I have been trying for 2 days, but I have not been able to change the color of the border (currently white) around the meter control (or each individual channel of the meter control). I have tried setting "foleys::LevelMeter::lmOutlineColour", but that has had no effect. How do I change the meter border color (from white)???
Also please note, the control does not really display until your sent audio data through it, it would be VERY helpful to have some sort of "test" function call within the meter class to display it (at a given meter level) so that I can see what the meter looks like while I'm trying to do the layout (and tweaking) of the UI.
In addition, it would also be great if there was some sort of #define that would set whether the meter control is derived from "LookAndFeel_V3" or "LookAndFeel_V4".