Releases: fluxcd/flux2
Releases · fluxcd/flux2
- PR #92 Add "Manging Helm releases" guide to menu
- PR #91 Update notification-controller to v0.0.3
- PR #90 Add helm suspend/resume commands
- PR #87 Add reconcile helm commands
- PR #86 Managing Helm releases guide
- PR #85 Rename sync cmd to reconcile
- PR #84 Refactor install defaults
- PR #83 build: use correct v2alpha1 HelmRelease spec URL
- PR #82 Add helm-controller installer and docs
- PR #81 Add source watcher dev guide
- PR #65 Update controllers to v0.0.1
- PR #64 Add roadmap draft to docs
- PR #63 Honour KUBECONFIG environment variable
- PR #62 Dedicated sections in components menu
- PR #61 Add target features and diagram to docs
- PR #60 Disable autogen footer CLI doc gen
- PR #59 Use owner in Git author email
- PR #58 Improve logging and error messages
- PR #55 Copyright headers
- PR #54 Add toolkit components to docs
- PR #51 Add get started guide
- PR #50 Add docs website
- PR #23 Release v0.0.1-alpha.1
- PR #22 Update source controller to v0.0.1-alpha.6
- PR #21 Add service account args to kustomization command
- PR #19 Fix resume waiting
- PR #18 manifests: fix leader election rbac
- PR #17 manifests: add cluster reconciler RBAC and SA
- PR #16 Add bash completion command
- PR #15 Add CLI install instruction and script
- PR #14 Add CLI docs and maintainers file
- PR #13 Implement export to YAML
- PR #12 Implement delete, suspend and resume kustomization
- PR #11 Implement get commands
- PR #10 Implement sync commands
- PR #9 Add git tag option to create source
- PR #8 Implement create kustomization command
- PR #7 Implement components selection
- PR #6 manifests: update components
- PR #5 Refactor create source command
- PR #4 Allow multiple installs based on namespace and version
- PR #3 Generate tk docs with cobra/doc
- PR #1 Implement check, install, uninstall and create source commands