Debug info
[cat@ilovecats ~]$ fetchcord --debug
OS: Arch Linux x86_64
Kernel: 6.2.11-arch1-1
Uptime: 18 mins
Packages: 1664 (pacman), 16 (flatpak)
Shell: bash 5.1.16
Resolution: 2560x1440
DE: Hyprland
Theme: Breeze [GTK2/3]
Icons: breeze-dark [GTK2/3]
Terminal: kitty
CPU: 12th Gen Intel i5-12600KF (16) @ 4.900GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti
Memory: 3141MiB / 31910MiB
Disk (/): 255G / 445G (61%)
KeyError: 'Font:'KeyError: 'Font:'KeyError: 'Motherboard'KeyError: 'Host:'
uptime in epoch: 1682072460
cpuid: 740476198437650473
cpuappid: 742887089179197462
termappid: 741285676250824725
KeyError: 'Host:'
1664 (pacman), 16 (flatpak)
deid: Hyprland
KeyError: 'WM:'
wmid: WM:
KeyError: 'WM:'
wmline item 0: WM: N/A
fontline: Font: N/A
termid: 741285676250824725
termline item 0: kitty
themeline: Breeze [GTK2/3]
KeyError: 'Host:'
----GPU INFO----
gpuinfo: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti
gpuvendor: nvidia
----CPU INFO----
cpuvendor: intel
cpumodel: 12th Gen
cpuinfo: 12th Gen Intel i5-12600KF (16) @ 4.900GHz
cpuline item 0: 12th Gen Intel i5-12600KF (16) @ 4.900GHz
memline: 3141MiB / 31910MiB
----OS INFO----
sysosline: Arch Linux x86_64
sysosid: 740476198437650473
diskline: /): 255G / 445G (61%)
packagesline item 0: 1664 (pacman), 16 (flatpak)
deid: Hyprland
KeyError: 'WM:'
wmid: WM:
termid: 741285676250824725
shellid: bash
----HOST INFO----
hostid: 742887089179197462
----GPU INFO----
gpuvendor: nvidia
----CPU INFO----
cpumodel: 12th Gen
('DEFAULT', <Section: DEFAULT>)
('cycle_0', <Section: cycle_0>)
('cycle_1', <Section: cycle_1>)
('cycle_2', <Section: cycle_2>)
('cycle_3', <Section: cycle_3>)
cycle0 not in : True
try_connect(key="cycle0") on <pypresence.presence.Presence object at 0x7f6fb3fdfca0>
KeyError: 'WM:'
Unknown DE/WM, contact us on github to resolve this.
cycle 0
KeyError: 'WM:'
try_update(key="cycle0") on <pypresence.presence.Presence object at 0x7f6fb3fdfca0>
appid: 740476198437650473
[cat@ilovecats ~]$ neofetch --stdout
Kernel: 6.2.11-arch1-1
Uptime: 20 mins
CPU: 12th Gen i5-12600KF
GPU: GeForce RTX 4070 Ti
Memory: 3.12GiB / 31.16GiB
Requested item
Hyprland WM
Other notes
seems like someone had the same issue but closed it? still doesnt work though