Strategy Description
具体来说,策略首先计算MACD线、Signal线和MACD柱状线。然后通过定义 fractal 函数,检测 MACD柱状线 的 peak 和 valley,提取局部极大值和极小值点。再结合价格的最高价和最低价,判断 MACD柱状线 与价格之间是否存在背离。
当价格创出新高,但 MACD柱状线没有创出新高时,产生 regulark_bearish_div 看跌背离信号;当价格创出新低,但 MACD柱状线没有创出新低时,产生 regulark_bullish_div 看涨背离信号。
最后,策略在看跌背离和看涨背离信号产生时,分别发出做空和做多指令,并以 ATR 止损、止盈退出仓位。
利用 MACD柱状线与价格之间的背离特征,可提前捕捉到价格趋势的转变。
用 ATR 作为止损止盈指标,并调整ATR 倍数,控制单笔交易风险。
更复杂的背离确认,如 Volume 背离确认。
优化 MACD 参数,寻找最佳参数组合。
优化 ATR 止损止盈的倍数。
总的来说,该毕达哥蜡烛图MACD指标背离趋势跟踪策略,利用 MACD柱状线与价格之间的背离特征,实现趋势的捕捉。ATR 止损止盈设置合理,可控制单笔交易风险。该策略逻辑清晰易懂,值得实盘检验。后续可从多方面进行策略优化,以获得更好的效果。
This strategy calculates the MACD indicator and its MACD histogram to detect divergence signals between the MACD histogram and price movement, thereby generating trading signals. When a new high in price but no new high in MACD histogram is detected, a bearish divergence signal is generated. When a new low in price but no new low in MACD histogram is detected, a bullish divergence signal is generated. Combined with ATR indicator for stop loss and take profit, it carries out trend following trades.
The core principle of this strategy is to utilize the MACD indicator and its MACD histogram to reflect changes in price trends, and detect divergence signals between the MACD histogram and price as the trigger condition for trading signals.
Specifically, the strategy first calculates the MACD line, Signal line and MACD histogram. Then by defining the fractal function to detect peaks and valleys of the MACD histogram to extract local maximums and minimums. Combined with the highest price and lowest price, it determines whether there is a divergence between the MACD histogram and price.
When price reaches a new high but MACD histogram does not reach a new high, a regular_bearish_div bearish divergence signal is generated. When price drops to a new low but MACD histogram does not drop to a new low, a regular_bullish_div bullish divergence signal is generated.
Finally, when bearish and bullish divergence signals are generated, the strategy issues short and long orders respectively, and exits positions with ATR stop loss and take profit.
This strategy has the following advantages:
By utilizing the divergence feature between MACD histogram and price, it can capture turns in price trends early.
The ATR stop loss and take profit settings are reasonable to effectively control maximum loss per trade.
Using trend following method can maximize locked profit.
Reasonable parameter settings filter out some noisy trading signals.
The strategy logic is clear and easy to understand, easy to validate in live trading.
This strategy also has some risks:
MACD divergence does not necessarily lead to price reversal, there are some false signal risks.
Unreasonable stop loss and take profit settings may lead to excessive losses or insufficient profits.
Divergence signals with short cycles may be caused by noise and should be filtered properly.
Incompatible trading products and parameter settings will also affect strategy performance.
Corresponding solutions:
Increase the length and magnitude requirements of divergence to filter false signals.
Use ATR as stop loss and take profit benchmark, adjust ATR multiples to control risks per trade.
Select different parameters for different trading products. Perform parameter optimization to find optimum parameter combinations.
This strategy can also be optimized in the following directions:
More complex divergence confirmation, such as volume divergence confirmation.
Optimize MACD parameters to find the best parameter combination.
Optimize the multiples of ATR stop loss and take profit.
Add machine learning algorithms to assist in judging reliability of divergence signals.
Add model prediction to determine probability of price reversal.
Dynamically adjust strategy parameters according to market condition changes.
In summary, this Demigod Candlestick MACD Divergence Trend Following Strategy utilizes the divergence between MACD histogram and price to capture trends. The reasonable ATR stop loss and take profit settings can control risks per trade. The strategy logic is clear and easy to understand, worth validating in live trading. Follow up optimizations can be made in many aspects to obtain better results.
Strategy Arguments
Argument | Default | Description |
v_input_int_1 | 13 | (?CDMA)fast Length |
v_input_int_2 | 34 | slow Length |
v_input_source_1_close | 0 | source: close |
v_input_int_3 | 9 | ma Length |
v_input_int_4 | 5 | (?Divergence)Divergenc Length |
v_input_float_1 | 2 | Divergenc Strength |
v_input_int_5 | 13 | (?ATR)ATR Length |
v_input_float_2 | true | ATR multyple |
v_input_color_1 | teal | upper color |
v_input_color_2 | red | under color |
Source (PineScript)
start: 2024-01-04 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-03 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © bigwin_sun
// copyright: Tradingvue Limited
//@version = 5
strategy(title = "Demigod : CDMA histogram Divergence strategy", shorttitle = "Demigod strategy", overlay = false, pyramiding = 100)
//macd input
fastMA =, title = "fast Length", minval = 1, group = "CDMA")
slowMA =, title = "slow Length", minval = 1, group = "CDMA")
src = input.source(title = "source", defval = close, group = "CDMA")
signalSmooth =, title="ma Length", minval = 1, group = "CDMA")
divLength = = "Divergenc Length", defval = 5, minval = 1, maxval = 50, inline = "ATRLength", group = "Divergence")
divStren = input.float(title="Divergenc Strength", defval = 2, minval = 1.0, maxval = 5.0, inline = "ATRLength", group = "Divergence")
//atr input
atrLength =, title = "ATR Length", minval = 1, inline = "ATRLength", group = "ATR")
m = input.float(1.0, "ATR multyple", minval = 0.5, inline = "ATRLength", group = "ATR", step = 0.5)
collong = input.color(color.teal, title = "upper color", inline = "ATR显示", group = "ATR")
colshort = input.color(, title = "under color", inline = "ATR显示", group = "ATR")
// MACD---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DivOffset = -2
macdLine = ta.ema(src, fastMA) - ta.ema(src, slowMA)
signalLine = ta.ema(macdLine, signalSmooth)
histogram = macdLine - signalLine
histogramColor = if histogram > 0
histogram > histogram[1] ? color.lime :
histogram < histogram[1] ? color.maroon :
// cdma histogram
plot(histogram, title = "MACD histogram", linewidth = 2, style = plot.style_histogram, color = histogramColor)
plot(0, title = "zero line", linewidth = 1, color = color.gray)
// Divergenc calculation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//peak / valley fundation
f_top_fractal(_src)=>_src[4] < _src[2] and _src[3] < _src[2] and _src[2] > _src[1] and _src[2] > _src[0] and _src > 0
f_bot_fractal(_src)=>_src[4] > _src[2] and _src[3] > _src[2] and _src[2] < _src[1] and _src[2] < _src[0] and _src < 0
f_fractalize(_src)=>f_top_fractal(_src) ? 1 : f_bot_fractal(_src) ? -1 : 0
//peak / valley value
fractal_top1 = f_fractalize(histogram) > 0 ? true : false //histogram[2] : na
fractal_bot1 = f_fractalize(histogram) < 0 ? true : false //histogram[2] : na
//previouse peak or valley
high_prev1 = ta.valuewhen(fractal_top1, histogram[2], 0)[2]
high_price1 = ta.valuewhen(fractal_top1, high[2], 0)[2]
low_prev1 = ta.valuewhen(fractal_bot1, histogram[2], 0)[2]
low_price1 = ta.valuewhen(fractal_bot1, low[2], 0)[2]
//Divergenc : cdma histogram against candle value
regular_bearish_div1 = high[2] > high_price1 + divStren and histogram[2] < high_prev1 / divStren and ta.barssince(fractal_top1[1]) > divLength
regular_bullish_div1 = low[2] < low_price1 - divStren and histogram[2] > low_prev1 / divStren and ta.barssince(fractal_bot1[1]) > divLength
//-------------------------cdma Divergenc range------------------------------------------------
col1 = regular_bearish_div1 ? : na
col2 = regular_bullish_div1 ? #00FF00EB : na
plot(title='看跌背离', series= fractal_top1 ? histogram[2] : na, color=col1, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)
plot(title='看涨背离', series= fractal_bot1 ? histogram[2] : na, color=col2, linewidth=3, offset=DivOffset)
// calculate ATR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
atr = ta.ema(, atrLength) * m
up = atr + high
dw = low - atr
//stratety : enrty and exit---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if regular_bearish_div1 and fractal_top1
//if regular_bullish_div1 and fractal_bot1
//, histogram[2], text = "Short", textcolor = color.white, color = color.gray, style = label.style_label_lower_left)
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, qty = 1)
strategy.exit("exitShort", "Short", stop = up, limit = dw - atr)
if regular_bullish_div1 and fractal_bot1
//if regular_bearish_div1 and fractal_top1
//, histogram[2], text = "Long", textcolor = color.white, color = color.fuchsia, style = label.style_label_upper_left)
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, qty = 1)
strategy.exit("exitLong", "Long", stop = dw, limit = up + atr)
Last Modified
2024-02-04 15:06:58