Aircraft Version
Development (4k)
Build info
"built": "2025-03-01T05:58:09+00:00",
"ref": "refs/pull/9831/merge",
"sha": "afcb8bc4f2b3edc139029018a745e26a505be9c9",
"actor": "flogross89",
"event_name": "manual",
"pretty_release_name": "9831:afcb8bc4",
"version": "a380x-v0.13.0-9831.afcb8bc"
Describe the bug
TERR on ND does not update/refresh correctly and Terrain is drawn over the water
Behaviour was observed on latest dev as well.
The issue with not refreshing correctly can sometimes lead to TERR being still drawn on the ND even when TERR mode is turned off
Expected behavior
TERR on ND should refresh correctly and disable when mode is being turned off
Steps to reproduce
Repro: Takeoff at an airfield close to water (LPPR in that case) with TERR mode on and turn towards the water
References (optional)
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