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File metadata and controls

99 lines (91 loc) · 4.15 KB

GET "/v1/active_submission_table/"

This endpoint returns a dictionary containing metadata about a table and a set of individual table rows for the active DABS dashboard

Sample Request


Request Params

  • submission_id: (required, integer) the ID of the submission to view
  • file: (required, string) The file to get the warning or error data for. Allowed values are:
    • A: Appropriations
    • B: Program Activity
    • C: Award Financial
    • cross-AB: cross-file between Appropriations and Program Activity
    • cross-BC: cross-file between Program Activity and Award Financial
    • cross-CD1: cross-file between Award Financial and Award Procurement
    • cross-CD2: cross-file between Award Financial and Award Financial Assistance
  • error_level: (string) The level of error data to gather an overview for. Defaults to warning. Allowed values:
    • warning
    • error
    • mixed
  • page: (integer) the page of submissions to view (offsets the list by limit * (page - 1)). Defaults to 1 if not provided
  • limit: (integer) the total number of results to see from this request. Defaults to 5 if not provided
  • sort: (string) What value to sort by. Defaults to significance if not provided. NOTE: Some sort values have a secondary sort value to break ties. Valid values are:
    • significance - significance
    • rule_label - the label of the rule (e.g. B9)
    • instances - the number of times this rule occurred in this submission/file (secondary: significance)
    • category - the category of the rule (secondary: significance)
    • impact - the impact specified for this rule (secondary: significance)
    • description - the description of the rule
  • order: (string) the sort order. Defaults to asc if not provided. Valid values are:
    • desc
    • asc

Response (JSON)

    "results": [
            "significance": 1,
            "rule_label": "C8",
            "instance_count": 609,
            "category": "Completeness",
            "impact": "High",
            "rule_description": "lorem ipsum whatever"
            "significance": 2,
            "rule_label": "C9",
            "instance_count": 543,
            "category": "Accuracy",
            "impact": "Low",
            "rule_description": "lorem ipsum dolor"
    "page_metadata": {
        "total": 20,
        "page": 1,
        "limit": 10,
        "submission_id": 1234,
        "files": ["B", "C"]

Response Attributes

The response is a dictionary containing a list with the details of each warning with the following attributes and a metadata dictionary containing information pertaining to the table in general:

  • results: ([dict]) the list of row results
    • significance : (integer) the significance of the rule as defined by the agency
    • rule_label: (string) the label associated with the rule
    • instance_count: (integer) the number of times the rule occurred within the submission/file
    • category: (string) the category associated with the rule. Possible values are:
      • Completeness
      • Accuracy
      • Existence
    • impact: (string) the impact the rule has as defined by the agency. Possible values are:
      • Low
      • Medium
      • High
    • rule_description: (string) the text of the rule
  • page_metadata: (dict) metadata associated with the table
    • total: (integer) total number of metadata rows these filters found
    • page: (integer) the current page requested by the user
    • limit: (integer) the total number of results to display per page as requested by the user
    • submission_id: (integer) the submission ID selected
    • files: ([string]) The file type(s) requested (one for single file, two for cross file)


Possible HTTP Status Codes:

  • 400:
    • Invalid submission
    • Invalid parameter
    • Missing required parameter
    • FABS submission requested
  • 401: Login required
  • 403: Permission denied, user does not have permission to view this submission