Aircraft Version
Development (4k)
Build info
"built": "2025-02-13T15:34:55+00:00",
"ref": "refs/heads/master",
"sha": "df1324b3fad83c8371f7d3eba321d3c317150599",
"actor": "BravoMike99",
"event_name": "manual",
"pretty_release_name": "master:df1324b3",
"version": "a380x-v0.13.0-dev.df1324b"
Describe the bug
As you can tell by the title, the captains seat position is too far forward by default and the FO's Seat is at the very back by default. Its annoying as the default camera position is clipping into the seat as the Captain. Plus, when using eye tracking, you will always end up adjusting either your cameras position or the seat position as you are clipping.
Expected behavior
Basically, have the Captains Seat AND the FO's Seat in a position where the seat is in position and not slid to the side. Preferably the same position.
Steps to reproduce
- Load in at gate or on runway
- Look down to see if you are clipping into the headrest.
References (optional)
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