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199 lines (135 loc) · 7.07 KB





Strategy Description

IMG [trans]




  1. IMACD:增强型MACD,通过ImpulseMACD和ImpulseHisto更好地捕捉市场趋势
  2. 一目均衡表:绘制换手线、基准线、先行线A、先行线B等,检测支撑和阻力位
  3. EMA 40:辅助判断趋势方向
  4. 根据IMACD、云图组件和EMA 40的具体关系,发出做多和做空信号

做多信号:当IMACD为特定条件颜色且EMA 40高于云图的上轨时,做多

做空信号:当IMACD为红色且EMA 40低于云图的下轨时,做空


  1. 多指标组合,综合判断市场趋势,提高决策的准确性
  2. 决策树模型分类明确,交易信号生成清晰
  3. EMA长度可调,辅助判断的灵活性更高
  4. 结合云图和趋势指标,更好地识别支撑和阻力


  1. 多指标组合,参数设置较为复杂
  2. EMA长度设置不当,可能导致虚假交易信号
  3. 需同时关注多个指标,操作难度较大



  1. 优化参数设置,提高策略稳定性
  2. 增加止损策略,控制单笔损失
  3. 基于巨量数据进行回测,提高信号质量
  4. 结合机器学习算法,建立自适应决策树





This strategy integrates multiple technical indicators like IMACD, EMA and Ichimoku to build a comprehensive decision tree model for generating trading signals.

Strategy Logic

  1. IMACD: Enhanced MACD to better capture market trends via ImpulseMACD and ImpulseHisto
  2. Ichimoku: Plot conversion line, base line, leading span A, leading span B to identify support and resistance levels
  3. EMA 40: Assist in determining trend direction
  4. Long/short signals are triggered based on specific conditions between IMACD, cloud components and EMA 40

Long signal: When IMACD is a specific color and EMA 40 is above cloud top, go long

Short signal: When IMACD is red and EMA 40 is below cloud bottom, go short

Advantage Analysis

  1. Combination of multiple indicators improves accuracy of trend judgment
  2. Clear classification of decision tree model generates unambiguous trading signals
  3. Flexible EMA length for better assistance in trend determination
  4. Identify support and resistance levels better with cloud and trend indicators

Risk Analysis

  1. Complex parameter tuning with multiple indicators
  2. False signals may be triggered by improper EMA length
  3. Difficulty in monitoring many indicators simultaneously

Risk Solutions: Optimize parameter settings, adjust EMA length, simplify workflow.

Optimization Directions

  1. Enhance stability by optimizing parameters
  2. Limit losses with stop loss strategies
  3. Improve signal quality by backtesting with huge data
  4. Build adaptive decision tree model with machine learning


This strategy identifies trends using multiple indicators to construct a decision tree model for generating trading signals. Pros are high-quality and accurate signals. Consists room for progressive optimization. Requires focus on parameter tuning and stop loss to control risks for long-term steady returns.


Strategy Arguments

Argument Default Description
v_input_1 34 Length MA
v_input_2 9 Length Signal
v_input_int_1 9 Conversion Line Length
v_input_int_2 26 Base Line Length
v_input_int_3 52 Leading Span B Length
v_input_int_4 26 Lagging Span
v_input_3 40 EMA Length
v_input_4 false Enable bar colors

Source (PineScript)

start: 2024-01-14 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-21 00:00:00
period: 30m
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("Decision Tree Strategy: IMACD, EMA and Ichimoku [cryptoonchain]", overlay=true)

lengthMA = input(34, title="Length MA")
lengthSignal = input(9, title="Length Signal")
conversionPeriods =, minval=1, title="Conversion Line Length")
basePeriods =, minval=1, title="Base Line Length")
laggingSpan2Periods =, minval=1, title="Leading Span B Length")
displacement =, minval=1, title="Lagging Span")
emaLength = input(40, title="EMA Length")  // Added user-configurable EMA length

calc_smma(src, len) =>
    smma = float(na)
    smma := na(smma[1]) ? ta.sma(src, len) : (smma[1] * (len - 1) + src) / len

calc_zlema(src, length) =>
    ema1 = ta.ema(src, length)
    ema2 = ta.ema(ema1, length)
    d = ema1 - ema2
    ema1 + d

src = ohlc4
hi = calc_smma(high, lengthMA)
lo = calc_smma(low, lengthMA)
mi = calc_zlema(src, lengthMA)

md = (mi > hi) ? (mi - hi) : (mi < lo) ? (mi - lo) : 0
sb = ta.sma(md, lengthSignal)
sh = md - sb
mdc = src > mi ? (src > hi ? color.rgb(128, 255, 0, 26) : : (src < lo ? :

colorCondition = color.rgb(128, 255, 0, 26)

conversionLine = math.avg(ta.lowest(conversionPeriods), ta.highest(conversionPeriods))
baseLine = math.avg(ta.lowest(basePeriods), ta.highest(basePeriods))
leadLine1 = math.avg(conversionLine, baseLine)
leadLine2 = math.avg(ta.lowest(laggingSpan2Periods), ta.highest(laggingSpan2Periods))

// Use user-configurable length for EMA
ema40 = ta.ema(close, emaLength)

ebc = input(false, title="Enable bar colors")
barcolor(ebc ? mdc : na)

conversionLinePlot = plot(conversionLine, color=#2962FF, title="Conversion Line", display=display.none)
baseLinePlot = plot(baseLine, color=#B71C1C, title="Base Line", display=display.none)
laggingSpanPlot = plot(close, offset=-displacement + 1, color=#43A047, title="Lagging Span", display=display.none)
leadLine1Plot = plot(leadLine1, offset=displacement - 1, color=#A5D6A7, title="Leading Span A", display=display.none)
leadLine2Plot = plot(leadLine2, offset=displacement - 1, color=#EF9A9A, title="Leading Span B", display=display.none)
kumoCloudUpperLinePlot = plot(leadLine1 > leadLine2 ? leadLine1 : leadLine2, offset=displacement - 1, title="Kumo Cloud Upper Line", display=display.none)
kumoCloudLowerLinePlot = plot(leadLine1 < leadLine2 ? leadLine1 : leadLine2, offset=displacement - 1, title="Kumo Cloud Lower Line", display=display.none)
fill(kumoCloudUpperLinePlot, kumoCloudLowerLinePlot, color=leadLine1 > leadLine2 ? :

a = (leadLine1 > leadLine2 ? leadLine1 : leadLine2) 
b = (leadLine1 < leadLine2 ? leadLine1 : leadLine2)  

if mdc == colorCondition and ema40 > a[displacement - 1]
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)

if mdc == and ema40 < b[displacement - 1]
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)


Last Modified

2024-01-22 11:25:56