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Strategy Description

IMG [trans]


该策略通过计算三组不同参数设置的 RSI 指数和对应的六条移动平均线,形成三条移动平均带,据此判断市场趋势方向,进行长线操作。


  1. 计算三组 RSI 指数:RSI 快线 Period=50,RSI 中线 Period=75,RSI 慢线 Period=100。
  2. 对每组 RSI 指数分别计算 5、30、50、70、90、100 周期的简单移动平均线或指数移动平均线,形成移动平均带。
  3. 当快线 RSI 对应移动平均线全线上涨时判断为多头信号;当快线 RSI 对应移动平均线全线下跌时判断为空头信号。
  4. 中线 RSI 和慢线 RSI 对应移动平均带给出的交易信号亦然。
  5. 在给定的交易时间段内,当出现买入信号时按 100% 仓位多头开仓;当出现卖出信号时平掉之前的多头仓位。


该策略结合 RSI 指标和移动平均线的优势,利用三组参数设置不同的 RSI 以捕捉不同级别周期的趋势变化,同时运用六条移动平均线过滤掉部分噪声,从而提高信号的可靠性。

相比单一 RSI 和移动平均线,该组合利用系统性方法形成判断依据,不依赖参数优化,运用科学严谨,实施简便,容易掌握。


RSI 组合移动平均线策略依赖参数设置,如果参数设置不当,将可能产生错位信号。此外,快速行情的波动也可能触发错误信号。

为减少错误信号风险,应适当调整 RSI 周期参数,或调整移动平均线的周期数目,找到最佳参数组合。



  1. 添加止损逻辑。现有策略没有设置止损,容易受行情剧烈波动的影响。
  2. 优化参数设置。可以测试更多组合来寻找最佳参数。
  3. 增加其他指标过滤。可以引入 MACD、布林带等其他指标来确认信号。
  4. 加入时间和交易量过滤。避免异常时间段和量能的假信号。


该三重 RSI 移动平均带策略整合多个指标的优势,通过严密的逻辑判断形成交易信号,对长线趋势进行判断。策略简单实用,容易掌握,适合移动平均带交易策略的学习和实践。随着参数和组合的不断优化,策略效果有望进一步改善。



This strategy calculates three groups of RSI indicators with different parameter settings and their corresponding six moving average lines to form three moving average bands, and judges the market trend direction for long-term operations.

Strategy Logic

  1. Calculate three groups of RSI indicators: Fast RSI Period=50, Normal RSI Period=75, Slow RSI Period=100.

  2. For each group of RSI indicators, calculate the 5, 30, 50, 70, 90, 100 periods of simple or exponential moving averages respectively to form moving average bands.

  3. When all lines of the fast RSI moving average rise, it is judged as a long signal; when all lines of the fast RSI moving average decline, it is judged as a short signal.

  4. The trading signals given by the moving average bands corresponding to the normal RSI and slow RSI are the same.

  5. During the given trading time period, go long with 100% position when a buy signal appears; close the previous long position when a sell signal appears.

Advantage Analysis

The strategy combines the advantages of RSI indicators and moving averages. It uses three groups of RSI with different parameter settings to capture trend changes at different cycle levels. At the same time, it uses six moving average lines to filter out some noise and improve signal reliability.

Compared with a single RSI and moving average, this combination forms a basis for judgment by using a systematic method without relying on parameter optimization. The application is scientific, rigorous and simple to grasp.

Risk Analysis

The RSI moving average combination strategy relies on parameter settings. If the parameters are set improperly, misaligned signals may occur. In addition, fluctuations in fast markets can also trigger false signals.

To reduce the risk of false signals, RSI cycle parameters should be adjusted accordingly, or the cycle number of the moving average should be adjusted to find the optimal parameter combination.


The strategy can be further optimized in the following aspects:

  1. Add stop loss logic. The current strategy does not set stop loss, which is easily affected by dramatic market fluctuations.

  2. Optimize parameter settings. More combinations can be tested to find the best parameters.

  3. Increase other indicators filtering. Other indicators like MACD and Bollinger Bands can be introduced to confirm signals.

  4. Add time and volume filtering. Avoid false signals during abnormal time periods and volume.


The three RSI moving average bands strategy integrates the advantages of multiple indicators and forms trading signals through rigorous logical judgments to determine long-term trends. The strategy features simplicity, ease of grasp and is suitable for learning and practicing moving average bands trading strategies. With continuous optimization of parameters and combinations, the strategy effect is expected to further improve.


Strategy Arguments

Argument Default Description
v_input_1 true From Day
v_input_2 true From Month
v_input_3 2019 From Year
v_input_4 31 To Day
v_input_5 12 To Month
v_input_6 2021 To Year
v_input_7_ohlc4 0 source: ohlc4

Source (PineScript)

start: 2024-01-21 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-20 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © exlux99


strategy(title="3 RSI MA movement crypto strategy", overlay=true, initial_capital = 100, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.03, pyramiding=1  )

fromDay = input(defval = 1, title = "From Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31)
fromMonth = input(defval = 1, title = "From Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12)
fromYear = input(defval = 2019, title = "From Year", minval = 1970)
 //monday and session 
// To Date Inputs
toDay = input(defval = 31, title = "To Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31)
toMonth = input(defval = 12, title = "To Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12)
toYear = input(defval = 2021, title = "To Year", minval = 1970)

startDate = timestamp(fromYear, fromMonth, fromDay, 00, 00)
finishDate = timestamp(toYear, toMonth, toDay, 00, 00)
time_cond = true

source = input(ohlc4)

RSIFast  = rsi(source, 50)
RSINorm  = rsi(source, 75)
RSISlow = rsi(source, 100)

// plot(RSIFast, color=color.silver, style=plot.style_area, histbase=50)
// plot(RSINorm, color=#98b8be, style=plot.style_area, histbase=50)
// plot(RSISlow, color=#be9e98, style=plot.style_area, histbase=50)

// plot(RSIFast, color=color.gray, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=1)
// plot(RSINorm, color=color.purple, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=2)
// plot(RSISlow,, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=3)

exponential = false//input(false, title="Exponential MA")

src = (RSIFast)

ma05 = exponential ? ema(src, 05) : sma(src, 05)
ma30 = exponential ? ema(src, 30) : sma(src, 30)
ma50 = exponential ? ema(src, 50) : sma(src, 50)
ma70 = exponential ? ema(src, 70) : sma(src, 70)
ma90 = exponential ? ema(src, 90) : sma(src, 90)
ma100 = exponential ? ema(src, 100) : sma(src, 100)

leadMAColor = change(ma30)>=0 and ma30>ma100 ? color.lime            : change(ma30)<0  and ma30>ma100 ?            : change(ma30)<=0 and ma30<ma100 ? color.maroon            : change(ma30)>=0 and ma30<ma100 ?            : color.gray
maColor(ma, maRef) => 
              change(ma)>=0 and ma30>maRef ? color.lime            : change(ma)<0  and ma30>maRef ?            : change(ma)<=0 and ma30<maRef ? color.maroon            : change(ma)>=0 and ma30<maRef ?            : color.gray
// plot( ma30, color=maColor(ma30,ma100), style=plot.style_line, title="MMA30", linewidth=2)
// plot( ma50, color=maColor(ma50,ma100), style=plot.style_line, title="MMA50", linewidth=2)
// plot( ma70, color=maColor(ma70,ma100), style=plot.style_line, title="MMA70", linewidth=2)
// plot( ma90, color=maColor(ma90,ma100), style=plot.style_line, title="MMA90", linewidth=2)

long0=(leadMAColor==color.lime and maColor(ma30,ma100)==color.lime and maColor(ma50,ma100)==color.lime and maColor(ma70,ma100)==color.lime and maColor(ma90,ma100)==color.lime ) or ( and maColor(ma30,ma100) and maColor(ma50,ma100) and maColor(ma70,ma100) and maColor(ma90,ma100) )
exit0=leadMAColor==color.maroon and maColor(ma30,ma100)==color.maroon and maColor(ma50,ma100)==color.maroon and maColor(ma70,ma100)==color.maroon and maColor(ma90,ma100)==color.maroon 

exponential1 = false//input(false, title="Exponential MA")

src1 = (RSINorm)

ma051 = exponential1 ? ema(src1, 05) : sma(src1, 05)
ma301 = exponential1 ? ema(src1, 30) : sma(src1, 30)
ma501 = exponential1 ? ema(src1, 50) : sma(src1, 50)
ma701 = exponential1 ? ema(src1, 70) : sma(src1, 70)
ma901 = exponential1 ? ema(src1, 90) : sma(src1, 90)
ma1001 = exponential1 ? ema(src1, 100) : sma(src1, 100)

leadMAColor1 = change(ma051)>=0 and ma051>ma1001 ? color.lime            : change(ma051)<0  and ma051>ma1001 ?            : change(ma051)<=0 and ma051<ma1001 ? color.maroon            : change(ma051)>=0 and ma051<ma1001 ?            : color.gray
maColor1(ma, maRef) => 
              change(ma)>=0 and ma05>maRef ? color.lime            : change(ma)<0  and ma05>maRef ?            : change(ma)<=0 and ma05<maRef ? color.maroon            : change(ma)>=0 and ma05<maRef ?            : color.gray
// plot( ma051, color=leadMAColor1, style=plot.style_line, title="MMA05", linewidth=1)
// plot( ma301, color=maColor1(ma301,ma1001), style=plot.style_line, title="MMA30", linewidth=3)
// plot( ma501, color=maColor1(ma501,ma1001), style=plot.style_line, title="MMA50", linewidth=3)
// plot( ma701, color=maColor1(ma701,ma1001), style=plot.style_line, title="MMA70", linewidth=3)
// plot( ma901, color=maColor1(ma901,ma1001), style=plot.style_line, title="MMA90", linewidth=3)

long1=(leadMAColor1==color.lime and maColor1(ma301,ma1001)==color.lime and maColor1(ma501,ma1001)==color.lime and maColor1(ma701,ma1001)==color.lime and maColor1(ma901,ma1001)==color.lime ) or ( and maColor1(ma301,ma1001) and maColor1(ma501,ma1001) and maColor1(ma701,ma1001) and maColor1(ma901,ma100) )
exit1=leadMAColor1==color.maroon and maColor1(ma301,ma1001)==color.maroon and maColor1(ma501,ma1001)==color.maroon and maColor1(ma701,ma1001)==color.maroon and maColor1(ma901,ma1001)==color.maroon 


exponential2 = false//input(false, title="Exponential MA")

src2 = (RSISlow)

ma052 = exponential2 ? ema(src2, 05) : sma(src2, 05)
ma302 = exponential2 ? ema(src2, 30) : sma(src2, 30)
ma502 = exponential2 ? ema(src2, 50) : sma(src2, 50)
ma702 = exponential2 ? ema(src2, 70) : sma(src2, 70)
ma902 = exponential2 ? ema(src2, 90) : sma(src2, 90)
ma1002 = exponential2 ? ema(src2, 100) : sma(src2, 100)

leadMAColor2 = change(ma052)>=0 and ma052>ma1002 ? color.lime            : change(ma052)<0  and ma052>ma1002 ?            : change(ma052)<=0 and ma052<ma1002 ? color.maroon            : change(ma052)>=0 and ma052<ma1002 ?            : color.gray
maColor2(ma, maRef) => 
              change(ma)>=0 and ma05>maRef ? color.lime            : change(ma)<0  and ma05>maRef ?            : change(ma)<=0 and ma05<maRef ? color.maroon            : change(ma)>=0 and ma05<maRef ?            : color.gray
// plot( ma052, color=leadMAColor2, style=plot.style_line, title="MMA05", linewidth=1)
// plot( ma302, color=maColor2(ma302,ma1001), style=plot.style_line, title="MMA30", linewidth=4)
// plot( ma502, color=maColor2(ma502,ma1001), style=plot.style_line, title="MMA50", linewidth=4)
// plot( ma702, color=maColor2(ma701,ma1001), style=plot.style_line, title="MMA70", linewidth=4)
// plot( ma902, color=maColor2(ma901,ma1001), style=plot.style_line, title="MMA90", linewidth=4)

long2=(leadMAColor2==color.lime and maColor2(ma302,ma1002)==color.lime and maColor2(ma502,ma1002)==color.lime and maColor2(ma702,ma1002)==color.lime and maColor2(ma902,ma1002)==color.lime ) or ( and maColor2(ma302,ma1002) and maColor2(ma502,ma1002) and maColor2(ma701,ma1002) and maColor2(ma901,ma1002) )
exit2=leadMAColor2==color.maroon and maColor2(ma302,ma1002)==color.maroon and maColor2(ma502,ma1002)==color.maroon and maColor2(ma702,ma1002)==color.maroon and maColor2(ma902,ma1002)==color.maroon 

long= long1 or long2
exit=  exit1 or exit2

// ------------------------- Strategy Logic --------------------------------- //
var longOpened = false
var shortOpened = false
var int timeOfBuy = na


longConditionLongOnly= long and not longOpened 

if longConditionLongOnly
    longOpened := true
    timeOfBuy := time

longExitSignal = exit
exitLongConditionLongOnly = longOpened[1] and longExitSignal

if exitLongConditionLongOnly
    longOpened := false
    timeOfBuy := na

//plotshape(longConditionLongOnly,, text= "Buy", location= location.belowbar,style= shape.labelup, textcolor=color.white, size = size.tiny, title="Buy Alert",editable=false, transp=60)
//plotshape(exitLongConditionLongOnly,, text= "exit", location= location.abovebar,style= shape.labeldown, textcolor=color.white, size = size.tiny, title="Sell Alert", editable=false, transp=60)

//alertcondition(longConditionLongOnly ,title='Buy Alert', message='Buy Alert')
//alertcondition(exitLongConditionLongOnly , title='exit Alert', message='exit Alert')



Last Modified

2024-02-21 16:18:44