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Strategy Description

IMG [trans]





本策略设置5日EMA和20日SMA为交易信号。当5日EMA上穿20日SMA时Generate长仓信号;当持仓价格变化达到5%或-5%时,视为收益或止损离场。此外,结合TII指标作为辅助判断标准。TII大于0且大于前一周期时,表示目前处于价格上涨阶段,这时EMA和SMAgolden cross信号更为可靠。


  1. 计算5日EMA、20日SMA和TII指标
  2. 当5日EMA上穿20日SMA时,同时TII为正且大于前一周期,产生买入信号
  3. 进入长仓
  4. 当价格变化达到5%或-5%时,平仓离场



  1. 策略信号简单清晰,容易实现。
  2. 移动平均线是一种主流和常用的技术指标,黄金交叉是较为经典可靠的交易信号。
  3. 结合TII指标可以过滤部分不确定信号,提高策略胜率。
  4. 通过设定止损和止盈标准,可以有效控制单次交易风险。




  1. 移动平均线交叉信号会有一定的滞后。
  2. TII指标在盘整ры市中效果堪忧。
  3. 固定的止损止盈标准可能过于武断。


  1. 优化移动平均线参数,降低信号滞后。
  2. 添加其他辅助指标,提升信号的可靠性。
  3. 设置动态止损止盈标准。




  1. 优化移动平均线参数。可以测试更短期或更长期的EMA和SMA参数组合,找到更佳的参数对。

  2. 增加其他指标过滤。例如MACD,KDJ等指标的辅助判断可避免部分错误信号。

  3. 应用机器学习算法。使用统计方法或神经网络对历史数据进行建模,自动寻找更优的参数。

  4. 设定动态止损止盈。根据市场波动程度和个股特性调整止损幅度可以更好控制风险。

  5. 扩展至其他品种。在外汇,数字货币等其他品种上应用同样策略规则。






This strategy generates trading signals by calculating the crossovers between 5-day exponential moving average (EMA) and 20-day simple moving average (SMA). It goes long when 5-day EMA crosses above 20-day SMA and closes position when price change reaches 5% or -5%. It also incorporates Trading Index Index (TII) as an auxiliary indicator.

Strategy Principle

Double exponential moving averages are widely used technical indicators. 5-day EMA represents recent price trends while 20-day SMA shows medium-term price moves. When shorter-term MA crosses above longer-term MA, it signals an upside breakout and upward price trend, indicating good timing to go long. On the contrary, downward crossover implies potential price reversal and should consider exiting positions.

This strategy sets 5-day EMA and 20-day SMA as trading signals. It goes long when 5-day EMA crosses over 20-day SMA and closes position when price change hits 5% or -5%. It also checks if TII is positive and rising to confirm the signal reliability.

The detailed steps are:

  1. Calculate 5-day EMA, 20-day SMA and TII
  2. Generate buy signal when 5-day EMA crosses over 20-day SMA while TII is positive and rising
  3. Enter long position
  4. Close position when price change reaches 5% or -5%


This strategy utilizes the golden crossover between two MAs and has following pros:

  1. Clear and simple trading signals, easy to implement.
  2. MAs are mainstream and common technical indicators, golden cross signal is classical and reliable.
  3. Incorporating TII can filter some uncertain signals and improve win rate.
  4. Predefined stop loss/take profit standards effectively control per trade risk.

In general, this strategy has straightforward rules, utilizes mature technical indicators like MA crossovers, and has relatively comprehensive risk control measurements. It is suitable for beginners to learn and use in quantitative trading field.


There are still some risks within this strategy:

  1. MA crossover signals may lag.
  2. TII indicator does not perform well in range-bound markets.
  3. Fixed stop loss/take profit standards could be arbitrary.

Suggested improvements are:

  1. Optimize MA parameters to reduce the lag.
  2. Add other auxiliary indicators to enhance signal reliability.
  3. Set dynamic stop loss/take profit standards.

So there is room for further optimization.

Optimization Directions

This strategy can be improved from the following aspects:

  1. Optimize MA parameters by testing shorter/longer EMA and SMA combinations to find the optimal pair.

  2. Add other indicators like MACD, KDJ to filter false signals.

  3. Employ machine learning algorithms to find better parameters through historical data modeling and statistics.

  4. Set dynamic stop loss/take profit based on market volatility and instrument characteristics to better control risks.

  5. Expand this strategy to other products like forex, cryptocurrencies.

Through above enhancements, the stability and profitability of this strategy can be substantially improved.


In conclusion, this is an easy-to-understand and implement dual MA crossover strategy. It takes advantage of MA signals and uses TII to filter errors. It controls risks by stop loss/take profit. The strategy suits beginners to learn and also has large room for optimizations. Further improvements on parameter tuning, signal filtering and dynamic stop loss can transform it into a practical and powerful trading strategy.


Strategy Arguments

Argument Default Description
v_input_1 60 Major Length
v_input_2 30 Minor Length
v_input_3_close 0 Source: close

Source (PineScript)

start: 2024-01-02 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-01 00:00:00
period: 2h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("EMA-SMA Crossover Strategy", shorttitle="EMA-SMA Cross", overlay=true)

// Define the moving averages
ema5 = ta.ema(close, 5)
sma20 = ta.sma(close, 20)
smaVolume10 = ta.sma(volume, 50)

majorLength = input(60, title="Major Length")
minorLength = input(30, title="Minor Length")
src = input(close, title="Source")

smaValue = ta.sma(src, majorLength)

positiveSum = 0.0
negativeSum = 0.0

for i = 0 to minorLength - 1
    price = na(src[i]) ? 0 : src[i]
    avg = na(smaValue[i]) ? 0 : smaValue[i]
    positiveSum := positiveSum + (price > avg ? price - avg : 0)
    negativeSum := negativeSum + (price > avg ? 0 : avg - price)

tii = 100 * positiveSum / (positiveSum + negativeSum)

// Buy condition: 5 EMA crosses above 20 SMA
buyCondition = ta.crossover(ema5, sma20) and tii > 0 and tii >= tii[1]

//and volume > smaVolume10 //

// Track entry price
var entryPrice = 0.0
if (buyCondition)
    entryPrice := close

// Calculate percentage change from entry price
priceChange = close / entryPrice - 1

// Plotting the moving averages on the chart
plot(ema5,, title="5 EMA")
plot(sma20,, title="20 SMA")

// Highlighting buy signals and exit signals on the chart
// plotshape(series=buyCondition, title="Buy Signal", location=location.belowbar,, size=size.small, style=shape.labelup, text="Buy")

// Strategy entry and exit
if (buyCondition)
    strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long)

// Exit conditions
if (strategy.opentrades > 0)
    if (priceChange >= 0.05 or priceChange <= -0.05)


Last Modified

2024-02-02 11:41:34