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Strategy Description

IMG [trans]


双移动平均趋势跟踪策略(Dual Moving Average Trend Tracking Strategy)是一种基于两个不同周期的移动平均线来判断市场趋势方向的量化交易策略。该策略使用快速移动平均线和慢速移动平均线的多空状态来确定趋势方向,在趋势方向上进行交易。








  1. 策略思路清晰简单,容易理解和实现。
  2. 使用双移动平均线结合,可以有效过滤震荡市场的噪音,锁定趋势方向。
  3. 移动平均线参数可以灵活调整,适应不同品种和时间周期。
  4. 无须设置止损和止盈点,降低交易频率,有利于跟踪趋势。
  5. 可灵活设置仅做多或仅做空,适应不同的交易偏好。



  1. 当价格出现急剧变化时,移动平均线会有滞后,可能导致错过最佳开仓时机。
  2. 双移动平均线可能出现假突破和差错交叉,导致产生错误的交易信号。
  3. 策略本身不设置止损止盈,无法有效控制单笔损失。
  4. 策略默认全仓交易,风险较大,需要谨慎操作。




  1. 增加移动平均线类型的选择,如SMA、EMA等,使用图表指标的多样性。
  2. 增加其他辅助技术指标,如MACD、BOLL等,提高判断准确性。
  3. 加入趋势线和支撑阻力位判断,使交易信号更加精确。
  4. 设置止损止盈条件,有效控制单笔亏损。
  5. 优化仓位管理,根据资金使用率、获利率等调整仓位。





The Dual Moving Average Trend Tracking Strategy is a quantitative trading strategy that uses two moving averages with different periods to determine the trend direction of the market. It uses the long/short status of fast and slow moving averages to identify the trend and make trades along the trend direction.


The strategy employs two moving averages, including a fast moving average (e.g. 10-period) and a slow moving average (e.g. 30-period). If both moving averages are pointing up, it indicates an uptrend. If both moving averages are pointing down, it indicates a downtrend.

Specifically, the strategy first calculates the fast and slow moving averages. Then it compares the current fast moving average with previous period to see if the current one is larger than the previous one. If yes, assign value 1 indicating up trend. Otherwise assign -1 for down trend. Do the same for the slow moving average.

Finally, determine the trend by the values of the two moving averages. If both values are 1, final decision is 1, indicating uptrend. If both are -1, final decision is -1, indicating downtrend. If the values are different, maintain previous trend decision.

Upon the identification of trend direction, the strategy will long at uptrend and short at downtrend.


The strategy has the following edges:

  1. The logic is simple and easy to understand and implement.
  2. The dual moving averages help filter market noise and identify the trend.
  3. Parameters of moving averages can be adjusted for different products and timeframes.
  4. No need to set stop loss or take profit, which lowers trade frequency and helps follow the trend.
  5. Can flexibly go long only or short only based on preference.


There are also some risks of the strategy:

  1. Moving averages may lag during sharp price change, causing missing best entry timing.
  2. Fake breakout and incorrect crossover may happen, resulting in wrong trading signals.
  3. No stop loss is set, unable to effectively limit single trade loss.
  4. Full position by default brings larger risk, needs cautious operation.

To reduce the risks, parameters of moving averages can be set more reasonably, other indicators can be introduced, stop loss and take profit can be set, and position size can be adjusted accordingly.


The strategy can be further optimized in the following aspects:

  1. Add more types of moving averages like SMA and EMA to utilize more charting tools.
  2. Introduce other assisting indicators like MACD and BOLL to improve accuracy.
  3. Add trend line and support/resistance analysis for more precise trading signals.
  4. Set stop loss and take profit to control single trade loss.
  5. Optimize position sizing based on fund usage, profit ratio etc.


The Dual Moving Average Trend Tracking Strategy has a clear logic of using dual moving averages to filter noise and identify trend, and trade along the trend direction. It's a typical trend following strategy. Traders can choose long only or short only based on preference. There are still some risks of the strategy. Additional indicators, stop loss/take profit should be added to control risks. By doing so, long term steady profit can be achieved.


Strategy Arguments

Argument Default Description
v_input_1 true Long
v_input_2 true Short
v_input_3 10 MA Fast (red)
v_input_4 30 MA Slow (blue)
v_input_5 0 MA Type: SMA
v_input_6_ohlc4 0 MA Source: ohlc4
v_input_7 true Show MAs
v_input_8 false Show Background

Source (PineScript)

start: 2022-12-12 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-18 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © noro
// 2020

strategy(title = "Noro's TrendMA Strategy", shorttitle = "TrendMA str", overlay = true, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100, pyramiding = 0, commission_value = 0.1)

needlong = input(true, title = "Long")
needshort = input(true, title = "Short")
fast = input(10, minval = 1, title = "MA Fast (red)")
slow = input(30, minval = 2, title = "MA Slow (blue)")
type = input(defval = "SMA", options = ["SMA", "EMA"], title = "MA Type")
src = input(ohlc4, title = "MA Source")
showma = input(true, title = "Show MAs")
showbg = input(false, title = "Show Background")

fastma = type == "EMA" ? ema(src, fast) : sma(src, fast)
slowma = type == "EMA" ? ema(src, slow) : sma(src, slow)

colorfast = showma ? : na
colorslow = showma ? : na
plot(fastma, color = colorfast, title = "MA Fast")
plot(slowma, color = colorslow, title = "MA Slow")

trend1 = fastma > fastma[1] ? 1 : -1
trend2 = slowma > slowma[1] ? 1 : -1
trend = 0
trend := trend1 == 1 and trend2 == 1 ? 1 : trend1 == -1 and trend2 == -1 ? -1 : trend[1]

colbg = showbg == false ? na : trend == 1 ? color.lime : trend == -1 ? : na
bgcolor(colbg, transp = 80)

if trend == 1
    if needlong
        strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
    if needlong == false

if trend == -1
    if needshort
        strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)
    if needshort == false


Last Modified

2023-12-19 14:49:52