We frequently come across PRs addressing issues in our Playground Components: Modal, Button, Dropdown or Toolbar basics. Most recently, #4496
While it's encouraging to see the community engaged and eager to contribute to the project, it makes me question whether that's the best use of everyone's time. These reusable components have been implemented many times elsewhere and they are much more complete and reliable than what we have. For example, rc-dropdown's focuses solely on dropdowns, but they do it great.
I wonder to what extent we want to invest resources into the development of our in-house components or whether we should promote the use of external libraries for our Playground-only code, and perhaps even leaning towards a popular design system.
I don't mean to fix this problem in immediate terms but I'd like to hear other's opinions, especially as we consider a playground redesign. As usual, it comes with trade-offs: external libraries can be very reliable and complete but they will never be as flexible and lightweight as our in-house components.
cc @acywatson @fantactuka @thegreatercurve @tylerjbainbridge @ivailop7