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Strategy Description

IMG [trans]





  1. 海克隆阿什技术:通过计算海克隆阿什蜡烛的开盘价、收盘价判断价格趋势方向。若N根连续的海克隆阿什蜡烛为阳线,则视为多头信号;若N根连续的海克隆阿什蜡烛为阴线,则视为空头信号。

  2. 布林带指标:通过计算价格的标准差范围来判断市场波动率和价格是否过热。如果布林带宽度大于某个阈值,则意味着价格波动较大,趋势更加明显。


  • 若连续N根海克隆阿什为多头信号,且布林带宽度大于波动率阈值,则做多;

  • 若连续N根海克隆阿什为空头信号,且布林带宽度大于波动率阈值,则做空。




  1. 结合多种指标判断,提高信号准确性。海克隆阿什技术判断大致趋势,布林带指标衡量市场波动率,两者结合可以提高交易信号的可靠性。

  2. 高频算法交易,捕捉短线获利。10秒K线结合高效交易所(如Solana)实现高频出入场,适合短线套利。

  3. 参数可调整空间大。可调整海克隆阿什蜡烛根数、布林带参数等,适应不同市场环境。

  4. 实现简单,容易扩展。该策略主要运用基础指标,代码实现简洁,便于后续进行功能扩展。



  1. 高频交易带来的滑点风险。采用高效交易所,调整交易频次等手段规避。

  2. 布林带压缩时失效。可结合其他指标确定趋势性,如KDJ指标等。

  3. 海克隆阿什假信号。调整根数参数,必要时结合其他指标进行二次确认。

  4. 高频时间尺度,消息面影响大。关注重大新闻事件,必要时暂停交易。



  1. 结合深度学习等技术判断海克隆阿什信号可靠性。

  2. 增加止损机制,控制单笔交易风险。

  3. 结合更多指标进行组合交易,提高稳定性。

  4. 根据不同币种特点调整参数,实施币种组合交易。

  5. 利用高频数据进行趋势预测,提前定位交易机会。





This strategy combines the Bollinger Bands indicator and the Heiken Ashi technique to identify trading opportunities by detecting the direction of Heiken Ashi candles and the width of Bollinger Bands. It adopts 10-second K-line bars to determine the trend direction. As a high-frequency algorithmic trading strategy, it is suitable for quantitative trading on high-speed public chains such as Solana.

Strategy Logic

This strategy makes judgments mainly based on the following two indicators:

  1. Heiken Ashi Technique: Determine the price trend direction by calculating the open and close prices of Heiken Ashi candles. If there are N consecutive bullish Heiken Ashi candles, it is considered as a bullish signal. If there are N consecutive bearish Heiken Ashi candles, it is considered as a bearish signal.

  2. Bollinger Bands Indicator: Measure the volatility and overheat of prices by calculating the standard deviation range. If the width of Bollinger Bands is greater than a threshold, it means high price fluctuation and a significant trend.

The specific trading logic is:

  • Go long if there are consecutive N bullish Heiken Ashi signals and the Bollinger Bands width is greater than the volatility threshold.

  • Go short if there are consecutive N bearish Heiken Ashi signals and the Bollinger Bands width is greater than the volatility threshold.

By combining the Bollinger Bands and Heiken Ashi indicators, this strategy comprehensively judges the market volatility and the price trend direction, capturing short-term profit opportunities at high frequency time scales.


This strategy has the following advantages:

  1. Improved signal accuracy by combining multiple indicators. Heiken Ashi determines the general trend while Bollinger Bands measures volatility. The combination enhances the reliability of trading signals.

  2. High-frequency algorithmic trading to capture short-term profits. 10-second bars combined with efficient exchanges like Solana enable high-frequency entry and exit suitable for short-term scalping.

  3. Great flexibility in adjustable parameters. The numbers of Heiken Ashi candles, Bollinger Bands parameters etc. can be adjusted to adapt to different market environments.

  4. Simple implementation and easily extensible. This strategy mainly employs basic indicators with concise code, facilitating future expansions of functionality.

Risks and Solutions

The main risks of this strategy include:

  1. Slippage risk from high-frequency trading. Adopt efficient exchanges, adjust trading frequency and other means to avoid.

  2. Failure when Bollinger Bands contract. Combine with other indicators like KDJ to determine trend.

  3. False signals from Heiken Ashi. Adjust candle numbers, confirm with other indicators when necessary.

  4. Great influence from news in high-frequency time frames. Pay attention to significant news events and pause trading when necessary.

Future Improvements

This strategy can be further improved in the following aspects:

  1. Leverage deep learning etc. to judge reliability of Heiken Ashi signals.

  2. Add stop loss mechanisms to control per trade risks.

  3. Form portfolio trading with more indicators to enhance stability.

  4. Adjust parameters for different coins and construct cross-coin portfolios.

  5. Utilize high-frequency data for trend prediction and early opportunity spotting.


This is a typical short-term high-frequency algorithmic trading strategy combining Heiken Ashi and Bollinger Bands. It has advantages like relatively high signal accuracy and capturing short-term profits at high frequency. It also has certain risks like slippage and false signals. Optimization methods like parameter tuning, risk control mechanisms and indicator combinations can help improve it. Overall it is a highly extensible short-term quantitative strategy idea.


Strategy Arguments

Argument Default Description
v_input_1 true Number of Consecutive Candles
v_input_2 4 Bollinger Band Length
v_input_3 20 Bollinger Band Multiplier
v_input_4 0.2 Volatility Threshold

Source (PineScript)

start: 2022-12-20 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-26 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY", overlay=true)

// Input for the number of consecutive candles
consecutiveCandles = input(1, title="Number of Consecutive Candles", minval=1, maxval=6)

// Bollinger Band parameters
lengthBB = input(4, title="Bollinger Band Length")
multBB = input(20, title="Bollinger Band Multiplier")
volatilityThreshold = input(0.2, title="Volatility Threshold")

// Calculate Bollinger Bands
basisBB = sma(close, lengthBB)
devBB = multBB * stdev(close, lengthBB)
upperBB = basisBB + devBB
lowerBB = basisBB - devBB
bandWidth = upperBB - lowerBB

// Initialize Heiken Ashi variables
var float haOpen = na
var float haClose = na

// Update Heiken Ashi calculations
if (na(haOpen))
    haOpen := (open + close) / 2
    haOpen := (haOpen + haClose) / 2
haClose := (open + high + low + close) / 4

// Function to check for consecutive green or red Heiken Ashi candles
f_consecutive(dir, len) =>
    count = 0
    for i = 0 to len - 1
        if (dir == "green" and haClose[i] > haOpen[i]) or (dir == "red" and haClose[i] < haOpen[i])
            count := count + 1
    count == len

// Trading conditions based on Heiken Ashi and Bollinger Band width
longCondition = f_consecutive("green", consecutiveCandles) and bandWidth > volatilityThreshold
shortCondition = f_consecutive("red", consecutiveCandles) and bandWidth > volatilityThreshold

// Trading logic
if (longCondition)
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)

if (shortCondition)
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)

// Plot entry signals on the chart for visualization
plotshape(series=longCondition, title="Long Signal", location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.labelup, text="BUY")
plotshape(series=shortCondition, title="Short Signal", location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.labeldown, text="SELL")


Last Modified

2023-12-27 15:52:08