Hello @JoesCat, good day.
A problem I've been thinking about for a while is how we can increase the determinism† of the output Béziers from libspiro, at the cost of increased path complexity, and, perhaps, even some mathematical accuracy.
This would make it much easier for Spiro splines to be used in variable fonts, or in other cases where we'd want interpolation. Right now, Spiro users such as me usually have to redraw one or both splines to create an interpolation-compatible spline.
It's clearly quite the challenge. Before I give you my thoughts, what are yours?
† The type of determinism I'm specifically referring to is determinism in the number of points. So, for two Spiro splines with n points, assuming all point types are equal, and both splines have the same openness/closedness, we always get back a Bézier spline with N points, no matter the configuration of the Spiro points.