I was just going through cleaning up my version of this code that I ported to C# and noticed a possible problem with the way the trie data is generated for the line break data.
See this line of code
Line 31 in 9096a22
Seems this code is trying to coalesce consecutive ranges with the same class into a single trie.setRange call. The problem is that it's checking for a change of class, but not that the ranges are consecutive and without gaps.
Shouldn't that line read something like this:
if (((type != null) && (rangeType !== type)) || parseInt(rangeStart, 16) != parseInt(end, 16) + 1)
Also, it seems the UnicodeTrieBuilder already coalesces runs so this isn't even necessary. I reduced it to this:
var re = /^([0-9A-F]+)(?:\.\.([0-9A-F]+))?\s*;\s*(.*?)\s*#/gm
var m;
while (m = re.exec(data))
var from = parseInt(m[1], 16);
var to = m[2] === undefined ? from : parseInt(m[2], 16);
var prop = m[3];
lineBreakClassesTrie.setRange(from, to, LineBreakClass[prop], true);
Unfortunately none of this resolves any of those 30 non-passing tests.
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