Before the latest update to 2.14.1, opening links from the PWA GMail app worked ok, though it would flash a new, blank window before opening the link in a tab in the main Firefox window. The blank window would immediately close. A little annoying/distracting, but ok.
After updating to 2.14.1, the blank window no longer automatically closes. I have to close it manually. And it's not reused if I click on another (or the same!) link in gmail. Always opens a new, blank window. This window shows the URL of the link in the header.
Steps to Reproduce
- Go to gmail in a PWA (don't know if other PWAs exhibit this, as gmail is the only one I use)
- Make sure 'Open out-of-scope URLs in a default browser' is enabled
- Click a link in an email that should open a webpage
- See issue
Additional Information
Capture of the blank window header is attached.
The 'When opening a link that should normally open in a new window or tab' options don't seem to make a difference in the above behavior.
macOS 14.7.2
Firefox 136.0.1
PWA Extension 2.14.1
PWA Native 2.14.1
PWA Runtime 136.0.1