Strategy Description
趋势跟踪止损反转策略是一个利用 Parabolic SAR 指标来识别趋势,并在趋势反转时进入反向头寸的策略。该策略同时结合了止损和止盈机制来控制风险。
该策略使用 Parabolic SAR 指标来判断当前市场趋势。Parabolic SAR full name is “Parabolic Stop and Reverse”,表示抛物线止损反转。它的指标线在价格图上像一系列抛物线,这些抛物线点代表可能的反转点。
当 SAR 点下降且低于价格时,代表看涨趋势;当 SAR 点上升且高于价格时,代表看跌趋势。该策略就是根据 SAR 点位置来判断目前的趋势方向。
具体来说,当 SAR 点上升趋势且高于价格时,策略会做空头寸;当 SAR 点下降趋势且低于价格时,策略会做多头寸。也就是在 SAR 点显示趋势反转时,进入反向头寸。
- 能够及时捕捉趋势反转机会,实现反向操作。
- 设置止损和止盈后,可以主动控制风险和盈利。
- Parabolic SAR 是相当常用的趋势反转指标,效果较好。
- 策略规则简单清晰,容易理解和实现。
- Parabolic SAR 指标并不完美,有时候会发出错误信号。
- 设置止损或止盈价格需要合理,否则可能过早止损或止盈。
- 交易手续费也会影响最终利润。
- 反转后新的趋势lengthening可能比较短暂。
- 优化 Parabolic SAR 的参数,寻找最佳参数组合。
- 尝试不同的止损止盈策略,如尾随止损等。
- 增加指标或条件来过滤反转交易信号。
- 添加仓位控制,根据市场情况扩大或缩小仓位。
- 针对不同交易品种调整参数。
The Parabolic SAR Trend Tracking Stop Loss Reversal Strategy is a strategy that uses the Parabolic SAR indicator to identify trends and enter counter trend positions when the trend reverses. The strategy also incorporates stop loss and take profit mechanisms to control risk.
The strategy uses the Parabolic SAR indicator to judge the current market trend. Parabolic SAR stands for "Parabolic Stop and Reverse". Its indicator lines form a series of parabolas on the price chart, and these parabola points represent potential reversal points.
When the SAR points are falling and below the price, it represents a bullish trend; when the SAR points are rising and above the price, it represents a bearish trend. The strategy judges the current trend direction based on the SAR points' location.
Specifically, when SAR points show an uptrend and are above prices, the strategy will go short; when SAR points show a downtrend and are below prices, the strategy will go long. That is entering counter trend positions when SAR points indicate trend reversal.
In addition, the strategy also sets stop loss and take profit mechanisms. When going long, it may set a stop loss price to limit losses; at the same time, it may set a take profit price to close positions after reaching a certain target profit. Going short is similar.
The main advantages combining the trend indicator and stop loss/take profit mechanisms are:
- Timely capture reverse trend opportunities for counter trend trading.
- Actively control risks and profits by setting stop loss and take profit.
- Parabolic SAR is a widely used and effective reverse indicator.
- Simple and clear strategy rules, easy to understand and implement.
There are also some risks to note for the strategy:
- Parabolic SAR indicator is not perfect, sometimes it generates wrong signals.
- The stop loss and take profit prices need to be set reasonably, otherwise it may stop out or take profit prematurely.
- Trading commissions also affect total profits.
- The new trend after reversal may be short-lived.
These risks can be solved by parameter optimization, using other filter indicators etc.
The strategy can be optimized in the following aspects:
- Optimize the Parabolic SAR parameters to find the best combination.
- Try different stop loss and take profit strategies like trailing stop loss.
- Add indicators or conditions to filter reverse trading signals.
- Add position control based on market conditions.
- Adjust parameters for different trading instruments.
In general, this is a rather classical trend tracking stop loss reversal strategy. It identifies trend reversals and also controls risks with stop loss and take profit means. After optimizations it can become a worthwhile strategy for live trading.
Strategy Arguments
Argument | Default | Description |
v_input_1 | 0.02 | start |
v_input_2 | 0.02 | increment |
v_input_3 | 0.2 | maximum |
v_input_4 | false | (?Stop Loss and Take Profit)Short Stop Loss |
v_input_5 | 5 | (%) |
v_input_6 | false | Long Stop Loss |
v_input_7 | 5 | (%) |
v_input_8 | false | Short Take Profit |
v_input_9 | 20 | (%) |
v_input_10 | false | Long Take Profit |
v_input_11 | 20 | (%) |
Source (PineScript)
start: 2024-01-24 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-31 00:00:00
period: 30m
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
strategy("Parabolic SAR Strategy", overlay=true)
start = input(0.02)
increment = input(0.02)
maximum = input(0.2)
var bool uptrend = na
var float EP = na
var float SAR = na
var float AF = start
var float nextBarSAR = na
if bar_index > 0
firstTrendBar = false
SAR := nextBarSAR
if bar_index == 1
float prevSAR = na
float prevEP = na
lowPrev = low[1]
highPrev = high[1]
closeCur = close
closePrev = close[1]
if closeCur > closePrev
uptrend := true
EP := high
prevSAR := lowPrev
prevEP := high
uptrend := false
EP := low
prevSAR := highPrev
prevEP := low
firstTrendBar := true
SAR := prevSAR + start * (prevEP - prevSAR)
if uptrend
if SAR > low
firstTrendBar := true
uptrend := false
SAR := max(EP, high)
EP := low
AF := start
if SAR < high
firstTrendBar := true
uptrend := true
SAR := min(EP, low)
EP := high
AF := start
if not firstTrendBar
if uptrend
if high > EP
EP := high
AF := min(AF + increment, maximum)
if low < EP
EP := low
AF := min(AF + increment, maximum)
if uptrend
SAR := min(SAR, low[1])
if bar_index > 1
SAR := min(SAR, low[2])
SAR := max(SAR, high[1])
if bar_index > 1
SAR := max(SAR, high[2])
nextBarSAR := SAR + AF * (EP - SAR)
if barstate.isconfirmed
if uptrend
strategy.entry("ParSE", strategy.short, stop=nextBarSAR, comment="ParSE")
strategy.entry("ParLE", strategy.long, stop=nextBarSAR, comment="ParLE")
plot(SAR, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=3,
plot(nextBarSAR, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=3, color=color.aqua)
//Stop Loss Inputs
use_short_stop_loss = input(false, title="Short Stop Loss", group="Stop Loss and Take Profit", inline="Short_SL")
short_stop_loss = input(title="(%)", type=input.float, minval=0.0, step=0.1,
defval=5, group="Stop Loss and Take Profit", inline="Short_SL") * 0.01
use_long_stop_loss = input(false, title="Long Stop Loss", group="Stop Loss and Take Profit", inline="Long_SL")
long_stop_loss = input(title="(%)", type=input.float, minval=0.0, step=0.1,
defval=5, group="Stop Loss and Take Profit", inline="Long_SL") * 0.01
//Take Profit Inputs
use_short_take_profit = input(false, title="Short Take Profit", group="Stop Loss and Take Profit", inline="Short_TP")
short_take_profit = input(title="(%)", type=input.float, minval=0.0, step=0.1,
defval = 20, group="Stop Loss and Take Profit", inline="Short_TP") * .01
use_long_take_profit = input(false, title="Long Take Profit", group="Stop Loss and Take Profit", inline="Long_TP")
long_take_profit = input(title="(%)", type=input.float, minval=0.0, step=0.1,
defval = 20, group="Stop Loss and Take Profit", inline="Long_TP") * .01
longStopPrice = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - long_stop_loss)
shortStopPrice = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + short_stop_loss)
longLimitPrice = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + long_take_profit)
shortLimitPrice = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - short_take_profit)
if (strategy.position_size > 0.0)
if (use_long_stop_loss and not use_long_take_profit)
strategy.exit("Long", stop = longStopPrice)
if (use_long_take_profit and not use_long_stop_loss)
strategy.exit("Long", limit = longLimitPrice)
if (use_long_take_profit and use_long_stop_loss)
strategy.exit("Long", stop = longStopPrice, limit=longLimitPrice)
if (strategy.position_size < 0.0)
if (use_short_stop_loss and not use_short_take_profit)
strategy.exit("Short", stop = shortStopPrice)
if (use_short_take_profit and not use_short_stop_loss)
strategy.exit("Short", limit = shortLimitPrice)
if (use_short_take_profit and use_short_stop_loss)
strategy.exit("Short", stop = shortStopPrice, limit = shortLimitPrice)
//plot(strategy.equity, title="equity",, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_areabr)
Last Modified
2024-02-01 14:54:09