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Strategy Description

IMG [trans]


该策略结合了简单移动平均线(SMA)和滚动线性回归趋势线,设定买入条件是收盘价高于SMA和趋势线时做多, Exit条件是收盘价低于SMA和趋势线时平仓。该策略主要利用了SMA的均线交易信号以及滚动趋势线的支持,在突破上行通道时入场,突破下行通道时出场。



  1. SMA: 简单移动平均线,以一定周期(smaPeriod)计算收盘价的平均值作为信号线。

  2. 滚动趋势线: 基于线性回归计算一定周期内(window)的最佳拟合直线作为趋势信号。计算方法是最小二乘法。

  3. 入场条件: 当收盘价高于SMA均线和滚动趋势线时,做多入场。

  4. 出场条件: 当收盘价低于SMA均线和滚动趋势线时,平仓出场。




  1. 双重过滤机制,避免假突破,提高决策准确性。
  2. 滚动趋势线提供动态通道,支持更精确的通道交易。
  3. 简单直观的交易逻辑,容易理解和实现。
  4. 可自定义参数,适应不同市场环境。



  1. SMA和趋势线参数设置不当,可能导致错失交易机会或假突破过多。
  2. 大幅震荡市场中,SMA和趋势线QIAN提供的通道支持会减弱。
  3. 突破失败可能造成亏损,需要严格止损。


  1. 优化参数,不同品种可以设置不同参数组合。
  2. 加大止损幅度,降低单笔损失。
  3. 在震荡行情中暂停交易,避免被套。



  1. 增加动态调整SMA周期和滑点参数的功能。在不同市场环境中自动优化参数。

  2. 增加弹性止损机制。当价格突破趋势线一定比例时止损。

  3. 结合其它指标过滤信号。例如量能指标,强弱指标等。提高决策准确性。

  4. 开发反转版本。在价格接近底部,并突破下行通道时做多。





This strategy combines the Simple Moving Average (SMA) and rolling linear regression trendline. It sets the long entry condition when the close price is above both SMA and trendline, and exit condition when the close price is below them. The strategy mainly utilizes the SMA as trading signal and rolling trendline for channel support. It enters trade when breakout of the upside channel and exits when breakout of the downside channel.

Strategy Logic

The key components of this strategy include:

  1. SMA: Simple moving average, calculating average close price over a period (smaPeriod) as signal line.

  2. Rolling Trendline: Fitting the best linear regression line over a window (window) as trend signal. Calculated by Ordinary Least Square method.

  3. Entry Condition: Go long when close price > SMA and trendline.

  4. Exit Condition: Close position when close price < SMA and trendline.

So the strategy mainly relies on SMA signal breakout for entry, and channel breakout for exit. It utilizes the mean reversion attribute of MA and channel support by linear regression line to implement trend following breakout operations.

Advantage Analysis

This strategy integrates dual filter of MA and trendline, which can effectively reduce false breakout trades. Meanwhile, rolling trendline provides more precise channel support for reliable decisions. The main advantages include:

  1. Dual filter mechanism avoids false breakout and improves decision accuracy.
  2. Rolling trendline offers dynamic channel support for more accurate channel trading.
  3. Simple and intuitive trading logic, easy to understand and implement.
  4. Customizable parameters adapt to different market environments.

Risk Analysis

There are also some risks of this strategy:

  1. Improper parameters of SMA and trendline may lead to missing trades or too many false breakouts.
  2. In highly volatile markets, the channel support by SMA and trendline may weaken.
  3. Failed breakout can lead to losses, strict stop loss is required.

Some optimizing directions for these risks:

  1. Optimize parameters for different products.
  2. Increase stop loss range to reduce single loss.
  3. Suspend trading in volatile market to avoid being trapped.

Strategy Optimization

This strategy can be optimized in the following aspects:

  1. Add dynamic adjustment functions for SMA period, slippage parameters based on market regimes.

  2. Develop elastic stop loss mechanism. Set stop loss when price breaks trendline at a ratio.

  3. Add filter from other indicators e.g. Volume, RSI to improve decision accuracy.

  4. Develop reversal version. Go long when price approaches bottom and breaks the downside channel.


This strategy integrates the trading signals from moving average and channel support from rolling trendline to implement trend following operations. The dual filter reduces false breakout probability and improves decision quality. It has simple parameters settings and clear logics, which is easy to implement and optimize. In summary, this strategy forms a reliable, simple and intuitive trend breakout trading system.


Strategy Arguments

Argument Default Description
v_input_1 14 SMA Period
v_input_2 20 Trendline Window
v_input_3 timestamp(2023-01-01) Start Date
v_input_4 timestamp(2023-12-31) End Date

Source (PineScript)

start: 2024-01-04 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-03 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("SMA Strategy with Rolling Trendline", overlay=true)

// Input parameters
smaPeriod = input(14, title="SMA Period")
window = input(20, title="Trendline Window")
startDate = input(timestamp("2023-01-01"), title="Start Date")
endDate = input(timestamp("2023-12-31"), title="End Date")

// Calculating SMA
sma = sma(close, smaPeriod)

// Function to calculate linear regression trendline for a window
linreg_trendline(window) =>
    sumX = 0.0
    sumY = 0.0
    sumXY = 0.0
    sumX2 = 0.0
    for i = 0 to window - 1
        sumX := sumX + i
        sumY := sumY + close[i]
        sumXY := sumXY + i * close[i]
        sumX2 := sumX2 + i * i
    slope = (window * sumXY - sumX * sumY) / (window * sumX2 - sumX * sumX)
    intercept = (sumY - slope * sumX) / window
    slope * (window - 1) + intercept

// Calculating the trendline
trendline = linreg_trendline(window)

// Entry and Exit Conditions
longCondition = close > sma and close < trendline
exitLongCondition = close < sma and close > trendline

// Strategy logic
if (true)
    if (longCondition)
        strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
    if (exitLongCondition)

// Plotting
plot(sma, title="Simple Moving Average",
plot(trendline, title="Rolling Trendline",
plotshape(series=longCondition, title="Enter Trade", location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.triangleup)
plotshape(series=exitLongCondition, title="Exit Trade", location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.triangledown)


Last Modified

2024-02-04 15:18:12