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foam.foam-vscode breaks vsls-contrib.gitdoc; requires GitDoc Enable/Disable/Enable command sequence on every new session to function. #1419



Describe the bug

Some time before August 2024, GitDoc started to behave strangely with regards to its enable/disable status. Each time I launch VSCode, the extension appears to start disabled (despite configurations that should enable it), and only becomes functional after running commands to enable, disable, and then re-enable it a second time.

I've isolated this issue to an interaction specifically with the Foam extension. Disabling foam.foam-vscode completely resolves these symptoms, and re-enabling it brings them back, even when there are no other extensions other than it and vsls-contrib.gitdoc. This exact set of symptoms occurs across both of the computers and in both of the workspaces I regularly use these extensions on.

Enable/Disable Stateful Behavior

For the sake of being fully explicit, there seem to be four different system states involved, which I'll label State A through State D:

State A is the proper enabled and running state. The book icon is visible in the bottom bar whenever I have a file open that it's configured to operate on, auto-commits are created automatically when files are changed, and the GitDoc: Disable and GitDoc: Commit commands are visible in the command palette. If I close VSCode, then start VSCode, I expect it to re-open in State A; however, it instead launches in what I'm labeled State B.

State B appears to be a disabled state. GitDoc is not running, no book icon is visible, no auto-commits are created, and only the GitDoc: Enable command is visible in the palette. Running GitDoc: Enable transitions the system to State C (not to State A).

State C is a sort of pseudo-enabled state. The book icon is not visible on any configured file, and commits are not created automatically when files are changed, but he GitDoc: Disable and GitDoc: Commit commands are visible in the palette and GitDoc: Enable is not. Running GitDoc: Commit does successfully create a commit, but leaves the system in State C. Running GitDoc: Disable transitions the system to State D.

State D is also a 'disabled' state, with the same visible symptoms as State B, except that running GitDoc: Enable transitions the system to the (desired) State A (not to State C).

Steps to Reproduce the Bug or Issue

With vsls-contrib.gitdoc as the only enabled extension, foam.foam-vscode disabled, and settings set to include "gitdoc.enabled": true as a config key, closed VSCode and launch VSCode. Observe that the system is immediately in State A after launch, without any further intervention.

Re-enable foam.foam-vscode. Close VSCode and launch VSCode. Observe State B described above. Issue the GitDoc: Enable command. Observe State C. Issue the GitDoc: Disable command. Observe State D. Issue the GitDoc: Enable command. Observe State A.

Expected behavior

I expect that GitDoc should function consistently and launch as configured immediately to State A, regardless of Foam's presence or configuration.

Operating System Version

Windows 10; Windows 11

Visual Studio Code Version


Additional context

Workspace Configuration

My workspace configures Foam and GitDoc via config keys in the .vscode/settings.json file located relative to the workspace root, the relevant lines of which are:

  "foam.edit.linkReferenceDefinitions": "off",
  "": "journal",
  "foam.openDailyNote.titleFormat": "fullDate",
  "gitdoc.enabled": true,
  "gitdoc.filePattern": "**/*",
  "gitdoc.commitValidationLevel": "none",

The last two lines were added recently as another attempts to try to resolve it this issue; but the problem occurs regardless of whether those values are inherited from the defaults or specified explicitly in the workspace settings.

This workspace root is also the git repository root; with these settings captured as part of the version control for this repository.

No extensions other than foam.foam-vscode, vsls-contrib.gitdoc, and the default vscode.* extensions are installed and enabled.

Software Versions

VSCode About
Version: 1.96.2 (system setup)
Commit: fabdb6a30b49f79a7aba0f2ad9df9b399473380f
Date: 2024-12-19T10:22:47.216Z
Electron: 32.2.6
ElectronBuildId: 10629634
Chromium: 128.0.6613.186
Node.js: 20.18.1
V8: 12.8.374.38-electron.0
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22631
GitDoc Installation Info
Identifier vsls-contrib.gitdoc
Version 0.2.3
Last Updated 2024-12-27, 14:29:58
Size 2.5 MB
Foam Installation Info
Identifier foam.foam-vscode
Version 0.26.4
Last Updated 2024-11-13, 16:09:33
Size 1.5 MB

Extension Host Logs

Here's the Extension Host logs for each of these states.
Starting in State B, I get:

2025-01-11 12:23:00.996 [info] Extension host with pid ***** started
2025-01-11 12:23:00.996 [info] Skipping acquiring lock for c:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\workspaceStorage\********************************.
2025-01-11 12:23:01.293 [info] ExtensionService#_doActivateExtension vscode.github-authentication, startup: false, activationEvent: 'onAuthenticationRequest:github'
2025-01-11 12:23:01.346 [info] ExtensionService#_doActivateExtension vscode.emmet, startup: false, activationEvent: 'onLanguage'
2025-01-11 12:23:01.373 [info] ExtensionService#_doActivateExtension vscode.extension-editing, startup: false, activationEvent: 'onLanguage:markdown'
2025-01-11 12:23:01.396 [info] ExtensionService#_doActivateExtension vscode.markdown-language-features, startup: false, activationEvent: 'onLanguage:markdown'
2025-01-11 12:23:01.536 [info] ExtensionService#_doActivateExtension vscode.configuration-editing, startup: false, activationEvent: 'onLanguage:jsonc'
2025-01-11 12:23:01.555 [info] ExtensionService#_doActivateExtension vscode.json-language-features, startup: false, activationEvent: 'onLanguage:jsonc'
2025-01-11 12:23:01.641 [info] ExtensionService#_doActivateExtension vscode.typescript-language-features, startup: false, activationEvent: 'onLanguage:jsonc'
2025-01-11 12:23:02.313 [info] ExtensionService#_doActivateExtension vscode.git-base, startup: true, activationEvent: '*', root cause: vscode.git
2025-01-11 12:23:02.317 [info] ExtensionService#_doActivateExtension foam.foam-vscode, startup: true, activationEvent: 'workspaceContains:.vscode/foam.json'
2025-01-11 12:23:02.581 [info] ExtensionService#_doActivateExtension vscode.git, startup: true, activationEvent: '*'
2025-01-11 12:23:02.694 [info] ExtensionService#_doActivateExtension vscode.github, startup: true, activationEvent: '*'
2025-01-11 12:23:02.750 [info] ExtensionService#_doActivateExtension vscode.markdown-math, startup: false, activationEvent: 'api', root cause: vscode.markdown-language-features
2025-01-11 12:23:03.789 [info] Eager extensions activated
2025-01-11 12:23:03.899 [info] ExtensionService#_doActivateExtension vscode.debug-auto-launch, startup: false, activationEvent: 'onStartupFinished'
2025-01-11 12:23:03.904 [info] ExtensionService#_doActivateExtension vscode.merge-conflict, startup: false, activationEvent: 'onStartupFinished'
2025-01-11 12:23:03.932 [info] ExtensionService#_doActivateExtension vsls-contrib.gitdoc, startup: false, activationEvent: 'onStartupFinished'

No additional log entries appear when running any of the commands that transition the issue into one of the other states.


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