Which version of floccus are you using?
How many bookmarks do you have, roughly?
Are you using other means to sync bookmarks in parallel to floccus?
Sync method
Which browser are you using? In case you are using the phone App, specify the Android or iOS version and device please.
Chrome MacOS
Which version of Nextcloud Bookmarks are you using? (if relevant)
No response
Which version of Nextcloud? (if relevant)
No response
What kind of WebDAV server are you using? (if relevant)
No response
Describe the Bug
My sync fails because I created a new folder with new bookmarks in it, and the logs specify that the new bookmarks are created before the new folder:
E001: Folder to create in doesn't exist
2025-01-09T20:23:39.156Z Server: executing CREATEs
2025-01-09T20:23:39.156Z Executing action { type: 'CREATE',
+ #undefined[FSSC] parentId: 3, hash: undefined
- #25[Flexwhere (plek reserveren)](XXX) parentId: 26
- #27[Support: MyDigital](XXX) parentId: 26,
index: 0,
+ #26[FSSC] parentId: 7, hash: undefined
- #25[Flexwhere (plek reserveren)](XXX) parentId: 26
- #27[Support: MyDigital](XXX) parentId: 26 }
2025-01-09T20:23:39.156Z CREATEFOLDER { folder:
+ #undefined[FSSC] parentId: 3, hash: undefined
- #25[Flexwhere (plek reserveren)](XXX) parentId: 26
- #27[Support: MyDigital](XXX) parentId: 26 }
Shouldn't this be the other way around?
Expected Behavior
That the folder is created and the bookmarks are in there.
To Reproduce
Create a new folder, create new bookmarks, run sync. Perhaps try to reorder what you already had.
Debug log provided
- I have provided a debug log file