Strategy Description
双EMA均线追踪策略(Dual Exponential Moving Average Trend Following Strategy)是一种基于均线交叉的趋势跟踪策略。该策略通过计算快线EMA和慢线EMA,并根据它们的交叉情况来判断当前趋势方向。当快线上穿慢线时,判断为看涨;当快线下穿慢线时,判断为看跌。根据判断出的趋势方向,该策略可以进行看涨或看跌操作。
双EMA均线追踪策略整体来说是一个稳健实用的趋势跟踪策略。它利用EMA均线交叉判断价格趋势,可以有效把握行情方向。同时 Settings灵活的交易方向设置提高了策略适应性;以及止损止盈设置控制了风险。通过进一步优化和完善,该策略可以成为量化交易的有力工具。
The Dual Exponential Moving Average Trend Following Strategy is a trend following strategy based on exponential moving average (EMA) crossovers. It judges the current trend direction by calculating fast EMA line and slow EMA line and acts on their crossovers. When the fast EMA line crosses above the slow EMA line, it is determined as a bullish signal. When the fast EMA line crosses below the slow EMA line, it is determined as a bearish signal. Based on the identified trend direction, this strategy can go long or go short accordingly.
The core logic of this strategy lies in calculating two EMA lines of different periods - one acts as the bearish line and one acts as the bullish line. Specifically, the strategy calculates an 8-period fast EMA line using talib indicator as the bullish line. And it calculates a 21-period slow EMA line as the bearish line. Then it judges the crossover relationships between the fast EMA line and slow EMA line. When fast line crosses above slow line, it determines a bullish signal to go long. When fast line crosses below slow line, it determines a bearish signal to go short.
In terms of actual trade execution, this strategy can go long only, go short only, or go both ways when crossover happens between fast and slow lines. Also, stop loss and take profit prices are configured in the strategy. After opening positions, if price goes in unfavorable direction, stop loss will be triggered to exit positions. If price reaches the expected target level, take profit will realize and close positions.
The biggest advantage of the Dual EMA Trend Following strategy lies in the powerful trend identification capability of moving average crossovers. As a common tool for trend analysis, EMA lines can identify trend shifts and turning points through crossovers, avoiding being misled by market noises in short term and catching the main trend direction.
Also, the flexible settings on trade directions make the strategy adaptable to both one-way trends and two-way oscillations, thus enhances the strategy's applicability. The configured stop loss and take profit controls risk and locks in partial profit.
The biggest risk of this strategy is the false signals triggered by frequent small crossovers under range-bound markets. This would lead to excessive position opening and losses. To tackle this, we can increase EMA periods to reduce crossover times and false signal probabilities.
On the other hand, a too tight stop loss setting also increases the chance of getting stopped out. In this case, we need to expand the stop loss range carefully balancing the risk of being trapped.
This strategy can be further optimized in the following aspects:
Adaptive adjustment on EMA periods based on market volatility and backtest results, avoiding overfitting under fixed periods.
Adding filter conditions to filter out false signals, e.g. combine with trading volumes to filter insignificant crossovers; or combine other indicators like MACD and KDJ to avoid signals in uncertainty.
Optimizing stop loss and take profit strategies, e.g. combining ATR to realize dynamic trailing on SL/TP, preventing over-tight SL and premature TP.
Testing different holding periods. Too long holding periods can be impacted by incidents, while too short periods lead to high trading costs and slippage costs. Finding the optimum holding days can improve strategy profitability.
In general, the Dual EMA Trend Following Strategy is a robust and practical trend trading system. It catches trend directions effectively through EMA crossover system. Meanwhile, the flexible settings on trade directions make it adaptable; the configured stop loss and take profit control risks. With further optimizations and enhancements, this strategy can become a powerful tool for quantitative trading.
Strategy Arguments
Argument | Default | Description |
v_input_int_1 | 8 | Fast EMA Length |
v_input_int_2 | 21 | Slow EMA Length |
v_input_string_1 | 0 | Sides: Both |
v_input_string_2 | 0 | Percent or Pips: Percent |
v_input_float_1 | false | Stop Loss Long |
v_input_float_2 | false | Stop Loss Short |
v_input_float_3 | false | Target Profit Long |
v_input_float_4 | false | Target Profit Short |
v_input_1 | timestamp(01 Jan 2021 00:00 +0000) | (?Date Range)Start Time |
v_input_2 | timestamp(31 Dec 2023 23:59 +0000) | End Time |
Source (PineScript)
start: 2024-01-02 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-01 00:00:00
period: 2h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
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// © TradersPostInc
strategy('TradersPost Example MOMO Strategy', overlay=true, default_qty_value=100, initial_capital=100000, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, pyramiding=0)
startTime = input(defval = timestamp('01 Jan 2021 00:00 +0000'), title = 'Start Time', group = 'Date Range')
endTime = input(defval = timestamp('31 Dec 2023 23:59 +0000'), title = 'End Time', group = 'Date Range')
timeCondition = true
timeConditionEnd = timeCondition[1] and not timeCondition
fastEmaLength = = 8, title = 'Fast EMA Length')
slowEmaLength = = 21, title = 'Slow EMA Length')
sides = input.string(defval = 'Both', title = 'Sides', options = ['Long', 'Short', 'Both', 'None'])
fastEma = ta.ema(close, fastEmaLength)
slowEma = ta.ema(close, slowEmaLength)
isUptrend = fastEma >= slowEma
isDowntrend = fastEma <= slowEma
trendChanging = ta.cross(fastEma, slowEma)
ema105 =, '30', ta.ema(close, 105)[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
ema205 =, '30', ta.ema(close, 20)[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
plot(ema105, linewidth=4,, 0), editable=true)
plot(ema205, linewidth=2,, 0), editable=true)
aa = plot(fastEma, linewidth=3,, 0), editable=true)
bb = plot(slowEma, linewidth=3,, 0), editable=true)
fill(aa, bb, color=isUptrend ? :, transp=90)
tradersPostBuy = trendChanging and isUptrend and timeCondition
tradersPostSell = trendChanging and isDowntrend and timeCondition
pips = syminfo.pointvalue / syminfo.mintick
percentOrPipsInput = input.string('Percent', title='Percent or Pips', options=['Percent', 'Pips'])
stopLossLongInput = input.float(defval=0, step=0.01, title='Stop Loss Long', minval=0)
stopLossShortInput = input.float(defval=0, step=0.01, title='Stop Loss Short', minval=0)
takeProfitLongInput = input.float(defval=0, step=0.01, title='Target Profit Long', minval=0)
takeProfitShortInput = input.float(defval=0, step=0.01, title='Target Profit Short', minval=0)
stopLossPriceLong = ta.valuewhen(tradersPostBuy, close, 0) * (stopLossLongInput / 100) * pips
stopLossPriceShort = ta.valuewhen(tradersPostSell, close, 0) * (stopLossShortInput / 100) * pips
takeProfitPriceLong = ta.valuewhen(tradersPostBuy, close, 0) * (takeProfitLongInput / 100) * pips
takeProfitPriceShort = ta.valuewhen(tradersPostSell, close, 0) * (takeProfitShortInput / 100) * pips
takeProfitALong = takeProfitLongInput > 0 ? takeProfitLongInput : na
takeProfitBLong = takeProfitPriceLong > 0 ? takeProfitPriceLong : na
takeProfitAShort = takeProfitShortInput > 0 ? takeProfitShortInput : na
takeProfitBShort = takeProfitPriceShort > 0 ? takeProfitPriceShort : na
stopLossALong = stopLossLongInput > 0 ? stopLossLongInput : na
stopLossBLong = stopLossPriceLong > 0 ? stopLossPriceLong : na
stopLossAShort = stopLossShortInput > 0 ? stopLossShortInput : na
stopLossBShort = stopLossPriceShort > 0 ? stopLossPriceShort : na
takeProfitLong = percentOrPipsInput == 'Pips' ? takeProfitALong : takeProfitBLong
stopLossLong = percentOrPipsInput == 'Pips' ? stopLossALong : stopLossBLong
takeProfitShort = percentOrPipsInput == 'Pips' ? takeProfitAShort : takeProfitBShort
stopLossShort = percentOrPipsInput == 'Pips' ? stopLossAShort : stopLossBShort
buyAlertMessage = '{"ticker": "' + syminfo.ticker + '", "action": "buy", "price": ' + str.tostring(close) + '}'
sellAlertMessage = '{"ticker": "' + syminfo.ticker + '", "action": "sell", "price": ' + str.tostring(close) + '}'
exitLongAlertMessage = '{"ticker": "' + syminfo.ticker + '", "action": "exit", "price": ' + str.tostring(close) + '}'
exitShortAlertMessage = '{"ticker": "' + syminfo.ticker + '", "action": "exit", "price": ' + str.tostring(close) + '}'
if (sides != "None")
if tradersPostBuy
strategy.entry('Long', strategy.long, when = sides != 'Short', alert_message = buyAlertMessage)
strategy.close('Short', when = sides == "Short" and timeCondition, alert_message = exitShortAlertMessage)
if tradersPostSell
strategy.entry('Short', strategy.short, when = sides != 'Long', alert_message = sellAlertMessage)
strategy.close('Long', when = sides == 'Long', alert_message = exitLongAlertMessage)
exitAlertMessage = '{"ticker": "' + syminfo.ticker + '", "action": "exit"}'
strategy.exit('Exit Long', from_entry = "Long", profit = takeProfitLong, loss = stopLossLong, alert_message = exitAlertMessage)
strategy.exit('Exit Short', from_entry = "Short", profit = takeProfitShort, loss = stopLossShort, alert_message = exitAlertMessage)
strategy.close_all(when = timeConditionEnd)
Last Modified
2024-02-02 17:11:29