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Strategy Description

IMG [trans]


双均线价格通道交易策略(Dual Moving Average Price Channel Trading Strategy)是一个融合价格通道指标和均线指标的量化交易策略。该策略通过构建价格通道,判断价格通道方向;同时利用均线判断价格趋势,实现交易信号的产生。



  1. 构建价格上轨和价格下轨,形成价格通道。当价格上破上轨时为看涨信号,当价格下破下轨时为看跌信号。

  2. 计算均线。当价格在均线之上为看涨趋势,价格在均线之下为看跌趋势。

  3. 结合价格通道指标和均线指标,可以产生更可靠的交易信号。具体规则是:

    • 多头信号:价格上破下轨且低于均线的时候,做多
    • 空头信号:价格下破上轨且高于均线的时候,做空




  1. 结合价格通道和均线两个指标,使交易信号更加可靠,避免产生大量假信号。

  2. 利用价格通道判断价格ျ态,运用均线判断价格趋势,两个指标互相验证,更加准确。

  3. 策略参数化设计,均线长度和价格通道长度都可以通过参数调整,适应不同品种和周期。

  4. 策略信号较为稳定,不会出现信号震荡,降低了交易风险。

  5. 策略逻辑简单清晰,容易理解,便于实盘操作。

  6. 策略完全基于指标,无需训练,零数据依赖,适用于各种品种和周期。



  1. 策略可能会错过价格快速突破上下轨的机会,无法抓住短期趋势。

  2. 当价格在上下轨附近波动时,会频繁触发交易信号,增加交易频率。

  3. 若期货品种价格波动剧烈,价格通道参数设置不当也会增加交易风险。

  4. 策略没有考虑止损逻辑,在亏损扩大时无法有效控制风险。


  1. 适当缩短均线周期,使策略更敏感,抓住短期趋势。

  2. 增大价格通道长度参数,减少假信号。同时适当放宽入场条件,控制交易频率。

  3. 参数优化测试,选择最适合的价格通道参数。

  4. 加入移动止损逻辑,降低单笔损失。



  1. 在入场条件上,可以结合其他指标如MACD、KDJ等,实现多指标过滤,使信号更稳定。

  2. 可以测试不同参数对策略效果的影响,寻找最优参数组合。如测试不同均线周期参数。

  3. 可以加入动态止损模块。当亏损达到一定幅度时止损出场,有效控制风险。

  4. 还可以引入机器学习模型,利用历史数据对策略参数进行训练和优化,实现参数的动态调整。

  5. 更复杂的改进是运用深度学习算法提取特征和判断信号,使用神经网络代替传统指标,实现策略的智能化。





The Dual Moving Average Price Channel Trading Strategy is a quantitative trading strategy that integrates the Price Channel indicator and Moving Average indicator. The strategy judges the direction of the price channel by constructing a price channel and uses the moving average to determine the price trend to generate trading signals.

Strategy Logic

The core principle of the Dual Moving Average Price Channel Trading Strategy is:

  1. Construct the price ceiling and price floor to form a price channel. A breakout above the ceiling is a bullish signal and a breakout below the floor is a bearish signal.

  2. Calculate the moving average. When the price is above the moving average, it is a bullish trend. When the price is below the moving average, it is a bearish trend.

  3. By combining the Price Channel indicator and the Moving Average indicator, more reliable trading signals can be generated. The specific rules are:

    • Buy signal: Price breaks out the floor and is below the moving average, go long.
    • Sell signal: Price breaks out the ceiling and is above the moving average, go short.

The strategy takes into account both the Price Channel and the Moving Average indicators to better judge the market trend and filter out false signals, making it relatively stable.

Advantage Analysis

The Dual Moving Average Price Channel Trading Strategy has the following advantages:

  1. Combining two indicators reduces false signals and makes trading signals more reliable.

  2. Using the price channel to judge the price action and the moving average to determine the price trend, the two indicators verify each other and are more accurate.

  3. The parameterization design allows the adjustment of the moving average length and price channel length through parameters to adapt to different products and frequencies.

  4. The strategy signal is relatively stable without signal oscillations, thus lowering trading risk.

  5. The strategy logic is simple and clear, easy to understand, and easy to implement for live trading.

  6. The strategy is completely indicator-based, requires no training, has zero data dependence, and is suitable for various products and frequencies.

Risk Analysis

The Dual Moving Average Price Channel Trading Strategy also has some risks:

  1. The strategy may miss opportunities when prices break out the channel rapidly, unable to capture short-term trends.

  2. When prices oscillate around the channel, trading signals may be triggered frequently, increasing trading frequency.

  3. Improper parameter settings of the price channel can increase risks when price fluctuations of futures are violent.

  4. The lack of a stop loss mechanism leads to inability to effectively control risks when losses expand.

The corresponding solutions are:

  1. Shorten the moving average period to make the strategy more sensitive to capture short-term trends.

  2. Increase the price channel length parameter to reduce false signals. Also, relax the entry criteria appropriately to control trading frequency.

  3. Optimize parameters through backtesting to find the best price channel settings.

  4. Add a moving stop loss logic to reduce losses per trade.


There is room for further optimization of the Dual Moving Average Price Channel Trading Strategy:

  1. Other indicators like MACD and KDJ can be combined with the entry criteria for multi-indicator filtering and more stable signals.

  2. Different parameters can be tested for their impact on strategy performance to find the optimal parameter combination, e.g. testing different moving average periods.

  3. A dynamic stop loss module can be added. When the losses reach a certain level, the position can be closed by stop loss to effectively control risks.

  4. Machine learning models can also be introduced, using historical data to train and optimize the strategy parameters for dynamic adjustment.

  5. A more complex improvement is to use deep learning algorithms to extract features and judge signals, replacing traditional indicators with neural networks to make the strategy intelligent.


The Dual Moving Average Price Channel Trading Strategy forms relatively stable and reliable trading signals through dual-indicator judgments. Also, the parameterized design allows flexible adjustments to suit different products. Integrating the advantages of price channels and moving averages, the strategy is relatively simple and practical for live trading. Certainly, there are still rooms for improvement such as entry criteria, stop loss, parameter optimization, and strategy intelligence.


Strategy Arguments

Argument Default Description
v_input_1 100 length
v_input_2 20 EMA Length

Source (PineScript)

start: 2024-01-11 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-18 00:00:00
period: 1m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © paparegier

strategy("G-Channel and EMA Strategy", shorttitle="GEMA", overlay=true)

// G-Channel Indicator
length = input(100)
a = 0.0
b = 0.0
a := na(a[1]) ? close : max(close, a[1]) - (a[1] - b[1]) / length
b := na(b[1]) ? close : min(close, b[1]) + (a[1] - b[1]) / length
avg = avg(a, b)

crossup = b[1] < close[1] and b > close
crossdn = a[1] < close[1] and a > close
bullish = barssince(crossdn) <= barssince(crossup)

// EMA Indicator
emaLength = input(20, title="EMA Length")
emaValue = ema(close, emaLength)

// Strategy Conditions
buyCondition = bullish and close < emaValue
sellCondition = not bullish and close > emaValue

// Execute Strategy
strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long, when=buyCondition)
strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short, when=sellCondition)

// Plotting
plot(avg, ? color.lime :, 90), linewidth=1, title="G-Channel Average")
plot(emaValue, color=color.rgb(0, 0, 255, 90), linewidth=1, title="EMA")

// Mark Buy and Sell Signals
plotshape(series=buyCondition, title="Buy Signal",, style=shape.labelup, text="Buy", size=size.small)
plotshape(series=sellCondition, title="Sell Signal",, style=shape.labeldown, text="Sell", size=size.small)


Last Modified

2024-01-19 16:44:31