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Strategy Description











该策略的主要风险在于,在市场平静的 Zeit 段,容易出现两个时间框架上的价格都不会有突破的情况。这时,策略将不会产生任何交易信号,可能错过交易机会。此外,两个时间框架之间也存在一定的时滞,可能导致信号的效率不高。另外,策略并没有设置止损逻辑,存在较大的风险。







The multi timeframe breakout strategy generates more reliable trading signals by combining price breakout signals from two different timeframes. The strategy calculates price breakout signals simultaneously on shorter timeframes such as 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, etc. and longer timeframes such as 4 hours, daily, etc. It will only generate buy or sell signals when the signals from the two timeframes are in the same direction for the execution of corresponding trades.

Strategy Logic

The core logic of this strategy is to calculate price breakout signals on two different timeframes respectively and then match them for filtering. Specifically, the strategy will check if prices break certain levels on a shorter timeframe (e.g. 1 hour) and also if prices break corresponding levels on a longer timeframe (e.g. 4 hours). Only when the breakout signals from the two timeframes are in the same direction, that is prices on both timeframes break out upward or downward, will the strategy generate trading signals.

The condition for a buy signal is that closing prices or low prices on both the shorter and longer timeframes break above their price levels. The condition for a sell signal is that closing prices or high prices on both timeframes break below their levels. By matching signals across timeframes this way, the strategy can filter out some false signals and make the signals more reliable.

Advantage Analysis

The biggest advantage of this strategy is the higher reliability of its trading signals. By requiring price breakouts on levels in two timeframes, it can effectively filter out some noise and avoid bad trades. In addition, breakout signals from different timeframes can validate each other, making trading opportunities more efficient. Moreover, the strategy offers some flexibility by allowing users to choose timeframes to combine and data source etc. according to their own needs.

Risk Analysis

The main risk of this strategy is that during calm market Zeitgeists, prices may not break out on either timeframe. In that case, the strategy will not generate any trading signals and may miss opportunities. Also, there is some time lag between the two timeframes which may lead to inefficient signals. Furthermore, the strategy does not include stop loss logic and has larger risks.

Optimization Directions

This strategy can be optimized in the following aspects: 1) Add stop loss logic to control risks; 2) Optimize timeframe combinations to improve efficiency; 3) Add more timeframes for combination to make trading signals more strict; 4) Incorporate other indicators for filtration to improve signal quality; 5) Develop exiting mechanisms to better control profits, etc.


The multi timeframe breakout strategy improves signal quality by comparing price breakouts across timeframes and is a relatively reliable trend following strategy. But it also has some flaws. Through constant optimizations, it can become a stable and reliable quantitative trading strategy.


Strategy Arguments

Argument Default Description
v_input_1 true Long
v_input_2 true Short
v_input_3 100 Capital, %
v_input_4 W timeframe 1
v_input_5 D timeframe 2
v_input_6_ohlc4 0 Source: ohlc4
v_input_7 true use saw filter
v_input_8 true гыу color filter
v_input_9 true Show lines
v_input_10 1900 From Year
v_input_11 2100 To Year
v_input_12 true From Month
v_input_13 12 To Month
v_input_14 true From day
v_input_15 31 To day

Source (PineScript)

start: 2023-11-28 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-28 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]


strategy(title = "Noro's Levels Strategy v1.1", shorttitle = "Levels str 1.1", overlay = true, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100, pyramiding = 0)

needlong = input(true, defval = true, title = "Long")
needshort = input(true, defval = true, title = "Short")
capital = input(100, defval = 100, minval = 1, maxval = 10000, title = "Capital, %")
tf1 = input('W', title = "timeframe 1")
tf2 = input('D', title = "timeframe 2")
src = input(ohlc4, "Source")
ap = input(true, defval = true, title = "use saw filter")
cf = input(true, defval = true, title = "гыу color filter")
showlines = input(true, defval = true, title = "Show lines")
fromyear = input(1900, defval = 1900, minval = 1900, maxval = 2100, title = "From Year")
toyear = input(2100, defval = 2100, minval = 1900, maxval = 2100, title = "To Year")
frommonth = input(01, defval = 01, minval = 01, maxval = 12, title = "From Month")
tomonth = input(12, defval = 12, minval = 01, maxval = 12, title = "To Month")
fromday = input(01, defval = 01, minval = 01, maxval = 31, title = "From day")
today = input(31, defval = 31, minval = 01, maxval = 31, title = "To day")

level1 =, tf1, src)
level2 =, tf2, src)
col = showlines ? silver : na
p1 = plot(level1, linewidth = 3, color = col, title = "Level 1")
p2 = plot(level2, linewidth = 3, color = col, title = "Level 2")

up1 = close > level1 and ap == false ? true : low > level1 ? true : false
dn1 = close < level1 and ap == false ? true : high < level1 ? true : false
up2 = close > level2 and ap == false ? true : low > level2 ? true : false
dn2 = close < level2 and ap == false ? true : high < level2 ? true : false

size = strategy.position_size
lot = 0.0
lot := size != size[1] ? strategy.equity / close * capital / 100 : lot[1]

if up1 and up2 and (close < open or cf == false)
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, needlong == false ? 0 : lot, when = (time > timestamp(fromyear, frommonth, fromday, 00, 00) and time < timestamp(toyear, tomonth, today, 23, 59)))
if dn1 and dn2 and (close > open or cf == false)
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, needshort == false ? 0 : lot, when = (time > timestamp(fromyear, frommonth, fromday, 00, 00) and time < timestamp(toyear, tomonth, today, 23, 59)))

if time > timestamp(toyear, tomonth, today, 23, 59)


Last Modified

2023-12-29 16:18:22