Strategy Description
The Multi Timeframe Trend Following Strategy is a trend following strategy that incorporates multiple moving averages and regression lines. This strategy allows selecting from over 20 different trend indicators and implements automated entries and exits.
The core of this strategy is to determine if the price is in an uptrend or a downtrend based on the selected trend indicator by the user. The strategy first calculates over 20 moving averages and regression lines. These indicators include the common technical indicators in the Pine scripting language standard library, as well as some custom indicators written by the Pine coder community. The strategy then queries the current value of a selected indicator and compares it to the previous value. If the current value is greater than the previous value, the trend is up. If the current value is less than the previous value, the trend is down. Finally, the strategy determines if it should enter a long position based on the direction of the trend. It enters long in an uptrend and exits the position in a downtrend.
This strategy incorporates over 20 indicators to determine the trend, avoiding the possibility of misjudgment from a single indicator. These indicators have been validated by the coder community. The parameters can be tuned to adapt to different market conditions.
Compared to simple dual moving average strategies, this strategy relies solely on one indicator to determine the trend direction and thus expresses the trend better without false signals when two indicators contradict.
This strategy relies on indicators to determine the trend and cannot detect if a trend reversal is occurring. This can introduce some degree of lag, leading to losses or missed opportunities. This issue can be mitigated by tuning the indicator parameters.
All trend following strategies suffer significant losses when black swan events occur. Stops should be implemented to control risks.
Consider incorporating other indicators to predict trend reversals and reduce lagging issues. For example, incorporate Bollinger Bands to detect overextended moves.
Design emergency stop mechanisms for black swan events. For example, trigger forced liquidation if the strategy loses more than 5% in a single day.
The Multi Timeframe Trend Following Strategy incorporates over 20 indicators to express the market trend and avoids false signals. It also retains high customizability to adapt to significantly different market conditions. It is a very effective trend following strategy. With proper stop losses and indicator parameter tuning, it can achieve good returns while controlling risks.
Strategy Arguments
Argument | Default | Description |
v_input_1 | timestamp(01 Jan 2019 05:00 +0000) | (?Date Rangte)Start Time |
v_input_2 | timestamp(01 Jan 2099 00:00 +0000) | (?Date Range)End Time |
v_input_string_1 | 0 | (?Core Settings)Trend Selector: JMA |
v_input_source_1_close | 0 | Source: close |
v_input_int_1 | 200 | MA Length |
v_input_int_2 | 2 | Line Width |
v_input_float_1 | 0.85 | (?Individual MA Settings)ALMA Offset |
v_input_float_2 | 6 | ALMA Sigma |
v_input_float_3 | 3 | ATR Multiplier For SuperTrend |
v_input_int_3 | 12 | ATR Length For SuperTrend |
v_input_int_4 | 2 | JMA Power Parameter |
v_input_float_4 | 3 | KAMA's Alpha |
v_input_int_5 | false | Linear Regression Offset |
v_input_int_6 | 12 | VAMA Volatility lookback |
Source (PineScript)
start: 2023-01-16 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-22 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// @version=5
// Author = TradeAutomation
strategy(title="Multi MA Trend Following Strategy Template", shorttitle="Multi Trend", process_orders_on_close=true, overlay=true, commission_type=strategy.commission.cash_per_order, commission_value=1, slippage = 0, margin_short = 75, margin_long = 75, initial_capital = 100000000, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100)
// Backtest Date Range Inputs //
StartTime = input(defval=timestamp('01 Jan 2019 05:00 +0000'), group="Date Rangte", title='Start Time')
EndTime = input(defval=timestamp('01 Jan 2099 00:00 +0000'), group="Date Range", title='End Time')
InDateRange = true
// Trend Selector //
TrendSelectorInput = input.string(title="Trend Selector", defval="JMA", group="Core Settings", options=["ALMA", "DEMA", "EMA", "HMA", "JMA", "KAMA", "Linear Regression (LSMA)", "RMA", "SMA", "SMMA", "Source", "SuperTrend", "TEMA", "TMA", "VAMA", "VIDYA", "VMA", "VWMA", "WMA", "WWMA", "ZLEMA"], tooltip="Select your moving average")
src = input.source(close, "Source", group="Core Settings", tooltip="This is the price source being used for the moving averages to calculate based on")
length =, "MA Length", group="Core Settings", tooltip="This is the amount of historical bars being used for the moving averages to calculate based on")
LineWidth =, "Line Width", group="Core Settings", tooltip="This is the width of the line plotted that represents the selected trend")
// Individual Moving Average / Regression Setting //
AlmaOffset = input.float(0.85, "ALMA Offset", group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when ALMA is selected")
AlmaSigma = input.float(6, "ALMA Sigma", group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when ALMA is selected")
ATRFactor = input.float(3, "ATR Multiplier For SuperTrend", group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when SuperTrend is selected")
ATRLength =, "ATR Length For SuperTrend", group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when SuperTrend is selected")
JMApower =, "JMA Power Parameter", group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when JMA is selected")
KamaAlpha = input.float(3, "KAMA's Alpha", minval=1,step=0.5, group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when KAMA is selected")
LinRegOffset =, "Linear Regression Offset", group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when Linear Regression is selected")
VAMALookback, "VAMA Volatility lookback", group="Individual MA Settings", tooltip="This only applies when VAMA is selected")
// Trend Indicators in Library //
ALMA = ta.alma(src, length, AlmaOffset, AlmaSigma)
EMA = ta.ema(src, length)
HMA = ta.hma(src, length)
LinReg = ta.linreg(src, length, LinRegOffset)
RMA = ta.rma(src, length)
SMA = ta.sma(src, length)
VWMA = ta.vwma(src, length)
WMA = ta.wma(src, length)
// Additional Trend Indicators Written and/or Open Sourced //
de1 = ta.ema(src, length)
de2 = ta.ema(de1, length)
DEMA = 2 * de1 - de2
//JMA [Capissmo]
beta = 0.45*(length-1)/(0.45*(length-1)+2)
alpha = math.pow(beta, JMApower)
L0=0.0, L1=0.0, L2=0.0, L3=0.0, JMA=0.0
L0 := (1-alpha)*src + alpha*nz(L0[1])
L1 := (src - L0[0])*(1-beta) + beta*nz(L1[1])
L2 := L0[0] + L1[0]
L3 := (L2[0] - nz(JMA[1]))*((1-alpha)*(1-alpha)) + (alpha*alpha)*nz(L3[1])
JMA := nz(JMA[1]) + L3[0]
var KAMA = 0.0
fastAlpha = 2.0 / (KamaAlpha + 1)
slowAlpha = 2.0 / 31
momentum = math.abs(ta.change(src, length))
volatility = math.sum(math.abs(ta.change(src)), length)
efficiencyRatio = volatility != 0 ? momentum / volatility : 0
smoothingConstant = math.pow((efficiencyRatio * (fastAlpha - slowAlpha)) + slowAlpha, 2)
KAMA := nz(KAMA[1], src) + smoothingConstant * (src - nz(KAMA[1], src))
var SMMA = 0.0
SMMA := na(SMMA[1]) ? ta.sma(src, length) : (SMMA[1] * (length - 1) + src) / length
ATR = ta.atr(ATRLength)
Signal = ATRFactor*ATR
var SuperTrend = 0.0
SuperTrend := if src>SuperTrend[1] and src[1]>SuperTrend[1]
math.max(SuperTrend[1], src-Signal)
else if src<SuperTrend[1] and src[1]<SuperTrend[1]
math.min(SuperTrend[1], src+Signal)
else if src>SuperTrend[1]
t1 = ta.ema(src, length)
t2 = ta.ema(t1, length)
t3 = ta.ema(t2, length)
TEMA = 3 * (t1 - t2) + t3
TMA = ta.sma(ta.sma(src, math.ceil(length / 2)), math.floor(length / 2) + 1)
VAMA = mid+math.avg(vol_up,vol_down)
//VIDYA [KivancOzbilgic]
var VIDYA=0.0
ud1=src>src[1] ? src-src[1] : 0
dd1=src<src[1] ? src[1]-src : 0
VIDYA := na(VIDYA[1]) ? ta.sma(src, length) : nz(VMAalpha*math.abs(CMO)*src)+(1-VMAalpha*math.abs(CMO))*nz(VIDYA[1])
//VMA [LazyBear]
sc = 1/length
pdm = math.max((src - src[1]), 0)
mdm = math.max((src[1] - src), 0)
var pdmS = 0.0
var mdmS = 0.0
pdmS := ((1 - sc)*nz(pdmS[1]) + sc*pdm)
mdmS := ((1 - sc)*nz(mdmS[1]) + sc*mdm)
s = pdmS + mdmS
pdi = pdmS/s
mdi = mdmS/s
var pdiS = 0.0
var mdiS = 0.0
pdiS := ((1 - sc)*nz(pdiS[1]) + sc*pdi)
mdiS := ((1 - sc)*nz(mdiS[1]) + sc*mdi)
d = math.abs(pdiS - mdiS)
s1 = pdiS + mdiS
var iS = 0.0
iS := ((1 - sc)*nz(iS[1]) + sc*d/s1)
hhv = ta.highest(iS, length)
llv = ta.lowest(iS, length)
d1 = hhv - llv
vi = (iS - llv)/d1
var VMA=0.0
VMA := sc*vi*src + (1 - sc*vi)*nz(VMA[1])
var WWMA=0.0
WWMA := (1/length)*src + (1-(1/length))*nz(WWMA[1])
//Zero Lag EMA
EMA1 = ta.ema(src,length)
EMA2 = ta.ema(EMA1,length)
Diff = EMA1 - EMA2
ZLEMA = EMA1 + Diff
// Trend Mapping and Plotting //
Trend = TrendSelectorInput == "ALMA" ? ALMA : TrendSelectorInput == "DEMA" ? DEMA : TrendSelectorInput == "EMA" ? EMA : TrendSelectorInput == "HMA" ? HMA : TrendSelectorInput == "JMA" ? JMA : TrendSelectorInput == "KAMA" ? KAMA : TrendSelectorInput == "Linear Regression (LSMA)" ? LinReg : TrendSelectorInput == "RMA" ? RMA : TrendSelectorInput == "SMA" ? SMA : TrendSelectorInput == "SMMA" ? SMMA : TrendSelectorInput == "Source" ? src : TrendSelectorInput == "SuperTrend" ? SuperTrend : TrendSelectorInput == "TEMA" ? TEMA : TrendSelectorInput == "TMA" ? TMA : TrendSelectorInput == "VAMA" ? VAMA : TrendSelectorInput == "VIDYA" ? VIDYA : TrendSelectorInput == "VMA" ? VMA : TrendSelectorInput == "VWMA" ? VWMA : TrendSelectorInput == "WMA" ? WMA : TrendSelectorInput == "WWMA" ? WWMA : TrendSelectorInput == "ZLEMA" ? ZLEMA : SMA
plot(Trend, color=(Trend>Trend[1]) ? : (Trend<Trend[1]) ? : (Trend==Trend[1]) ? color.gray :, linewidth=LineWidth)
// Entry & Exit Functions //
if (InDateRange)
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, when = ta.crossover(Trend, Trend[1]))
strategy.close("Long", when = ta.crossunder(Trend, Trend[1]))
if (not InDateRange)
Last Modified
2024-01-23 11:01:33