Expected Result:
When round-tripping a Timestamp
through Firestore, it is exactly the same before and after.
Actual Result:
The nanosecond field of the Timestamp
is consistently different.
Why Is This A Problem:
It makes data consistency checking very difficult. It may result in spurious change notifications.
Reproducing the issue
This simple XCTest demonstrates the problem:
struct TestStruct: Codable, Hashable {
let timestamp: Timestamp
func testTimestampRoundtrip() async throws {
let id = UUID().uuidString
let initial = TestStruct(timestamp: .init(date:
try myCollection.document(id).setData(from: initial)
let roundTripped = try await myCollection.document(id).getDocument(as: TestStruct.self)
XCTAssertEqual(initial, roundTripped)
The assert will fail with an error like:
XCTAssertEqual failed:
("TestStruct(timestamp: <FIRTimestamp: seconds=1741964292 nanoseconds=868173122>)")
is not equal to
("TestStruct(timestamp: <FIRTimestamp: seconds=1741964292 nanoseconds=868173000>)")
Note that my test framework is configured to hit a local Firebase emulator instead of the real infrastructure - I don't know if that makes a difference. I also tried specifying cache
as the source for getDocument(as:)
, but that didn't make a difference.
This does not appear to be a problem with encoding and decoding, because this test works just fine:
func testTimestampCoding() throws {
let initial = TestStruct(timestamp: .init(date:
let encoder = Firestore.Encoder()
let encoded = try encoder.encode(initial)
let decoder = Firestore.Decoder()
let decoded = try decoder.decode(TestStruct.self, from: encoded)
XCTAssertEqual(initial, decoded)
Firebase SDK Version
Xcode Version
Installation Method
Swift Package Manager
Firebase Product(s)
Targeted Platforms
Relevant Log Output
If using Swift Package Manager, the project's Package.resolved
Expand Package.resolved
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If using CocoaPods, the project's Podfile.lock
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