Fictitious User stories to illustrate the need.
Issue: The preference panel does not include a "what is" section. As a result, users are required to make inferences about what it does and why. This increases cognitive load on users and takes more time to understand. A solution is to add a "What is this?"
User story 1
I am sighted and don't have any learning disabilities. I believe web sites should be accessible and have an affinity towards initiatives that improve equity. When I go to a web page I see "Show preferences". I open it and am trying to make sense of what these options are about. I'm a little confused.
User story 2
I am blind and navigating the website. I get to "Show preferences". I have to spend considerable time learning what these preferences are about.
When I open the "Show Preferences" content the first content I see or hear is a link "What is this?" panel. The link goes to a page that describes the features and why it is being done. The page is either a generic FLOE page or a page on the website. I read the page and understand. I think "That's cool" and I have stronger affinity for the website and/or I think "Oh, this doesn't apply to me, but cool" and I continue on the website without spending more cognitive energy/time on the Show Preferences panel.