Flow currently returns the same nominal type for functions returning fresh classes, e.g.
function create() {
return class K {};
let K1 = create();
(create(): Class<K1>); // NG, but Flow yields a false positive
I currently have a memoizing polymorphic function that depends on this behavior, i.e.
export class PointerList {
static _specials: { [hash: string]: Class<ByteAlignedList<any>> };
static of<R: AnyPointer | ByteAlignedList<*> | BoolList>(_R: Class<R>): Class<ByteAlignedList<R>> {
const hash = _R._hash();
const cached = this._specials[hash];
if (cached) {
return ((cached: any): Class<ByteAlignedList<R>>);
class List extends ByteAlignedList<R> {
static _hash(): string {
return "L("+_R._hash()+")";
// ...
return this._specials[hash] = List;
Can I rely on this pattern?