement.string_literal cx ~singleton:false loc lit
- | (loc, BooleanLiteral lit) -> Statement.boolean_literal ~singleton:false loc lit
+ | (loc, Identifier (_, name)) -> Statement.identifier cx ~cond name loc
+ | (loc, StringLiteral lit) -> Statement.string_literal cx ~cond loc lit
+ | (loc, BooleanLiteral lit) -> Statement.boolean_literal cx ~cond loc lit
| (loc, NullLiteral _) -> Statement.null_literal loc
- | (loc, NumberLiteral lit) -> Statement.number_literal ~singleton:false loc lit
- | (loc, BigIntLiteral lit) -> Statement.bigint_literal ~singleton:false loc lit
+ | (loc, NumberLiteral lit) -> Statement.number_literal cx ~cond loc lit
+ | (loc, BigIntLiteral lit) -> Statement.bigint_literal cx ~cond loc lit
| (loc, RegExpLiteral _) -> Statement.regexp_literal cx loc
| (loc, ModuleRefLiteral lit) ->
let (t, _lit) = Statement.module_ref_literal cx loc lit in
diff --git a/src/typing/primitive_literal.ml b/src/typing/primitive_literal.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f23419eb6d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/typing/primitive_literal.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+ *)
+module Ast = Flow_ast
+type syntactic_flags = {
+ cond: Type.cond_context option;
+ decl: Ast.Variable.kind option;
+ as_const: bool;
+ frozen: Type.frozen_kind;
+let empty_syntactic_flags = { cond = None; decl = None; as_const = false; frozen = Type.NotFrozen }
+let mk_syntactic_flags ?cond ?decl ?(as_const = false) ?(frozen = Type.NotFrozen) () =
+ { cond; decl; as_const; frozen }
diff --git a/src/typing/primitive_literal.mli b/src/typing/primitive_literal.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d0374676e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/typing/primitive_literal.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+ *)
+module Ast = Flow_ast
+type syntactic_flags = {
+ cond: Type.cond_context option;
+ decl: Ast.Variable.kind option;
+ as_const: bool;
+ frozen: Type.frozen_kind;
+val empty_syntactic_flags : syntactic_flags
+val mk_syntactic_flags :
+ ?cond:Type.cond_context ->
+ ?decl:Ast.Variable.kind ->
+ ?as_const:bool ->
+ ?frozen:Type.frozen_kind ->
+ unit ->
+ syntactic_flags
diff --git a/src/typing/statement.ml b/src/typing/statement.ml
index 7513258c55d..1f9b6cc9684 100644
--- a/src/typing/statement.ml
+++ b/src/typing/statement.ml
@@ -64,10 +64,7 @@ module Make
let empty_seen_names = { static_names = SMap.empty; instance_names = SMap.empty }
- type frozen_kind =
- | NotFrozen
- | FrozenProp
- | FrozenDirect
+ let empty_syntactic_flags = Primitive_literal.empty_syntactic_flags
module ObjectExpressionAcc = struct
type element =
@@ -737,7 +734,7 @@ module Make
(* Values *)
- let identifier_ cx name loc =
+ let identifier_ cx _syntactic_flags name loc =
let get_checking_mode_type () =
let t = Type_env.var_ref ~lookup_mode:ForValue cx (OrdinaryName name) loc in
(* We want to make sure that the reason description for the type we return
@@ -762,17 +759,18 @@ module Make
get_checking_mode_type ()
- let identifier cx { Ast.Identifier.name; comments = _ } loc =
- let t = identifier_ cx name loc in
+ let identifier cx syntactic_flags { Ast.Identifier.name; comments = _ } loc =
+ let t = identifier_ cx syntactic_flags name loc in
- let string_literal_value cx ~singleton loc value =
+ let string_literal_value cx syntactic_flags loc value =
+ let { Primitive_literal.as_const; frozen; _ } = syntactic_flags in
if Type_inference_hooks_js.dispatch_literal_hook cx loc then
let (_, lazy_hint) = Type_env.get_hint cx loc in
let hint = lazy_hint (mk_reason RString loc) ~expected_only:false in
let error () = EmptyT.at loc in
Type_hint.with_hint_result hint ~ok:Base.Fn.id ~error
- else if singleton then
+ else if as_const || frozen = FrozenProp then
let reason = mk_annot_reason (RStringLit (OrdinaryName value)) loc in
DefT (reason, SingletonStrT { from_annot = true; value = OrdinaryName value })
@@ -785,11 +783,12 @@ module Make
let reason = mk_annot_reason (RLongStringLit max_literal_length) loc in
DefT (reason, StrGeneralT AnyLiteral)
- let string_literal cx ~singleton loc { Ast.StringLiteral.value; _ } =
- string_literal_value cx ~singleton loc value
+ let string_literal cx syntactic_flags loc { Ast.StringLiteral.value; _ } =
+ string_literal_value cx syntactic_flags loc value
- let boolean_literal ~singleton loc { Ast.BooleanLiteral.value; _ } =
- if singleton then
+ let boolean_literal _cx syntactic_flags loc { Ast.BooleanLiteral.value; _ } =
+ let { Primitive_literal.as_const; frozen; _ } = syntactic_flags in
+ if as_const || frozen = FrozenProp then
let reason = mk_annot_reason (RBooleanLit value) loc in
DefT (reason, SingletonBoolT { from_annot = true; value })
@@ -798,16 +797,18 @@ module Make
let null_literal loc = NullT.at loc
- let number_literal ~singleton loc { Ast.NumberLiteral.value; raw; _ } =
- if singleton then
+ let number_literal _cx syntactic_flags loc { Ast.NumberLiteral.value; raw; _ } =
+ let { Primitive_literal.as_const; frozen; _ } = syntactic_flags in
+ if as_const || frozen = FrozenProp then
let reason = mk_annot_reason (RNumberLit raw) loc in
DefT (reason, SingletonNumT { from_annot = true; value = (value, raw) })
let reason = mk_annot_reason RNumber loc in
DefT (reason, NumT_UNSOUND (None, (value, raw)))
- let bigint_literal ~singleton loc { Ast.BigIntLiteral.value; raw; _ } =
- if singleton then
+ let bigint_literal _cx syntactic_flags loc { Ast.BigIntLiteral.value; raw; _ } =
+ let { Primitive_literal.as_const; frozen; _ } = syntactic_flags in
+ if as_const || frozen = FrozenProp then
let reason = mk_annot_reason (RBigIntLit raw) loc in
DefT (reason, SingletonBigIntT { from_annot = true; value = (value, raw) })
@@ -1220,7 +1221,7 @@ module Make
Flow_ast.Expression.Identifier (Flow_ast_utils.match_root_ident case_loc)
- ~on_identifier:identifier
+ ~on_identifier:(fun cx -> identifier cx empty_syntactic_flags)
~on_binding:(fun ~use_op ~name_loc ~kind name t ->
init_var kind cx ~use_op t name_loc;
@@ -2760,7 +2761,7 @@ module Make
(* can raise Abnormal.(Exn (_, _))
* annot should become a Type.t option when we have the ability to
* inspect annotations and recurse into them *)
- and expression ?cond ?(as_const = false) ?(frozen = NotFrozen) cx (loc, e) =
+ and expression ?cond ?decl ?(as_const = false) ?(frozen = NotFrozen) cx (loc, e) =
let log_slow_to_check ~f =
match Context.slow_to_check_logging cx with
| { Slow_to_check_logging.slow_expressions_logging_threshold = Some threshold; _ } ->
@@ -2787,7 +2788,10 @@ module Make
(lazy [spf "Expression cache hit at %s" (ALoc.debug_to_string loc)]);
| None ->
- let res = expression_ ~cond ~as_const ~frozen cx loc e in
+ let syntactic_flags =
+ Primitive_literal.mk_syntactic_flags ?cond ?decl ~as_const ~frozen ()
+ in
+ let res = expression_ cx syntactic_flags loc e in
if Context.typing_mode cx = Context.CheckingMode then begin
Context.constraint_cache cx := FlowSet.empty;
Context.eval_repos_cache cx := EvalReposCacheMap.empty;
@@ -2816,24 +2820,25 @@ module Make
and super_ cx loc = Type_env.var_ref cx (internal_name "super") loc
- and expression_ ~cond ~as_const ~frozen cx loc e : (ALoc.t, ALoc.t * Type.t) Ast.Expression.t =
+ and expression_ cx syntactic_flags loc e : (ALoc.t, ALoc.t * Type.t) Ast.Expression.t =
+ let { Primitive_literal.cond; decl; as_const; frozen; _ } = syntactic_flags in
let ex = (loc, e) in
let open Ast.Expression in
match e with
| StringLiteral lit ->
- let t = string_literal cx ~singleton:(as_const || frozen = FrozenProp) loc lit in
+ let t = string_literal cx syntactic_flags loc lit in
((loc, t), StringLiteral lit)
| BooleanLiteral lit ->
- let t = boolean_literal ~singleton:(as_const || frozen = FrozenProp) loc lit in
+ let t = boolean_literal cx syntactic_flags loc lit in
((loc, t), BooleanLiteral lit)
| NullLiteral lit ->
let t = null_literal loc in
((loc, t), NullLiteral lit)
| NumberLiteral lit ->
- let t = number_literal ~singleton:(as_const || frozen = FrozenProp) loc lit in
+ let t = number_literal cx syntactic_flags loc lit in
((loc, t), NumberLiteral lit)
| BigIntLiteral lit ->
- let t = bigint_literal ~singleton:(as_const || frozen = FrozenProp) loc lit in
+ let t = bigint_literal cx syntactic_flags loc lit in
((loc, t), BigIntLiteral lit)
| RegExpLiteral lit ->
let t = regexp_literal cx loc in
@@ -2850,14 +2855,15 @@ module Make
let t = VoidT.make (mk_reason RVoid loc) in
((loc, t), Identifier ((id_loc, t), name))
| Identifier (id_loc, name) ->
- let t = identifier cx name loc in
+ let t = identifier cx syntactic_flags name loc in
((loc, t), Identifier ((id_loc, t), name))
| This this ->
let t = this_ cx loc this in
((loc, t), This this)
- | Super s -> ((loc, identifier cx (mk_ident ~comments:None "super") loc), Super s)
+ | Super s ->
+ ((loc, identifier cx empty_syntactic_flags (mk_ident ~comments:None "super") loc), Super s)
| Unary u ->
- let (t, u) = unary cx ~cond ~as_const ~frozen loc u in
+ let (t, u) = unary cx syntactic_flags loc u in
((loc, t), Unary u)
| Update u ->
let (t, u) = update cx loc u in
@@ -2866,7 +2872,7 @@ module Make
let (t, b) = binary cx loc ~cond b in
((loc, t), Binary b)
| Logical l ->
- let (t, l) = logical cx loc ~cond l in
+ let (t, l) = logical cx syntactic_flags loc l in
((loc, t), Logical l)
| TypeCast ({ TypeCast.expression = e; annot; comments } as cast) ->
let casting_syntax = Context.casting_syntax cx in
@@ -2933,7 +2939,7 @@ module Make
(case_loc, Identifier (Flow_ast_utils.match_root_ident case_loc))
- ~on_identifier:identifier
+ ~on_identifier:(fun cx -> identifier cx empty_syntactic_flags)
~on_binding:(fun ~use_op ~name_loc ~kind name t ->
init_var kind cx ~use_op t name_loc;
@@ -2953,7 +2959,7 @@ module Make
| None -> (None, false)
let ((((_, t), _) as body), body_throws) =
- Abnormal.catch_expr_control_flow_exception (fun () -> expression cx body)
+ Abnormal.catch_expr_control_flow_exception (fun () -> expression cx ?decl body)
let case_ast = (case_loc, { Flow_ast.Match.Case.pattern; body; guard; comments }) in
let throws = guard_throws || body_throws in
@@ -3067,7 +3073,7 @@ module Make
(argts, Some arges)
| None -> ([], None)
- let id_t = identifier cx name callee_loc in
+ let id_t = identifier cx empty_syntactic_flags name callee_loc in
let callee_annot = (callee_loc, id_t) in
(match targts_opt with
| None ->
@@ -3178,7 +3184,7 @@ module Make
| None ->
(None, None)
- let id_t = identifier cx name callee_loc in
+ let id_t = identifier cx empty_syntactic_flags name callee_loc in
let reason_call = mk_reason (RConstructorCall (desc_of_t id_t)) loc in
let use_op =
@@ -3234,10 +3240,10 @@ module Make
let reason = mk_reason RConditional loc in
let test = condition ~cond:OtherTest cx test in
let ((((_, t1), _) as consequent), then_throws) =
- Abnormal.catch_expr_control_flow_exception (fun () -> expression cx consequent)
+ Abnormal.catch_expr_control_flow_exception (fun () -> expression cx ?decl consequent)
let ((((_, t2), _) as alternate), else_throws) =
- Abnormal.catch_expr_control_flow_exception (fun () -> expression cx alternate)
+ Abnormal.catch_expr_control_flow_exception (fun () -> expression cx ?decl alternate)
let combined_type =
match (then_throws, else_throws) with
@@ -3409,7 +3415,7 @@ module Make
) =
- let t = string_literal_value cx ~singleton:false elem_loc cooked in
+ let t = string_literal_value cx empty_syntactic_flags elem_loc cooked in
(t, [])
| _ ->
let t_out = StrModuleT.at loc in
@@ -4945,7 +4951,8 @@ module Make
(* traverse a unary expression, return result type *)
- and unary cx ~cond ~as_const ~frozen loc =
+ and unary cx syntactic_flags loc =
+ let { Primitive_literal.cond; as_const; frozen; _ } = syntactic_flags in
let open Ast.Expression.Unary in
| { operator = Not; argument; comments } ->
@@ -5172,8 +5179,9 @@ module Make
{ operator; left = left_ast; right = right_ast; comments }
- and logical cx loc ~cond { Ast.Expression.Logical.operator; left; right; comments } =
+ and logical cx syntactic_flags loc { Ast.Expression.Logical.operator; left; right; comments } =
let open Ast.Expression.Logical in
+ let { Primitive_literal.cond; _ } = syntactic_flags in
(* With logical operators the LHS is always evaluated. So if the LHS throws, the whole
* expression throws. To model this we do not catch abnormal exceptions on the LHS.
* As such, we only analyze the RHS expression if the LHS does not throw.
@@ -5230,7 +5238,7 @@ module Make
| ( pat_loc,
Ast.Pattern.Identifier { Ast.Pattern.Identifier.name = (loc, name); optional; annot }
) ->
- let t = identifier cx name loc in
+ let t = identifier cx empty_syntactic_flags name loc in
( (pat_loc, t),
@@ -5793,7 +5801,7 @@ module Make
let c =
if name = String.capitalize_ascii name then
- identifier cx (mk_ident ~comments:None name) loc
+ identifier cx empty_syntactic_flags (mk_ident ~comments:None name) loc
else begin
Type_env.intrinsic_ref cx (OrdinaryName name) loc
|> Base.Option.iter ~f:(fun (t, def_loc) ->
@@ -5987,7 +5995,7 @@ module Make
match value with
(* *)
| Some (Attribute.StringLiteral (loc, lit)) ->
- let t = string_literal cx ~singleton:false loc lit in
+ let t = string_literal cx empty_syntactic_flags loc lit in
(t, Some (Attribute.StringLiteral ((loc, t), lit)))
(* *)
| Some
@@ -6975,16 +6983,16 @@ module Make
let (annot_t, annot_ast) =
match (expr, annot) with
| ((loc, Ast.Expression.StringLiteral lit), Ast.Type.Missing annot_loc) ->
- let t = string_literal cx ~singleton:false loc lit in
+ let t = string_literal cx empty_syntactic_flags loc lit in
(t, Ast.Type.Missing (annot_loc, t))
| ((loc, Ast.Expression.BooleanLiteral lit), Ast.Type.Missing annot_loc) ->
- let t = boolean_literal ~singleton:false loc lit in
+ let t = boolean_literal cx empty_syntactic_flags loc lit in
(t, Ast.Type.Missing (annot_loc, t))
| ((loc, Ast.Expression.NumberLiteral lit), Ast.Type.Missing annot_loc) ->
- let t = number_literal ~singleton:false loc lit in
+ let t = number_literal cx empty_syntactic_flags loc lit in
(t, Ast.Type.Missing (annot_loc, t))
| ((loc, Ast.Expression.BigIntLiteral lit), Ast.Type.Missing annot_loc) ->
- let t = bigint_literal loc ~singleton:false lit in
+ let t = bigint_literal cx empty_syntactic_flags loc lit in
(t, Ast.Type.Missing (annot_loc, t))
| ((loc, Ast.Expression.RegExpLiteral _), Ast.Type.Missing annot_loc) ->
let t = regexp_literal cx loc in
@@ -8587,6 +8595,21 @@ module Make
{ enum_name; enum_id; members; representation_t; has_unknown_members }
- let expression ?cond ?as_const cx (loc, e) =
- expression ?cond ?as_const ~frozen:NotFrozen cx (loc, e)
+ let expression ?cond ?decl ?as_const cx (loc, e) =
+ expression ?cond ?decl ?as_const ~frozen:NotFrozen cx (loc, e)
+ let identifier ~cond cx id loc =
+ identifier cx { empty_syntactic_flags with Primitive_literal.cond } id loc
+ let string_literal cx ~cond loc v =
+ string_literal cx { empty_syntactic_flags with Primitive_literal.cond } loc v
+ let number_literal cx ~cond loc v =
+ number_literal cx { empty_syntactic_flags with Primitive_literal.cond } loc v
+ let boolean_literal cx ~cond loc v =
+ boolean_literal cx { empty_syntactic_flags with Primitive_literal.cond } loc v
+ let bigint_literal cx ~cond loc v =
+ bigint_literal cx { empty_syntactic_flags with Primitive_literal.cond } loc v
diff --git a/src/typing/statement_sig.ml b/src/typing/statement_sig.ml
index 8c9210cd8b8..14aeea1fbcc 100644
--- a/src/typing/statement_sig.ml
+++ b/src/typing/statement_sig.ml
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ module type S = sig
val expression :
?cond:Type.cond_context ->
+ ?decl:Ast.Variable.kind ->
?as_const:bool ->
Context.t ->
(ALoc.t, ALoc.t) Flow_ast.Expression.t ->
@@ -234,15 +235,19 @@ module type S = sig
(ALoc.t, ALoc.t) Ast.Expression.t ->
Type.t * Type.t list * (ALoc.t, ALoc.t * Type.t) Ast.Expression.t
- val string_literal : Context.t -> singleton:bool -> ALoc.t -> ALoc.t Ast.StringLiteral.t -> Type.t
+ val string_literal :
+ Context.t -> cond:Type.cond_context option -> ALoc.t -> ALoc.t Ast.StringLiteral.t -> Type.t
- val boolean_literal : singleton:bool -> ALoc.t -> ALoc.t Ast.BooleanLiteral.t -> Type.t
+ val boolean_literal :
+ Context.t -> cond:Type.cond_context option -> ALoc.t -> ALoc.t Ast.BooleanLiteral.t -> Type.t
val null_literal : ALoc.t -> Type.t
- val number_literal : singleton:bool -> ALoc.t -> ALoc.t Ast.NumberLiteral.t -> Type.t
+ val number_literal :
+ Context.t -> cond:Type.cond_context option -> ALoc.t -> ALoc.t Ast.NumberLiteral.t -> Type.t
- val bigint_literal : singleton:bool -> ALoc.t -> ALoc.t Ast.BigIntLiteral.t -> Type.t
+ val bigint_literal :
+ Context.t -> cond:Type.cond_context option -> ALoc.t -> ALoc.t Ast.BigIntLiteral.t -> Type.t
val regexp_literal : Context.t -> ALoc.t -> Type.t
@@ -252,7 +257,8 @@ module type S = sig
(ALoc.t, ALoc.t) Ast.ModuleRefLiteral.t ->
Type.t * (ALoc.t, ALoc.t * Type.t) Ast.ModuleRefLiteral.t
- val identifier : Context.t -> ALoc.t Ast.Identifier.t' -> ALoc.t -> Type.t
+ val identifier :
+ cond:Type.cond_context option -> Context.t -> ALoc.t Ast.Identifier.t' -> ALoc.t -> Type.t
val get_prop :
cond:Type.cond_context option ->
diff --git a/src/typing/type.ml b/src/typing/type.ml
index 01adf66229e..504d3a09fa7 100644
--- a/src/typing/type.ml
+++ b/src/typing/type.ml
@@ -1728,6 +1728,11 @@ module rec TypeTerm : sig
external use_t_compare : use_t -> use_t -> int = "caml_fast_generic_compare" [@@noalloc]
external type_term_compare : t -> t -> int = "caml_fast_generic_compare" [@@noalloc]
+ type frozen_kind =
+ | NotFrozen
+ | FrozenProp
+ | FrozenDirect
end =