diff --git a/firebase.json b/firebase.json
index 5914c877c9..51f59c5d1e 100644
--- a/firebase.json
+++ b/firebase.json
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@
{ "source": "/get-started/fwe/:rest*", "destination": "/get-started/fundamentals/:rest*", "type": 301 },
{ "source": "/get-started/install/null", "destination": "/get-started/install", "type": 301 },
{ "source": "/get-started/learn-more", "destination": "/get-started/learn-flutter", "type": 301 },
+ { "source": "/get-started/test-drive*", "destination": "/get-started/codelab", "type": 301 },
{ "source": "/get-started/web", "destination": "/platform-integration/web/building", "type": 301 },
{ "source": "/ios-14", "destination": "/platform-integration/ios/ios-debugging", "type": 301 },
{ "source": "/ios-project-migration", "destination": "https://web.archive.org/web/20220614103526/https://docs.flutter.dev/development/ios-project-migration", "type": 301 },
diff --git a/src/_includes/docs/install/test-drive/androidstudio.md b/src/_includes/docs/install/test-drive/androidstudio.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 26cd921ef3..0000000000
--- a/src/_includes/docs/install/test-drive/androidstudio.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-### Create a sample Flutter app {:#create-app-android-studio}
-1. Launch the IDE.
-2. To be able to create flutter projects on Android Studio, install the
- [Flutter Plugin](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9212-flutter) and
- for smart Dart coding assistance that includes code completion, formatting,
- navigation, intentions, refactorings, and more,
- install the [Dart Plugin](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6351-dart/).
-3. Head back to your IDE start page and Click **New Flutter Project** at the
- top of the **Welcome to Android Studio** dialog.
-4. Under **Generators**, click **Flutter**.
-5. Verify the **Flutter SDK path** value against the Flutter SDK location
- on your development machine.
-6. Click **Next**.
-7. Enter `test_drive` into the **Project name** field.
- Your project name should be written in [snake case](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Snake_case) and in lowercase.
- This follows the Flutter best practices for naming projects.
-8. Set the directory in the **Project location** field to
- `C:\dev\test_drive` on Microsoft Windows or
- `~/development/test_drive` on other platforms.
- If you didn't create that directory before, Android Studio displays
- a warning that the **Directory Does Not Exist**. Click **Create**.
-9. From **Project type** dropdown, select **Application**.
-10. Ignore the remaining form fields. You don't need to change them for
- this test drive. Click **Create**.
-11. Wait for Android Studio to create the project.
-12. Open the `lib` directory, then the `main.dart`.
- To learn what each code block does, check out the comments in that Dart file.
-The previous commands create a Flutter project directory
-called `test_drive` that contains a simple demo app that
-uses [Material Components][].
-### Run your sample Flutter app
-1. Locate the main Android Studio toolbar at the top of the
- Android Studio edit window.
- ![Main IntelliJ toolbar][]
-1. In the **target selector**, select an Android device for running the app.
- You created your Android target device in the **Install** section.
-1. To run your app, make one of the following choices:
- {:type="a"}
- 1. Click the run icon in the toolbar.
- 1. Go to **Run** > **Run**.
- 1. Press Ctrl + R.
-{% capture save_changes -%}
- : invoke **Save All**, or click **Hot Reload**
- {% render docs/install/test-drive/hot-reload-icon.md %}.
-{% endcapture %}
-{% capture ide_profile -%}
- to invoke the menu item **Run > Profile** in the IDE, or
-{% endcapture %}
-{% include docs/install/test-drive/try-hot-reload.md save_changes=save_changes ide="Android Studio" %}
-[Main IntelliJ toolbar]: /assets/images/docs/tools/android-studio/main-toolbar.png
-[Material Components]: {{site.material}}/components
diff --git a/src/_includes/docs/install/test-drive/hot-reload-icon.md b/src/_includes/docs/install/test-drive/hot-reload-icon.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a9768fcff1..0000000000
--- a/src/_includes/docs/install/test-drive/hot-reload-icon.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/_includes/docs/install/test-drive/terminal.md b/src/_includes/docs/install/test-drive/terminal.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 26ae3d8a0f..0000000000
--- a/src/_includes/docs/install/test-drive/terminal.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-### Create a sample Flutter app {:#create-app-terminal}
-To create a new Flutter app, run the following commands in your shell or Terminal.
-1. Run the `flutter create` command.
- ```console
- flutter create test_drive
- ```
- The command creates a Flutter project directory called `test_drive`
- that contains a simple demo app that uses [Material Components][].
-1. Change to the Flutter project directory.
- ```console
- cd test_drive
- ```
-### Run your sample Flutter app
-1. To verify that you have a running target device,
- run the following command.
- ```console
- flutter devices
- ```
- You created your target device in the **Install** section.
-2. To run your app, run the following command.
- ```console
- flutter run
- ```
-{% capture save_changes -%}
-1. Type r in the terminal window.
-{% endcapture %}
-{% include docs/install/test-drive/try-hot-reload.md save_changes=save_changes ide="VS Code" %}
diff --git a/src/_includes/docs/install/test-drive/try-hot-reload.md b/src/_includes/docs/install/test-drive/try-hot-reload.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c07ec5ea4e..0000000000
--- a/src/_includes/docs/install/test-drive/try-hot-reload.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-After the app build completes, your device displays your app.
-{% render docs/app-figure.md, img-class:"site-mobile-screenshot border", image:"get-started/macos/starter-app.png", caption:"Starter app on macOS" %}
-## Try hot reload
-Flutter offers a fast development cycle with _Stateful Hot Reload_,
-the ability to reload the code of a live running app without
-restarting or losing app state.
-You can change your app source code, run the hot reload command in
-{{include.ide}}, and see the change in your target device.
-1. Open `lib/main.dart`.
-1. Change the word `pushed` to `clicked` in the following string.
- It is on line 109 of the `main.dart` file as of this writing.
- | **Original** | **New** |
- |:-------------------------------------------------:|:--------------------------------------------------:|
- | `'You have pushed the button this many times:' ,` | `'You have clicked the button this many times:' ,` |
- {:.table .table-striped}
- :::important
- _Don't stop your app._ Let your app run.
- :::
-1. Save your changes{{include.save_changes}}
-Your app updates the string as you watch.
-{% render docs/app-figure.md, img-class:"site-mobile-screenshot border", image:"get-started/macos/starter-app-hot-reload.png", caption:"Starter app after hot reload" %}
diff --git a/src/_includes/docs/install/test-drive/vscode.md b/src/_includes/docs/install/test-drive/vscode.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bddced0d14..0000000000
--- a/src/_includes/docs/install/test-drive/vscode.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-### Create a sample Flutter app {:#create-app-vs-code}
-1. To use Flutter DevTools from VS Code, install the
- [Flutter extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Dart-Code.flutter).
- This also automatically installs the
- [Dart extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Dart-Code.dart-code).
- With these extensions, you can debug your Flutter app.
-2. Open the Command Palette.
- Go to **View** > **Command Palette** or
- press + Shift + P.
-3. Type `flutter`.
-4. Select **Flutter: New Project**.
-5. When prompted for **Which Flutter Project**, select **Application**.
-6. Create or select the parent directory for the new project folder.
-7. When prompted for a **Project Name**, enter `test_drive`.
-8. Press Enter.
-9. Wait for project creation to complete.
-10. Open the `lib` directory, then the `main.dart`.
- To learn what each code block does, check out the comments in that Dart file.
-The previous commands create a Flutter project directory called `test_drive` that
-contains a simple demo app that uses [Material Components][].
-### Run your sample Flutter app
-Run your example application on your desktop platform,
-in the Chrome web browser, in an iOS simulator, or Android emulator.
-Though you can deploy your app to the web,
-the web target doesn't support
-hot reload at this time.
-1. Open the Command Palette.
- Go to **View** > **Command Palette** or
- press + Shift + P.
-1. Type `flutter`.
-1. Select **Flutter: Select Device**.
- If no devices are running, this command prompts you to enable a device.
-1. Select a target device from **Select Device** prompt.
-1. After you select a target, start the app.
- Go to **Run** >
- **Start Debugging** or press F5.
-1. Wait for the app to launch.
- You can watch the launch progress in the **Debug Console** view.
-{% capture save_changes -%}
-: invoke **Save All**, or click **Hot Reload**
-{% render docs/install/test-drive/hot-reload-icon.md %}.
-{% endcapture %}
-{% include docs/install/test-drive/try-hot-reload.md save_changes=save_changes ide="VS Code" %}
-[Material Components]: {{site.material}}/components
diff --git a/src/content/cookbook/design/fonts.md b/src/content/cookbook/design/fonts.md
index 09d8e64278..b8ee12f365 100644
--- a/src/content/cookbook/design/fonts.md
+++ b/src/content/cookbook/design/fonts.md
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ This guide makes the following presumptions:
[set up your Flutter environment]: /get-started/install
-[new-flutter-app]: /get-started/test-drive
+[new-flutter-app]: /reference/create-new-app
## Choose a font
diff --git a/src/content/get-started/codelab-web.md b/src/content/get-started/codelab-web.md
index 1d20f78306..d5d36ab8e7 100644
--- a/src/content/get-started/codelab-web.md
+++ b/src/content/get-started/codelab-web.md
@@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@ Dart DevTools, or Flutter animations, see the following:
[Animation docs]: /ui/animations
[Building a form with validation]: /cookbook/forms/validation
[Chrome browser]: https://www.google.com/chrome/?brand=CHBD&gclid=CjwKCAiAws7uBRAkEiwAMlbZjlVMZCxJDGAHjoSpoI_3z_HczSbgbMka5c9Z521R89cDoBM3zAluJRoCdCEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
-[create a new Flutter project]: /get-started/test-drive
+[create a new Flutter project]: /reference/create-new-app
[Dart DevTools]: /tools/devtools
[DartPad]: {{site.dartpad}}
[DevTools command line]: /tools/devtools/cli
diff --git a/src/content/get-started/test-drive.md b/src/content/get-started/test-drive.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 32aea7f26f..0000000000
--- a/src/content/get-started/test-drive.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-title: Test drive
-description: How to create a templated Flutter app and use hot reload.
- title: Set up Flutter
- path: /get-started/install
- title: Write your first Flutter app
- path: /get-started/codelab
-toc: false
-{% case os %}
-{% when 'Windows' -%}
- {% assign path='C:\dev\' %}
- {% assign terminal='PowerShell' %}
- {% assign prompt1='D:>' %}
- {% assign prompt2=path | append: '>' %}
- {% assign dirdl='%CSIDL_DEFAULT_DOWNLOADS%\' %}
-{% when "macOS" -%}
- {% assign path='~/development/' %}
- {% assign terminal='the Terminal' %}
- {% assign prompt1='$' %}
- {% assign prompt2='$' %}
- {% assign dirdl='~/Downloads/' %}
-{% else -%}
- {% assign path='~/development/' %}
- {% assign terminal='a shell' %}
- {% assign prompt1='$' %}
- {% assign prompt2='$' %}
- {% assign dirdl='~/Downloads/' %}
-{% endcase -%}
-## What you'll learn
-1. How to create a new Flutter app from a sample template.
-1. How to run the new Flutter app.
-1. How to use "hot reload" after you make changes to the app.
-These tasks depend on which integrated development environment (IDE) you use.
-* **Option 1** explains how to code with Visual Studio Code and
- its Flutter extension.
-* **Option 2** explains how to code with Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA with
- its Flutter plugin.
- Flutter supports IntelliJ IDEA Community, Educational, and Ultimate editions.
-* **Option 3** explains how to code with an editor of your choice and use
- the terminal to compile and debug your code.
-## Choose your IDE
-Select your preferred IDE for Flutter apps.
-{% tabs %}
-{% tab "Visual Studio Code" %}
-{% include docs/install/test-drive/vscode.md %}
-{% endtab %}
-{% tab "Android Studio and IntelliJ" %}
-{% include docs/install/test-drive/androidstudio.md %}
-{% endtab %}
-{% tab "Terminal & editor" %}
-{% include docs/install/test-drive/terminal.md %}
-{% endtab %}
-{% endtabs %}
diff --git a/src/content/perf/app-size.md b/src/content/perf/app-size.md
index f5e273a41a..6e1bac1eed 100644
--- a/src/content/perf/app-size.md
+++ b/src/content/perf/app-size.md
@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ features like Android instant apps.
By default, launching your app with `flutter run`,
or by clicking the **Play** button in your IDE
-(as used in [Test drive][] and
-[Write your first Flutter app][]),
+(as used in [Write your first Flutter app][]),
generates a _debug_ build of the Flutter app.
The app size of a debug build is large due to
the debugging overhead that allows for hot reload
@@ -194,7 +193,6 @@ Some other things you can do to make your app smaller are:
[iOS create build archive instructions]: /deployment/ios#update-the-apps-build-and-version-numbers
[Model ID / Hardware number]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_iOS_devices#Models
[Obfuscating Dart code]: /deployment/obfuscate
-[Test drive]: /get-started/test-drive
[Write your first Flutter app]: /get-started/codelab
[Play Console's instructions]: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/9302563?hl=en
[Google Play Console]: https://play.google.com/apps/publish/
diff --git a/src/content/platform-integration/desktop.md b/src/content/platform-integration/desktop.md
index a1a7cd63c5..0a5f242915 100644
--- a/src/content/platform-integration/desktop.md
+++ b/src/content/platform-integration/desktop.md
@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ restart your IDE so that it can detect the new device.
### Create and run
Creating a new project with desktop support is no different
-than [creating a new Flutter project][] for other platforms.
+from [creating a new Flutter project][] for other platforms.
Once you've configured your environment for desktop
support, you can create and run a desktop application
either in the IDE or from the command line.
-[creating a new Flutter project]: /get-started/test-drive
+[creating a new Flutter project]: /reference/create-new-app
#### Using an IDE
diff --git a/src/content/platform-integration/web/wasm.md b/src/content/platform-integration/web/wasm.md
index 1a0f3b356b..e92f9a91bf 100644
--- a/src/content/platform-integration/web/wasm.md
+++ b/src/content/platform-integration/web/wasm.md
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ or choose any Flutter application
that has been migrated to be
[compatible with Wasm](#js-interop-wasm).
-[sample app]: /get-started/test-drive
+[sample app]: /reference/create-new-app
### Modify the index page
diff --git a/src/content/ui/animations/hero-animations.md b/src/content/ui/animations/hero-animations.md
index d181ad8a5c..9dc7e75843 100644
--- a/src/content/ui/animations/hero-animations.md
+++ b/src/content/ui/animations/hero-animations.md
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ using Flutter's hero widget. When using `MaterialPageRoute`
to specify the new route, the image flies along a curved path,
as described by the [Material Design motion spec][].
-[Create a new Flutter example][] and
+[Create a new Flutter app][] and
update it using the files from the [hero_animation][].
To run the example:
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ rectangular clips yield a rectangle that's the same size as the hero
widget. In other words, at the end of the transition the image is no
longer clipped.
-[Create a new Flutter example][] and
+[Create a new Flutter app][] and
update it using the files from the
[radial_hero_animation][] GitHub directory.
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ Key information:
[Building Layouts in Flutter]: /ui/layout
[`ClipOval`]: {{site.api}}/flutter/widgets/ClipOval-class.html
[ClipRect]: {{site.api}}/flutter/widgets/ClipRect-class.html
-[Create a new Flutter example]: /get-started/test-drive
+[Create a new Flutter app]: /reference/create-new-app
[`createRectTween`]: {{site.api}}/flutter/widgets/CreateRectTween.html
[`debugPaintSizeEnabled`]: /tools/devtools/inspector#debugging-layout-issues-visually
[`Hero`]: {{site.api}}/flutter/widgets/Hero-class.html
diff --git a/src/content/ui/interactivity/index.md b/src/content/ui/interactivity/index.md
index b0fd7fe654..19a195a2cc 100644
--- a/src/content/ui/interactivity/index.md
+++ b/src/content/ui/interactivity/index.md
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ Wonderous app [running app][wonderous-app], [repo][wonderous-repo]
[Gestures]: /cookbook/gestures
[Gestures in Flutter]: /ui/interactivity/gestures
[Handling gestures]: /ui#handling-gestures
-[new-flutter-app]: /get-started/test-drive
+[new-flutter-app]: /reference/create-new-app
[`IconButton`]: {{site.api}}/flutter/material/IconButton-class.html
[`Icon`]: {{site.api}}/flutter/widgets/Icon-class.html
[`InkWell`]: {{site.api}}/flutter/material/InkWell-class.html
diff --git a/src/content/ui/layout/tutorial.md b/src/content/ui/layout/tutorial.md
index 8dadc2a85d..008c7f59d2 100644
--- a/src/content/ui/layout/tutorial.md
+++ b/src/content/ui/layout/tutorial.md
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ In this section, shell out the basic Flutter app code to start your app.
[Set up your Flutter environment]: /get-started/install
-[new-flutter-app]: /get-started/test-drive
+[new-flutter-app]: /reference/create-new-app
## Add the Title section