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Strategy Description

IMG [trans]


本策略是基于修改后的成交量震荡器指标进行交易的趋势跟踪策略。它利用成交量的均线,识别成交量增加的 Signals,从而判断进入或退出仓位。同时结合价格本身的趋势判断,避免在价格震荡时产生错误Signals。


  1. 计算成交量的均线vol_sum,长度为vol_length,进行vol_smooth长度的均线平滑。
  2. 当vol_sum上涨超过阈值threshold时产生买入Signal,下跌超过阈值时产生卖出Signal。
  3. 为过滤误操作,仅当与过去direction根K线的收盘价进行比较,价格趋势上涨时,才进行买入操作。价格趋势下跌时,才进行卖出操作。
  4. 设置两个阈值threshold和threshold2。threshold用来产生交易Signal,threshold2用来止损。
  5. 通过状态机管理订单的开平仓逻辑。


  1. 使用成交量指标,可以捕捉市场买卖力道的变化,从而提高信号的准确性。
  2. 结合价格趋势判断,可以避免在价格震荡的时候产生错误信号。
  3. 使用两个阈值进行开仓和止损,可以更好控制风险。


  1. 成交量指标本身会有滞后,可能会错过价格转折点。
  2. 错误的参数设置会导致交易频率过高或信号产生滞后。
  3. 在成交量激增的场景下,止损点可能会被突破。



  1. 可以考虑将指标参数进行自适应优化,根据市场情况自动调整。
  2. 可以结合其他指标,例如价格震荡指数,进一步验证信号以提高准确率。
  3. 可以研究将机器学习模型运用到信号判断中,利用模型判断提高准确性。





This is a trend following trading strategy based on a modified volume oscillator indicator. It utilizes volume moving averages to identify increasing volume Signals and determines entries or exits. Meanwhile, it incorporates price trend judgment to avoid wrong Signals during price oscillations.

Strategy Logic

  1. Calculate volume moving average vol_sum with length of vol_length and smooth it by vol_smooth period moving average.
  2. Generate long Signals when vol_sum rises above threshold and short Signals when vol_sum falls below threshold.
  3. To filter false Signals, only take long when price trend checked in past direction bars is up and vice versa.
  4. Set two threshold values threshold and threshold2. threshold generates trade Signals while threshold2 acts as a stop loss.
  5. Manage open/close orders through a state machine logic.

Advantage Analysis

  1. Volume indicator captures changes in market buying/selling power for more accurate Signals.
  2. Combining with price trend avoids wrong Signals during price swings.
  3. Two threshold values better control risks.

Risk Analysis

  1. Volume indicator has lag and may miss price turning points.
  2. Wrong parameter settings lead to over-trading or signal delays.
  3. Stop loss may be hit during spikes in trading volumes.

Risks can be mitigated by tuning parameters, optimizing indicator calculation, and combining other confirmations.

Optimization Directions

  1. Adaptive optimization of parameters based on market conditions.
  2. Incorporate other indicators like volatility index to further verify Signals.
  3. Research applying machine learning models to improve signal accuracy.


This strategy utilizes an improved volume oscillator with price trend to determine entries and exits with two stop loss threshold values. It is a stable trend following system with optimization space in parameter tuning, signal filtering and stop loss strategies. Overall it has practical value worth further research and optimization.


Strategy Arguments

Argument Default Description
v_input_1 2017 Start Year
v_input_2 12 Start Month
v_input_3 17 Start Day
v_input_4 9999 End Year
v_input_5 true End Month
v_input_6 true End Day
v_input_7 34 Volume - Length
v_input_8 200 Volume - Smoothing
v_input_9 21 Volume - Risinglength
v_input_10 13 Volume - Fallinglength
v_input_11 true threshold
v_input_12 1.2 Threshold 2
v_input_13 13 amount of bars

Source (PineScript)

start: 2023-12-01 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-31 23:59:59
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy('Volume Advanced', default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.075, currency='USD')
startP = timestamp(input(2017, "Start Year"), input(12, "Start Month"), input(17, "Start Day"), 0, 0)
end    = timestamp(input(9999, "End Year"),   input(1, "End Month"),   input(1, "End Day"),   0, 0)
_testPeriod() =>
    iff(time >= startP and time <= end, true, false)

source = close 
vol_length  = input(34, title = "Volume - Length")
vol_smooth  = input(200,title = "Volume - Smoothing")
volriselen  = input(21,  title = "Volume - Risinglength")
volfalllen  = input(13, title = "Volume - Fallinglength")
threshold   = input(1,"threshold")
threshold2  = input(1.2,step=0.1, title="Threshold 2")
direction = input(13,"amount of bars")

volsum  = sum(volume, vol_length) / (sum(volume, vol_smooth) / (vol_smooth / vol_length))

LongEntry  = (rising(volsum, volriselen) or crossover (volsum, threshold)) and close > close[direction]
ShortEntry = (rising(volsum, volriselen) or crossover (volsum, threshold)) and close < close[direction]
LongExit1  = falling (volsum,volfalllen)
ShortExit1 = falling (volsum,volfalllen)
LongExit2= (crossover(volsum, threshold2) and close < close[direction])

_state = 0
_prev = nz(_state[1])
_state := _prev

if _prev == 0
    if LongEntry
        _state := 1
    if ShortEntry
        _state := 2
if _prev == 1
    if ShortEntry or LongExit1
        _state := 0
if _prev == 2
    if LongEntry or ShortExit1
        _state := 0

_bLongEntry = _state == 1 
_bLongClose = _state == 0 

long_condition = _bLongEntry and close > close[direction]
strategy.entry('BUY', strategy.long, when=long_condition)  
short_condition =  _bLongClose or LongExit2
strategy.close('BUY', when=short_condition)

plot(volsum,      color =,    title="Vol_Sum")
plot(threshold, color = color.fuchsia, transp=50, title="Threshold")
plot(threshold2, color=color.white, transp = 50, title="Threshold 2")


Last Modified

2024-01-29 15:04:18