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I'm always looking to give new talks, so let me know if there is a specific topic you would like to have at your event, and if I have the knowledge (and interest), to share about it, I'll be more than happy to create it. You can also pick from the following talks, which are either new talk I never gave, or ones I still want to present.


Unleash your superpowers with GitHub Actions workflows

We are all familiar with GitHub as our main collaboration tools for anything code related, and you may even already use Actions workflows, but are you really unleashing your superpowers while doing it?

Whether you are new to them or already a connoisseur, we will explore the syntax, triggers and commands to get you started with some workflows creation. You will also become savvy by extending our newly created workflows to more advanced usage demonstrations, while learning how to reuse them or even make them available in the GitHub Marketplace.

From traditional operations like code linting, to pull requests validations, passing by integration with other technologies and customization for your special needs, you will go back home with all the tools you need to bring your GitHub Actions workflows game to the next level.

Characters: 830

Shorter Abstract

Whether you are new to GitHub Workflows or already a connoisseur, we will explore the syntax, triggers and commands to get you started. You will also become savvy by extending our newly created workflows to more advanced usage demonstrations, while learning how to reuse them or even make them available in the GitHub Marketplace.

From traditional operations like code linting, passing by integration with other technologies and customization for your needs, you will go back home with all the tools you need to bring your GitHub Actions workflows game to the next level.

Characters: 572


CI, Continuous Integration, GitHub, GitHub Actions, GitHub Workflows

Cloud Native (Kubernetes, GitOps…)

A Kubernetes’ guide for old-timers

Remember when FTP was all the rage when it came to deploying an application on your server. A time when the term “cloud computing” wasn’t even a thing. A moment in space, for which “cloud native” would make sense only weather wise. In a Kubernetes’ world, it’s critical to understand this new paradigm shift in software deployment, scalability, and management. In this talk, we’ll learn more about Kubernetes by making clear parallels between the world before and this newish open-source container orchestration system. You will become familiar enough to get started on this new pods and clusters journey.


With this talk, I want to ease the pain that most developers have when they decide to move to Kubernetes. The focus will be on people who have been in tech for a while, and may be refractory to the concepts around cloud native since they are coming from a totally different world when it comes to deploying and managing their applications on the web. The goal is to simplify K8s, and share tips, best practices, and principles they should know vs what they need to know now to be successful and make their lives easier.

Bring your Kubernetes game to the next level with these open-source tools

No matter if you are a carpenter, a baker, or a developer, there’s no denying that using the right tools can make the difference between doing the job correctly, sometimes even painfully, or absolutely mastering your art. It is the same for DevOps engineers and GitOps practitioners: you can be more productive, agile, and truly take ownership of your Kubernetes journey. This talk will present, and demonstrate the most useful, and powerful open source utilities available out there. Whether you are new to the cloud native space, or are a K8s connoisseur, your pod life will never be the same!

Characters: 595

Shorter Abstract

No matter if you are a carpenter or a developer, using the right tools can make the difference between doing the job correctly, sometimes even painfully, or absolutely mastering your art. It is the same for DevOps engineers and GitOps practitioners: you can be more productive, agile, and truly take ownership of your Kubernetes journey. This talk will present, and demonstrate the most useful, and powerful open source utilities available out there.

Characters: 450


My goal is to equip people using Kubernetes with tools, all open source, that will make their life easier in creating, managing, fixing, debugging, and playing with K8s clusters. I will focus mostly on command line interface tools with a mix of expert-level utilities, and applications to add to your toolbox when you start with cloud native technologies. It’s a way for me to give visibility to open-source software, not just from CNCF, and help developers, DevOps, and GitOps practitioners to perfect their mastering of Kubernetes.

Characters: 533

Shorter Details

My goal is to equip people using Kubernetes with open source that will make their life easier in creating, managing, fixing, debugging, and playing with K8s clusters. I will focus mostly on command line interface tools with a mix of expert-level utilities, and applications to add to your toolbox when you start with cloud native technologies.

Characters: 343


As DevOps engineers & GitOps practitioners, using the right tools make all the difference. I will demonstrate the most useful open source utilities out there to help you be more productive, and truly take the ownership of your Kubernetes journey.

Characters: 246


CLI, Cloud Native, Kubernetes, Management, Open Source, Tips & Tricks, Tools, Utilities


CNCF Projects
  • Helm, kubectl, Kubernetes, Kubernetes Dashboard, OpenCost
Other Open Source Projects
  • k9s, KubeColor, kubectx, kubeinvaders, kubens, krew, Stern

Git Shit Done, the GitOps Way

Are you an avid cloud user, and are now contemplating Kubernetes for your project? Did you already start to play with clusters, controllers, pods and anything K8s? In both cases, stop what you are doing right now, and let me help you in your container orchestration journey by introducing you to GitOps. I know, I know… you barely jumped the DevOps wagon, and there is already this new kid in town. Worry not my friend, because this talk will set you on the path to success for implementing Continuous Deployment (CD) for cloud native applications. You’ll learn what the hell is GitOps, and how it will help you better collaborate with your team, deploy & iterate faster within a more secure environment, while saving some costs on the road. In the end, you’ll leave with concrete steps to implement best practices to get shit done, the GitOps way!

Characters: 849

Shorter Abstract

Stop what you are doing right now, and let me help you in your Kubernetes journey by introducing you to GitOps. This talk will set you on the path to success for implementing Continuous Deployment (CD) for cloud native applications. You’ll learn what the hell is GitOps, and how it will help you better collaborate with your team, deploy & iterate faster within a more secure environment, while saving some costs on the road.

Characters: 425


I firmly believe that when one is thinking about using Kubernetes, GitOps is the way to go. It's slowly becoming an accepted standard, but it's still quite unknown or not used enough as a starting point when one is beginning its cloud native journey. I want to honestly highlight the pros, and cons of the GitOps principles to let people choose their path, armed with the proper information, when it comes to creating, and managing clusters. Whether you agree about the fact that GitOps should be a de facto best practice, you can't deny that your attendees need to learn about the principles, and how to get started before making this architectural decision.

Characters: 659

Shorter Details

GitOps is the way to go, but it's still quite unknown or not used for cloud native journeys. I want to highlight the pros, and cons of the GitOps principles, and how to get started to let people choose their path, armed with the proper information.

Characters: 248


We will set you on the path to success for implementing Continuous Deployment (CD) for cloud native apps, while learning about GitOps, and how it will help you better collaborate with your team, deploy & iterate faster, while saving some costs.

Characters: 244


Argo CD, Best Practices, Cloud Native, Continuous Delivery, GitOps, IaC, Infrastructure as Code, Kubernetes, Open Source


CNCF Projects
  • Helm, kubectl, Kubernetes
Other Open Source Projects
  • Argo CD, Atlantis, k9s
  • HashiCorp Terraform, HashiCorp Vault

GitHub Actions workflows: a cloud native best friend

If you use GitHub as your main collaboration tools for anything code related, you probably use Actions workflows already. Still, are you really unleashing all its potential, especially when it’s come to cloud native?

In this talk, we will discuss the benefits of using workflows to bring your Kubernetes game to the next level. We will demonstrate and create workflows to manage your Kubernetes deployments, deploy new Helm charts, and even integrate them with cloud native workflow engines like Argo Workflows. You will end up with clear examples, and real-case scenarios to perfect your cloud native journey with the help of GitHub Actions.

Characters: 643


Argo Workflows, CI, Cloud Native, Continuous Integration, GitHub, GitHub Actions, GitHub Workflows, Kubernetes


CNCF Projects
  • External Secrets, Kubernetes
Other Open Source Projects


  • HashiCorp Vault


Best Practices, Cloud Native, Disaster Recovery, GitOps, Kubernetes, Secrets Management, Security, Vault

Moving to Kubernetes Without Losing Your Sanity

Are you flirting with the idea of moving your application from traditional cloud to Kubernetes? You read about it, explored this new adventure, and now you are daydreaming about the time you could simply deploy your application without having to think about clusters, pods, and Ingress Controllers. It was the Good Ol' Days, right?

It might seem like it, but trust me, there are ways to make the move without losing your sanity! In this talk, I will help you get started like it was a skill you owned since your first line of code. With some best practices taken from the DevOps space (i.e. Infrastructure as Code, Continuous Integration, Continuous Development), to the GitOps principles, we will explore together the tools at your disposal to make a flawless transition into the new age of cloud native apps.

Characters: 814

Shorter Abstracts

Are you flirting with the idea of moving your application from traditional cloud to Kubernetes? You read about it, and now you are daydreaming about the time you could simply deploy your app without having to think about clusters, pods, and controllers.

It might seem like it, but trust me, there are ways to make the move without losing your sanity! In this talk, I will help you get started. With some best practices taken from the DevOps space, to the GitOps principles, we will explore together the tools at your disposal to make a flawless transition into the new age of cloud native apps.

Characters: 595


Are you flirting with Kubernetes? You read about it, but now you are daydreaming about the time you could simply deploy your app without having to think about clusters! Do not worry; this talk will help you demystify K8s, and get started in no time.

Characters: 249


Cloud Native, Kubernetes, Scalability

Shorter Abstracts

Are you flirting with the idea of moving your application from traditional cloud to Kubernetes? If so, there are ways to make the move without losing your sanity! In this talk, I will help you get started like it was a skill you owned since your first line of code. With some best practices, we will explore together the tools at your disposal to make a flawless transition into the new age of cloud native apps.

Characters: 412


With this talk, I want to ease the pain that most developers had when they decided to move to Kubernetes.

The goal is to simplify this technology, and share tips, best practices, and principles they should know to make their life easier.

As mentioned in the abstract, things like best practices around CI, CD, IaC, open source tools, and GitOps principles like having a git repository as their source of truth, to establish better collaboration, a secure environment, lengthy traceability, and much more.

The end goal is to:

  • help developers get started with Kubernetes as easily, and quickly as possible.
  • help people who are already playing in the container, and cloud native space to be successful.

Characters: 707

Shorter Details

The goal is to simplify this technology, and share tips, best practices, and principles they should know to make their life easier:

  • help developers get started with Kubernetes as easily, and quickly as possible.
  • help people who are already playing in the container, and cloud native space to be successful.

Characters: 311

Moving to Kubernetes—And Containers—Without Losing Your Sanity

This is similar to the talk "Moving to Kubernetes Without Losing Your Sanity", with the addition of focusing on standard containerization of applications as in using tools like Docker or Podman.

Are you flirting with the idea of moving your application from traditional cloud to Kubernetes? Did you decide it was the end of the “it’s working on my machine” era by containerizing your application? You read about it, explored this new adventure, and now you are daydreaming about the time you could simply deploy your application without those new kids on the block. It was the Good Ol' Days, right?

It might seem like it, but trust me, there are ways to make the move without losing your sanity! In this talk, I will help you get started like it was a skill you owned since your first line of code. With the best practices of DevOps (i.e. Infrastructure as Code, Continuous Integration, Continuous Development), to the GitOps principles, we will explore together the tools at your disposal to make a flawless transition into the new age of cloud native apps.

Characters: 864


With this talk, I want to ease the pain that most developers had when they decided to move to Kubernetes, or containerized their apps.

The goal is to simplify these technologies, and share tips, best practices, and principles they should know to make their life easier.

As mentioned in the abstract, things like best practices around CI/CD, IaC, open source tools, and even GitOps principles like having a git repository as their source of truth, to establish better collaboration, a secure environment, lengthy traceability, and much more.

The end goal is to:

  • help developers get started with containers & Kubernetes as easily, and quickly as possible.
  • help people who are already playing in the container, and cloud native space to be successful.

Characters: 756

Surfing the Argo CD sync waves

If you want to be successful in your cloud native journey, a good Kubernetes-native continuous deployment (CD) tool is indispensable. You also want a declarative GitOps CD if you stick to the GitOps principles, and manage your cluster with a single source of truth, the Git repository. There are some interesting choices out there, Argo CD being one of the best. In this talk, let’s surf the sync waves together, and learn the intrinsic parts of using Argo CD to deploy, and manage applications on your clusters. We’ll explore the insightful web UI, but also play with the CLI for terminal lovers. You’ll also end up with a broader comprehension of GitOps through the lenses of Argo CD while improving your application lifecycle management (ALM).

Characters: 746

Shorter Abstracts

If you want to be successful in your cloud native journey, a good Kubernetes-native continuous deployment (CD) tool is indispensable. There are some interesting choices out there, Argo CD being one of the best. In this talk, let’s surf the sync waves together, and learn the intrinsic parts of using Argo CD to deploy, and manage applications on your clusters. We’ll explore the insightful web UI, but also play with the CLI for terminal lovers. You’ll also end up with a broader comprehension of GitOps through the lenses of Argo CD while improving your application lifecycle management (ALM).

Characters: 594


I firmly believe it's beneficial to the cloud native ecosystem to not just learn about CNCF projects, and educate users about any open source projects that can help them being successful. Argo CD is one of the leaders when it comes to an open source alternative for GitOps ecosystems, providing a high production-ready quality continuous deployment tool. In this talk, the attendees will learn more about how to leverage GitOps with Argo CD to bring their Kubernetes game to the next level.


If you want to be successful in your cloud native journey, a good Kubernetes-native continuous deployment (CD) tool is indispensable. Argo CD being one of the best, we'll learn the intrinsic parts of using it to deploy, and manage apps on your clusters.

Characters: 253


CNCF Projects
  • Helm, kubectl, Kubernetes
Other Open Source Projects
  • Argo CD, k9s, Kustomize



Argo CD, Cloud Native, Continuous Delivery, GitOps, Kubernetes, Open Source, Scalability

What the Heck Is Kubernetes

Ever wonder what that fuss is all about! Is this just a new technology that will die along the thousands of JavaScript libraries that were supposed to change the way we code? Is Kubernetes, K8s for close friends, really a game changer? Even if it was, do you or your project really need a container orchestration system with its clusters, controllers, pods and all those new moving pieces? My friend, I got your back, as all, yes, ALL your questions will be answered in this talk. We will demystify together what the heck is this thing. In the end, you’ll have a better understanding of the platform & its quirks, including the pros and cons, how to get started, and some must-know tools that will make your life easier.

Characters: 720

Shorter Abstracts

Ever wonder what that fuss is all about! Is this just a new technology that will die along the thousands of JavaScript libraries that were supposed to change the way we code? Is Kubernetes really a game changer? Even if it was, do you or your project really need a container orchestration system with its clusters, controllers, pods and all those new moving pieces? All your questions will be answered in this talk! We will demystify this together. In the end, you’ll have a better understanding of the platform & its quirks, including the pros and cons, and how to get started.

Characters: 578


Ever wonder what that Kubernetes fuss is all about! Is it really a game changer? Let's demystify K8s together, and learn how to get started.

Characters: 140


Cloud Native, Kubernetes, Scalability

Developer Relations / Community Building

Developer Relations Through the Roof: Measuring Developer Success

Developer Relations is all about helping developers be successful. Truth be told, it is essential to connect with your developer audience; the survival of your product and company depends on it. With growing expertise in this field, and more companies adopting a developer success approach, one problem remains: how do you measure success? Which metrics should you consider, and what Key Performance Indicator one should monitor? How do you listen to your community to ensure you are going in the right direction? What systems should you put in place to help you scale, and be successful? We’ll answer those questions, and much more during this talk.

Characters: 652

It’s a developers’ world: creating a developer relations culture

Historically, developers only engaged behind the scenes by creating software. However, today, their role is evolving. They are steadily winning seats at the table, providing a bigger vision for the business, and taking the world by storm.

In this session, we will focus on the traits needed to create and cultivate a collaborative and inclusive culture specially geared toward developers. Beyond the technicalities of the job, and beyond the size of your team, we’ll dig into the benefits of building a trust-based relationship with the developer community and its intrinsic role in the overall value of your products and business. From writing documentation to providing a space for your community to grow, and building a feedback mechanism, we’ll walk through the benefits, and steps needed to embrace an authentic and measurable DevRel Program.

Characters: 848


I firmly believe you cannot have a sustainable Open Source business if you do not care about your community and the developers. What's best to help you in that area is a developer advocate, or a developer relations' team. I want to highlight how this role help you with that journey, and my hope is that participants, even if they don't have the resource to hire someone to do that specifically, they can take what make sense for them to improve their relationship with developers, and help them, as the company, to be successful. In the end, I always say that developer relations is everyone's business, not just DevRel...

Characters: 623

Measuring developer relations

The million-dollar question: how do you properly measure developer relations? How is one's manager able to objectively tell if you are doing a good job or not? How can your employer decide if the return on investment (ROI) is high enough to continue to empower devrel within your organization? Hell, how do you even justify your job when the company isn’t thriving? Those are all good questions that are often left unanswered or baffle even the most experienced amongst us. Still, even if you are allergic to these terms, there are ways to define appropriate goals, track specific key performance indicators (KPI) and clearly demonstrate the benefit of developer advocacy without ending up with sales quotas or ludicrous requests. In this talk, you will learn how to realistically identify how you can set yourself for success using metrics that will solidify your impact on the business while keeping your role intact, without so much as a small headache.

The good, the bad & the ugly of developer relations

Developer Advocate is a wonderful role. It’s a chance to help people be successful while fostering growth for your employer. It’s a perfect blend of a technical position focusing on the human side of the equation. For most of us, starting that position was a dream come true. For aspiring advocates, it is an ideal opportunity for a new career. Employment in the developer relations space is amazing, but it’s not always rainbows and unicorns. There are a lot of misunderstandings about the job itself. Often total misconceptions about the goals and approaches taken to be fruitful. Based on 14 years of being the friendly, technical, approachable, and social face of different organizations, this talk will bring some real hard truths about the good, the bad and the ugly bits of our industry. Experienced devrel people will relate, and new emerging talents could learn from the past and the shared proofed solutions, prospective workarounds and clear remedies to the less exciting part of this vocation.

The Secret Sauce for Building a Healthy Cloud Native Community

Are you building a cloud native technology? Maybe you are thinking about creating a much-needed piece of software for the Kubernetes ecosystem? In both cases, no matter how extraordinary the masterpiece you are crafting is, it will be quite an achievement to be successful without a community. Whether your product is open source, proprietary, free, paid or a well-balanced mix of those, not fostering a developer, DevOps and or GitOps community can be a costly business mistake.

In this session, we will explore the best practices, tips, and tricks drawn from the secret sauce behind any successful developer relations programs when it comes to community building. In the end, you’ll be equipped, no matter your role, to grow, and cultivate your very own healthy community where each side will find benefits.

Characters: 810


With this talk, I want to help anyone building for the cloud native ecosystem, that having, and fostering a healthy community is not optional anymore.

Developers, DevOps or GitOps practitioners (me included), want to be part of something bigger than themselves. They want to fit in. They want to be heard. They want to create a relationship with a company, and see that there is a human side.

There are also ample benefits on the business side in addition to ensuring you fill the needs of your users. The feedback loop becomes fluid. The growth, if done right, should be exponential, meaning more users, more paid customers, or clients investing more money in your platform.

There are specific techniques to be successful when creating a cloud native community, and I intend to share the best practices to connect with a developer and technical audience, which should be approached with some guidelines in mind.

Characters: 915


Developers Documentation: your secret weapon

You can have the best product in your expertise area, but if your documentation isn’t on par with the flawless experience you want to offer to the world, success is not guaranteed. Let’s be real here: documentation is often an afterthought and rarely included in life cycle development processes. Still, documentation is the secret weapon for greater adoption, and growth that you may have not known you could achieve.

It’s time for you to step up your game and measure up to the big players. Learn about the benefits of high quality and educational documentation and the true role it plays in the developer community. You’ll also learn the principles of a solid foundation, and tips on how to use one of the most powerful developer relations’ tools.

Characters: 751

Shorter Abstract

You can have the best product out there, but if your documentation isn’t on par with the experience you want to offer, success is not guaranteed. So use the documentation as your secret weapon for greater adoption, and growth that you may have not known you could achieve.

It’s time for you to step up your game! Learn about the benefits of high quality and educational documentation and the true role it plays in the developer community. You’ll also learn the principles of a solid foundation, and tips on how to use one of the most powerful developer relations’ tools.

Characters: 571


This talk is divided in three main acts, mainly focusing on tips, tricks and interesting examples to unleash your secret weapon, your developers documentation:

  • First, I explore the unknown and something undervalued benefits of an amazing documentation for developers. In other words, the benefits and possible return on investment of listening to this talk.
  • Secondly, I focus on the content part of the documentation: obviously the most important part of the documentation, but quite often neglected, which result in a poor experience for the users and customers.
  • Lastly, before encouraging attendees to take their developers documentation to the next level, I explore the container part of a successful documentation.

Characters: 725


Developer Documentation, Documentation, Docs, Education, Tutorials


🎶 My Tech Docs Bring All the Devs to the Yard 🎶

It’s time for you to step up your game & unleash your secret weapon: a high quality technical documentation that will bring value to your users by really educating them. Learn how with @fharper!

Characters: 245

Leadership / Management

Leading with compassion

In any article, survey or research on the reasons why people resign, in the top three, you can always find, in some form or another, “bad management”. Whether it’s more extreme as a toxic leadership team, more subtle as a lack of support or any reasons in between, it’s there, without a fault.

As a leader, the best way to foster a healthy work environment in which your team feels safe and happy, is to lead with compassion. It’s the only path to be successful in today’s competitive environment, while retaining your talent and ensuring that they can achieve greatness within your organization. In this talk, also open to individual contributors who want to show the way to their manager, we’ll explore what it means to lead with compassion. I will share concrete tips on how to prioritize your people and see productive results like you’ve never seen before.


In today's businesses, the pressure and expectations to ship as fast as possible while delivering quality at low cost are even more tangible than before. It's a competitive world out there, and sometimes, we focus on delivering while forgetting that our actions have consequences for our employees. I firmly believe that most managers have their team's best interests at heart, but the end results aren't always a reflection of that. This talk was created to remind the leadership team that it's possible to lead with compassion while being successful as a company.

Mental Health

You Don't Need to Be a Buddhist to Meditate

Buddhism aside, meditation is a practice that is more and more popular in the western world. For a reason, consistency on meditating, even for five short minutes a day, brings a lot of benefits. I am, in fact, the living proof of that. Let me share with you why you should pause your life for a moment to train your attention and awareness. No need for special cushions or burning incense: you'll learn how to start meditating today.

Characters: 433

Don't .gitignore mental health

⚠️ Content Warning ⚠️

Depression, dark thoughts, anxiety – These are some of the words that most of us would like to add to our ignore file. Discussing mental health is still taboo in our society, and it’s even more so in the developer ecosystem, where we pride ourselves on working long hours and our lack of sleep.

More than ever, we need to talk about mental health! This is why I want to share my experience with depression, general anxiety, ADHD, and experience volunteering at a suicide prevention hotline. Along with my thoughts on how we can improve the situation, I’ll be sharing some tips to help people be more open about these topics and issues – more importantly, I want to touch on how those struggling can ask for help and assistance when needed.

Characters: 768


I want people to get out of this talk with four specific things:

  1. Being a little more comfortable to speak and discuss about mental health.
  2. Have tricks on how to prevent depression and burnout.
  3. Being able to identify some signs of colleagues or friends who aren't going well
  4. Knowing what to do and where to find help if you are having a difficult time and suicidal ideas.

It's not an easy topic... I've done a major depression in 2015, and still struggling with it to this day. Still, I was able to find help, and strategies to help me go forward, and you can consider I have a successful professional and personal life, even if I'm still fighting my demons. I'm also really public about it and I'm a public speaker by profession, so talking about the topic and my experience isn't an issue for me.

To be honest, if one, only one person goes out from this talk and decides to ask for help, I'll consider myself successful!

Characters: 936


Discussing mental health is still taboo in the developer world, where working long hours & lack of sleep are badges of honor. Don't .gitignore mental health is the message @fharper is sharing! Come learn how to be more open about it, for yourself & other 💜

Characters: 257

Open Source

How to become an open source contributor

Participating in an open-source project can be intimidating, even for experienced developers. You might ask yourself questions like ‘Where should I start? Do I have the skill set to provide valuable input? Will my suggestion or code be well received? Does it even make sense for me to become a contributor?’. Those are all valid questions! I will answer them by helping you better understand what it means to contribute to open source, the value behind it, and by giving you easy tips on how to get started and become an OSS contributor.

Characters: 537

Shorter Abstract

Participating in an open-source project can be intimidating, even for experienced developers. Where should you start? Will your suggestion or code well received?. I will answer these questions and more by helping you better understand the value behind it, and how to get started.

Characters: 279


Open source is part of every developer's life these days: if it's not from your own, a library or framework you are probably using has some open building pieces. Still, it's a minimal part of our community that participate, so I want to help people understand the many ways they can start to be a contributor today, right after the talk. The secret sauce? It's not just about code. I'll base this on my experience working on OSS projects and for OSS companies.

Contributing to a project in the open is often scary. I want to demystify this, lower down the barrier to entry and give some tips on how to start and be one of our technology heroes. Yes, the title is cheesy, but I guess those titles work: we all clicked on that article someone shared on Facebook!

Characters: 761


Open Source, Open-Source Software, OSS, Contributions

Personal Branding

A Personal Brand? Surprise, you already have one!

Why should you care about your personal brand? After all, it’s not like you are an actor or the lead singer for a rock band. In fact, it’s never been more important for you to think about yourself as a brand. Doing so will provide rocket fuel for your career. You’ll find better jobs and become a “thought leader” in your industry. You’ll become known for your expertise and leadership; people will seek your advice and point of view. As a developer, there are many tools you can use to build a personal brand, and this presentation will help you learn how to get visibility, make a real impact, and achieve your goals. You don’t need to be a marketing expert or a personal branding guru— you can be yourself and get your dream job or reach the next level of your career.

Characters: 772

Shorter Abstract

Why should you care about your personal brand? After all, it’s not like you are an actor or the lead singer for a rock band. In fact, it’s never been more important for you to think about yourself as a brand. Doing so will provide rocket fuel for your career. As a developer, there are many tools you can use to build a personal brand, and this presentation will help you learn how to get visibility, make a real impact, and achieve your goals.

Characters: 444


This presentation starts with a simple, but important explanation about personal branding: what is it exactly? It's followed by mentioning the different advantages to take the ownership of ours, since we already have one anyway. The majority of the talk is focused on giving advices to grow, and make the best out of our very own personal brand. The audience will get actionable steps they can take right after the event to start their journey.

Characters: 444

Shorter Details

This presentation starts with an explanation about personal branding: what is it exactly? It's followed by mentioning the different advantages to take the ownership of ours. The majority of the talk is focused on giving advices to grow, and make the best out of our personal brand. The audience will get actionable steps to start their journey.

Characters: 344


What the heck is Personal Branding? Why should I care about it? Surprise, you already have one!

Get answers to your questions, and learn how to take the ownership of your own personal branding to be even more successful in your career with @fharper 🎯

Characters: 252

Public Speaking

Public Speaking? It’s for you!

Do you have a passion? Do you like to share with others? Public speaking can help you share this passion with others in your industry and help them find success. But let's be honest: you'll get a lot out of it too. You'll learn from attendees, grow your network, get visibility, and much more in return for your efforts. Let's explore how you can start getting comfortable with public speaking and how you can find opportunities to reach the perfect audience. Who knows, you could be the one speaking on this stage next time!

Characters: 527


The idea is to help people to go past the frightening idea of public speaking, but even more to let attendees know that they all can do it. We all had the imposter syndrome when we gave our first talk, and look at me, I gave more than 100 in the past and still love it!

Characters: 269