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- This is not a new feature request. If it is, please file a feature request instead.
- This is not an enhancement request. If it is, please file a improvement suggestion instead.
- I have searched on the issue tracker and the discussion forum, and there is no existing related issue or discussion.
- I am running the
Latest release
, or the most recent RC(release candidate) for the upcoming release or the dev branch(master), or have an issue updating to any of these. - I did not make any code changes to curio.
Curio component
- PoRep Pipeline
- Snap Deals
- Market
- IPNI provider
- Curio UI
- Other
Curio Version
curio version 1.24.2+mainnet+git_ce37e6e_2024-11-11T08:01:33+01:00
Describe the Bug
I manage 5 miners in curio at the same time and need to test wdpost of each miner separately
Logging Information
ERROR: 'no api key provided' while parsing the config toml's
Get it with: jq .PrivateKey ~/.lotus-miner/keystore/MF2XI2BNNJ3XILLQOJUXMYLUMU: no api key provided
Repo Steps
- Run 'curio test wd cli --deadline 0 --layers mig-f0XXXX'
- Do '...'
- See error
ERROR: 'no api key provided' while parsing the config toml's
Get it with: jq .PrivateKey ~/.lotus-miner/keystore/MF2XI2BNNJ3XILLQOJUXMYLUMU: no api key provided
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