Utility does a lot to make life easier, but classes have been misrepresented. Classes should be treated the same way javascript does, ie, as Objects. Class keys and values are treated in the Object hasOwnProperty fashion.
on a class should ignore prototype methods/properties, the same way Object prototypes are ignored.$Diff
should again treat classes as objects.
These two are extremely useful for Class constructors, ie, accepting $Shape
as parameter, or $Diff<this, DefaultProps>
Other places support is needed:
should map hasOwnProperty keys/values of class...
should spread hasOwnProperty keys/values of class
The output type of these functions when applied to class are expected to be Objects.
Per impl, someClassInstance instanceof Object === true
Some reasoning:
Object.assign({}, myClassInstance)
behaves as expected. Assigning only hasOwnProperty key:value types (not prototype methods/properties). The same should go for utility methods.- The use case for these are obviously in Object-> Class and Class -> Object flows, creation/serialization
- All classes inherit Object, ie, have Object.prototype methods of hasOwnProperty, toString... etc