Default fonts families are defined in fonts.conf.
All other font settings reside in the conf.d folder.
Many of the other settings involve blocking fonts which cannot be uninstalled due to them being dependencies of other programs. If I have no need for a font I usually disable it. My goal is to only have fonts on my system which I actually want.
In this folder, you'll find a fonts.html file which shows which fonts are blocked and how some fonts are aliased to other fonts. Please note that this html file is best opened in LibreOffice as Firefox or Chromium only use fontconfig partly (and hence might show different fonts than the intended ones)
Improves sharpness of font rendering.
Reduce color fringing due to subpixel rendering.
Create fallback order for chinese symbols
Defines the icons font family containing the awesome-terminal fonts. The icons font is also family configured as fallback font for the three fontfamilies.
Bitmap fonts are ugly. They are now disabled.
Both Source Code Pro and Source Code Variable are blocked.
Only Source Han Serif CN and Source Han Sans CN Remain.
Both Source Han Serif TW and Source Han Sans TW are blocked.
No fonts are currently blocked for Awesome Terminal Fonts.
Only Cantarell with styles Regular and Bold remains available.
DejaVu has too many ugly emoji glyphs which prevent the glyphs of my default emoji font to be displayed. Hence DejaVu is - and will always be - disabled in my fontconfig. Use Bitstream Vera instead.
Only Droid Serif, Droid Sans and Droid Sans Mono remain available.
Only Fira Code with styles Regular and Bold remains available.
All GNU fonts are currently blocked.
Only Nimbus Sans and Numbus Roman remain available.
Only Hack Nerd Font with styles Regular and Bold remains available.
The monospace font Inconsolata is blocked.
No Liberation fonts are blocked.
Only Linux Biolinum remains available.
All WenQuanYi Micro Hei fonts are blocked. They interfere with korean fonts.
The font collection ttf-ms-fonts
provides a nice collection of fonts for better
compatibility with MS Office. That said, we don't need all of the fonts provided by
these two packages.
The Ubuntu Condensed font was blocked.
Bitstream Vera is for the most part identical to DejaVu, but does not have emojis. This is a good thing! This way Vera does not interfere with my emoji font. No fonts are currently blocked for Bitstream Vera.
The font collection ttf-vista-fonts
provides a nice collection of fonts for better
compatibility with MS Office. That said, we don't need all of the fonts provided by
these two packages.
All common emoji fonts except the one I'm using are blocked.