This file is used to list changes made in each version of the apache2 cookbook.
- Enable
property to pass arbitrary variables to the conf template
- Remove support and testing for Ubuntu 16.04
- Add
property toinstall
- Add
resource - Fix backwards compatibility for SUSE with
- Add apache namespace for
helper methods
- resolved cookstyle error: spec/libraries/default_modules_spec.rb:8:7 refactor:
- Cookstyle Bot Auto Corrections with Cookstyle 6.17.7
- Directly include Apache2::Cookbook::Helpers in recipes and resources by default
has nowtemplate_cookbook
property to use an external template
- resolved cookstyle error: test/cookbooks/test/recipes/php.rb:1:1 refactor:
- Allow override of package name and version in
resource - Add tests for package name override
- Add
- Add missing lib_dir variable to
- Updated helpers to use platform_family? when possible to simplify code
- Fixed incorrect platform version comparison logic in the helpers
- Add new platforms to the Kitchen configs
- Remove logic in the Linux helpers that checked for systemd vs. non-systemd since we only support systemd platforms now
- resolved cookstyle error: libraries/helpers.rb:196:14 refactor:
- Enable unified_mode for all resources
- This deprecates support for Chef Infra Client 14 and below
- Add CentOS 8 to CI pipeline
- Add Debian 10 / Remove Debian 8 from CI pipeline
- Rename libexec_dir to apache_libexec_dir
- Add 'template_cookbook' property to apache2_module
- Migrated to Github Actions for testing
- Cookstyle fixes
- Removed circleci testing
- default_apache_root_group: replace with ohai root_group
- Fix not reloading service when changes in port.conf / apache2.conf
- Fix cache_dir permission so that modules can write in their cache_dir/module/ storage space
- Latest Cookstyle changes in cookstyle 5.6.2
- Fixed bug with freebsd and suse modules adding an array to an array
- Fixed mod_ssl for suse
- Fixed docroot paths for suse
- Renamed
property forapache2_default_site
resource### Added
- Allow overwriting cookbook for apache2_mod templates using
Add upgrading examples in
Remove references to recipes in and add a simple example
Allow users to set / alter the default module list
Allow users to alter the default modules configuration without re### Added
Uniform way to pass IP's in mod_info and mod_status
- Remove all recipes
- Use
- Add default value to
- Fix spelling of
property ininstall.rb
See for upgrading.
- Default recipe now calls the install resource
- Add helpers: for a full list see
- Remove all
recipes. Move mpm setup to the install resource - Allow user to set the mpm mode no matter what platform they're on
- Remove FreeBSD, openSuse & Fedora Kitchen testing
recipes now callapache2_module_
- Mod templates are now more configurable when calling the resources directly
- Add apache2_default_site resource
- Remove and document apache2_webapp resource
- Add the default_site resource for managing the default site
- Add site resource
- Remove the web_app resource as it was very perscriptive
- Add mod_ssl
- Add CircleCI and remove Travis
- Add CircleCI Orbs
- Rename test cookbook name to test
- Cleanup test integration directory
- Specs added for most helpers
- Make sysconfig parameters configurable via the install resource
- Update README with new instructions on installing
- Set the server to listen on ports 80 and 443 by default
- Fix Options allowed in alias.conf
- Add resource documentation to documentation directory
- Revert ports.conf fix (ports.conf that gets installed by package conflicts.
- Drop Chef 12 support
- Add Danger and CircleCI support
- Move apache binary detection to the helpers file
- Adds apache_platform_service_name, apache_dir ,apache_conf_dir helpers
- Update kitchen configuration
- Fix ports.conf location and how its set up (#550, skadz)
- Allow httpd -t timeout to be configurable (#547, skadz)
- Test using dokken-images in kitchen-dokken
- Fix readme section for mod_php
- Replace the existing contents with a link to the Chef testing docs
- Fix mod_ldap failing on non-RHEL platforms
- Fix mod_dav_svn to install the correct packages on Debian 8/9
- Support for Apache 2.2 has been fully removed so we can focus on providing a solid experience for Apache 2.4 and above. This removes support for RHEL 6, SLES 11, and Debian 7
- Fixed openSUSE support in multiple places and added integration testing for openSUSE in Travis
- This cookbook now requires Chef 12.1 or later
- Support for Apache 2.2 on FreeBSD has been removed
- Support for Amazon Linux < 2013.09 has been removed
- Support for end of life releases of Fedora (< 24), CentOS (5), Debian (6), Linux Mint (17), and Ubuntu (12.04) have been removed
- Removed the deprecated recipes for mod_authz_default and mod_php5
- Switched many package resources to Chef 12+ multipackage style to speed up Chef converges and reduce log clutter
- mod_cache is now enabled when using mod_cache_disk and mod_cache_socache
- The mod_cloudflare recipe now sets up the Apt repo with https
- Improved support for Amazon Linux on Chef 13 and added Test Kitchen amazon testing
- Improved support for Debian and RHEL derivative platforms
- Improved Fedora support in multiple modules
- Improved error logging for unsupported platforms in the mod_negotiation and mod_unixd recipes
- Switched from Rake for testing to Delivery local mode
- Setup integration testing with kitchen-dokken for core platforms in Travis so that every PR is now fully tested
- Removed the EC2 and Docker kitchen files now that we have kitchen-dokken setup
- Removed apt, pacman, yum, and zypper from the Berksfile as they're no longer needed for testing
- Removed testing dependencies from the Gemfile as we're testing using ChefDK
- Added integration testing for new Debian releases
For changelog entries pre4.0 please see the pre-4.0 CHANGELOG.