I am scaffolding a JSF application with Forge. Then, I create a test but, without specifying the project root, it doesn't work. Here is how to reproduce it. In this example I create a project (arqproject
), an entity, generate a backing bean, and then I want to create a test class. If I use code completion (pressing TAB) I end up with a path that doesn't contain arqproject and it doesn't work. I have to manually add it:
[temp]$ project-new --named arqproject
[arqproject]$ jpa-new-entity --named ArqEntity
[]$ jpa-new-field --named arqField
[]$ scaffold-generate --targets org.arqproject.model.ArqEntity
[]$ cd ~~
[arqproject]$ arquillian-setup --testFramework junit
[arqproject]$ arquillian-create-test --value src/main/java/org/arqproject/view/
***ERROR*** cannot obtain stream to file: file does not exist: /Users/antoniombp/Documents/Code/Devoxx/src/main/java/org/arqproject/view/
[arqproject]$ arquillian-create-test --value arqproject/src/main/java/org/arqproject/view/