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Strategy Description

IMG [trans]






具体来说,当收盘价连续两日下跌后,如果第三日收盘价高于前一日收盘价,同时9日Stochastic Slow低于50,则为买入信号;当收盘价连续两日上涨后,如果第三日收盘价低于前一日收盘价,同时9日Stochastic Fast高于50,则为卖出信号。




DMI = RSI(DTime)

DTime = 14 / X日收盘价标准差的10日均值


多头区域:DMI > 30 空头区域:DMI < 70



  1. 123形态简单有效。该形态利用股价短期反转特征,在次级底部买入,次级顶部卖出,避免在趋势中期交易。

  2. 动量张弛指数更敏感。指标的变速特性使其能够自适应市场,在剧烈波动中及时捕捉转折点。

  3. 两种策略可以有效过滤误报。123形态产生信号时再参考DMI判断市场背景,可以减少在趋势中交易带来的亏损。

  4. 结合利用两种策略优点。DMI适合作为过滤器使用,结合123形态可以大幅提高系统稳定性。


  1. 容易产生信号误报。DMI和123形态都可能在价格只是短期波动而未转向时产生错误信号。

  2. 交易频率可能过高。DMI变周期特性使其对市场噪音极为敏感,需要适当调整参数以控制交易频率。

  3. 123形态可能错过趋势中期机会。该形态主要捕捉短期反转,无法持续获利于中长线走势中。

  4. 需要适当限制交易次数。交易次数过多会带来高额的手续费和滑点成本。


  1. 优化动量张弛指数参数。可以测试不同DMI的RSI参数、交易区间参数,找到最佳参数组合。

  2. 优化123形态过滤条件。可以测试Stoch指标不同参数或其他过滤指标如MACD。

  3. 增加止损机制。适当缩止损幅度可以减少单笔损失。

  4. 增加位置管理模块。例如固定数量交易、固定资金利用率交易等可以完善策略风险控制。





This strategy combines the Momentum Oscillator Index and 123 Pattern into a cumulative trading signal to improve profitability. The Momentum Oscillator tracks market volatility and adjusts RSI parameters to capture short-term trends. The 123 Pattern forms trade signals by identifying minor highs and lows of prices in the short run. The combination of both strategies allows the strategy to maintain performance across different market environments.

Strategy Logic

123 Pattern

The 123 Pattern consists of three stages. First, the price declines for two consecutive days. Second, the price rises for the next two days. Finally, the price declines again on the third day. According to this pattern, we can determine to establish a long position when prices rise in the second stage, and a short position when prices fall back in the third stage.

Specifically, if the closing price is higher than the previous close for two consecutive days after two days of decline, and the 9-day Stochastic Slow is below 50, it is a buy signal. If the closing price is lower than the previous close for two consecutive days after two days of increase, and the 9-day Stochastic Fast is above 50, it is a sell signal.

Momentum Oscillator

The Momentum Oscillator is constructed similarly to the RSI, with the key difference being the variable periods of the momentum oscillator. The number of periods depends on recent price volatility - higher volatility leads to shorter periods, making the indicator more sensitive, while stable prices lead to longer periods to reduce false signals.

The calculation formula is:

DMI = RSI(DTime)  

DTime = 14 / 10-day SMA of standard deviation of close over past 5 days

It shares the same overbought/oversold thresholds as RSI:

Overbought: DMI > 30 Oversold: DMI < 70

Buy and sell signals are generated when the DMI crosses these thresholds.

Advantage Analysis

  1. The 123 Pattern is simple and effective. It utilizes short-term reversal patterns to enter on minor bottoms and exit on minor tops, avoiding taking positions against the trend.

  2. The Momentum Oscillator is more sensitive. Its variable period allows it to adapt to the market and timely capture turning points even during high volatility.

  3. Both strategies help filter out false signals effectively. Checking the DMI for market context when 123 signals occur can reduce losses from trading against the trend.

  4. Combines the strengths of both strategies. Using DMI as a filter along with the 123 Pattern greatly enhances the stability of the system.

Risk Analysis

  1. Prone to signal whipsaws. Both DMI and 123 Pattern can generate false signals when prices are just temporarily fluctuating rather than reversing.

  2. Potentially high trading frequency. DMI's variable periods make it extremely sensitive to market noise. Parameters need proper tuning to control trade frequency.

  3. 123 Pattern may miss mid-term trend opportunities. It mainly captures short-term reversals and cannot profit consistently from mid-long term trends.

  4. Need to limit max trades. Too many trades can result in heavy commission fees and slippage costs.

Optimization Directions

  1. Optimize DMI parameters. Can test different RSI periods, threshold values to find best combination.

  2. Optimize 123 Pattern filters. Can test different Stoch parameters or other filters like MACD.

  3. Add stop loss mechanisms. Appropriate stop loss sizes help limit downside on losing trades.

  4. Add position sizing rules. Fixed quantity or fixed fractional position sizing improves risk control.


This strategy combines analysis from both the Momentum Oscillator and 123 Pattern to improve trade signal performance. However, no single strategy can perfectly adapt to shifting market conditions. Investors should focus on controlling risks, constantly backtest and update parameters based on live results so that profitability can be sustained.


Strategy Arguments

Argument Default Description
v_input_1 14 Length
v_input_2 true KSmoothing
v_input_3 3 DLength
v_input_4 50 Level
v_input_5 14 RSILen
v_input_6 30 BuyZone
v_input_7 70 SellZone
v_input_8 30 UpLimit
v_input_9 5 LoLimit
v_input_10 false Trade reverse

Source (PineScript)

start: 2024-01-17 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-24 00:00:00
period: 1m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

//  Copyright by HPotter v1.0 18/03/2020
// This is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal. 
// First strategy
// This System was created from the Book "How I Tripled My Money In The 
// Futures Market" by Ulf Jensen, Page 183. This is reverse type of strategies.
// The strategy buys at market, if close price is higher than the previous close 
// during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Slow Oscillator is lower than 50. 
// The strategy sells at market, if close price is lower than the previous close price 
// during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Fast Oscillator is higher than 50.
// Second strategy
// This indicator plots Dynamic Momentum Index indicator. The Dynamic Momentum 
// Index (DMI) was developed by Tushar Chande and Stanley Kroll. The indicator 
// is covered in detail in their book The New Technical Trader.
// The DMI is identical to Welles Wilder`s Relative Strength Index except the 
// number of periods is variable rather than fixed. The variability of the time 
// periods used in the DMI is controlled by the recent volatility of prices. 
// The more volatile the prices, the more sensitive the DMI is to price changes. 
// In other words, the DMI will use more time periods during quiet markets, and 
// less during active markets. The maximum time periods the DMI can reach is 30 
// and the minimum is 3. This calculation method is similar to the Variable 
// Moving Average, also developed by Tushar Chande.
// The advantage of using a variable length time period when calculating the RSI 
// is that it overcomes the negative effects of smoothing, which often obscure short-term moves.
// The volatility index used in controlling the time periods in the DMI is based 
// on a calculation using a five period standard deviation and a ten period average 
// of the standard deviation.
// - For purpose educate only
// - This script to change bars colors.
Reversal123(Length, KSmoothing, DLength, Level) =>
    vFast = sma(stoch(close, high, low, Length), KSmoothing) 
    vSlow = sma(vFast, DLength)
    pos = 0.0
    pos := iff(close[2] < close[1] and close > close[1] and vFast < vSlow and vFast > Level, 1,
	         iff(close[2] > close[1] and close < close[1] and vFast > vSlow and vFast < Level, -1, nz(pos[1], 0))) 

DMI(RSILen, BuyZone,SellZone,UpLimit,LoLimit) =>
    pos = 0
    xStdDev = stdev(close, 5) 
    xSMAStdDev = sma(xStdDev, 10)
    DTime = round(14 / xSMAStdDev - 0.5)
    xDMI = iff(DTime > UpLimit, UpLimit,
             iff(DTime < LoLimit, LoLimit, DTime))
    xRSI = rsi(xDMI, RSILen)
    pos := iff(xRSI > BuyZone, 1,
             iff(xRSI < SellZone, -1, nz(pos[1], 0))) 

strategy(title="Combo Backtest 123 Reversal & Dynamic Momentum Index", shorttitle="Combo", overlay = true)
Length = input(14, minval=1)
KSmoothing = input(1, minval=1)
DLength = input(3, minval=1)
Level = input(50, minval=1)
RSILen = input(14, minval=1)
BuyZone = input(30, minval=1)
SellZone = input(70, minval=1)
UpLimit = input(30, minval=1)
LoLimit = input(5, minval=1)
reverse = input(false, title="Trade reverse")
posReversal123 = Reversal123(Length, KSmoothing, DLength, Level)
posDMI = DMI(RSILen, BuyZone,SellZone,UpLimit,LoLimit)
pos = iff(posReversal123 == 1 and posDMI == 1 , 1,
	   iff(posReversal123 == -1 and posDMI == -1, -1, 0)) 
possig = iff(reverse and pos == 1, -1,
          iff(reverse and pos == -1 , 1, pos))	   
if (possig == 1) 
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
if (possig == -1)
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)	 
if (possig == 0) 
barcolor(possig == -1 ? #b50404: possig == 1 ? #079605 : #0536b3 )


Last Modified

2024-01-25 14:27:29