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Strategy Description

IMG [trans]





  1. 根据历史价格高点和低点,动态计算出一个交易网格的价格范围。

  2. 在这个价格范围内,等间距设置N条交易网格线。

  3. 当价格突破每条网格线时,按照固定数量开仓做多或做空。

  4. 在相邻网格线之间进行套利,获利后平仓。

  5. 当价格重新进入网格范围时,继续按网格线边际成本价开仓。

  6. 如此循环往复,在网格价格范围内进行高频套利交易。








  1. 自动调整,无需人工干预。

  2. 能够捕捉价格趋势,按趋势方向交易。

  3. 风险可控,避免了单边追击的风险。

  4. 交易频率高,利润率高。

  5. 易于理解,配置简单。

  6. 资金利用率高,不易受困。

  7. 实时反映市场变化,适合机器人交易。



  1. 价格剧烈波动时,可能出现较大亏损的风险。

  2. 需要合适的持仓时间和交易对,以实现盈利。

  3. 需要谨慎评估资金规模与波动范围的匹配性。

  4. 可能需要经常监控与优化参数,以保证正常运行。


  1. 加大网格间距,扩大网格范围。

  2. 选择波动较为平稳的交易对。

  3. 调整资金规模,保证足够流动性。

  4. 建立自动监控与报警机制。



  1. 动态网格:可以根据交易对的波动性,自动调整网格参数。

  2. 止损机制:设定合理的止损位置,避免极端行情的风险。

  3. 复合网格:在不同时间段使用不同参数的网格组合,实现时间复用。

  4. 机器学习:使用神经网络等替代规则,实现参数的自动优化。

  5. 跨市场套利:跨交易所,或者跨币对进行套利交易。





This is an adaptive cryptocurrency grid trading strategy based on the grid trading methodology for arbitrage. It can automatically adjust the price range of grid trading based on market fluctuations and conduct efficient arbitrage trading within that price range.

Strategy Principle

The core idea of this strategy is:

  1. Dynamically calculate a trading grid price range based on historical high and low prices.

  2. Set N grid lines at equal intervals within this price range.

  3. When the price breaks through each grid line, open positions long or short with a fixed quantity.

  4. Arbitrage between adjacent grid lines and close positions for profit.

  5. When the price re-enters the grid range, continue to open positions at the marginal cost of the grid lines.

  6. Repeat this cycle for high-frequency arbitrage trading within the grid price range.

Specifically, the strategy first calculates the upper and lower limits of the grid in real time according to the configured lookback window (i_boundLookback) and volatility range (i_boundDev) parameters.

Then N grid lines (i_gridQty) are evenly divided between the upper and lower limits. The prices of these grid lines are stored in the gridLineArr array.

When the price breaks through a grid line, a fixed quantity (strategy capital divided by number of grids) is used to open long or short positions. Order records are kept in the orderArr array.

When the price breaks through the adjacent grid line again, it can be matched with previous orders for arbitrage and close positions for profit.

Repeat this cycle for high-frequency arbitrage within the price fluctuation range.

Advantage Analysis

Compared with traditional grid strategies, the biggest advantage of this strategy is that the grid range is automatically adjusted to adapt to market fluctuations, with the following characteristics:

  1. Fully automated, no manual intervention required.

  2. Able to capture price trends and trade in trend direction.

  3. Controllable risks, avoiding unilateral chasing risks.

  4. High trading frequency and profit margin.

  5. Easy to understand, simple configuration.

  6. High capital utilization, not easily trapped.

  7. Reflect market changes in real time, suitable for algorithmic trading.

Risk Analysis

Although the strategy has many advantages, there are also some risks, mainly concentrated in:

  1. Potential for greater losses in extreme price swings.

  2. Requires suitable holding period and trading pair to profit.

  3. Capital scale needs to match volatility range.

  4. May require frequent monitoring and optimization of parameters.

Countermeasures include:

  1. Increase grid spacing to widen grid range.

  2. Choose more stable trading pairs.

  3. Adjust capital scale for sufficient liquidity.

  4. Establish automatic monitoring and alerting mechanisms.

Optimization Directions

The strategy can be optimized in the following aspects:

  1. Dynamic grid: automatically adjust grid parameters based on volatility.

  2. Stop loss mechanism: set reasonable stop loss locations to limit extreme risks.

  3. Compound grid: combine grids using different parameters for different periods to maximize usage of time.

  4. Machine learning: use neural networks to automatically optimize parameters instead of rules.

  5. Cross-market arbitrage: arbitrage between exchanges or currency pairs.


In summary, this is a very practical adaptive crypto grid trading strategy for arbitrage. Compared to traditional grid strategies, its biggest feature is the automatic adjustment of the grid range based on market changes, allowing traders to configure their own trading range. The strategy logic is clear and easy to understand and configure, suitable for individual investors with some foundation and also as a template for trading algorithms. With proper parameter tuning, very high capital utilization efficiency can be achieved.


Strategy Arguments

Argument Default Description
v_input_1 true (?Grid Bounds)Use Auto Bounds?
v_input_2 0 (Auto) Bound Source: Hi & Low
v_input_3 250 (Auto) Bound Lookback
v_input_4 0.1 (Auto) Bound Deviation
v_input_5 0.285 (Manual) Upper Boundry
v_input_6 0.225 (Manual) Lower Boundry
v_input_7 8 (?Grid Lines)Grid Line Quantity

Source (PineScript)

start: 2024-01-11 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-18 00:00:00
period: 1m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("(IK) Grid Script", overlay=true, pyramiding=14, close_entries_rule="ANY",, initial_capital=100.0, currency="USD", commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.1)
i_autoBounds    = input(group="Grid Bounds", title="Use Auto Bounds?", defval=true, type=input.bool)                             // calculate upper and lower bound of the grid automatically? This will theorhetically be less profitable, but will certainly require less attention
i_boundSrc      = input(group="Grid Bounds", title="(Auto) Bound Source", defval="Hi & Low", options=["Hi & Low", "Average"])     // should bounds of the auto grid be calculated from recent High & Low, or from a Simple Moving Average
i_boundLookback = input(group="Grid Bounds", title="(Auto) Bound Lookback", defval=250, type=input.integer, maxval=500, minval=0) // when calculating auto grid bounds, how far back should we look for a High & Low, or what should the length be of our sma
i_boundDev      = input(group="Grid Bounds", title="(Auto) Bound Deviation", defval=0.10, type=input.float, maxval=1, minval=-1)  // if sourcing auto bounds from High & Low, this percentage will (positive) widen or (negative) narrow the bound limits. If sourcing from Average, this is the deviation (up and down) from the sma, and CANNOT be negative.
i_upperBound    = input(group="Grid Bounds", title="(Manual) Upper Boundry", defval=0.285, type=input.float)                      // for manual grid bounds only. The upperbound price of your grid
i_lowerBound    = input(group="Grid Bounds", title="(Manual) Lower Boundry", defval=0.225, type=input.float)                      // for manual grid bounds only. The lowerbound price of your grid.
i_gridQty       = input(group="Grid Lines",  title="Grid Line Quantity", defval=8, maxval=15, minval=3, type=input.integer)       // how many grid lines are in your grid

f_getGridBounds(_bs, _bl, _bd, _up) =>
    if _bs == "Hi & Low"
        _up ? highest(close, _bl) * (1 + _bd) : lowest(close, _bl)  * (1 - _bd)
        avg = sma(close, _bl)
        _up ? avg * (1 + _bd) : avg * (1 - _bd)

f_buildGrid(_lb, _gw, _gq) =>
    gridArr = array.new_float(0)
    for i=0 to _gq-1
        array.push(gridArr, _lb+(_gw*i))

f_getNearGridLines(_gridArr, _price) =>
    arr = array.new_int(3)
    for i = 0 to array.size(_gridArr)-1
        if array.get(_gridArr, i) > _price
            array.set(arr, 0, i == array.size(_gridArr)-1 ? i : i+1)
            array.set(arr, 1, i == 0 ? i : i-1)

var upperBound      = i_autoBounds ? f_getGridBounds(i_boundSrc, i_boundLookback, i_boundDev, true) : i_upperBound  // upperbound of our grid
var lowerBound      = i_autoBounds ? f_getGridBounds(i_boundSrc, i_boundLookback, i_boundDev, false) : i_lowerBound // lowerbound of our grid
var gridWidth       = (upperBound - lowerBound)/(i_gridQty-1)                                                       // space between lines in our grid
var gridLineArr     = f_buildGrid(lowerBound, gridWidth, i_gridQty)                                                 // an array of prices that correspond to our grid lines
var orderArr        = array.new_bool(i_gridQty, false)                                                              // a boolean array that indicates if there is an open order corresponding to each grid line

var closeLineArr    = f_getNearGridLines(gridLineArr, close)                                                        // for plotting purposes - an array of 2 indices that correspond to grid lines near price
var nearTopGridLine = array.get(closeLineArr, 0)                                                                    // for plotting purposes - the index (in our grid line array) of the closest grid line above current price
var nearBotGridLine = array.get(closeLineArr, 1)                                                                    // for plotting purposes - the index (in our grid line array) of the closest grid line below current price
strategy.initial_capital = 50000
for i = 0 to (array.size(gridLineArr) - 1)
    if close < array.get(gridLineArr, i) and not array.get(orderArr, i) and i < (array.size(gridLineArr) - 1)
        buyId = i
        array.set(orderArr, buyId, true)
        strategy.entry(id=tostring(buyId), long=true, qty=(strategy.initial_capital/(i_gridQty-1))/close, comment="#"+tostring(buyId))
    if close > array.get(gridLineArr, i) and i != 0
        if array.get(orderArr, i-1)
            sellId = i-1
            array.set(orderArr, sellId, false)
            strategy.close(id=tostring(sellId), comment="#"+tostring(sellId))

if i_autoBounds
    upperBound  := f_getGridBounds(i_boundSrc, i_boundLookback, i_boundDev, true)
    lowerBound  := f_getGridBounds(i_boundSrc, i_boundLookback, i_boundDev, false)
    gridWidth   := (upperBound - lowerBound)/(i_gridQty-1)
    gridLineArr := f_buildGrid(lowerBound, gridWidth, i_gridQty)

closeLineArr    := f_getNearGridLines(gridLineArr, close)
nearTopGridLine := array.get(closeLineArr, 0)
nearBotGridLine := array.get(closeLineArr, 1)


Last Modified

2024-01-19 14:17:50