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Strategy Description

IMG [trans]






  1. 计算各个单一技术指标的值:包括变动速率指标(ROC)、相对强弱指标(RSI)、商品通道指标(CCI)、威廉指标(%R)和平均方向指数(ADX)

  2. 将各个技术指标的值标准化为0-1区间内的值,以便比较

  3. 利用加权平均的思想,计算一个综合波动指标的值。每个技术指标有一个可调整的权重,默认为ROC 2、RSI 0.5、CCI 2、%R 0.5、ADX 0.5。将每个标准化指标的值与相应权重相乘,再求和,再除以权重总和,得到0-1区间内的一个综合波动值

  4. 当该综合波动值穿过适当设置的超买线和超卖线时,产生相应的交易信号




  1. 提供客观、系统的市场分析方法。运用多种技术指标避免单一工具的缺陷,同时通过量化方法生成务实的交易信号。

  2. 优化入场和离场的策略。波动指标的精确取值和标准化处理为判断市场提供了量化依据。

  3. 高度可定制可调整性。可以根据个人交易风格调整各指标权重和参数,适应不同市况。

  4. 实时信号提示。能够设定买入信号、离场信号的警报,确保及时获知最新市场情况。

  5. 严格的回测和优化。在实盘之前,通过对历史数据的充分回测,可以判断和优化策略参数,提升实战效果。



  1. 参数优化风险。如果指标权重和参数设置不当,会影响实盘效果。此时需要通过大量回测来寻找最佳参数。

  2. 超买超卖区间设置风险。不同行情对超买超卖的判断不同,区间设置需要考量大行情。

  3. 指标发散风险。当部分指标发散时,会影响综合指标判断。此时可考虑剔除该指标或调低权重。

  4. 量化模型局限性。任何量化模型都可能在某些行情下失效。操作者仍需保持足够的风险意识。




  1. 继续丰富多因子模型。可以考虑加入更多不同类型的技术指标,提升模型判断力。

  2. 尝试机器学习方法。可以训练神经网络等高级模型forecast各单一指标,提取更多隐含特征。

  3. 结合基本面和宏观面。增加经济数据、业绩报告等基本面因子判断市场状况。

  4. 采用自适应调参。根据市场环境变化,实现指标权重和参数的动态调整。

  5. 引入止损机制。设置合理的止损位,主动控制单笔损失。

  6. 整合资金管理。根据持仓规模调整仓位大小,做到量化资金管理。





The Ultimate Balance Oscillator trading strategy is a quantitative trading strategy that cleverly combines signals from multiple technical indicators. By harnessing the power of indicators like Rate of Change (ROC), Relative Strength Index (RSI), Commodity Channel Index (CCI), Williams %R and Average Directional Index (ADX), it calculates a composite oscillator to determine market trend and generate trading signals.

The biggest advantage of this strategy lies in its ability to objectively and systematically assess the markets to identify optimal entry and exit points. It triggers a buy signal when the oscillator line crosses above the 0.75 overbought level and an exit signal when crossing below the 0.25 oversold level.

Strategy Logic

The core of the Ultimate Balance Oscillator trading strategy is the computation of a composite oscillator indicator. The steps to calculate this indicator are:

  1. Compute the values of individual technical indicators: ROC, RSI, CCI, Williams %R, and ADX

  2. Standardize these indicator values to the 0-1 range to enable comparison

  3. Use a weighted average methodology to compute a composite oscillator value. Each indicator has an adjustable weighting, with default values of 2 for ROC, 0.5 for RSI, 2 for CCI, 0.5 for %R, and 0.5 for ADX. Multiply each standardized indicator by its weight, sum them up, and divide by total weight to get a 0-1 composite value.

  4. Trigger trade signals when this composite oscillator crosses appropriately set overbought and oversold levels.

As evident, the strategy flexibly utilizes signals from multiple indicators and processes them systematically to determine market trend and make trading decisions. This avoids the market noise from any single indicator and helps maintain robust decisions across various situations.


The Ultimate Balance Oscillator trading strategy has several key advantages:

  1. Provides an objective, systematic market analysis methodology by utilizing multiple indicators to overcome limitations of single tools and generate actionable, quant-driven signals.

  2. Optimizes entry and exit timing/precision through the precise values and standardization of the oscillator.

  3. Highly customizable and adaptable to suit individual trading styles and market conditions through adjustable indicator weightings and parameters.

  4. Real-time alert system to notify traders of fresh buy/exit signals and ensure awareness of latest market developments.

  5. Rigorous backtesting and optimization pre-live trading to evaluate performance over historical data and fine-tune parameters for strategy improvement.


Despite its merits, some key risks in practical application include:

  1. Parameter optimization risk from suboptimal indicator weightings and settings impairing live performance. Requires extensive backtesting to discover ideal parameters.

  2. Oversold/overbought level risk from improper range setting relative to broader market conditions and sentiment.

  3. Divergent indicators risk skewing composite oscillator values. Consider removing or lowering weights of errant indicators.

  4. Quant model limitations where certain market conditions can degrade performance. Maintaining risk awareness as a practitioner is critical.

To mitigate risks, comprehensive backtesting, calibration to understand model limitations, tracking live performance, and flexibility in adjusting parameters or weights based on evolving conditions is strongly advised. Manual overrides also prove invaluable at times.

Enhancement Opportunities

Some ways to further optimize the strategy include:

  1. Expanding the multi-factor model with more diverse technical indicators to improve predictive accuracy.

  2. Applying machine learning techniques like neural networks to uncover latent signals and forecast indicator values.

  3. Incorporating fundamental data like earnings reports and economic indicators to augment quant factors.

  4. Introducing adaptive parameter tuning to dynamically modify weightings and settings based on changing market landscapes.

  5. Building in stop loss mechanisms to actively control downside on individual trades.

  6. Integrating position sizing models based on account size for quantified capital management.


The Ultimate Balance Oscillator trading strategy is an outstanding quant approach, synthesizing the essence of multiple technical indicators into a rigorous methodology for market assessment. With tremendous customizability to suit individual requirements, it provides retail systematic traders a blueprint to thrive. As with any quant strategy, relentless enhancement through backtesting, optimization and innovation to expand model robustness across market environments remains the key pursuit. Overall, the strategy offers invaluable guidance and learnings to quants looking to enhance their trading toolkit. And over time, with greater maturity of models and markets, should deliver exceptional performance.


Strategy Arguments

Argument Default Description
v_input_string_1 0 Source: hlc3
v_input_float_6 0.75 Overbought Level
v_input_float_7 0.25 Oversold Level
v_input_float_1 2 (?Weightings)Rate of Change (ROC) Weight
v_input_float_2 0.5 Relative Strength Index (RSI) Weight
v_input_float_3 2 Commodity Channel Index (CCI) Weight
v_input_float_4 0.5 Williams %R Weight
v_input_float_5 0.5 Average Directional Index (ADX) Weight
v_input_int_1 20 (?ROC)Length
v_input_int_2 14 (?RSI)Length
v_input_int_3 20 (?CCI)Length
v_input_int_4 14 (?Williams %R)Length
v_input_int_5 14 (?ADX)ADX Length
v_input_int_6 14 DI Length

Source (PineScript)

start: 2023-01-05 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-11 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// © Julien_Eche

strategy("Ultimate Balance Oscillator Strategy", overlay=true)

// Indicator Weights
weightROC = input.float(2, "Rate of Change (ROC) Weight", group="Weightings")
weightRSI = input.float(0.5, "Relative Strength Index (RSI) Weight", group="Weightings")
weightCCI = input.float(2, "Commodity Channel Index (CCI) Weight", group="Weightings")
weightWilliamsR = input.float(0.5, "Williams %R Weight", group="Weightings")
weightADX = input.float(0.5, "Average Directional Index (ADX) Weight", group="Weightings")

// ROC Settings
rocLength =, "Length", minval=1, group="ROC")

// RSI Settings
rsiLength =, "Length", minval=1, group="RSI")

// CCI Settings
cciLength =, "Length", minval=1, group="CCI")

// Williams %R Settings
williamsRLength =, "Length", minval=1, group="Williams %R")

// ADX Settings
adxLength =, "ADX Length", minval=1, group="ADX")
adxDiLength =, "DI Length", minval=1, group="ADX")

// Source
source_options = input.string("hlc3", "Source", options=["open", "high", "low", "close", "hl2", "hlc3", "ohlc4"])

price_open =, "D", open)
price_high =, "D", high)
price_low =, "D", low)
price_close =, "D", close)
price_hl2 =, "D", hl2)
price_hlc3 =, "D", hlc3)
price_ohlc4 =, "D", ohlc4)

get_source(source_option) =>
    price = price_close
    if source_option == "open"
        price := price_open
    else if source_option == "high"
        price := price_high
    else if source_option == "low"
        price := price_low
    else if source_option == "close"
        price := price_close
    else if source_option == "hl2"
        price := price_hl2
    else if source_option == "hlc3"
        price := price_hlc3
        price := price_ohlc4

src = get_source(source_options)

// Overbought/Oversold Levels
obLevel = input.float(0.75, "Overbought Level")
osLevel = input.float(0.25, "Oversold Level")

// Calculating the indicators
rocValue = ta.change(close, rocLength)
rsiValue = ta.rsi(close, rsiLength)
cciValue = (src - ta.sma(src, cciLength)) / (0.015 *, cciLength))
williamsRValue = -100 * (ta.highest(high, williamsRLength) - close) / (ta.highest(high, williamsRLength) - ta.lowest(low, williamsRLength))

dirmov(len) =>
    up = ta.change(high)
    down = -ta.change(low)
    plusDM = na(up) ? na : (up > down and up > 0 ? up : 0)
    minusDM = na(down) ? na : (down > up and down > 0 ? down : 0)
    truerange = ta.rma(, len)
    plus = fixnan(100 * ta.rma(plusDM, len) / truerange)
    minus = fixnan(100 * ta.rma(minusDM, len) / truerange)
    [plus, minus]

adx(dilen, adxlen) =>
    [plus, minus] = dirmov(dilen)
    sum = plus + minus
    adx = 100 * ta.rma(math.abs(plus - minus) / (sum == 0 ? 1 : sum), adxlen)

adxValue = adx(adxDiLength, adxLength)

// Normalizing the values
normalize(value, min, max) =>
    (value - min) / (max - min)

normalizedROC = normalize(rocValue, ta.lowest(rocValue, rocLength), ta.highest(rocValue, rocLength))
normalizedRSI = normalize(rsiValue, 0, 100)
normalizedCCI = normalize(cciValue, ta.lowest(cciValue, cciLength), ta.highest(cciValue, cciLength))
normalizedWilliamsR = normalize(williamsRValue, ta.lowest(williamsRValue, williamsRLength), ta.highest(williamsRValue, williamsRLength))
normalizedADX = normalize(adxValue, 0, 50)

// Calculating the combined oscillator line
oscillatorLine = (normalizedROC * weightROC + normalizedRSI * weightRSI + normalizedCCI * weightCCI + normalizedWilliamsR * weightWilliamsR + normalizedADX * weightADX) / (weightROC + weightRSI + weightCCI + weightWilliamsR + weightADX)

// Strategy conditions
enterLong = ta.crossover(oscillatorLine, obLevel)
exitLong = ta.crossunder(oscillatorLine, osLevel)

// Strategy orders
if (enterLong)
    strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long)
if (exitLong)

// Alert conditions
if (enterLong)
    alert("Buy signal")
if (exitLong)
    alert("Exit signal")


Last Modified

2024-01-12 14:08:33