- This is not a question or a support request. If you have any Curio related questions, please ask in the discussion forum.
- This is not a new feature request. If it is, please file a feature request instead.
- This is not an enhancement request. If it is, please file a improvement suggestion instead.
- I have searched on the issue tracker and the discussion forum, and there is no existing related issue or discussion.
- I am running the
Latest release
, or the most recent RC(release candidate) for the upcoming release or the dev branch(master), or have an issue updating to any of these. - I did not make any code changes to curio.
Curio component
- PoRep Pipeline
- Snap Deals
- Market
- IPNI provider
- Curio UI
- Other
Curio Version
curio version 1.24.3+calibnet+git_08785ae_2025-01-15T22:42:29+02:00
Describe the Bug
The "Create Time" on the PoRep screen is wrong.
I started a CC sector sealing and the SRD started at 8:41 am. It is now 11:35 (2 h 50 minutes later), but the PoRep screen indicates that the task started 4:51 mins ago.
My server is running in UTC time. The PC/Browser that I'm accessing Curio UI with, is in UTC+2 (SAST) time.
The PoRep screen is exactly 2 hours "out" with what it shows.
And my current time on the Server:
And current time on the PC that I'm accessing the Curio UI with:
Logging Information
Repo Steps
- Run the Curio nodes on a server with UTC time set on the server.
- Start sealing some CC sectors.
- Visit the Curio UI from a machine in another timezone.
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