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Strategy Description

IMG [trans]




  1. 计算3/6/9/12/15/18/21日7组快速EMA均线。
  2. 计算24/27/30/.../200日14组慢速EMA均线。
  3. 设置快EMA均线色彩判断规则:3日线上驶6日线代表涨势,设置为青色;下驶代表跌势,设置橙色。
  4. 设置慢EMA均线色彩判断规则:24日线上驶25日线代表涨势,设置为绿色;下驶代表跌势,设置为红色。
  5. 当快EMA线 grupo 由下向上穿过慢EMA线 group 时产生买入信号,代表趋势转为上升。
  6. 当快EMA线 grupo 由上向下穿过慢EMA线 group 时产生卖出信号,代表趋势转为下降。



  1. 快慢均线配合,识别趋势变化能力强。快速均线能识别短期趋势,慢速均线过滤盘整,组合使用能提高识别精确度。
  2. 多个均线组合,判断信号更加清晰可靠,避免假信号。
  3. 采用不同EMA周期参数,能够识别不同级别的中长线趋势,操作周期灵活。
  4. 长仓追踪策略,符合大部分私募基金以中长线方式运作的模式。


  1. 跟踪持仓时间过长,可能错过短线交易机会。
  2. EMA均线组合并不适合捕捉短期价格波动。当遇到价格震荡较大的区间整理时,可能产生不必要的交易信号。
  3. 参数设置不当可能导致交易信号过于频繁或保守,建议参数测试后实盘验证。


  1. 增加快速均线的组数,设置更多的短周期EMA,能提高对短线趋势的判断能力。
  2. 增加慢速均线的组数,设置更多的中长周期EMA,能提高对中长线趋势的判断能力。
  3. 增加MA信号确认,在EMA均线发出信号时同时检验MA均线的支持,可以减少假信号。
  4. 结合交易量的多空分析,避免在价格震荡剧烈的假破情况下产生错误信号。





This strategy identifies trend directions by calculating combinations of multiple fast and slow moving averages. It generates buy signals when the fast MAs cross above the slow MAs, and sell signals when the fast MAs cross below the slow MAs.

Strategy Logic

  1. Calculate 7 groups of fast EMAs with periods of 3/6/9/12/15/18/21 days.
  2. Calculate 14 groups of slow EMAs with periods of 24/27/30/.../200 days.
  3. Set color rules for fast EMAs: 3MA above 6MA is uptrend (aqua), below is downtrend (orange).
  4. Set color rules for slow EMAs: 24MA above 25MA is uptrend (lime), below is downtrend (red).
  5. When fast EMA grupo crosses above slow EMA group, generate buy signal, indicating uptrend.
  6. When fast EMA grupo crosses below slow EMA group, generate sell signal, indicating downtrend.

By combining fast and slow MAs, it can effectively identify the change in medium- and long-term trends for position tracking.


  1. Fast and slow MAs combined can strongly identify trend changes. Fast MAs capture short-term trends, and slow MAs filter consolidations.
  2. Multiple MAs combined can give clearer and more reliable signals, avoiding false signals.
  3. Flexible operating cycle by using different EMA periods.
  4. Long position tracking suits the mode of operation of most private funds.


  1. Holding positions for too long may miss short-term trading opportunities.
  2. EMA combinations are not suitable for catching sharp price fluctuations.
  3. Improper parameter settings may result in too frequent or conservative signals. Parameter testing and live verification are recommended.

Optimization Suggestions

  1. Add more fast EMAs to improve judgment of short-term trends.
  2. Add more slow EMAs to improve judgment of medium- and long-term trends.
  3. Add MA signal confirmation to reduce false signals.
  4. Incorporate volume analysis to avoid false breakouts in ranging markets.


This strategy identifies mid- to long-term trend changes by constructing fast and slow MA systems, which is a typical tracking position strategy. There is still much room for optimization in parameter selection and signal filtering. Investors can tailor it to adapt to different market conditions.


Strategy Arguments

Argument Default Description
v_input_1 2017 Backtest Start Year
v_input_2 true Backtest Start Month
v_input_3 true Backtest Start Day
v_input_4 2019 Backtest Stop Year
v_input_5 3 Backtest Stop Month
v_input_6 true Backtest Stop Day
v_input_7 3 Fast EMA 1
v_input_8 6 Fast EMA 2
v_input_9 9 Fast EMA 3
v_input_10 12 Fast EMA 4
v_input_11 15 Fast EMA 5
v_input_12 18 Fast EMA 6
v_input_13 21 Fast EMA 7
v_input_14 24 Slow EMA 8
v_input_15 27 Slow EMA 9
v_input_16 30 Slow EMA 10
v_input_17 33 Slow EMA 11
v_input_18 36 Slow EMA 12
v_input_19 39 Slow EMA 13
v_input_20 42 Slow EMA 14
v_input_21 45 Slow EMA 15
v_input_22 48 Slow EMA 16
v_input_23 51 Slow EMA 17
v_input_24 54 Slow EMA 18
v_input_25 57 Slow EMA 19
v_input_26 60 Slow EMA 20
v_input_27 63 Slow EMA 21
v_input_28 66 Slow EMA 22
v_input_29 200 EMA 200

Source (PineScript)

start: 2023-02-16 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-22 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("CM Super Guppy ala WY", pyramiding=1, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=99, overlay=true)

//* Backtesting Period Selector | Component *//

//* *//
//* *//
//* Modifications made *//

testStartYear = input(2017, "Backtest Start Year") 
testStartMonth = input(01, "Backtest Start Month")
testStartDay = input(1, "Backtest Start Day")
testPeriodStart = timestamp(testStartYear,testStartMonth,testStartDay,0,0)

testStopYear = input(2019, "Backtest Stop Year")
testStopMonth = input(3, "Backtest Stop Month")
testStopDay = input(1, "Backtest Stop Day")
testPeriodStop = timestamp(testStopYear,testStopMonth,testStopDay,0,0)

testPeriod() => true


src = close, 
len1 = input(3, minval=1, title="Fast EMA 1")
len2 = input(6, minval=1, title="Fast EMA 2")
len3 = input(9, minval=1, title="Fast EMA 3")
len4 = input(12, minval=1, title="Fast EMA 4")
len5 = input(15, minval=1, title="Fast EMA 5")
len6 = input(18, minval=1, title="Fast EMA 6")
len7 = input(21, minval=1, title="Fast EMA 7")
//Slow EMA
len8 = input(24, minval=1, title="Slow EMA 8")
len9 = input(27, minval=1, title="Slow EMA 9")
len10 = input(30, minval=1, title="Slow EMA 10")
len11 = input(33, minval=1, title="Slow EMA 11")
len12 = input(36, minval=1, title="Slow EMA 12")
len13 = input(39, minval=1, title="Slow EMA 13")
len14 = input(42, minval=1, title="Slow EMA 14")
len15 = input(45, minval=1, title="Slow EMA 15")
len16 = input(48, minval=1, title="Slow EMA 16")
len17 = input(51, minval=1, title="Slow EMA 17")
len18 = input(54, minval=1, title="Slow EMA 18")
len19 = input(57, minval=1, title="Slow EMA 19")
len20 = input(60, minval=1, title="Slow EMA 20")
len21 = input(63, minval=1, title="Slow EMA 21")
len22 = input(66, minval=1, title="Slow EMA 22")
len23 = input(200, minval=1, title="EMA 200")

//Fast EMA
ema1 = ema(src, len1)
ema2 = ema(src, len2)
ema3 = ema(src, len3)
ema4 = ema(src, len4)
ema5 = ema(src, len5)
ema6 = ema(src, len6)
ema7 = ema(src, len7)

//Slow EMA
ema8 = ema(src, len8)
ema9 = ema(src, len9)
ema10 = ema(src, len10)
ema11 = ema(src, len11)
ema12 = ema(src, len12)
ema13 = ema(src, len13)
ema14 = ema(src, len14)
ema15 = ema(src, len15)
ema16 = ema(src, len16)
ema17 = ema(src, len17)
ema18 = ema(src, len18)
ema19 = ema(src, len19)
ema20 = ema(src, len20)
ema21 = ema(src, len21)
ema22 = ema(src, len22)

//EMA 200
ema23 = ema(src, len23)

//Fast EMA Color Rules
colfastL = (ema1 > ema2 and ema2 > ema3 and ema3 > ema4 and ema4 > ema5 and ema5 > ema6 and ema6 > ema7)
colfastS = (ema1 < ema2 and ema2 < ema3 and ema3 < ema4 and ema4 < ema5 and ema5 < ema6 and ema6 < ema7)
//Slow EMA Color Rules
colslowL = ema8 > ema9 and ema9 > ema10 and ema10 > ema11 and ema11 > ema12 and ema12 > ema13 and ema13 > ema14 and ema14 > ema15 and ema15 > ema16 and ema16 > ema17 and ema17 > ema18 and ema18 > ema19 and ema19 > ema20 and ema20 > ema21 and ema21 > ema22
colslowS = ema8 < ema9 and ema9 < ema10 and ema10 < ema11 and ema11 < ema12 and ema12 < ema13 and ema13 < ema14 and ema14 < ema15 and ema15 < ema16 and ema16 < ema17 and ema17 < ema18 and ema18 < ema19 and ema19 < ema20 and ema20 < ema21 and ema21 < ema22 
//Fast EMA Final Color Rules
colFinal = colfastL and colslowL? aqua : colfastS and colslowS? orange : gray
//Slow EMA Final Color Rules
colFinal2 = colslowL  ? lime : colslowS ? red : gray
//Fast EMA Plots
p1=plot(ema1, title="Fast EMA 1", style=line, linewidth=2, color=colFinal)
plot(ema2, title="Fast EMA 2", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal)
plot(ema3, title="Fast EMA 3", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal)
plot(ema4, title="Fast EMA 4", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal)
plot(ema5, title="Fast EMA 5", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal)
plot(ema6, title="Fast EMA 6", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal)
p2=plot(ema7, title="Fast EMA 7", style=line, linewidth=2, color=colFinal)

//Slow EMA Plots
p3=plot(ema8, title="Slow EMA 8", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal2)
plot(ema9, title="Slow EMA 9", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal2)
plot(ema10, title="Slow EMA 10", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal2)
plot(ema11, title="Slow EMA 11", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal2)
plot(ema12, title="Slow EMA 12", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal2)
plot(ema13, title="Slow EMA 13", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal2)
plot(ema14, title="Slow EMA 14", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal2)
plot(ema15, title="Slow EMA 15", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal2)
plot(ema16, title="Slow EMA 16", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal2)
plot(ema17, title="Slow EMA 17", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal2)
plot(ema18, title="Slow EMA 18", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal2)
plot(ema19, title="Slow EMA 19", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal2)
plot(ema20, title="Slow EMA 20", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal2)
plot(ema21, title="Slow EMA 21", style=line, linewidth=1, color=colFinal2)
plot(ema22, title="Slow EMA 22", style=line, linewidth=2, color=colFinal2)
p4=plot(ema23, title="EMA 200", style=line, linewidth=2)

// Strategy Center
enterLong = colfastL and colslowL
exitLong = not colfastL

if testPeriod()
    strategy.entry("WY Long", strategy.long, when=enterLong, comment="WY Long")
    strategy.cancel(id="WY Long")

if testPeriod()
    strategy.close("WY Long", when=exitLong)


Last Modified

2024-02-23 14:54:34